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Nineteen, Yuesong is back

Yuesong looked into the distance for a long time, but didn't see Yingzi hit anything, so he asked: "Yingzi, what did you hit?"

"Didn't you see this?" Yingzi turned around and asked.

"What?" Captain Song also asked. The brothers were also puzzled.

"Haha, birds, look, the birds in the sky are still flying, hahaha." The third brother joked.

Yuesong raised his head and looked at the sky. There was no bird there. "Third brother, be more serious. Yingzi, what did you hit?"

"Four hundred meters away, over there, on the hillside." Yingzi pointed to the hillside in the distance and said.

"What?" Captain Song asked again.

"Tang Si, you run fast, go over and have a look." Yuesong said.

"Yes." Tang Si agreed and ran over.

"Captain Song, Political Commissar He, and Captain Luo, please continue training. My mission is completed and I will go back to the division headquarters first," the chief of staff said.

"Okay, let's do this, Luo Yuesong, you lead the special team to continue training, and the political commissar and I will see off the chief of staff." Commander Song said.

"Salute!" Yuesong shouted, and the brothers went through it together and saw off the chief of staff.

"Osmanthus, you can shoot fast and fairly accurately, but hitting three wooden stakes is just the basic level. People in the special operations team all have two shots. Although you are a medical soldier, most of our special operations forces are fighting

Going deep behind enemy lines, I don't want to send a brother to protect you day and night." Taking advantage of the time before Tang Si returned, Yuesong began to pay attention to the newly arrived medical soldier Hu Guihua.

"What do you want?" As soon as he heard Guihua's words, he knew that Guihua's education should not be high, but Guihua's body is quite strong. Compared with Danfeng, she is just a standard farm girl, her skin is a bit dark.

His arms are a bit thick, his legs are a bit strong, he wears a big braid, his hair is jet black, his eyes are bright, and his eyes are bright.

"Come on, punch me." Yuesong pointed at his chest and said.

"Why did I hit you?" Guahua asked with his eyes wide open.

"I'll hit you if I ask you to!" Yuesong said.

Hanging Hua was not polite, strode over, raised his fist and punched Yuesong in the chest. Yuesong said "Oh" and took half a step back. "Well, it's not bad, I have a lot of strength."

While he was talking, Tang Si ran back. "Report to the captain, Lieutenant Colonel Yang killed a goat."

"What? Killed a goat?" Yuesong looked back at Yingzi and asked Tang Si, "Where did you hit the goat?"

"Head." Tang Si said.

"What kind of gun do you have? You can hit it from such a distance and still shoot from a standing position." Yuesong said and went over to take a look at Yingzi's sniper rifle.

"You've never seen a Springfield sniper rifle, right? You're so stupid. No wonder, you follow the New Fourth Army in the mountains all day long. How can you not be stupid?" Yingzi said, holding his sniper rifle.

"Chuntian? Why are you so girly, right, brothers, hahaha?" Yuesong said with a smile.

"Yes, hahahaha." The brothers also laughed.

"What kind of gun are you? If you don't accept it, let's try it?" Yingzi was a little unconvinced.

"Forget it, don't waste my bullets," Yuesong said, taking out a silver dollar from his pocket, handing it to Tang Si and saying, "Oh, some people don't take the people's property seriously, but our New Fourth Army can't.

,Here, Tang Si, use it to compensate that fellow villager for his sheep."

"It's just a sheep, I'll compensate you..." Yingzi said and took out the money from his pocket.

"Hey, stop it, stop it right now, Hu Guihua, get in line!" Yuesong ordered.

"Yes!" Osmanthus walked into the team.

"Captain Chang, I heard that our special operations team got a batch of treasures." Yuesong picked up a Browning pistol, "Here, this is distributed to you. Each of the cadres above the platoon level of the special operations group will receive one.

I don’t want this Browning, so I’ll give it to Mengzi.”

