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Thirty-eight, heaven and earth

Inoue and Tojo searched the city continuously for more than a day, but there was still no clue. Matsui was anxious, so he ordered that all checkpoints leading from Wuhan City to the national defense zone should be closely monitored, and if discovered, they would be arrested immediately.

He also ordered Tojo and Inoue each to lead a small team to go out of the city and search for clues along the mountain road. At the same time, he ordered the teams of Tengu and Kimura not to withdraw with the large force for the time being, but to conduct a covert interception in the area where the New Fourth Army was active. A few hours later,

Matsui set a dragnet for Luo Yuesong and the others, but can these really stump the resourceful Luo Yuesong?

Inoue and Tojo were ordered to lead a team each out of the city. Tojo was the captain of the military police. Inoue usually gave him information in the city. He was only responsible for leading people to arrest, so he was used to going on the rampage. Now

When we got to the wild mountains and forests, we still maintained our usual style, wandering around in the woods, searching houses when we saw them, and checking people when we saw them. Of course, nothing would be gained.

After all, Inoue is the section chief of the Special High School Course. This devil is cunning and sly. After analyzing the situation, he found that all the levels are clearly visible to Tojo. The enemies are easy to find and avoid. In such a vast mountain forest, you can hide as many as you like.

Individuals, shouting and searching, knew without thinking that it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Where can I find it? Inoue thought, since there is someone overt, I will come covertly, so he led his team, like

Like the field troops, they made hat rings with tree branches, spread out, and quietly hid near the only roads they must pass. They also ordered their men to not rush to take action if they found someone acting suspiciously, but to report to themselves.

, and then make a decision after screening it in secret.

Of course, Inoue did not actually know that the American pilot had not left the city at this time, but was recuperating in the city.

Lengrenren led his team to walk in the mountains and forests for more than two days, and finally met up with Chao Ge and others from the special operations team sent by the New Fourth Army to support them.

The two parties met and introduced each other enthusiastically, and decided to follow the order of Commander Song of the Second Regiment of the New Fourth Army and rush to Baizhang Cliff before making any plans.

It was at this time that Captain Song and Political Commissar He led the Second Regiment and fought a beautiful ambush against the Japanese at Mopan Mountain. Although the battle only lasted less than twenty minutes, less than a hundred Japanese were annihilated.

However, the Second Regiment, under the leadership of Commander Song, implemented Commander Li's principle of withdrawing after fighting and finding opportunities to fight again after withdrawing, and achieved successful results.

Ono and Murakata each led a regiment and retreated in a mighty manner. The troops responded to each other, but the long mountain road, even the main road, was only so narrow. It was impossible for the troops to line up in a long queue and move slowly like worms.

To advance, we had to use the squadron as a unit and the squad as a cover to retreat slowly.

Let's talk about Tang Si who is still recovering from his injuries in Mulan Temple. Although his injuries have not completely healed, Tang Si, who is used to fighting, is suddenly so free. Moreover, there are no brothers who get along with him day and night, and he spends all day in Mulan.

I felt extremely depressed in the temple's room, and missed my brothers terribly.

The abbot and Lao Wan discussed this day and decided to send Huineng to Lao Ding to pick up Captain Luo and the others, who had successfully rescued the Yankees from the Japanese, in order to bring the Yankees to Mulan Temple as quickly and safely as possible. Huineng

After receiving the mission, I was naturally very happy. In addition, I had become familiar with Tang Si during this period, so I ran to Tang Si and told Tang Si the good news.

Tang Si could no longer restrain himself, and immediately went to find the abbot with Huineng, asking to go with Huineng to Lao Ding's place. However, Tang Si was a member of the special force and was injured, so the abbot and Lao Wanna

You dare to make this decision. If anything goes wrong, it won't be easy to explain to Captain Luo. No matter what Tang Si said, these two old underground gangsters simply refused to agree.

In the end, only Hui Neng went to Lao Ding's place by the familiar route. Tang Si continued to stay in Mulan Temple's room, depressed and waiting.

Yuesong and his brothers waited patiently with the Americans in the darkroom. Although Rice repeatedly asked to leave the city quickly, Minghe and the others were a little unable to hold back and helped, but Yuesong was determined to pay attention.

It is difficult for anyone to change things.

While Yuesong waited for the Japanese to make the first move, he made preparations for Rice to leave the city.

Lao Gu still pulled his dung truck into and out of the city every day, but he didn't come to the braised meat shop every day. On this day, Lao Gu came to the braised meat shop and saw Yuesong in the backyard.

"Lao Gu, you have worked hard these days, but I still need to trouble you to make some preparations." Yuesong, Lao Gu, and Lao Lu sat in the yard and discussed how to send the Yankee out of the city.

"Captain Luo, don't be polite. If you want me to do something, just say it." Lao Gu said while smoking a dry cigarette.

Yuesong walked to the old dung cart, pointed to the big round wooden barrel on the dung cart and said: "To get Rice, a Yankee, out of the city now, it's impossible to rely on makeup, so we have to use our best efforts."

Use your shit bucket."

"No, Captain Luo, you don't want the Americans to lie in the excrement bucket and leave the city. Not to mention that such a smelly Yankee can't bear it. If you don't put the swill, if the Japanese open the excrement bucket and take a look,

The secret is revealed; if you are pretending to be swilling, how can you exhale?" Lao Lu said.

"Haha, Lao Lu, I have thought about all this, so I want Lao Gu to make some preparations." Yuesong said, "Look, as long as we modify this dung truck and make a mezzanine under the dung bucket,

Brush with tung oil to prevent leakage, and then dig a few small vents under the dung bucket. Rice can lie inside and put swill on top. Firstly, he is not afraid of the devils opening the dung bucket for inspection, and secondly, Rice can also

You can't smell much odor, and you can breathe fresh air easily. What do you think?"

Lao Lu and Lao Gu walked around the dung truck several times. After hearing what Yuesong said, they thought it was a good idea.

Lao Gu measured the length of the dung bucket lying across the dung truck and said, "Well, this is long enough for a Yankee to lie in it."

Lao Lu measured the height of the dung bucket with his hand and said: "It's as high as this. Just add a wooden board at this position, divide the dung bucket into upper and lower layers, do anti-leakage treatment, and dig a few breathable holes underneath."

Small holes, yes, absolutely yes.”

"Lao Gu, can this be done well in your village?" Yuesong asked.

"It's okay, Carpenter Wang at the east end of the village can do it in less than half a day." Lao Gu said with a smile.

"Is Carpenter Wang reliable?" Yuesong asked.

"During the war in Wuhan a few years ago, Carpenter Wang's wife was killed by a Japanese bomb. It must be reliable. Besides, if I don't tell him what to do, it will be over." Lao Gu said.

"Well, you can ask Carpenter Wang to finish the work when you go back today. The day after tomorrow, you will go to the city and get here. You will still need two dung trucks. The other dung truck will carry our guns and ammunition like last time." Yuesong said.

"Okay, let's just say that, I'll go back right away." Lao Gu said.

"Don't worry, Lao Gu. We can't stay too long when we get to Lao Ding's place. You have to contact Huineng and the others as soon as possible and be ready to go into the mountain before we leave the city." Yuesong said.

"I'll tell Lao Ding about this and let him arrange it," Lao Gu said.

"Okay, that's it. Don't stay here too long, lest you arouse the suspicion of the Japanese." Yuesong said, and Lao Lu and Yuesong sent Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu out the door.

After Lao Gu left, Yuesong told his brothers and Rice about the plan to send Rice out of the city. Everyone discussed it together and tried to make the plan as thorough as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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