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Nine, waiting for an opportunity to attack

Ten minutes later, the team gathered together and stood neatly in front of Yuesong. Yuesong finished smoking and calmed down. Yes, he is the captain, and he should be happy that his team members are growing up. How can he do it because of himself?

If you are depressed because of your competitive mentality, then you are too petty.

"Comrades, I am very happy. Although some comrades are still making low-level mistakes, the grassroots have learned my tricks and can be considered as practical and practical. Tang Si, as a stormtrooper, knows how to dig three feet deep to hide;

The third brother hid in the water for so long despite the hardships and treated the training as actual combat; Mengzi gave full play to his familiarity with the mountains and forests and hid it so that I didn't even notice when I passed him; Captain Chang is even more experienced and knows the best.

To be concealed is to follow the enemy and move around behind me, and all I have to do is get a shot in my ass..."

"Hahaha." The brothers laughed happily, Yuesong also laughed.

"Okay, now we announce the third training mission, which is to hunt rabbits..."

"Captain, does hunting rabbits count as training?" Lei Hang asked.

"Forget it, you can just beat the little devil as if he were a rabbit, right, brothers?" The third brother interjected.

"Hahahaha." The brothers laughed happily again.

"Yes, you treat the little devil like a rabbit, a wild boar, a dog, a badger, or a hybrid wild donkey. That's it. We have a team of more than thirty people and have hunted game. Let's roast hare and wild boar tonight.

, is it okay?" Yuesong asked.

"Okay!" When the brothers heard this, they became even more excited.

"Captain Chang, now lead the team to start rabbit hunting training. When the sun goes down, we will gather at the beach by the river." Yuesong ordered.

"Yes!" Brother Chao agreed and divided the team into six groups. The leader of each group led the team to hunt rabbits happily.

Early the next morning, Biaozi and the three of them dressed up after spending the whole night in the basement and went out onto the street.

The streets of Hankou were really lively. Although Feiteng Feiyue had just followed Biaozi to the lively Daxing Store and Sanchabu, the Japanese military stronghold, the two boys were simply dumbfounded as soon as they walked onto the streets of Hankou. The streets

There are so many shops, big and small, that you can really see them all at a glance. The shops have everything, including all kinds of cloths and novel daily necessities. The two boys couldn't bear to leave and couldn't move their feet after seeing everything.

In the morning, they ate Wuhan's famous hot dry noodles, bean curd skin, and a large bowl of offal soup. The two boys' faces were shiny after eating them. Even our deputy commander Biaozi no longer looked like a deputy commander.

, laughing happily together with the two boys, eating and drinking so much that their teeth almost fell out.

But Biaozi was the deputy commander after all. After eating, he took the two boys and started to check out the spots. After walking seven or eight streets, they arrived at the gate of the Japanese Gendarmerie. The Gendarmerie is located in an antique courtyard. According to people in the city,

, that house was the command post of Sun Yat-sen's Wuchang Uprising in the Revolution of 1911.

Sitting at a tea stall not far from the gendarmerie, the three of them secretly observed the gendarmerie while drinking tea. The gate to the yard was not big, and could only accommodate one car. There were sandbags on both sides of the door, and one behind each.

It has a crooked machine gun and is guarded by seven or eight Japanese soldiers and a dozen puppet troops.

Just a few dozen meters away from the gendarmerie yard, there is another yard. Stationed in this yard is the traitor plainclothes team that everyone hates. Wang Daya’s dog traitor lives in it. According to Lao Lu’s description, Biaozi and the three of them

After wandering around the plainclothes team for a long time, I saw a group of plainclothes plainclothes men wearing black dog furs walking out. The one in the middle had sparse eyebrows, one eye was big and the other was small, and half of his head was hairless.

It's plainclothes captain Wang Daya.

As soon as he saw Wang Daya showing up, Boiling Leap became excited again. Biaozi pulled the two boys aside and whispered: "Don't act rashly in this place. Let's go to other places. We'll be here tonight."

Stay here and see if you can find Wang Daya’s activity patterns, and then look for opportunities."

"Yeah." The two boys agreed and left with Biaozi.

We went back to the Braised Pork Shop on the old road for lunch and rested for a while. The three of them went out again and walked around the Hankou Railway Station. Then they wandered around the headquarters of the Central China Expeditionary Army of Japan for a while, and then went to the Special

After wandering around for a long time, Biaozi and the others had a rough idea of ​​the city of Wuhan.

That night, the three men went to camp near the yard of the plainclothes team again, and unexpectedly they actually found something.

At about six or seven o'clock in the evening, Wang Daya, accompanied by a group of plainclothes people, arrived at Zuixian Tower and made a fuss about eating and drinking for more than two hours. Biaozi and the other three also squatted outside for more than two hours, but Zuixian

There were plainclothes traitors everywhere upstairs and downstairs, and from time to time there were patrols of little devils passing by. It seemed that even though there were many people in such a place, it was not easy to attack.

At about nine o'clock, Wang Daya finally came out, but he was surrounded by people. Not to mention the gunfire, it was difficult to evacuate, and it was difficult to even hit the wild dog's fur. Biaozi and the others watched the wild dog helplessly.

The dog was strutting around on the street like a pack of big-tailed wolves, and there was nothing that could be done about it. Biaozi had no choice but to follow Boiling Feiyue separately.

