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Eleven, beach bonfire

Xizi and Hanba spent more than an hour following the route designated by the third brother. Apart from a small falcon chicken that was pinched at both ends and could not be fried in a cup of wine, they did not see any other prey. They were walking in front.

Hanba heard the sound of water, jumped a few steps, and took a look at the branches and leaves. Hey, it was just like what the third brother said. There was a small waterfall in the mountain, a small pool under the waterfall, and a winding road under the pool.

A winding stream. Although the edge of the small pool is full of dead branches and leaves, the water is still quite clear. There are some stones on the edge of the stream, and the more you go down, the wider and gentler it becomes. From the small pool to the stream

There are some footprints of wild animals on both sides. Judging from the footprints, wild boars, badgers, pheasants and other wild animals should have come here.

When Hanba saw this, he ran to Xizi and whispered to Xizi: "Brother Xizi, there is a pool below. There is a stream under the pool, and there are many footprints of birds and animals. If you stay here, you should be able to wait until


"Yeah." Xizi didn't say much, snorted, found a nearby commanding height, and hid in the bushes.

Hanba originally wanted to ask where he should hide, but when he saw Xizi being indifferent, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He also found a place to hide, not daring to show his anger for fear that he would cause some trouble.

If there is any movement, you will be scolded by your brothers if you scare away the prey.

The third brother and Dog Shit struggled through the dense forest for a long time, pulling at the vines. They also met a gray rabbit on the way. Dog Shit was so excited that he raised his rifle and was taking aim, but was stopped by Third Brother.

, it seems that the third brother despises wild rabbits, a very common prey for hunters.

When the third brother and the others rushed to the hillside opposite Shanchong, Xizi and Hanba had been nesting on the pool for a while. The third brother and Shit found a place to hide on the hillside, and then looked further

Looking at the opposite side, he carefully searched for the location of Xizi and the others. But where could they find it? Although Xizi was not a top sniper, the distance between the hillsides on both sides of the mountain was at least two hundred meters, and the vegetation was thick, so no matter how stupid a sniper was,

You can also hide your hands in such a way that they are not visible or leaky.

However, Xizi had already discovered the traces of Third Brother and Dog Shit. Xizi noticed from a distance that the branches were moving slightly. From the movement of the branches, he could tell that it was not a disturbance, but must be a human being. If it was a human, it was probably Third Brother, so

He raised the sniper rifle and easily found the location of the third brother through the sniper scope. Fortunately, Xizi didn't bother to pay attention to the third brother. After all, when the prey came, he still had to rely on his sniper rifle, even though he still had a big cover in his hand.

, but with that shitty shooting technique, even if you shoot from a distance of a hundred or dozens of meters, you won’t even be able to hit him.

The third brother stared at the opposite hillside for a while. He didn't see Xizi and the others, so he took the dog shit and walked down the hillside for a while. About fifty meters away from the small water pool, he found a piece of thatched grass and lay down.

Wait patiently.

Tu Baozi and Geng Douzi also arrived soon. The third brother didn't expect them. He just wanted them to make some noise so that they could drive the prey into this natural trap. The two silly boys rushed to the place designated by the third brother, just downstream.

I found a grass nest by the creek and hid.

Time is passing by minute by minute, Xizi is waiting calmly, not impatiently. Hanba is waiting stupidly, and unconsciously feels a little sleepy, but he is afraid of being scolded and dare not sleep, so he can only sleep with his eyelids.

He struggled with his son, but his upper and lower eyelids kept fighting, and there was no peace.

The third brother is definitely more stable than the dog shit, but the third brother really wants to catch a big prey, so he keeps looking forward to the arrival of the prey. The dog shit is too tender, I have never seen such hunting before, I am so excited, my butt is

It was like he had thorns, he couldn't sit still, couldn't lie down, sometimes he moved his body, sometimes he scratched his face. The third brother glared at the shit, and the shit suddenly withered, and he lay down in the thatch, not daring to do anything.


Tubaozi and Gengdouzi were waiting downstream, waiting to hear Brother Xizi's gunshot before running out to carry the prey, so they were not in a hurry. The two boys lay there in a daze.

After Biaozi escaped from the pursuit of the Japanese traitors with a flying leap, he hid and ran around, and finally returned to Lao Lu's Braised Meat Shop.

Hearing the constant gunshots outside, and finally waiting for the three young men to come back, Lao Lu finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

"Captain Hu, you are finally back. Were you the ones responsible for the shooting just now?" Lao Lu asked.

"My third brother and I killed four traitors and plainclothes men." Feiyue said to Lao Lu excitedly.

"Really? That's awesome!" Zhuzi praised him as soon as he heard it.

"What the hell? I almost didn't come back." Biaozi angrily sat down on the edge of the bed, "You two wild boys, you don't investigate, you don't plan, you don't ask for instructions, you just act rashly..."

