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Thirty-seven, with static braking

By the time the Yankee woke up, it was already dinner time.

Rice opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on a large bed. He looked up and looked around. The people sitting and standing were all Chinese people wearing ordinary people's clothes.

"Hey, look, the Americans are awake!" Lei Hang was the first to see Rice looking up.

Upon hearing this, the brothers immediately gathered around. Yuesong walked to the side of the shop, looked at Rice, and said, "Finally woke up, Lei Hang, go get some food for the Yankees."

Lei Hang agreed and went up.

"Who are you?" Rice asked in blunt Chinese.

"Ah? You can speak Chinese?" Yuesong tilted his head and asked Rice.

"Yeah!" Rice replied.

"I told you earlier, I went through a lot of trouble to hand you a note," Yuesong said.

"Did you write that note in English? I don't think you understand English." Rice shook his head and said.

"Yes, I don't understand American, but your Chinese isn't very good either." Yuesong also shook his head.

"Are you the Chinese army?" Rice looked at the people in front of him and felt a little unbelievable.

"What? It doesn't look like it?" Minghe said.

"Well, are you the ones who saved me from the Japanese?" Rice said, waving his hands and shaking his head.

"Yankee, let me tell you, we are the New Fourth Army, the army of the Communist Party of China, the people's army. We, brothers, are the only ones who will save you." Yuesong said with a thumbs up.

"Really? Oh, thank you!" Rice said and looked at the wounds on his body. They had all been bandaged. Rice lowered his head and smelled the wounds on his arms and said, "Well, what does it smell like? What's the smell?"

Yes, how can the wound be tied with such rag strips? It should be gauze."

"How come this foreigner doesn't know good from good? Look, my wound is tied with a strip of cloth, and our captain's wound is also tied with a strip of cloth. What? Are you the only one who doesn't like this?" Cao Gen'er didn't like hearing this.

The words of a Yankee.

"Okay, okay, where am I? Why haven't you sent me back to the flying group?" Rice asked.

"Here, we are still in Wuhan City, surrounded by Japanese soldiers. If we want to go back to your flying brigade, we have to stay for a few days," Yuesong said.

"Why? You can rescue me, but can't you send me out of the city?" Rice asked in confusion.

Yuesong lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and said, "This is a strategy, called relaxation and moderation. You Americans don't understand that."

"What is relaxation? What is moderation?" Rice didn't understand.

At this time Lei Hang came down with a big bowl of noodles.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Let's eat the noodles first and recover well. You don't need to worry about leaving the city." Yuesong said and walked to the table and continued to smoke his cigarette.

Rice had a good meal in the prison, and the Yankees didn't give him anything good to eat. Now he saw this big bowl of fragrant noodles and two poached eggs, and he quickly picked it up

Then he started eating.

Yuesong is not in a good mood at the moment. It’s just because Brother San and the others haven’t come back yet. Minghe and the others are clamoring to go out to look for them, but Yuesong is worried. The Japs are going crazy right now.

Arresting people on the street, rushing out on this trip, isn't it like hitting the muzzle of a gun? In fact, Yuesong believes that the third brother and the others will be fine, but Yuesong just feels a little uneasy in his heart. The Yankees' things are easy to handle.

, now you just need to stay quietly in the darkroom, and nothing will happen to you. The key is that your three brothers must not get into trouble.

But it was said that Leng Renren, with more than 20 brothers selected from his own spy camp, drove three American jeeps, and carried a large amount of American equipment, setting off from Guanghua County in a mighty manner, passing through the National Army defense zone all the way.

, from Xiangyang to Suixian, and after passing Suixian, it is basically the occupied area of ​​the Japanese. Lengren stored all the jeeps at the headquarters of the Tiger Regiment of the 15th Army, which was facing the Japanese army on the front line, and he led the

Brothers, bring a Thompson ***, M1***, M1919 light machine gun, a large number of American grenades, not only that, but also a bazooka rocket launcher, plus a sniper holding a Springfield sniper rifle. Such equipment,

It can be said that even the little devils have never been seen before. Brother Lengren led his brothers into the mountains with a superior look on his face. He chose a trail and walked through the forest. Following the instructions on the map, he headed towards Dawu County where the fifth division of the New Fourth Army was located.

"Adjutant Li, do you remember my classmate Luo Yuesong?" Lengren asked his old subordinate who had been with him for many years as he walked.

"Remember, that brother is not bad, he is one of the best in the Communist Army." Adjutant Li said.

"What is the Communist Army? He is from our national army. We have completed the mission this time, so we will take him back by the way. The chief of staff mentioned that kid a few days ago." Lengren said.

"But people don't like our American equipment, so they like to go into the ravines and snatch guns and bullets from the little devils." Adjutant Li said.

"Haha, that's right. That kid is used to being a wild man. He left the regular army unused and became addicted to being a tortoise. But don't tell me, I also like his wild spirit. Look, what is this?"

Leng Ren said and took out two packs of American cigarettes from his backpack.

"Hey, American cigarettes, give me one." Adjutant Li said hurriedly.

"Have a rest, I can't bear to smoke. I still smoke the old knife." Lengren said.

"Then what are you doing with it?" Adjutant Li asked.

"What are you doing? You don't know what my brother likes most?" Leng Ren said.

