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103. Street Fighting with the Ancients 6

As soon as Commander Dai put on his military cap, he heard loud noises coming one after another. He looked up and saw that the Chinese soldiers were shattered to pieces without fear, while the Japanese tanks and armored vehicles looked frightened.

Commander Dai really couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the guard platoon to the southeastern position to supervise the battle, because he knew that if such a large-scale suicide bombing of Japanese tanks and armored vehicles occurred, the Japanese would not give up the attack, but would only

To retaliate more cruelly, he also believed that the street fighting organized by Captain Xu would definitely cause the Japanese army to lose not only tanks and armored vehicles, but countless Yamato people.

Arriving at the position in the southeast of the city, Commander Dai saw what he saw through his telescope. Commander Dai was so angry that he immediately ordered: "Go, bring all the mortars over to me and blow them up hard."

"Yes." A staff officer listened to the order and quickly summoned the artillery company.

Commander Dai was so angry that his hands were trembling, his heart was panicking, and his chest felt uncomfortable, because the Japs team leader was commanding hundreds of Japs under his command, "ya", "ho", "ya ya", "ya ya hoo", they were lining up neatly.

Amid the beating of drums and the shouts of the Japanese, and outside the range of our army's rifles, the organization danced the Awa dance on a large scale.

"A-Wa-Dance--" Mr. Dai said every word, his teeth bleeding from his teeth. Mr. Dai had never seen it with his own eyes, but in newspaper reports of the Nanjing Massacre, there was a picture of someone dancing the A-Wa dance.

The photos of the Japanese army are not very harmful but extremely insulting. "Where is the artillery battery? Where is the artillery battery I want?"

"Report." Staff Officer Wu is mobilizing.

"Hurry, hurry!" Mr. Dai, who has always been elegant, rarely shouted so hoarsely.

Captain Zheng of the 1140th Regiment saw the division commander's roar and hurried over.

"Division Commander, the Japanese army is about to attack. You are not safe here. Guard platoon, please escort the division commander back to the division headquarters." Commander Zheng said.

"Yes." The guard platoon leader hurried over and wanted to take Commander Dai away, but at this moment, Commander Dai could not listen to anyone's advice.

"Commander Zheng, what if we suddenly launch a counterattack?" Commander Dai's eyes suddenly became less firey.

"Division Commander, the preparations for the Japanese artillery fire have ended. The tanks and armored vehicles are all in readiness. The infantry of the two regiments are also ready. We can't be fooled by the Japanese army. They dance this stupid Awa dance just to make us lose our minds.

Really?" Commander Zheng hurriedly advised Mr. Dai.

"Hmph." Mr. Dai snorted and said contemptuously, "Little Japan, if God wants it to perish, it will go crazy."

"Report, division commander, the artillery company is here."

"What are you waiting for? Give me a blast!" Commander Dai ordered.

The artillery company commander set up the only four mortars and immediately ordered: "Fire."

"Boom boom boom boom" four artillery shells were fired from the muzzle almost at the same time, and "pound pound pound pound" exploded four times. Commander Dai held up the telescope and suddenly began to laugh "ha ha ha ha" and looked at the Japanese.

The Awa dance team was burst into flames by the shells. The Japanese who were so complacent just now ran away one by one. How could they not make the division commander laugh?

"The artillery company will evacuate immediately. These few cannons will be of great use to me at the critical moment." Commander Dai ordered.

"Yes." The artillery company commander also knows that by blowing up the enemy like this, the position has been exposed, and the enemy will soon attack our artillery position with howitzers. It seems that Commander Dai is always awake and will never be insulted or even insulted.

Victory goes to the head.

Sure enough, after Commander Dai walked into the 1140th Regiment command post and the artillery company withdrew from its position, the artillery position was covered by Japanese artillery fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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