"We scouted." Fei Yue said.

"Yes, deputy captain, I wanted to find you to do the sum total, but I couldn't find you." Fei Teng also said.

"I really want to slap you both," Biaozi said and waved his hand away.

"Captain Hu, Commander Hu, these two little brothers are not sensible yet. Captain Hu, please be more considerate and bear with them." Lao Lu quickly came up to persuade Biaozi, but Biaozi didn't intend to get angry.

"You are unorganized and undisciplined. I will take care of you when you get back." Biaozi said angrily, "Did you find Wang Daya after entering the alley?"

"No, I don't know which courtyard it is in." Feiyue lowered his head and said.

"Then you still dare to say that you have conducted reconnaissance?" Biaozi asked. Feiyue lowered his head lower.

"You said that when we entered the alley, we got into a fight with the plainclothes men. Are there traitors and plainclothes men overtly and covertly?" Biaozi asked Fei Teng.

"Well, yes." Feiteng replied honestly.

"You, you, you are so careless in your thinking. You think that the Japanese have been beaten and the traitors are nothing. That bastard Wang Daya has been able to survive until today, but he is not a loser. Do you understand?" Biaozi pointed at the two of them.

The boy's forehead said.

Fei Teng looked at Fei Yue, and Fei Yue looked at Fei Teng. Neither of them dared to speak anymore.

"Oh, it will be even more troublesome later. The order from the division is to kill Wang Daya. Now that you are making such a fuss, I am shocked. It will be difficult to find another chance!" After Biaozi finished speaking, he took out his rifle.

Put it under the pillow, take off your coat, and get ready to sleep.

Seeing this situation, Lao Lu quickly said: "Commander Hu, please rest. If you have anything to do, we will discuss it tomorrow. Zhuzi, let's go up."

Biaozi grimaced, nodded to Lao Lu, and fell asleep.

At this time, Xizi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the prey appeared. Biaozi carefully moved his body, holding the sniper rifle in his hand, and looked through the sniper scope. What kind of thing is this? You could say it is a horse. It is small.

It's a little bit weird, let's say it's a deer, there's something missing on the head. But I can't care what it is now, look at that head, it's enough for our special team to give it a good beating.

He didn't know whether he heard Xizi's movements or smelled the meat of the prey. Hanba suddenly opened his eyes wide and slightly poked his head out, looking at Xizi for a while and then at the prey who was drinking water. He couldn't help but

He swallowed his saliva.

The third brother also discovered the prey, took out his two guns, aimed at the prey, and waited for Xizi to shoot.

Xizi saw the prey drinking water. Although he looked up from time to time and looked around, he probably didn't realize that the dark muzzle of his gun was facing it. Xizi calmly admired the prey through the sniper scope. The fur was not bad, and there were spots.

It should be considered a deer. Oops, those four legs are quite plump, especially the two back legs. Haha, it must taste good when grilled. I just wonder if anyone has added some salt. When grilled, it becomes sizzling and oily.

, sprinkle some salt on it, take a bite, and your mouth will be full of oil. If you chew it, your mouth will be full of fragrance.

Suddenly, the prey raised its head, looked around alertly, then raised its ears, and listened quietly.

"Shit, don't move!" The third brother hurriedly lowered his voice and said to Dog Shit. It turned out that Dog Shit had been waiting for a long time and hadn't heard the gunfire yet. He became a little unsteady and opened the grass to see what was going on.

Biaozi realized that something was wrong. The prey seemed to be aware of it and did not dare to admire it anymore. He opened the bolt of the gun with a click, clamped his arms, held his breath, aimed at the prey's head, and pulled the trigger lightly.

The trigger, a gunshot, and the bullet flew out. After the bullet went out, Xizi still held the sniper rifle and saw the prey staggering through the sniper scope. The impact of the bullet knocked the prey down in one fell swoop.

. However, the prey suddenly raised its head again. Didn't the bullet hit its head? The prey struggled to get up and started to run away.

"Bah, bang, bang," several gunshots rang out, and several bloody holes appeared on the neck of the prey. After struggling for a while, the prey finally fell to the ground again.

Xizi turned the muzzle of the gun, and it turned out that the third brother was running and shooting at the same time, knocking down the prey that fell to the ground, got up and ran for more than ten meters, and fell to the edge of the forest.

"Damn!" Xizi cursed herself, picked up the sniper rifle, and ran to the prey in one breath. Others also ran over.

The third brother touched the back of the prey's neck and said, "Xizi, after aiming for so long, why didn't you hit the head, but the back of the neck?" The third brother shook his head, "Oh, it's not a fatal shot.

, thanks to me, you can replenish your gun in time, otherwise, you will run away when you get the meat in your mouth."

