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Forty, there is no danger

When they came to the backyard, Lao Gu was sitting in the yard smoking a dry cigarette. Yuesong asked Lao Gu: "Lao Gu, are you ready?"

Lao Gu stood up, knocked his pipe on the leg of the table, walked slowly to the second dung truck, knocked on the dung bucket with his pipe, and said, "Come and take a look, okay?"

Yuesong walked around the dung bucket twice, but could not see any trace of new wood. The dung bucket was still the same as before. Yuesong opened the lid of the dung bucket, and a smell came out. Yuesong pinched his nose,

The probe looked inside the dung bucket. It was dark and nothing could be seen. Yuesong bent down again and looked carefully at the bottom of the dung bucket. There were four or five pores as thick as chopsticks. The pores were irregular and unevenly distributed.

The shapes are all different, just like the bug holes on the wooden boards, and you really can't see any flaws.

Yuesong smiled and said, "Well, that's good. The lid is so small that it can be filled with swill, but how can Rice get in when he's so big?"

Lao Gu smiled slightly, reached out and dug under the dung bucket, and then pushed the dung bucket hard from behind. He only heard a rattling sound, and most of the upper part of the dung bucket was pushed open, and the remaining small half was exposed.

The top is made of wooden boards, which are tightly fitted and it doesn't look like it will leak.

Lao Gu glanced at everyone, then pulled an iron ring, and the lower part of the dung bucket was opened. Looking at the space, it was enough for Rice to lie inside, and there was basically no smell.

"Come on, Rice, lie down and try!" Yuesong said, pulling Rice.

Rice covered his nose, walked to the dung bucket, climbed up, lay down in it, and said, "Well, it's like a cradle, quite comfortable."

"Haha," everyone laughed.

"Lao Gu, close the lid." Yuesong said.

Lao Gu closed the lid and pushed the upper part back into place.

Yuesong walked around the dung truck twice more and felt it was pretty good, so he said to Lao Lu next to him: "Lao Lu, ask Whooping Crane and the others to bring all the guns and ammunition."

After a while, Minghe and Xizi came up carrying a large oilcloth package.

"You two, put the guns and ammunition into that dung truck." Yuesong said.

"Oh!" Minghe agreed, and Hexizi stuffed the guns and ammunition wrapped tightly in oilcloth into another dung truck.

"Okay, let's start pouring the swill, Lao Lu, are the swill ready?" Yuesong asked.

"It has been prepared for a long time, Liu Zi, you and Zhu Zhu go to carry it." Lao Lu said.

"Minghe, Xizi, you go call some brothers to come up and hurry up and pour water." Yuesong said.

Minghe and Xizi called their brothers over, and they brought buckets of swill that had been stored in the store for six or seven days, and poured it all into the buckets of two dung trucks.

Everything was ready. Yuesong said to Lao Gu: "Lao Gu, what's going on? Our brothers in the special team aren't following you. You and Zhuzi are taking all the people and guns out of the city. Do you feel confident?"

Lao Gu lit another pot of cigarettes and said, "It's okay. After smoking this pot, we will leave. You will leave the city later and we will meet at Lao Ding's shop."

"Haha, I knew you could do it," Yuesong said, going over and patting Zhu Zhu's shoulder, and asked, "Zhu Zhu, are you afraid?"

"Afraid!" Zhu Zhu said, "But since my uncle is with me, I'm not afraid anymore."

"Well, the pillars are good. Just drive the donkey and pull the cart. When the Japanese inspect you, just sit still and don't move." Yuesong said.

"Hey, okay!" Zhu Zhu agreed.

After Lao Gu finished smoking a pot of cigarettes, he banged his pipe on the dung cart, and together with the pillars, he drove the donkey cart out of the yard and headed directly towards the west gate.

Yuesong saw that Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu had left, so he worried about his brothers, dressed up, and prepared to leave the city later.

Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu drove the donkey cart to the west gate. As soon as they arrived at the west gate, the puppet army guarding in front of the checkpoint saw Lao Gu's two dung carts coming from a distance, and they covered their noses and didn't want to check.

