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Eighteen, emergency call

Two days later, Fei Teng and Fei Yue finally saw Wang Daya show up. That morning, Fei Teng and Fei Yue were waiting on the street disguised as cigarette sellers and firewood sellers as usual. Unexpectedly, Wang Daya came out of plainclothes after not waiting long.

As they walked out of the team yard, a few plainclothes men in front cleared the way, followed by a few plainclothes men in the middle, and a few plainclothes men behind them to hold the line. In the middle, Wang Daya walked crookedly, with a figure-footed step, and he was still bow-legged, with a waist in his waist.

A shell gun hangs sideways, and the silk coat is half open. He has a standard traitor's head, small eyes, thick eyebrows, sparse beard, and pointed chin. He really doesn't look like a human being or a ghost.

Oh, he looks like this and has such virtues. If you say you won’t let him become a traitor, what can he do? Feiteng thought, so he walked over, wanting to sell cigarettes to get closer for reconnaissance. But he came forward.

After leaning closer, two plainclothes men shouted at Feiteng: "Who are you? Get away from me." They cursed and pointed at the ground with the guns in their hands.

"Boss, come and pack cigarettes," Feiteng said.

"Get out!" another traitor shouted loudly.

"Slow down, come on." Wang Daya waved towards Feiteng, "Come here."

Feiteng hesitated for a moment, then reacted immediately, trotting and came to Wang Daya. Wang Daya picked through the wooden cigarette box, picked up a pack of large cigarettes, threw it to a plainclothes man, "Take it and smoke it."

Then he took two more packages, one in his left pocket, and another in his right pocket. Then he took another package, opened it, smoked one, and held it in his mouth. A plainclothes man quickly came over and lit a fire.

Wang Daya took a sip and said, "Well, that's right, here, take it!" He threw the bag in his hand to the plainclothes guy who lit the fire, then turned around and left.

"Hey, boss, I haven't paid you yet!" Fei Teng took a few steps and was kicked from behind by a plainclothes man.

"You ugly thing, I didn't see that it was Captain Wang. Smoking your cigarette is giving you shame. It's shameless to do so. Get out of here." After saying that, another kick came over, and Fei Teng hurriedly hid.

He hid, pretended to be scared, and ran away.

Feiyue watched the three being kicked by the traitors from a distance. He was so angry that he kicked the firewood to the ground with his left and right kicks. He took out the pole and was about to rush over, but then he thought about it and stopped again.

, sitting down on the stone steps, huffing and puffing.

Feiteng watched the group of traitors walking slowly along the street. He didn't dare to follow too closely, but just stayed far away.

When Feiteng approached Feiyue, he whispered: "Stay steady, follow me, don't get too close."

Feiyue nodded reluctantly.

After following for a while, he found that the group of traitors had entered a teahouse. Four plainclothes men were left at the door, and seven or eight others followed them in. Feiteng found a roadside tea stall not far away and ordered a large bowl of tea.

While drinking, he observed. After a while, Wang Daya's head popped out of the window on the second floor and said to Feiteng: "Hey, boy, is the cigarette seller still sitting at the tea stall?"

"Haha, boss, I'm thirsty. I sit down to drink a big bowl of tea. How can a noble person like you come to the restaurant to drink fairy tea? You're awesome!" Feiyue said with a smile.

"Okay, boy, drink it slowly, don't choke!" After Wang Daya said that, his head retracted, really thinking about the head of the turtle bastard.

Fei Teng knew that he couldn't stay here for long, and he couldn't follow him any longer, so he drank the tea in a big gulp and walked towards Fei Yue. When he came to Fei Yue, he originally planned to let Fei Yue carry it alone, but he was afraid that his brother would spoil the matter on impulse.

, they called Feiyue and went back together.

Biaozi has been following Feiying so depressed these days, but life in Feiying is also so simple. He only leaves the headquarters after two days, and every time he takes the same route, buying cigarettes, pastries or other things.