"I like to smoke. Who doesn't know this?" Adjutant Li said.

"How can you say that we were brothers who fought with the Japanese when we were studying in Japan!" Leng Ren sighed.

"Battal Commander, we have several boxes of American grenades, could it be..." Adjutant Li said.

"Haha, you still understand me. These years of being brothers have not been in vain, haha..." Qingrenren said with a smile.

"That's okay. Although your brother is in the Communist Army, he is not allowed to help our National Army. To fight the Japanese, brothers should not be separated and their elbows should not be turned outward, right? Battalion Commander?" said Adjutant Li.

"Yes, as I say this, I really miss that kid. At this moment, that kid should be rescuing Rice in Wuhan City. I don't know if that kid has rescued anyone. Hey,

Brother, I know you have never let me down." Lengren said, thinking about his good brother Yuesong.

Brother Chao is not idle here either. Since returning to the regiment, he has started to lead the brothers in the special operations team to practice every day and taught almost all the skills he learned in the national army to the brothers. Brother Chao

I understand the captain's thoughts very well. Seeing the brothers sacrifice one by one, the captain's heart is bleeding.

This morning, Brother Chao was leading his brothers in training on how to conceal themselves. Xiao Gangzi ran over and said that the regiment leader asked Captain Chang to go to the regiment headquarters.

Brother Chao asked his brothers to continue training and ran to the regiment headquarters by himself.

"Report!" Brother Chao shouted.

"Come in!" Captain Song said.

Brother Chao entered the regiment headquarters and saluted the regiment leader, political commissar, and deputy regiment leader Biaozi.

"Sit down, Captain Chang!" said the political commissar.

"Thank you, political commissar!" Brother Chao sat down, and Biaozi poured a jar of water for Brother Chao.

Brother Chao smiled at Biaozi, picked up a jar of water, and drank it down.

"Captain Chang, the Japanese troops have begun to retreat. According to the order of the division headquarters, our Second Regiment, as the main force of the Fifth Division, is preparing to appear here tomorrow," Captain Song pointed at the map and said, "While the Japanese are in a hurry

Retreat, hit him once, then retreat after the beating!"

"Okay, what is the mission of our special team?" Brother Chao asked eagerly.

"The mission of your special team is to move towards Suixian County, to Daliuzhuang..."

Before the regiment leader could finish speaking, Brother Chao hurriedly said: "Commander, that's going to the national army's defense area."

"Hey, listen to what the regiment leader has to say!" the political commissar said.

"Yes, that's the way to the defense area of ​​the Nationalist Army. Your mission to Daliuzhuang is to welcome the Nationalist Army team sent by the Fifth Theater Command of the Nationalist Army to pick up American pilot Rice." Captain Song said.

"Captain, can't you just send a random squad to support the national army team?" Brother Chao said.

"What's the matter? Now that you've become the deputy captain of the special operations team, your eyes have grown to the top of your head?" the regiment leader said, "Captain Chang, as soon as our regiment goes out, we have to wait for instructions from the division headquarters wherever we go. You welcome us when we arrive at the country.

After joining the army team, there are still important tasks ahead!"

"Oh, what's the mission? Are you going to pick up Captain Luo and the others?" Brother Chao asked hurriedly.

"That's right, after meeting up with the National Army team, you don't need to worry about where our group is. You can directly take the National Army team to Baizhang Cliff to meet Captain Luo and the others. Pay attention, the National Army team is very sensitive to the terrain in our area.

If you are not familiar with it, the target for a large group of troops to meet in the forest is too big, so after arriving at Baizhang Cliff, you can ask the national army team to wait at Baizhang Cliff, and you can lead the special team to continue moving towards Huangpi Mulan Mountain, and strive to achieve it as soon as possible

Meet Captain Luo and the others," Captain Song said.

"Yes!" Brother Chao stood up and saluted.

"Captain Chang, your mission this time is not light. Captain Luo only took seven or eight people to complete the mission. The American pilot was rescued. The Japanese will chase and intercept the American pilot and try their best to get the American pilot back. You have to think about the difficulties.

More. Firstly, it is your first time to lead a team to complete a mission alone, and secondly, you are likely to be attacked from both sides." The political commissar walked to Brother Chao and said.

"Yes!" Brother Chao saluted.

"Okay, go back and get ready. Deputy Commander Hu will make arrangements and provide the special forces with enough ammunition," the regiment leader said.

"Yes!" Biaozi agreed and went with Brother Chao.

Brother Chao took several brothers with him, and after receiving several boxes of grenades and more than a thousand rounds of ammunition, he immediately lined up to conduct pre-war agitation, and then set off with his brothers without hesitation.

Feiteng Feiyue heard that they were going out to fight and were going to pick up Brother Song. The two of them beat each other's chests happily and were beaming with joy.

When passing the health center, Brother Chao made a special trip to find Nurse Lan and told Nurse Lan that he would lead a team to pick up Captain Luo.

When Lan Danfeng heard that Captain Chang had brought people to pick up Yuesong, he happily sat up from the bed. Then he felt the pain in his legs and was frightened. But standing at the door of the health center, looking at the brothers of the special team who were leaving,

Dan Feng felt a very warm feeling in his heart, as if Yuesong was about to return to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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