Xizi took a closer look, and indeed, judging from the wounds caused by the bullets, the real fatal thing was not his own shot, but the shots fired by his third brother.

"You're so good, why did you suddenly start running?" Xizi said to himself.

The third brother pointed at the dog shit and said, "Well, it's not the dog shit's fault. This red deer is so smart that even the slightest disturbance cannot escape its ears. The dog shit is even digging through the thatch and looking around."

"Third brother, I won't dare to do it next time." Shit said with a sad face.

"But we can't just rely on bullshit. A sniper can hit a target if it's not moving, and he can hit a target that's still alive." The third brother looked at Xizi sideways and said.

Xizi looked away, said nothing, and was sulking. Yes, if you were to fight the Japanese, it's possible that the Japanese would be squatting there motionless, waiting for you to take aim and shoot.

"Oh, Third Brother, this guy's name is Red Deer, that's right. It looks like a horse and a deer. It's quite big. It's enough for us to have a full meal at night, haha," Hanba said, stroking the fur of the prey.

"What should we do now?" No matter who killed the native leopard, he was eager to carry the red deer away.

"What can I do? The four of you carry the prey to the river for me, skin it, remove the entrails, chop it into several pieces, and prepare to roast it," said the third brother.

"Yes!" Hanba Gengdouzi and others agreed loudly, and the four of them each lifted a leg and walked happily towards the river beach.

When they returned to the river beach, it was already dark. When Lei Hang and the others saw the local leopards and others carrying a deer, they ran over noisily, took the red deer and carried it, praising and making fun of it, and then took it.

The red deer was carried to Yuesong's side.

Teams like Brother Chao, Tang Si, and Minghe also gained something, but they were all rabbits, badgers, etc. They were small in size and could only be regarded as side dishes, not a big meal.

Yuesong looked at the red deer in front of him, touched the fur, and said: "It's a doe, but she's not pregnant. She's ready to have a good meal. Xizi, that's good. Good job."

Xizi turned his head away and remained silent.

"What? Xizi wasn't killed with one shot, but our buddy, Ba Ba Ba, killed him with a few shots, right, shit? Hahaha," the third brother said proudly.

"Well, Third Brother's double guns are still very powerful." Shit said.

"Go." Yuesong gave the dog a push, walked to Xizi, patted Xizi on the shoulder, then turned to Lei Hang and the others and said, "Lei Hang, you guys go and kill the red deer."

, let’s have some wine after roasting for a while.”

"Okay!" Lei Hang agreed, and then said, "Oh, I didn't bring any salt."

Yuesong took out a small cloth bag from his backpack and threw it to Lei Hang, "You're such a pig-headed person, why not I've already prepared it. Take it and be quick. Xizi and I are waiting to eat the meat."

Yuesong knew that Xizi was unhappy at the moment, but whatever he said to him now seemed to have no effect, so he called Xizi aside and said to Xizi: "Xiko, if you aim well, you may not be able to hit it accurately. Why?


Xizi shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yuesong held up the sniper rifle and said: "Look, when the bullet comes out of the chamber, you first have to see if you are holding the gun steadily. If the gun is not stable, the bullet will go out of shape when it comes out of the muzzle."

"Yeah, but I'm holding it pretty steady." Xizi asked puzzledly.

"Are you shooting with your breath or with your breath?" Yuesong asked.

"Of course you hold your breath. Wouldn't it be more stable to hold the air gun?"

"You are wrong. You are holding your breath, but can you hold your heartbeat?" Yuesong patted Xizi's chest and asked.

Xizi scratched his head and remained silent.

"Also, you must not be impatient at the moment of shooting. When you shot the red deer just now, did the deer suddenly become alert and run away?"

"Yeah." Xizi looked up at Yuesong and replied.

"At this time, you should not rush to shoot, but should be steady. The muzzle of the gun moves slowly with the prey. According to the running direction and speed of the prey, give an appropriate amount of advance and then fire. It will be much more accurate." Yuesong said.

"Oh, that's it!" Xizi suddenly realized, with hope shining in her eyes.

"Hahaha, there are a lot of tricks inside. I need to learn more from Brother Chao in the future. He is more accurate than me."

"Well, I must study more!" Xizi's confidence suddenly rose again.

"Well, now you find three or four brothers and set up a secret sentry five hundred meters away from the river beach. By the way, you can think about what I told you again, okay?" Yuesong said to Xizi.

"Yes, go right away." Xizi agreed, and then found someone to go with him to guard the place.

That night, the brothers of the special force built three bonfires and roasted red deer, hares, dogs, badgers, etc., and then had a lively meal and drank a lot. Although there was only one bottle of wine,

Only one person had a taste, but the brothers of the special team still had a party like the Chinese New Year.

This chapter has been completed!
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