After eating, he walked around the alley a few times, and then entered the yard of the young and beautiful girl. He came out two or three hours later, sang a little song and went back to the headquarters. In addition to becoming more and more convinced of the girl, Biaozi

Except for those who are not ours, others have gained nothing.

Back to Lao Lu, Lao Lu still asked them to continue to follow, saying that if there was any further action, they would have to wait until Luo Yuesong arrived before making any plans. But Biaozi didn't think so. Biaozi felt that he and Fei Ying were just following peripherally, and he was afraid that

It's hard to gain anything, and it's hard to find any real evidence to tell whether Feiying has surrendered to the enemy. As for Wang Daya, since that kid has come out again, he can always find an opportunity to kill him. It's just the three of them, with three pistols, who want to kill Wang Daya.

, it is estimated to be difficult.

So the three people gathered together and decided to send someone back and call Luo Yuesong to talk about it. But they had to tell Lao Lu about this matter. Finally, they discussed it with Lao Lu. Although Lao Lu agreed to let Luo Yuesong enter the city, he did not agree with Feiteng or

Feiyue Zhongdi went back to report the news, but decided to pass the message through the traffic station. Biaozi had no choice but to agree.

It is said that Yang Ying followed Lei Hang to the Second Regiment, reported to Commander Song and Political Commissar He of the Second Regiment, and moved into the barracks of the special operations team. However, she was treated the same as Captain Luo, with a single room and takeaways.

Be her orderly.

During training the next day, Yang Ying came to the training ground neatly dressed, carrying a rifle and an extra long mirror.

At this time, Brother Chao had already brought all the necessary equipment to the training ground according to Lieutenant Colonel Yang's instructions. The team had also gathered and was waiting for Lieutenant Colonel Yang to explain the characteristics of the weapons and distribute them.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang once again introduced all the weapons in front of all the members of the special operations team, and then came the demonstration shooting and shooting experience. I saw Lieutenant Colonel Yang holding up a Thompson and aiming it at a target thirty meters away.

The big sandbag said: "Brothers, watch out, let's take a good look at Thompson's shooting power." After saying that, there was a burst of gunfire, which was only a dozen bullets, and a sandbag was beaten into a honeycomb.


"Okay -" the brothers shouted, but Brother Chao muttered, "There are only so many bullets, so training is such a waste."

"Come on, brother, come and try it!" Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, pulling the local leopard.

"Oh, okay, hehehe." Tubaozi smiled stupidly, took Thompson, held it in his hand, and looked here and there to see if it was strange.

"Come on, shoot at that sandbag." Lieutenant Colonel Yang said.

"Oh, okay." The local leopard held Thompson and shot at the sandbag. There was a burst of gunfire. When he looked again, there were two bullet holes in the sandbag. The local leopard looked at the sandbag and touched the back of his head, "What?

How about this?"

"Hahahaha, hahaha, this is Thompson's shortcoming, the accuracy is not enough, and it is difficult to aim, so brothers must train seriously..."

Before Yang Ying finished speaking, she heard the soldiers behind shouting: "Regiment leader, political commissar!" When Yang Ying looked back, the brothers in the special team were all saluting, so she quickly saluted and said: "Report to the regiment leader and political commissar, especially

The team is conducting shooting training, please give instructions!"

The regimental leader and political commissar returned the gift, and regimental commander Song said: "Okay, let's talk about it."

"Stand at attention!" Brother Chao shouted.

"Okay, take a break. Now the Japs have mobilized a lot of troops from Central China. In addition, the National Army troops in the fifth theater are confronting the Japs, so we have a rare chance to breathe. It's a rare opportunity.

Our special operations team must train seriously and intensify training. Now the American equipment is here. Comrades, this American equipment is good. We have the little devil’s gun, but the bullets are expensive, and they are not as good as the American gun.

In comparison, it is nothing but a big witch. No, the National Army Headquarters also sent us Lieutenant Colonel Yang, an ordnance expert. This is what it is, the icing on the cake, ah, a timely help, ah, can we still train well?..."

"Report!" Just as he was saying this, Luo Yuesong came to report.

