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42. Master Duel 2

As an experienced captain of a special operations team, Yuesong was a sniper who was forged and tempered in the flames of war. Yuesong knew what it meant. After that gunshot, it was not heard again for a long time.

The sound of gunfire means that in all likelihood, it is the sacrifice of another comrade.

Yes, this shot must have been a precise bullet fired by a sniper. The appearance of the Japanese sniper basically means that the 56th Division really chose to penetrate through the jungle. This is a threat to Commander Dai's 200th Division.

It was very unfavorable news. However, Yuesong was more worried about his comrades-in-arms and his brothers.

Yuesong held a sniper rifle and ran frantically in the jungle. In ten minutes, he ran several miles. Although his heartbeat was accelerating without limit and his breathing was so rapid that he could blow a cow, Yuesong couldn't stop for a moment.

He didn't stop, ran, and ran like crazy. Yuesong had to rush over as quickly as possible. He had to shoot the Japanese sniper who shot at my brothers. Otherwise, my brothers would fall one by one.


"Captain, there was a gunshot over there from Brother Chao, just one gunshot." Huineng said worriedly, looking at Yuesong who was running over quickly.

Yuesong gasped for air, bent over, put his hands on his knees, took a breath, and said: "You, you, stay, don't move."


After Yuesong hurriedly ran for a few more minutes, Xizi came over, handed Yuesong a kettle, and said with concern: "Captain, drink some water, Brother Chao will be fine."

Yuesong took the kettle, took a sip, wiped his mouth, and said: "Don't guess, guard your position. If there is news about the Japanese army, keep an eye on it and send someone to report it as soon as possible. Don't alert the enemy."



Ten minutes later, Yuesong finally arrived in the jungle near the Andili River.

I saw a spacious and gentle river in the distance. Undoubtedly, this was the best path for large Japanese troops to pass through.

Yuesong raised his sniper rifle, hid behind a big tree, closed his eyes, and slowly adjusted his rapid breathing.

Two minutes later, Yuesong raised his sniper rifle and glanced around, but there was no movement.

Yuesong picked up the sniper rifle on his back and quickly climbed up the big tree. He stepped on the branches with his feet and leaned against the trunk of the tree. He stabilized the sniper rifle. Using a wider field of view, he scanned around again. On the river beach,

A man is lying there.

Yuesong adjusted the sniper scope, and the person on the river beach became clearer. It was Old Man Sun. The bullet hit the old man between the eyebrows. The impact of the bullet made the old man lie on his back on the river beach. The shotgun he was carrying was still pressing on the old man.

The fact that he was under his body meant that the old man was hit by a sudden flying bullet without noticing the enemy at all.

Yuesong put away his sniper rifle and adjusted his emotions. He was definitely a sniper, and he was killing from a long distance. He chose to attack the guide instead of Chao Ge, who was also a sniper. This devil sniper,

He is a master and has an overall view.

As expected, several of my brothers have been suppressed by the Japs' snipers and are unable to move. At this moment, Brother Chao should be thinking of a way to escape. Brother Chao, Ouyang, Tang Si, and I

Where is Luo Yuesong, please don't move or take risks.

Yuesong raised his sniper rifle again, and after searching carefully, he finally found the three brothers lying on the river beach, hiding in the rocks and depressions, but the Japanese snipers in the distance did not reveal any clues.

Yuesong thought to himself, don't you move, so I alerted the enemy. After preparing his attention, Yuesong raised his sniper rifle and followed the trajectory of the Japanese sniper's sniper attack on Old Man Sun. He shot in that direction with a "bang".

Go, originally after firing the gun, you should change positions immediately, but in order to relieve the brothers, Yuesong still stood on the tree, looking for the Japanese sniper's position through the sniper scope.

A minute has passed, and the Japanese sniper still hasn't shown up. Damn it, today I have met the master among the masters. However, my shot will also make you upset. No matter what, I will change the place and find you.


Yuesong slipped down the big tree, holding the sniper rifle in his left hand and holding the mirror box tightly in his right hand. He bent over and moved toward the east of where the Japanese sniper might be.

"Don't move yet. Listen to the gunfire. It should be the captain who is here. He deliberately fired to attract the Japanese snipers and came to rescue us. Wait patiently and listen to my orders." Brother Chao hid behind the stone and faced the people on the left and right.

Ouyang and Tang Si whispered.

This chapter has been completed!
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