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fifteen, a shocking reversal

At lunch, Biaozi got a little impatient and asked the waiter in the store to bring a drawer of steamed buns. He drank tea and ate the steamed buns. He thought to himself, this underground job is really not easy. Today, one person

I've been wasting my time here in the morning. At this rate, it will take me ten and a half days to monitor the flying eagle. I still don't know if the flying eagle has deteriorated or not. Hey, I might as well go back to the regiment. I didn't expect that every day

I thought about going on a mission with the special forces team, but it was not easy to get out, but I ended up doing such a hard job.

Biaozi took a bite of the bun and suddenly saw a tall and slender officer walking out of the security headquarters. The guy had a straight woolen military uniform, an armed belt tied diagonally across his upper body, and a wide cowhide belt tied around his waist.

He had a small pistol hanging and a pair of long leather boots on his feet. He was not walking very lightly and looked very much like a soldier.

It was Feiying. Although he was far away and couldn't see his face clearly, Biaozi was sure that it was Zu Run, Commander Gao's adjutant, who was Feiying. Biaozi looked at Feiying walking out of the gate of the security headquarters and suddenly thought of the person in front of him.

There was still half a drawer of buns. When the flying eagle walked out of the door, he had to follow him. So he took one bun at a time, stuffed his mouth full, and kept staring at the flying eagle.

Fei Ying walked to the gate, and the guard saluted Fei Ying. Fei Ying waved and walked out of the gate. Fei Ying stood at the gate, looked to the left, then to the right, and saw a wooden cigarette case hanging around his neck.

He waved to the young man, and the young man ran over in small steps. Fei Ying picked a pack of cigarettes from the cigarette case.

The young man selling cigarettes, well, he was probably a joint. Biaozi stopped chewing the bun in his mouth and watched every detail of Fei Ying and the young man's movements intently.

Feiying tore open the cigarette box, took out a cigarette, put the butt on the cigarette box, held it in his mouth, took out a match, lit it, took a puff, nodded, and then took out a cigarette from his pocket.

A piece of paper money was handed to the young man selling cigarettes.

Biaozi opened his eyes wide, but the distance was still too far. He couldn't see whether the banknotes were folded. Usually folded banknotes might contain information such as notes, but he couldn't see clearly, Biaozi.

He chewed the buns quickly, but there were still two buns that he hadn't eaten yet. At this moment, Feiying had already hailed a rickshaw and was about to get on the bus. Biaozi couldn't care about so much anymore and took the two buns.

He put it in his coat pocket, took a big sip of tea, followed the example of other tea drinkers, threw the remaining money on the tea table, picked up the courtesy button and put it on his head, and walked out of the teahouse quickly.

Biaozi walked out of the teahouse, only to find that the rickshaw Feiying was riding in was missing. What happened? Feiying was only invisible for a short while when he came downstairs from the second floor of the teahouse. How could he disappear so quickly? Biaozi turned around

I walked around twice and twisted my neck three times, but still found no trace. As I was looking around, I heard someone talking to me.

"Sir, do you want to take a ride?" A middle-aged man pulling a rickshaw with sharp eyes looked at Biaozi's hurry and came to promote business.

Biaozi then thought about it, yes, the rickshaw pullers here should be familiar with each other, so he asked: "Did you see where that rickshaw went just now?"

"Oh, it's probably the one who pulled that military commander."

"Yes, yes!"

"Get in the car and I'll keep it for you to catch up with me."

"Okay." Biaozi stepped onto the rickshaw, turned a corner with a pole pulling the rickshaw, and then trotted after him.

That afternoon, when Captain Song and Political Commissar He rushed to the conference room of the division headquarters, the conference table was already full of people. Among the members of the division party committee, only the two members of the second regiment arrived.

"Division commander, political commissar, chief of staff!" Political Commissar He, the leader of the Song regiment, saluted several leaders.

"Sit down." Hearing this tone, the teacher was still angry.

"Comrades, the situation is special. Today we have summoned everyone temporarily to hold an emergency party committee meeting." Political Commissar Ren said seriously, "Now let the chief of staff introduce what just happened."

Chief of Staff Wei spent a few minutes telling everyone about the situation of the division headquarters led by Luo Yuesong. The political commissars of several regiments looked at Political Commissar He, whose face was red and did not say a word.

Captain Song took out a cigarette and was just about to light it when the teacher glared at him and then he honestly stuffed the cigarette into the cigarette case.

"Comrades, this matter has caused quite a fuss. The chief of staff and I had not held the division commander back, and the division commander almost shot Luo Yuesong." Political Commissar Ren said.

"Okay, that kid should be shot. He's looking for trouble for me. If he kills me, I'll be relieved..." Commander Song's words when he took over as political commissar were a series of barbs.