"Hey, the captain is back." The brothers were all happy and spreading the word among themselves. In fact, everyone saw that it was Captain Luo who was back.

Captain Song turned around and said, "Hey, aren't you still in confinement at the division headquarters? Ten days have passed? Why are you back?"

"Captain, from what you said, you don't want to see us anymore?" Yuesong asked, tilting his head.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Captain Luo, you are a colonel. You are on the same level as us. How dare we not treat you well?" Captain Song said.

"Oh, please, please don't insult me ​​in front of the brothers, haha." Yuesong said with a smile.

"Come on, come on, what's going on? You're back? Could it be that you ran away, but..." Political Commissar He asked eagerly.

"Political Commissar, how could I dare? I was almost shot. I was summoned urgently because of an urgent mission in Wuhan city. It was the division commander's permission to let me out in advance." Yuesong explained quickly.

Before the two of them finished speaking, a soldier came to report and said: "Report to the political commissar of the regiment, the chief of staff has arrived."

"Ah, the Chief of Staff is here, where is he? Let's take a walk, why don't you hurry up and greet him?" Political Commissar He said and prepared to go to the regiment headquarters.

"No need to greet me, I can't come here." The chief of staff walked over with a smile, followed by a female soldier carrying a rifle.

"Salute!" Luo Yuesong shouted, and all the officers and soldiers saluted the chief of staff.

"Okay, okay, I was entrusted by the division commander to deliver a soldier to your special team." The chief of staff returned the gift and said, "Let me introduce you, this is Comrade Hu Guihua, a nurse at the division health center.

The division commander said that now our conditions have improved and the number of medical soldiers has also increased. In addition, the comrades of the special operations team need medical soldiers even more, so a soldier with sufficient experience in field rescue and good marksmanship, Comrade Hu Guihua, was specially selected to join

Special Forces, strengthen the Special Forces, everyone is welcome!"

"Bah bang bang bang." Everyone applauded in welcome.

While applauding, Yuesong approached the Chief of Staff and complained in a low voice: "Chief of Staff, our special team is engaged in special operations, not a shelter. The national army sent a woman, and our division headquarters sent another woman.

Yes, you..."

"Shut up and obey orders. It is the bounden duty of a soldier to complain." Commander Song said.

"Yes, Captain Luo, pay attention to your political quality. When the division headquarters sends people, it is always with the division headquarters' consideration." Political Commissar He also said.

"I know, but..." Yuesong said with a frown.

"But what, Captain Luo, learn the military style of obeying orders from Commander Song, and learn political acumen from Political Commissar He." The chief of staff turned sideways and whispered to Yuesong.

"Okay, our special team is fighting, but we don't have time to take care of this and that..."

Before Yuesong finished speaking, the staff officer chuckled and said to Hu Guihua: "Hanghua, show your skills to the comrades of the special operations team."

"Yes!" Hu Guihua replied loudly. Unexpectedly, the voice was so loud that the third brother even covered his ears.

But Hu Guihua took the rifle from her back, walked over with a few steps, picked up the rifle, and stood up to shoot. Three gunshots rang out, and the three bullets were nailed to the three wooden stakes without any deviation.


"Let me take a look." Yuesong walked over, took Hu Guihua's rifle, and took a closer look, "You are just an ordinary Chinese official. To shoot, you have to pull the bolt. The rate of fire is so fast that I can't bear it."

I can't do it, brothers, I accept this soldier, why don't you applaud?"

"Bah, bang, bang," a round of applause.

"Report!" Yang Ying saluted the chief of staff and said: "Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Yang Ying, military advisor of the special operations team, requested to show shooting, lest some people say that I am not easy to raise."

"Hahaha, okay, Lieutenant Colonel Yang, then show your skills to the comrades." The chief of staff said with a smile.

"Yes!" Yang Ying agreed, took off her rifle from her back, walked over, stood side by side with Hu Guihua, picked up the rifle, stood and fired, and there was a "bang" sound...

This chapter has been completed!
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