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6. The harassment continues

Nearly an hour passed. Yuesong led the team and continued to walk through the jungle. The faint sound of motors came from the west road.

"There is a large Japanese army." Yuesong felt it keenly.

The brothers stood there, quietly listening to the sound of the motor in the distance, and they were all gearing up and eager to try.

"Captain, let's take a look." The third brother said while holding Thompson in his hands.

"I definitely have to go see it, but you, Thompson, can't beat the iron beetle, you need the bazooka with the iron egg." Yuesong reminded.

"If I had known better, I would have brought Tiedan with me. He is still with Biaozi." Minghe was also anxious.

"I won't hit you even if I take it with me." Yuesong sat on the ground, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a few puffs.

"Then when are we going to fight?" Xizi asked puzzledly, "Didn't you say you would take us to pinch, run, pinch, and run again? Now we don't hold anything, so we just run away."

Yuesong took a few puffs, put the cigarette butt on the ground and extinguished it, threw it into a small hole and buried it. Then he stood up and said, "Just follow me, why is there all this nonsense."

When Yuesong and his brothers ran to the woods on the roadside, they saw Brother Chao and his brothers lying on the roadside two hundred meters away. The brothers were holding guns and aiming at the large number of Japanese on the road.

Yuesong raised his sniper rifle and glanced along the road. There were quite a lot of little Japs. Tanks and trucks came one after another, with trucks in between. There were dozens of Japs standing on each truck. The roof of the truck cab was

There was a crooked machine gun mounted on the truck, and a cannon was towed behind the truck.

"Lei Hang, prepare to send a report to the division headquarters. According to the marching speed, the Japanese army is a standard division and is expected to arrive at the south bank of the Piyou River outside Tonggu City within an hour." Yuesong was eyeing the Japanese army and observing.

Give orders.

"Da da da" "ta da da" "ta da da" a series of machine gun sounds rang out, bullets hit the trees on the roadside and on the mountain, and the leaves of large and small were broken into pieces and fell down.

The brothers immediately fell to the ground.

"Captain, have you been discovered by the Japanese?" Lei Hang asked.

"This is called fire reconnaissance, marching in large numbers to prevent being ambushed." Yuesong said confidently while lying on the ground.

"Perhaps your sniper scope reflected light?" Xizi said.

"It's not impossible, Lei Hang, send the report as quickly as possible. After sending the report, report to me immediately." Yuesong said.

"Yes." Lei Hang walked a few steps into the forest, hid under an oak tree, and started to send the message.

"Third brother, go tell Brother Chao that only three sniper rifles are allowed to fire. When they heard my gunfire, Brother Chao and Murong opened fire. After one shot, they immediately evacuated to the northwest."

"It's just you three guns that open fire, why don't we watch a show?" asked the third brother.

"Now we are drinking soup, and we are in the back when we are eating meat." Yuesong stretched out his leg and kicked the third brother, and said, "Go quickly, he is almost fifty years old, and he is still so full of energy."

"Haha, it's going great. If you don't believe it, I can handle three Japanese girls by myself." The third brother said with a smile and hurried away.

"I'm going to give back three Japanese girls. I don't want any of them." Yuesong said to the brothers with a smile.

"Why not?" Xizi asked with a smile.

"I studied in Japan for three years, and I know what Japanese girls taste like." Yuesong said mysteriously.

"Mysterious taste?" Whooping Crane was the most anxious.

"One word." Yuesong continued to pretend.

"What's the word? Say it quickly!" Geng Douzi was worried.

Yuesong lightly slapped Douzi's face and said, "What are you so anxious about, you little brat? Just one word, coquettish!"

"Hahaha." The brothers covered their mouths and laughed until their faces turned red.

Yuesong also smiled happily, holding a sniper rifle, and saw Brother Chao and Murong over there already holding sniper rifles, each aiming at a target.

"Brothers, please remember this. I'll shoot you and run away. You should take care of yourselves." After Yuesong finished speaking, he raised his sniper rifle and aimed at a small Japanese officer sitting on a motorcycle.