"Give it to me?" Mengzi ran over with a smile, took the Browning pistol, and held it in his hand as if it was strange, not knowing what to do.

"What kind of gun is this?" Yuesong asked Yingzi.

"Browning machine gun." Yingzi said disdainfully.

"Minghe, give your little devil's hundred-style gun to the local leopard. It's too difficult to shoot. This Browning machine gun is suitable for you. Take it!" Yuesong threw the machine gun to Minghe.


"Hehehe, hehehe." Minghe held the machine gun and just giggled.

"Others, if you take a hundred-style gun, they will all be exchanged for Thompson. This bazooka, give it to Tiedan. Of these two m1 rifles, one will be left for Feiteng, and the other one will be given to Osmanthus. Take it.

Go, Osmanthus."

"I don't want it, my one is very good." Guihua said with a pout.

"Silly girl, no matter how fast you pull the bolt, it can't be faster than the M1, which has 8 bullets of its own. Besides, the accuracy of this gun is more accurate than that of yours. It's simply heaven and earth. Take it!"

Yuesong said, putting the rifle into Guihua's arms.

"Oh." Osmanthus took the rifle and looked here and there.

"Captain Chang is responsible for distributing other guns. These days, you guys have to practice shooting for me. Of course, you have to learn more from Lieutenant Colonel Yang. When it comes to killing Japanese, Yingzi doesn't kill as many as you. After all, I can't see you."

There are so many Japanese here..." Yuesong continued.

"Luo Yuesong, are you praising me?" Yingzi asked.

"Don't be impatient, ah, don't be impatient. Listen to what I have to say. But Yingzi still knows these American equipments very well. So, brothers, I have been studying with Lieutenant Colonel Yang these days to familiarize me with the new equipment and the marksmanship.

Practice it for me, there are still many Japanese behind, waiting for our brothers from the special team to kill, chop, kill and smash them." Yuesong said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Captain." Brother Chao agreed.

"Now," Yuesong paused, turned around twice, and said, "Minghe, Murong, and Lei Hang, you three, I will give you an hour to prepare, and then, then, we will start immediately

Let's set off, go into the city, and do some trouble, and that's it, let's go." After Yuesong finished speaking, he walked a few steps, then turned back and said, "Oh, by the way, Yingzi, give me a box of Browning pistol bullets.

This Browning hasn't been fed for a long time." Yuesong said, taking out the Browning that Dan Feng gave to him, putting it to his mouth and kissing it, taking the bullet handed over by Yingzi, and turned around

They left the training ground with the Whooping Crane.

Brother Chao saw Yuesong and the others walking away, so he shouted to the team: "Continue training!"

Yingzi picked up an M1 rifle and began to explain: "The M1 rifle Captain Luo was talking about is this one. We usually call it the Garand rifle. It is the standard rifle of the American infantry. It is named after its inventor John C. Garand

Named. It was the first semi-automatic rifle to be widely used on the battlefield. The rifle was easy to disassemble and clean, and its combination of caliber, projectile velocity and semi-automatic performance provided superior firepower to other rifles. Put it this way, Bihu

The medium-sized gun in Guihua's hand is light and accurate. To fire a medium-sized gun, you have to pull the bolt. This one has 8 rounds of bullets and can fire 8 consecutive shots. But its only drawback is that the magazine is reloaded.

Very sleepy..." |

The brothers listened half-comprehensively, and Guihua was even more confused. Apart from knowing that he didn't need to change bullets every time he shot, he didn't understand anything else. He opened his mouth wide and watched Lieutenant Colonel Yang's upper and lower lips opening and closing.


"Lieutenant Colonel, we brothers don't understand what you're saying. Just shoot us a few times and talk about it, won't you understand?" said the third brother.

"Okay, let's fire a few shots." Yingzi began to teach the brothers step by step how to shoot various firearms. For a while, the sound of gunshots came one after another on the training ground, which was very lively.

This chapter has been completed!
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