"Captain Song, Commander Song, it's all my fault as a political commissar. I haven't done enough ideological work, and I haven't done enough political education. Mr. Political Commissar, please punish me," Political Commissar He said.

"Okay, the Special Forces Team is directly under the Division Headquarters. Although the Special Forces Team is based in the Second Regiment, and most of its key members are drawn from the Second Regiment, after all, the Special Forces Team is a unit directly under the Division Headquarters, and most of the tasks it performs are carried out by the Division Headquarters.

Assigned, so as the political commissar of the fifth division, this primary responsibility still has to be borne by me." Political Commissar Ren analyzed.

"Pa!", the teacher slammed the table, and everyone was startled, "It's your responsibility and my responsibility, you all, just give me a big job, ah, look at you all, you are so mean, what do you think?

I don’t know. There’s something crazy in your mind. I know it very well. Don’t you just want to put the responsibility on yourself so that you can exonerate that kid? Okay, as soon as you come up, start laying the groundwork.


"Commander, this is the party committee." Chief of Staff Wei took the division commander's arm and reminded in a low voice.

"What's wrong with the party committee? You just want to tell me that I'm not the top leader on the party committee. I don't care so much. You guys should study for me now on how to punish that kid. Put aside your responsibilities for this and that.

Besides, I'm just waiting for you to tell me how to subdue this wild boy cleanly and thoroughly. It's up to you whether he should be shot or dismissed from his post," the division commander said angrily.

For a moment, everyone was silent. Not to mention the political commissars of the regiment leaders who did not dare to speak, even the chief of staff did not dare to speak. The political commissar Ren also knew that the division commander was usually gentle, but once he lost his temper, he was not someone to be trifled with.

I had no choice but to remain silent.

"You idiot, give me a cigarette." The division commander stretched out his hand towards Captain Song.

Captain Song quickly got up and ran over, took out a cigarette and handed it to the division commander. The division commander held the cigarette in his mouth. Captain Song struck a match and lit it for the division commander. The division commander took a deep breath and suddenly "kick, click, click, click."

"He coughed.

"Sir, please slow down, don't hurt yourself." Captain Song said with a bow.

The teacher didn't say anything, took a sip of water, and continued to smoke.

Captain Song took the opportunity to pass out cigarettes to several other cadres who were smoking, and he lit one himself and started smoking. Political Commissar He, who usually did not smoke, also asked Captain Song for one.

Smoking dully.

After a long time, Political Commissar Ren spoke again: "Don't be bored, everyone. Now that something has happened, we still have to discuss a solution. Let's talk about it, talk about it, ah."

But still no one spoke, everyone drank water and smoked cigarettes.

"How about this? Everyone talks about their own opinions. The party committee pays attention to democratic centralism. Without democracy, there is no centralism. This is the principle of our party. Let's start from the first group. Captain Huang, you

Let’s talk first.” Political Commissar Ren began to give out tasks.

"Me." Captain Huang looked at the teacher, a little afraid to say.

"Go on, don't look at me, just say whatever you think." The teacher leaned back in his chair.

"Haha," Captain Huang looked at the political commissar of the first regiment again, "Then let me say, first of all, Captain Luo attacked the division headquarters without asking for instructions or approval. Although it was training, there was something wrong with it.

It is a huge safety hazard. If things go wrong, the guard battalion and the special forces will open fire on each other, which will cause heavy losses. Therefore, Captain Luo's behavior is unorganized and undisciplined. Political Commissar He, Captain Luo is a probationary party member, right?"

Political Commissar He nodded.

"I see, we can't let that kid become a full-time employee this year, let him prepare for another year, observe and observe..."

As Captain Huang was speaking, the political commissar glanced at the division commander and interjected: "It goes without saying, it's necessary. Okay, Captain Huang, please continue."

"Secondly, it is not enough not to be promoted to a regular position, because Captain Luo's behavior seriously violated organizational discipline and damaged the image of the New Fourth Army, so I suggest that he be demoted from the deputy regiment level back to the battalion level. As for whether he should still serve as the special operations captain

, let’s discuss it later. Those are my opinions.” Captain Huang said.

"Captain Song, please tell me." Political Commissar Ren said.

"Let me tell you, I agree with everything Captain Huang said. However, that damn boy Luo Yuesong only wants to carry out the division commander's orders. He wants to greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the special team in the two months of training.

Be fully prepared for the enemy attack later. Didn't the division commander emphasize that the training should be treated as actual combat? Everything should be based on actual combat. Since it is based on actual combat, if the Japs want to sneak attack on the division headquarters, do they need to ask for instructions and report again, and then attack after approval?

?" Commander Song said this and glanced at the division commander. The division commander had a dark face, but he didn't glare when he was dissatisfied as usual, "So I say, I agree with Commander Huang's opinion, but it's just special.

