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Ten, Biaozi misses

When it comes to hunting, this is the strength of the third brother. When he was eating and drinking in the mountains, and when he had nothing to do, the third brother liked to take his brothers to wander around in the mountains and fields, hunt prey, practice marksmanship, and eat meat.

The third brother gathered several brothers in his group together and said: "Brothers, there is an old method for hunting, which is very effective, and that is hunting. Everyone, look to the northwest and see if you see anything.

There, there are puddles in the mountain nests, the woods are dense, the slopes are gentle enough, and there are probably prey. Look, we can't just listen to the captain. What's the point of concentrating on hunting hares? We just catch one or two.

, why don’t we six brothers eat each other? We have to find a chance to kill a bigger one. Tu leopard, Geng Douzi, you two slowly walk towards that place, remember it, walk softly.

, be slow, watch your step carefully, don’t step on any dead branches or leaves, wild animals all have bright ears and will run away if they are startled.”

"Okay." Tubaozi responded and set off with Geng Douzi.

"Xizi, your guy can see far and shoot far. If you find a wild animal later, you can shoot it and hit it on the head. If you knock him down with one shot, you will save a lot of trouble. Hanba, you go with Xizi.

, just rush towards that place and head towards the mountain nest." The three of them continued to assign tasks.

"No problem." Xizi took Hanba over.

"Shit, you follow me. We keep a distance of seven to eight to ten meters to ensure that we can see each other. We have to go from there, can you see it, from there, outflank the wild animals' retreat, and take the wild animals away.

Hurry to Shanwowo." The third brother pointed to the distance and said to Dog Shit.

"I know." Dog Shit held the rifle and stomped over.

"Take it easy, take it easy." The third brother looked at the dog shit and felt his butt running away, so he quickly reminded him in a low voice.

Xizi held the sniper rifle in her arms and did not hide. She just walked forward leisurely and steadily. However, her eyes were not idle at all. Even if the tip of a grass dangled for a moment, she could not escape.

But Xizi’s eyes.

Han Ba ​​was holding a gun, and he was dodging in the forest, making him nervous. However, Han Ba's feet were light as he jumped up and down, and his feet landed in the open spaces without making any sound.


The two buddies moved and were silent, one was bright and the other was dark, and they cooperated very closely, and they were steadily moving towards the mountain nest.

Tu Baozi and Geng Douzi were one strong and the other thin. The strong Tu Baozi was strong and heavy-footed. After listening to the arrangements of the third brother, although he tried to tiptoe as much as possible, just the sound of his breathing could be heard even half a mile away.

It can drive wild animals away. Geng Douzi is thin and dexterous, and he cooperates with the local leopard to walk all the way, which is exactly what the third brother wants. One drives the wild animals towards the mountain den, and the other prevents the wild animals from slipping through the net.

Yuesong saw several groups of people setting off, and there was nothing wrong with one person, so he found a cool place, smoked a cigarette, and took out the cinnamon twigs prepared for Danfeng and played with them.

Still not interested, he simply leaned against the tree trunk, stared, and went to talk to Duke Zhou about dreaming about marrying a wife.

Biaozi here was watching the two boys eating and chatting in the dark. It seemed that the two boys were not stupid enough, and they probably didn't know how to do anything. So he relaxed his vigilance and squatted in the corner to rest and let himself rest.

The little rabbit that had been jumping around for a while in his arms also calmed down.

After resting for a while, Biaozi stood up again and popped his head to take a look. Oh my god, Biaozi was shocked again. In just a short time, the two boys were gone. Biaozi stretched his neck and looked around.

I looked around, but I couldn't find the two boys.

It's broken, it's broken, these two boys are definitely going to make a move. Biaozi took out his pocket watch and looked at it under the light. It was already past ten o'clock, and there were almost no people on the street. Once a fight broke out,

, I don’t have a plan, and I’m not familiar with them, so I’ll probably suffer a loss. Alas, these two wild boys, I have to teach them a lesson when I get back.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past the corridor not far away. The hair on Biaozi's body stood up immediately. It must be one of the two boys, and he must be ready to take action. Biaozi felt anxious and was about to sneak away.

In the past, another figure appeared, just behind the first figure. Okay, the two boys went up one after another.

Biaozi retracted his body again and looked at the two plainclothes men again. Oh my God, they were leaping over. He ran over, raised his hand and turned his back to the leaping plainclothes man who was hit by a flying knife in the back. But

The plainclothesman who was facing Feiyue quickly pulled out the cannon and fired at Feiyue. At this moment, Feiyue suddenly jumped out from behind the pillar. Feiteng hugged the plainclothes man and pointed the knife in his hand at the plainclothes man's chest.

With a pull on his neck, the plain clothes man's body went limp in the blink of an eye.

No, the Boiling Leap clearly appeared from two different directions. There was clearly a black shadow behind Fei Teng. Who could it be? Could it be another mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind it? If something goes wrong, it must be the king.

Big Ya's bastard. Biaozi immediately remembered the two groups of plainclothes men who separated from Wang Daya while walking. No, he had to go out and help the two boys. Biaozi thought of this and moved out.

He planned to go around behind the black figure that appeared behind Fei Teng.

But they said that the two boys from Boiling Feiyue had spotted the opportunity. They originally planned to discuss it with the deputy leader, but they couldn't find Biaozi and didn't want to lose such a good opportunity. As soon as the two of them joined forces, they took action on their own. Feiteng Feiyue

After killing the two plainclothes men at the entrance of the alley, Fei Yue went in along the alley. Fei Teng held his hand at the entrance of the alley, waiting for news from Fei Yue.

