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Forty-one, into the woods, who are we afraid of?

The old Japanese Matsui received telegrams from Murakata and Ono and learned that the troops were harassed by the New Fourth Army when they were retreating. However, this was not what Matsui was worried about, and the small-scale harassment was not important. Matsui knew clearly that this time

The raids have not achieved much results. The key is that it may be difficult to organize such a large-scale raid in the future. After a large number of troops are transferred, the security in Central China seems to need a major strategic adjustment.

Matsui held the Chinese book "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in his hand and slowly paced around his desk. How can we ensure good security in Central China when there are insufficient troops? Although the Chinese security forces are large in number,

But the Chinese people are unreliable, and the only one who can be relied on is the Imperial Army. It is impossible to blindly attack and actively seek out the main force of the New Fourth Army for a decisive battle. "Luring the enemy deep" seems to be useful, but it is not possible.

It can't be the only strategy. Why are the cunning Chinese people so easy to be fooled?

Tojo knew that General Matsui was very dissatisfied with his performance, but without a clear target location, Tojo had no good solution, so he continued to run around in the forest with his men.

Like a mindless wild boar, it scurries wherever it goes.

The cunning Inoue has been waiting in the forest with his men for almost two days. Although Chinese people will appear walking on the path in the forest from time to time, Inoue did not find any suspicious people, and he was not eager to take action to expose his true identity.

intention, so he continues to wait for the prey to appear.

After Yuesong and his brothers successfully left the city, they came to Lao Ding's blacksmith shop in Sancha Division and met Lao Ding, Lao Gu and the others.

Although it was noon, there were few people walking around in the village. Only the cicadas on the old poplar tree were chirping happily, but the blacksmith shop did not have facilities such as dark rooms or tunnels where one could hide, and Rice was a foreigner.

, it is easy to attract the attention of others. Yuesong was worried that it would be unsafe if he stayed here for a long time, so he discussed with Lao Ding and Lao Gu how to take Rice to the woods quickly so as to rush to Mulan Mountain as soon as possible.

in the temple.

Several people are discussing and have come up with several plans. However, on the road from Sancha to Mulan Mountain in Huangpi, there are checkpoints for the Japanese, and there are no mountains or forests. There is no place to hide when the Japanese encounter them.

No children.

Lao Gu suggested taking Zhusun Lake again, from the waterway to Mulan Mountain, but Yuesong felt that it was a little unsafe. The last time he came here, with the help of comrades from the traffic station, he passed the Japanese patrol motorboat on Zhusun Lake relatively smoothly.

But this time Rice, with his big nose and yellow hair, had to sacrifice a lot to get through under the strict inspection of the Japanese, which he didn't even have to think about.

Yuesong sat on the bench, looking at the simple map in front of him, unable to do anything. Whenever this happens, Yuesong always likes to smoke alone. Looking at the captain smoking, the brothers all know that the captain is trying to recruit someone.

, no one dares to disturb.

Zhuzi brought the porridge and oil cakes, as well as a plate of cabbage and pickled radish. The brothers drank the porridge and ate the oil cake with the sour radish. Although Lei Hang had already

A bowl of porridge and two pieces of oil cake were placed in front of the captain, but the captain was still smoking.

"Captain, let's eat something before we talk!" Lei Hang gently pressed Yuesong's arm with his arm and said.

Yuesong glanced at Lei Hang and then at Porridge, but it was really unsafe to stay here for a long time. If he didn't find a satisfactory way to enter the forest as soon as possible, how could Yuesong be in the mood to eat.

"Hey, Huineng is here, haven't you eaten yet? Come on, the porridge is still hot." Old Ding saw Huineng coming in and warmly greeted Huineng to eat porridge.

"Thank you, thank you very much. I want to talk to Captain Luo about something." Huineng said and walked to Yuesong.

"Master Huineng, you are here. Do the abbot and Lao Wan have anything to say to you?" Yuesong saw Huineng coming and knew that Huineng was very familiar with the road from the suburbs of Wuhan to Mulan Mountain, so he asked quickly.

"Captain Luo, the abbot asked me to come and meet you," Huineng said.

"Sit, come, sit here and speak slowly." Yuesong said while pouring a glass of water for Huineng.

Huineng picked up the jar and drank it all in one breath. Then he sat on the bench and said, "Captain Luo, the abbot said that if you want to escape the Japanese and get to Mulan Mountain, you have to go into the mountain first. Once you're in the mountain,

It won't be easy for the Japanese to find you." Huineng said.

"Come on, can you read a map? Let's look at the map and tell you." Yuesong said.

Huineng tilted his head and looked at the sketches on the table and said, "Oh, there are Japanese checkpoints here. I just came from there. There are them here, and there are them here too."

Yuesong looked at the position on the map pointed by Huineng and thought to himself, the little devil is really a little bit clever. These points are blocked by checkpoints, just like playing Go. The roads are almost blocked. This time it is even more difficult.

It’s difficult.

Hui Neng saw Captain Luo frowning a little, and knew that Captain Luo was having trouble with the route into the mountain. He pointed at the map and said, "The abbot said that we may not be able to walk by water. I heard that Americans look different from us.

The devil's eyes are poisonous."

"Yeah!" Yuesong nodded and continued to look at the map and think about it.

"But there is a way to go. When I came back from here last time, I made a special trip according to the abbot's wishes. There were very few ghosts there." Huineng said.

"Where? Tell me quickly!" Yuesong asked hurriedly.