The position of the battle captain is to rush to the front line and risk one's life. Whether it is the ability of an individual soldier or the wisdom of commanding in battle, Luo Yuesong is second to none, so he has to be the special battle captain. My word

It’s over.”

After Commander Song finished speaking, he glanced at the division commander again. The division commander turned his head and looked at the portrait of the leader hanging on the wall.

"Well, Third Regiment Leader, what's your opinion?" Political Commissar Ren said.

"My opinion..." Commander Li of the Third Regiment had just started speaking when he heard a report being shouted outside.

"Report!" A guard stood at the door.

"What's going on? Didn't you see the party committee meeting was being held?" said the chief of staff.

"Report, Chief Li Zongren of the National Army's Fifth Theater Command sent someone to deliver a commendation order and a batch of weapons and ammunition, which are just outside the door." the guard said.

"Commendation order? Who is being commended? Let's go and have a look." A smile suddenly appeared on the teacher's face.

"It's a good thing, let's go and see it together." Political Commissar Ren also said with a smile.

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, he saw a national army officer and several soldiers waiting in the yard. When the national army officer saw several officers coming out, he immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Salute!"

The chiefs returned the gift. The national army officer briefly introduced the situation, saying that the special operations team of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army performed well in the last operation to rescue and escort the US military pilot Rice, and was specially awarded a commendation. Then he read out the commendation order.

The commendation order is mainly to commend Luo Yuesong. Because of the last commendation incident, although it was very unpleasant, Luo Yuesong was promoted to lieutenant colonel last time, so this time Luo Yuesong was promoted to colonel. The profound meaning of this, the regiment commanders present

The political commissars knew this very well. In addition, they also rewarded the special operations team with a batch of weapons and ammunition supported by the US military, which were placed in more than a dozen boxes in the yard, saying that this was to enable the special operations forces to better cooperate with the national army in future operations.

When the division commander heard this, he felt bad again. It was really a mixture of happiness and sorrow, and he was embarrassed. The chief of staff looked at the division commander's embarrassed face and quickly asked the guard battalion commander Xu to arrange for the national army brothers to go to dinner.

Back in the conference room, the party committee meeting continued. Everyone continued to express their opinions, but the arrival of this commendation order muddied the water even more. The division commander listened for a while and then walked into his bedroom. Political Commissar Ren saw this

, quickly adjourned the meeting again, pushed him in, and said something to the teacher.

After a long meal, the division commander and political commissar came out and sat at the conference table.

"Comrades, I just discussed it with the division commander. Although the National Army does not regard the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army as its own, the Fifth Division belongs to the National Army after all. On the surface, the Fifth Division still needs the National Army's Fifth Division.

According to the order of the Fifth Theater Command, now the Fifth Theater Command has ordered Luo Yuesong to be commended and promoted to colonel. Not only can we not go against the order of the Fifth Theater Command and lower Luo Yuesong's rank, but we must also recognize Luo Yuesong's full regimental rank.

Officer. However, Luo Yuesong violated military discipline in the New Fourth Army, and punishment is necessary, so the division commander and I suggested that he be locked up for ten days. In addition, as a probationary party member, he must also be punished for violating party discipline, and we decided to keep him under observation for another year.

, after one year, if you still go your own way, you will no longer be admitted to the party organization. If there is a significant change, we will discuss it again. Furthermore, as the subordinates of Captain Luo, the members of the special operations team are not at fault if they strictly implement the captain's orders.

It was decided to release him immediately and no longer be in close confinement. However, Comrade Chang Chao, as the deputy captain of the special team, failed to take the responsibility of supervision and advice on issues of principle, and decided to give an intra-party warning and punishment. Comrades, start raising your hands now

Take a vote." Political Commissar Ren said, "If you agree with this decision, please raise your hands."

Ten of the eleven party committee members raised their hands in agreement, but the division commander did not raise his hand. Political Commissar Ren looked at the division commander and waited for a while, but the division commander still did not raise his hand.

"If you disagree, please raise your hands!" Political Commissar Ren said again.

The teacher still didn't raise his hand.

"Those who abstained, please raise your hands!" Political Commissar Ren looked at the division commander and said.

The teacher looked at the portrait again and then raised his hand.

"Okay, regarding the vote on the decision, more than half of the comrades agreed, and the decision was passed. Chief of Staff, please draw up a decision immediately and issue it to all units for implementation!" Political Commissar Ren said.

"Yes!" the chief of staff agreed and carried out the order.

A storm has just passed. Luo Yuesong, who is so stupid, is currently sleeping soundly in the dark confinement room.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that the division commander would not be willing to shoot the elite sniper Luo Yuesong. Even if the punishment is heavy, the division commander is reluctant to do so. This commendation order is really timely, and it can be regarded as a very comfortable step for the angry division commander.

This chapter has been completed!
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