After walking a few streets, Biaozi suddenly realized something was wrong. This way of walking did not seem to be the way back to the plainclothes team. Just as he was wondering, a few plainclothes men bowed to Wang Daya and turned into an alley. Biaozi thought to himself, could it be that the traitors in the plainclothes team also commuted to and from get off work, and now they went home from get off work to be with their wives and children?

Biaozi continued to follow Wang Daya and walked two more streets. Several plainclothes people entered a gambling house, seemingly gambling. Now there were only two plainclothes people following Wang Daya. Biaozi was thinking about it.

, a Japanese patrol team came over, Biaozi quickly dodged and hid in a dark corner.

When the Japanese patrol passed by, Biaozi popped up, and Wang Daya's wild dog disappeared. However, just at the entrance of the alley, two plainclothes men were standing there smoking and chatting.

Well, the two plainclothes men are still there, so I guess Wang Daya has entered the alley. But the terrain is unfamiliar, and if there is only one entrance to the alley, it will be difficult for him to sneak in and investigate. But then I thought again, like Wang Daya

He is a traitor that everyone hates. He doesn't dare to run around alone in broad daylight, let alone at night. It seems that Wang Daya must have entered the alley, and there must be only one entrance to the alley.

Biaozi hid in the dark, constantly thinking in his mind, since Wang Daya came here at night, there must be a reason for him to come. If it doesn't work tonight, he will follow him tomorrow night. If he can't enter the alley at night, he can always go in and take a look during the day.

.Thinking like this, Biaozi planned to call the Boiling Leap brothers over and withdraw first tonight.

But Biaozi was easy to find, but he couldn't see the two boys. At this moment, Biaozi suddenly had an ominous premonition, and stretched out his hand to slap himself on the face. Damn it, it still hurt a little. Biaozi touched it again.

Touching my face, oh, I really regret it, so I leapt at those two gangsters. I wanted to fight several times on the way, how could I separate from them.

Biaozi bumped his head gently against the wall, then stretched out his head and took a look. Suddenly he found Feiteng appearing near the entrance of the alley, squatting next to a stall selling Chaos and eating Chaos. Biaozi

Looking at this situation, I thought to myself, for a second, this kid is probably paying attention to something. Biaozi continued to observe, but still didn't find Feiyue. Feiyue was the most impulsive kid, so where did he go? Shouldn't he?

He must be hiding in that dark place, preparing to kill the two traitors and plainclothes together with his third brother.

Biaozi took out the shell gun, carefully opened the safety, put it into his coat pocket, holding the handle of the gun, ready to go out and pretend to eat chaos, and ask Feiteng.

Biaozi had just moved half a step away when he suddenly noticed that Feiyue had appeared not far away. Biaozi quickly retreated to the dark place and found that Feiyue was slowly approaching the entrance of the alley. He walked to the two plainclothes men in only twenty or thirty steps.


The two plainclothes men saw a young man walking over, and there were very few people on the street at the moment, which immediately aroused their alertness. The two plainclothes men stopped chatting, reached out and held the handle of the box cannon, and stared intently.

Take a leap.

Feiyue continued to walk forward, and was about to reach the plain clothes. Feiyue suddenly squatted down. This time, Biaozi was shocked. Could that kid be about to take action? He was so blatant.

He walked over and took action rashly, wasn't he looking for trouble? Once the gunshots were fired, the Japanese patrol team rushed over without taking a cigarette. Biaozi stared at Feiyue intently, holding the handle of the gun tightly with his hand, and almost

He squeezed the handle of the gun to draw out the water, but by now there were a lot of sweat beads on Biaozi's forehead.

Feiyue squatted there, took off his black cloth shoes, pretended to pour out the sand from the shoes, and raised his head slightly to observe the movements of the two plainclothes men. The two plainclothesmen took out the cannon box, held it in their hands, and checked the muzzle of the gun.

Leap towards it.

Feiyue put on his black cloth shoes, stood up slowly, and continued walking forward.

Biaozi's heart suddenly jumped up to his throat. Under the cover of darkness, Biaozi raised his shell gun and aimed at one of the plainclothes, but he could only aim at one, and at this distance, he might not be able to

The shot was accurate, Biaozi felt a little shaken.

Feiyue walked up to the two plainclothes men. The two plainclothes men raised the cannon and pointed it at Feiyue.

"What are you doing?" one of the plainclothes men asked sharply.

"Alas, hello, boss, hello, boss!" Feiyue nodded and bowed to the two plainclothes men and said hello again.

"Get out!" shouted another plainclothes man.

"Go, go, go!" Feiyue bowed again and walked away quickly.

At this moment, Biaozi's heart finally dropped. This kid was not stupid at the critical moment. Biaozi put the shell gun into his pocket and continued to observe.

I saw Feiyue walking quickly to the Chaos stall and shouting to Fei Teng: "Third brother, you are a popular drinker here, why don't you call me brother?"

"Oh, it's fourth brother, come on, come on, have a bowl, boss, have another bowl," Fei Teng shouted.

Biaozi looked at the two boys in the dark and thought, what are these two ghosts doing? Do they really want to eat chaos, or are they approaching for investigation? Biaozi scratched his cheeks, really confused.

.But I am afraid that I can't go out anymore at this moment, otherwise, by chance, the three brothers will come across a Chaos stall to eat Chaos in the middle of the night, which will definitely arouse the suspicion of the two plainclothes men. But Biaozi had no choice but to

They continued to wait in the dark. The two hateful boys were chatting happily while eating.

Alas, just keep waiting, as long as the two gangsters don't rush to take action.

This chapter has been completed!
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