"Captain Luo, look, on the way from Sanchabu to Zhangjiadayuan, there is only a Japs blockhouse in Liji. After passing the blockhouse, we reach Chengjiachong. Chengjiachong was killed because of the red gun attack last year in Yuanli.

They killed three Japs and massacred the village. They said that ghosts often haunted the village. Not only did no one dare to go there at night, but no one even dared to pass by there during the day. After passing Chengjiachong, they entered the mountains.

." Huineng pointed at the map and said.

"But didn't you say that you would pass by a Japanese artillery tower on the way?" asked the third brother.

"Oh, you don't know, most of the Japanese gun towers are puppet troops, and there are only three Japanese soldiers. Normally, they don't leave the gun tower at all, because no one is passing by," Huineng said.

"Yeah!" Yuesong hummed, lit another cigarette, took two puffs, and said, "You can go this way."

"Captain Luo, what if the Japanese in the gun tower see the Americans?" Lao Ding said.

"Yankee? Are you talking about me? What does 'guy' mean?" After eating, Rice saw them talking about the map and came over.

"Haha!" Rice asked, making everyone laugh.

"'Guo'." Yuesong knocked on his head, thought for a while and said, "'Guo' means 'Mr.', haha!" Yuesong was also amused by his own explanation.

"Mr. Mr. America? Well, you are very polite!" Rice said with a thumbs up.

"Polite, very polite!" Yuesong patted Rice on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Rice, you have to rest for a while. You have to walk a long mountain road later. Your injury is not fully healed yet.

Sit there and rest for a while."

"It's okay, I'm okay, you see, I'm in good spirits!" Rice shrugged.

"Come on, Mr. Rice, sit here and take a rest!" Xizi brought a bench to Rice and asked Rice to sit down.

"Okay, I'll sit down." Rice moved the bench to the table, sat down, and watched them discuss.

"Okay, Minghe, third brother, you quickly take out all the weapons and equipment, arm all the brothers, and go this way. Three devils, if it doesn't work, let's slit the throats of the dogs with knives. Ten

Let’s set off in a few minutes!” Yuesong said.

"Yes!" the brothers agreed.

"Captain, you haven't eaten yet!" Lei Hang said, pointing to the bowl of porridge on the table.

"Oh, I'm really hungry. Come on, Huineng, have a bowl too!" Yuesong brought a bowl to Huineng, and he also brought a bowl. The two of them drank the porridge in big sips.

Eating fried rice cake.

Ten minutes later, the brothers were all ready. Yuesong held the sniper rifle in his hand and said: "Brothers, this is the way to go. If we meet the Japs, we will be ready to fuck them."

Yes, let’s rush into the mountains first and then, when we get to the woods, who are we afraid of? The woods are our woods, what can these stupid little devils do to me?”

Seeing these Chinese holding guns in their hands and getting ready to set off in high spirits, Rice quickly pulled Yuesong and said: "Captain Luo, you are the leader, give me a gun, I am an American soldier, and

Able to fight."

"Don't you fly a plane to fight? What? You can also fight with a rifle? Let's do it, Whooping Crane, give Rice your twenty-gun gun first," Yuesong said.

"Oh, here!" Whooping Crane came over, pulled out twenty rings from his waist, and handed them to Rice.

Rice took the twenty-gun, weighed it in his hand, and said, "This gun is too heavy. What's wrong? Don't you, China, have a pistol suitable for me?"

"Hey, you don't want me to have it, come on, give it to me!" Huineng stretched out his hand and said.

"Ah? Monks can also fight! Hahaha!" The third brother looked at Huineng and said with a smile.

"What's wrong, monk?" Huineng said unconvinced.

"Yes, don't monks abstain from killing?" Murong said.

"The Buddha spent his whole life in salvation and killed the devils in our Chinese territory. That is also the salvation of all sentient beings." Huineng said.

"Okay, Master Huineng said it well. Killing the Japanese will also save all sentient beings. Come on, take this gun first!" Yuesong took the twenty gun from Rice and handed it to Huineng.

He fished out his beloved Browning, took it in his hand, put it to his mouth, kissed it, and said, "Rice, this Browning was given to me by my future wife. You can use it first."

Don’t lose it.”

"Daughter-in-law? Future wife? What is a daughter-in-law?" Rice turned to Browning and asked puzzledly, "Well, this gun is good!"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Rice ask this, everyone laughed again.

"Rice, I have to tell you first. If there is a fight with the Japanese, you should stay back. Don't shoot unless you have to. Grassroots, you are responsible for protecting Rice." Yuesong said.


"Yes!" Cao Gen'er replied, holding a gun.

"I won't shoot? Why won't I be allowed to shoot?" Rice asked.

"You are our precious kid. I don't let you shoot because I'm afraid of hurting you!" said the third brother.

"Pimple? Me? Am I a pimple?" Rice asked, pointing to the tip of his nose.

"Hahaha!" Everyone was happy again.

"Okay, you're not a pimple. The key is that you only have two bullets in this pistol. Don't waste my bullets if it's okay." Yuesong said with a smile.

"Two bullets?" Rice said, frowning.

"Okay, brothers, let's stop talking here. You three, Minghe, Xizi and Huineng, will take the lead. Caogen'er and Laisi will follow me. Third brother, Murong and Mengzi will follow behind. Let's set off!" Yuesong ordered.

"Yes!" the brothers agreed, and Minghe and Huineng set off in front.

After Yuesong said goodbye to Lao Ding, Lao Gu and Zhu Zhu, he followed the brothers out of the blacksmith shop and rushed towards the Cheng family.

This chapter has been completed!
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