, adjusted his breathing slightly, and the muzzle of the gun slowly moved to the right along with the movement direction of the motorcycle. After estimating the advance amount, there was a "bang" sound, and a 38 rifle bullet made by a kid flew out.

Yuesong saw the Japanese officer's head tilted through the sniper scope, and it was done.

Then two gunshots were heard almost simultaneously.

"Run, you're still looking at me stupidly." After Yuesong said that, he turned around and ran, and his brothers all started running after him.

"Click, click, click" was followed by the sound of machine guns firing into the forest.

After Yuesong and the others ran more than a hundred meters, they heard the "booming" sound of artillery, and then the sound of trees being blown down by artillery shells. A small forest even caught fire.

Lei Hang ran over panting and complained: "Captain, you agreed to wait until I finished sending the report before calling. Why did you run away first after finishing the call?"

When Yuesong looked at Lei Hang, his face was a little dark and his body was covered with mud. He pointed at Lei Hang seriously and said: "Did you see that when you encounter a Japanese troop marching with a mixture of infantry and tank troops, if you don't run away after firing a shot?

As a result, with machine gun fire and artillery bombardment, he is covered in mud and his face is black, so he is considered lucky."

Ming He rubbed his head and realized how powerful the regular army was in combat.

"Captain, who did I offend? You just ran away after the fight without saying a word, and then left me alone to wait there to be bombed?" Lei Hang looked resentful.

Yuesong came over, put his arm around Lei Hang's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Brother, I'm sorry, I was only thinking about sniping that Japanese officer to death, and I forgot about you."

"Hahaha." The brothers all laughed.

"Have a smile on your face and run away. After the sweep and the bombing, the team will search and pursue you." After Yuesong finished speaking, he picked up the sniper rifle and ran as fast as a wolf in the forest.

After a while, the third brother also caught up and gasped: "Report to the captain, the mission is completed. You ran too fast. Brother Chao and the others almost got into trouble with the Japanese search team behind."

Yuesong stopped, sat under a coconut tree, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and said, "Lei Hang, how did the division call you back?"

"Continue reconnaissance." Lei Hang said.

"Well, as expected." Yuesong turned to his third brother and said, "It's almost time to eat meat."

"It's our turn?" The third brother was excited, and Minghe and Xizi also gathered around.

Yuesong held the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, spread out the map, pointed at a thin line without a name, and said, "Did you see that this road doesn't even have a name, it's just a winding thin line. Devil, it's missing."

In a country with natural resources, when they go to war, don't look at them with tanks and bikes on the road. But they are short of fuel, so when fighting in these deep mountains and old forests, there must be teams transporting logistical supplies, using mules.

Horses, mules and horses taking the highway will not only block the way of the large army, but also take a long way. What do you think is the most cost-effective way to go?"

"Just take the path." Douzi said.

"Yes, take the path, but there are so many paths, which one should I take?" Yuesong continued to ask.

"This one is close to the highway. If it is attacked by a surprise attack, a large force can immediately support it." Douzi said.

"Beautiful, this is called analytical combat. You must use your brain to fight. Third brother, tell me, if we go over here, will there be meat to eat?"

"Yes, my Thompson can scan it randomly." The third brother said proudly.

"Minghe, tell me, what is the most important thing when going to fight the Japanese mule and horse teams?" Yuesong asked.

Minghe pinched his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "Grab more machine gun bullets."

"You idiot!" Yuesong slapped Minghe on the helmet. "The most important thing is not to be obsessed with fighting. Fight quickly and retreat quickly. Xizi, why?"

"You can't be stuck by the Japanese reinforcements." After Xizi answered, she covered her head and looked at Yuesong.

Yuesong slapped Xizi on the helmet and said, "Damn you, that's the right answer, haha."

"You get beaten even if you answer correctly?" Xizi asked.

"What's wrong? Brother, isn't it just for beating? Haha." Yuesong stood up with a smile.

"Hahaha." The brothers all laughed.

"Third brother, the vanguard, go find some meat to eat." Yuesong ordered.


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