Feiyue held a short knife in one hand and a shell gun in the other, and walked along the alley. The alley was very dark, and every house was closed. He walked past five or six houses in a row, and didn't find anything strange. Feiyue felt like this at this moment.

I was starting to get a little worried. There were at least a dozen families living in such an alley. Who knew which family Wang Dayazui had gone to?

Fei Yue was looking for him when a person suddenly appeared in front of him and asked in a low voice: "Stop, who is he?"

Feiyue was startled, stopped, and stood there, thinking about how to kill the kid, but he felt something hard was pressing against his lower back. Feiyue felt hot all over his body, and the blood was surging in his veins.

My heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of my chest.

At this time, Fei Teng, who was guarding the entrance of the alley, heard the shouts and turned around to see that his fourth brother was being attacked by two people. Fei Teng ran over quickly without even thinking.

The plainclothesman who held a gun against Fei Yue's waist was about to take off Fei Yue's gun and knife when he suddenly heard movement behind him. He immediately turned around and fired three shots at Fei Yue. Fei Yue dodged and hid in a gatehouse.

Here, I hold the shell gun tightly in my hand, but I don't dare to shoot over there. What if I hit my fourth brother?

Feiyue heard the gunshots and thought that his third brother must have come to help him. At this opportunity, he had to attack decisively, so he ran a few steps, kicked his feet on the wall, leaped forward, and headed towards

The plainclothes man in front of me fired twice.

"Baba!" The kid saw the person in front of him climbing up the wall and landing again. He panicked and fired two shots at random. Then the flying bullet hit a hole in the chest. With a "pop" sound, the gun fell.

On the ground, there was another "thud" sound, and the person fell to the ground on his back.

Fei Teng, who was hiding in the gatehouse, heard the gunfire and didn't care about it anymore. He popped up and saw that one of his fourth brothers had already killed one and the other one was also hiding in the gatehouse. So he walked out of the gatehouse and followed Feiyue.

He ran toward the gatehouse where the plainclothes man was hiding.

The plainclothes man heard the footsteps from both sides and came over together. He quickly shouted outside: "Hero, hero, I surrender, I surrender!" He raised his hands and slowly walked out of the gatehouse.

Feiyue walked over, took the plainclothes box cannon, stuck it in his waist, pointed the gun at the back of the traitor's head and said: "Traitor, on behalf of the people and the government, I will shoot you!"

"Hero, spare your life, I have three children at home..." The plainclothes man quickly begged for mercy.

"Bah, bah, bah," followed by several gunshots, "bah, bah, bah," the gunshots continued, and Feiteng leaped towards the alley entrance, but saw no one entering the alley.

"Is he the deputy leader?" Feiyue asked.

"Well, it seems there are still plainclothes people outside, we have to evacuate quickly." Feiteng said.

"What should we do about this traitor?" Feiyue asked.

Without thinking, Fei Teng came over, swiped the knife in his hand, and made a cut on the traitor's neck. Blood spurted out. The traitor clutched his neck tightly, and blood rushed out from between his fingers. In the blink of an eye, the traitor's neck was filled with blood.

The traitor bent down, threw down his hands, and flopped down on the ground to see the King of Hell.

"Let's go." Fei Teng whined as he looked at the traitor, and ran towards the entrance of the alley with Fei Yue.

"Third brother, Wang Daya hasn't been found yet?" Feiyue asked as he ran.

"What time is it? The deputy commander and the enemy are fighting outside." Fei Teng shouted and had already arrived at the entrance of the alley.

Feiyue put his head out and took a look. Two plainclothes men, one on the left and one on the right, were attacking Biaozi. Biaozi was hiding in a corner. He was shooting back. He was being attacked from both sides. He had no chance of winning, but he didn't dare to withdraw, so he evacuated on his own.

If we leave, those two boys will be made dumplings by the enemy.

Fei Teng saw this situation and said to Fei Yue: "Fourth brother, you and I will shoot to suppress it, and then we will retreat together to the deputy commander."

"Okay!" Fei Yue agreed.

"Let's go!" Feiteng walked out of the alley and fired at the traitor on the right at intervals, suppressing the plainclothes man.

Fei Yue also walked out of the alley, back to back with Fei Teng, firing to the left and right to suppress the enemies on both sides, and quickly retreated to Biao Zi's side.

"Let's go!" Feiteng shouted to Biaozi, and the three of them took turns to cover, and quickly withdrew, disappearing into the night.

Just a minute later, the Japanese patrol came over. When the two plainclothes men saw the patrol coming, they jumped out of the darkness and followed the patrol in pursuit. However, after chasing for a long time, they never saw the gunman again.

Son. So the two plainclothes men ran back to the alley, came to the yard where Wang Daya was, and knocked on the door.

With a "squeak" sound, the door opened a crack. A plainclothes man took a look through the crack and opened the door.

"Where's the captain?"


There were seven or eight plainclothes hiding in several corners of the yard. It turned out that when Feiteng Feiyue was making noise in the alley, Wang Daya was having a heated fight with his lover. The plainclothes in the yard heard the commotion and immediately reported Wang through the window.

Daya. But Wang Daya was cunning and cunning. When he couldn't figure out his opponent, he hid in the back room and asked the plainclothes people in the yard not to go out. They just had to guard the yard. After all, his own life was the most important thing.


It was precisely because Wang Daya cared too much about his own life, otherwise, if seven or eight traitors were to suppress him at the same time, Feiteng Feiyue would have suffered.

This chapter has been completed!
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