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Thirty-six, dig three feet

As soon as Yuesong and the others entered the yard, the Japanese realized that something was wrong. They immediately divided them into two groups and suppressed Sange and the others with firepower. They rushed into the grocery store and searched everywhere in the grocery store, almost destroying the grocery store.

After searching all over, he couldn't find anyone except the boss and the clerk. The Japanese second lieutenant saw messy footprints under the courtyard wall. He guessed that the enemy had escaped over the courtyard wall, so he immediately led his men over the wall and chased after them.

But after leaving the courtyard wall, turning back and forth, now into an alley, now into a small street, turning around, those people seemed to have burrowed underground, without even a trace.

But the three of them, Third Brother, were suppressed by the Japs' firepower. Only then did Xizi and Murong realize that a good sniper rifle could kill the Japs coldly from a long distance. It had a long range and high accuracy, and could block the enemy's attack.

It's really not that good. As long as the Japs rush forward desperately, there is no way to stop them. Moreover, as soon as the sniper position is exposed, the Japs' bullets will hit people so hard that they can't even lift their heads, making it difficult to achieve anything big.

Third Brother's machine gun is almost out of bullets, and the firefight has been going on here for several minutes. If it continues like this, no one will be able to leave when Japanese reinforcements arrive soon.

"Xizi, Murong, you two retreat first, I will cover you!" Third Brother said to them.

"Third brother, let me cover you!" Xizi said.

"Look at that sniper rifle of yours. It's not as good as my twenty-ring rifle. If you shoot and pull once, the Japanese will rush over. How will you cover it? Let's go!" said the third brother.

Xizi and Murong thought about it, so Xizi took the lead, Murong then fought and retreated, and the third brother came behind. The three of them fought and retreated before the Japanese patrol team arrived. They walked around in the alley a few times and then slipped away.

Back to the old street.

But when they first arrived at the old street, they found that there were Japs searching everywhere, and there were more and more Japs. They couldn't evacuate to the braised meat shop for a while. There was no other way. The third brother had to take Xizi and Murong to temporarily hide in a tavern and sit down.

At the table, we ordered wine and food and pretended to be a drunkard.

The third brother pretended to go to the toilet, went to the backyard of the tavern, pulled a waiter and said: "Man, don't be afraid, I am Chinese, I just fought with the Japanese, and I can't go back now.

Do you have a place to hide people here?"

"Ah? Wait a minute, I have to ask our boss." The boy said in panic.

After a while, the boss and the waiter came over.

The boss said to the third brother: "Hero, come with me to see if this place will work?"

"Hey, thank you!" said the third brother and followed the boss to the stable.

The boss raked the hay piled in the stable to reveal a wooden board. He lifted the wooden board and revealed a hole.

"It's not big inside, but the three of you can still squeeze in. Why don't you just stay here?" the boss said.

The third brother went down to take a look, then came up and said, "Okay, I'll call those two brothers over."

The third brother said and ran into the main room and called Murong and Xizi over. The three of them went down to the cellar and hid inside. The boss covered the wooden boards, and brought some hay with his assistant and spread them on the wooden boards.

Then he continued doing business.

The three of them were standing in the cellar. Murong said a little worriedly: "Third brother, we are not familiar with this boss. Will he betray us? If he calls the Japanese, the three of us will be killed in one pot."

"Probably not. The captain said that when he was broken up in the city last time, an old man hid him for a few days. It's natural for Chinese people to help Chinese people. It doesn't matter whether they know him or not."

Third brother said.

"Third brother, do you think every store in the city has darkrooms, mezzanines, cellars, etc.?" Xizi asked.

"Isn't it strange? Isn't it strange? These days, especially those who do business, how can they not have a place to hide? When I was robbing families and houses, all the wealthy owners were his father's cunning rabbits." Third Brother.

He said, "You two, unlike me, have been wandering around in the world for many years. You have never seen anything in the world. Don't think so much. It's okay now. I'm going to sleep and let the devils do what they want." The third brother said and hugged him.

I started to squint as soon as I held the handle crookedly, and fell asleep very quickly. I started snoring within a few minutes.

Seeing the leisurely and contented look of the third brother, Murong and Xizi looked at each other. Xizi said: "You are the first one to stand guard. Keep your eyes open. Don't fall asleep."

"Why is it me? Why aren't you the first?" Murong asked with his eyes wide open.

"You don't have to ask, I'm older than you, the younger brother has to listen to the older brother, don't you understand that the eldest brother is the father? Hey, let me get some sleep first!" Xizi said, holding the sniper rifle and closing her eyes.

Murong had no choice but to take out the twenty coins from his waist, put them in his hand, and sat down against the earthen wall of the cellar.

After Yuesong and the others returned to the dark room of the braised pork restaurant, the Yankee was still sleeping soundly. Yuesong saw that the Yankee's body was covered with injuries and asked Mengzi to come over and treat the Yankee's injuries.

Mengzi took his backpack, got some herbs and bottles of medicinal powder from it, and skillfully helped the Yankee apply the medicine. Soon, Mengzi quickly finished treating the Yankee.

"How's it going? The Yankee's injury isn't a big problem, right?" Yuesong asked.

"It's okay, Captain, they are all superficial injuries, and they are not deep. They will all be healed in six or seven days at most." Mengzi said, "Captain, come here, let me help you take a look at your arm."

"Haha, Minghe, look, Mengzi is a rare treasure of our special operations team. Come on, cure it for me. After completing this mission, I will tell your father that you will be the team doctor of our special operations team."

Yuesong said, rolling up his sleeves and letting Mengzi treat his injuries.

Mengzi took out a sharp knife, roasted it on the fire for a while, then got some water, and after cleaning it for the captain, he got a piece of cloth for the captain to bite.

"Why are you biting that thing? Just smoke a cigarette." Yuesong said, lighting up a cigarette and smoking slowly.

Mengzi skillfully used a knife to help Yuesong take out the bullet. If he said it didn't hurt, he would be lying. If Youran said it, he would be pretending. In fact, when taking out the bullet, Yuesong didn't smell the smoke at all, and all his energy was spent on it.

Used to endure the pain.

After taking out the bullet, Mengzi helped the captain apply it with medicinal powder and a cloth strip, and then slowly packed up his things.

The Yankees were kidnapped. After Inoue and Tojo got the news, they immediately reported it to General Matsui. Matsui angrily ordered his two generals to immediately block the city gate and conduct a full search.

Inoue and Tojo had no choice but to lead the gendarmerie and plainclothes teams and dig deep into the city to search. The city was really noisy, but there were no Americans or underground parties.


This chapter has been completed!
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