"Come on, hurry up, it stinks!" a puppet army officer said, covering his nose and waving his hands.

"Thank you, boss, thank you, boss!" Lao Gu said with a smile, driving the donkey cart in front into the city gate, followed closely by Zhuzi, who also drove the donkey cart.

"Hey! Stop!" Lao Gu was about to leave the city. This shout made Zhu Zhu tremble all over, and Lao Gu felt that the hairs on his body stood up.

Lao Gu restrained the donkey and stopped the dung cart. Looking back, he saw a Japanese officer walking and chirping at the puppet soldiers.

The Japanese officer walked up to the puppet army officer and yelled in blunt Chinese: "Why don't you check?"

"I pass here every day, and what I drink is smelly swill. There's nothing to check!" the puppet army officer said timidly.

"Baga!" the Japanese officer said, and slapped the puppet army official twice, and then walked to the dung truck. A smell hit his nostrils, and the Japanese officer covered his nose and surrounded Lao Gu and Zhuzhu's dung truck.

After walking around for a few times, he didn't find anything, so he reached out for Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu's certificate of good citizenship.

Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu took out their good citizen certificates. The Japanese officer looked at them again and again, but couldn't see anything. So he took a 38-meter cap from a Japanese soldier next to him, and dropped the bayonet. Holding the bayonet in his hand, he

I knocked on the excrement bucket and found nothing.

The Japanese officer waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

As soon as Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu were allowed to leave, their hanging hearts finally settled.

"Drive!" Lao Gu waved his whip and drove the donkey cart away.

"Wait a minute!" The Japanese officer seemed to have remembered something again, and chirped a few more words to the two Japanese soldiers. The two Japanese soldiers immediately ran to the dung barrels of the two cars.

The Japanese officer pointed to the lid of the cesspool and said, "Open it!"

Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu quickly opened the lid.

Two Japanese soldiers climbed onto the dung truck and stabbed the swill into the swill several times with their bayonets.

Lying down below, Rice heard the thud-dong sound of the bayonet on the wooden board. Fortunately, the board was relatively thick and was not punctured. Otherwise, even if the bayonet did not stab him, the excrement would flow down. Oops.

, not only does it stink, but more importantly, if you drown in excrement water, wouldn't you lose America?

The two Japs stabbed them with their bayonets a few times, but they didn't feel anything. When they lifted up the bayonets, they saw that there was still some dirty stuff stuck on them, and the smell became stronger. The two Japs soldiers whined at the Japs officer.


The Japanese officer waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go!"

As soon as the two Japanese soldiers heard the officer's words, they immediately jumped out of the car and continued to guard the city gate.

After listening to the Japanese officer's words, Lao Gu smiled and drove the donkey cart toward the city gate. Zhuzi glanced at the Japanese officer secretly and quickly drove the donkey cart out of the city.

As soon as Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu drove out of the city, Zhu Zhu said to Uncle Gu, "Uncle, my heart is in my throat. Why aren't you afraid?"

Lao Gu sat on the dung cart, lit a pot of cigarettes, took a puff, and said: "I have a bunch of old bones, what are you afraid of? Then again, is it useful to be afraid?"

"That's true, the more scared you are, the more likely it is that something will happen, but my heart is pounding non-stop." Zhu Zhu said, pressing his chest.

"Let's go, it's okay!" Lao Gu smoked a dry cigarette and sat on the dung cart, swaying leisurely towards the village.

Ten minutes later, Yuesong and Murong continued to dress up as students and bookboys, and arrived at Ximen. Although Ximen was strictly inspected by the Japanese, it was calm, and Yuesong knew that Laogu and the others had successfully left the city.

After Yuesong and Murong left the city, Minghe and the others pretended to have sold out of firewood and pretended to have sold out of vegetables. Because they had no weapons and had certificates of good citizenship, they all left the city smoothly.

This chapter has been completed!
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