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Thirty-six, wait for the rabbit

Yuesong led the special team and chased for a while along the mountain road on horseback. He thought something was wrong. Not to mention that it was difficult to find him, but if he found it, he would not suffer a big loss if he was ambushed by the Japanese. He thought

Here, Yuesong decided to send the horse back to the regiment headquarters first, and then lead the special team to search on foot.

Yuesong and Biaozi led the special forces and returned to Xiaohe Village where the regiment headquarters was located in just one meal. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, they heard a voice shouting in the darkness: "Password!"

Haha, I finally figured it out this time, so I hurriedly replied: "Sliced ​​noodles."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the person in the darkness pull open the bolt of the gun and shout: "Who is it? Raise your hands!"

"Hey, wait a minute, we are the regiment's special force!" Biaozi became anxious upon hearing this.

"Password!" Yuesong asked back.

"You fool!" the other party replied.

"Isn't tonight's password for chop suey noodles or shaved noodles? Why did it change?" Biaozi said.

"Stop talking nonsense, raise your hands and come here, don't bring weapons." The other party said.

Yuesong thought to himself, I have seen a ghost today. In front of my own people, I didn't know the password twice, and I still raised my hands as if to surrender. What bad luck!

"Captain, let me go over!" Biaozi said.

"Forget it, I'm the captain. If anything happens, you can lead the team." After Yuesong said that, he handed the gun to Biaozi and passed by with his hand raised.

As he got closer, the sentry saw that it was Captain Luo. He stood at attention and saluted and said, "I'm sorry, Captain Luo. The captain came back just now and said that he must take special precautions tonight. By the way, he changed the command to 'Er fool, Goudanzi'."

Yuesong laughed secretly in his heart after hearing this, thinking, this idiot Song Er is really funny.

Yuesong touched the sentry's head and said, "Well done, you are right to be careful." Then he shouted to Biaozi and the others, "Come here."

Yuesong led the team into the village. Before they reached the regiment headquarters, they found that the soldiers were all busy and seemed to be moving.

Yuesong went to the regiment headquarters and saw the regiment leader, and deliberately shouted: "Password, Goudanzi!"

The regiment leader was about to answer, but then he thought about it, stepped forward and pretended to kick Yuesong, and said: "You bastard, how come you are directly under the command, at the battalion level, you dare to rebel with me?"

Yuesong said with a "hehe" smile and said, "I don't dare, I don't dare anymore."

The political commissar came out of the room and saw Yuesong. He shook Yuesong's hand and said, "On behalf of the Second Regiment and the New Fourth Army, I welcome you and officially join the New Fourth Army!"

Yuesong held the political commissar's hand tightly and said excitedly: "Thank you, political commissar, thank you, leader!"

The regiment leader saw tears in Yuesong's eyes, and turned to the political commissar and said: "Congratulations, my political commissar has added another tiger general. I'll see if you wake up smiling from your dream."

"Who are you talking about? Who wakes up from a dream? It's the commander's job to command operations. I think it's up to you to wake up. You idiot, you can just call me Goudanzi tomorrow, hahaha." The political commissar finished.

He burst out laughing. Yuesong also laughed endlessly, and the hot tears finally flowed happily through the laughter.

"Okay, enough laughing. Let's get down to business. Why are you back?" said the group leader.

"Regiment Commander, the troops are being transferred. I have sent all the horses back. Our goal with the horses is too big. Besides, the regiment headquarters needs them right now."

"You brat still has a conscience, but I'm telling you, put down your horse, bring enough ammunition and dry food, and set off immediately. If you don't complete the mission, don't come back to see me," the regiment leader said.

"Yes! If you don't complete the mission, you will never come back!" Yuesong saluted to the regimental leader and political commissar.

"Be careful, don't underestimate the enemy, they are not ordinary Japanese." The political commissar explained carefully.

"Political Commissar, don't worry about it. Our Captain Luo has always been bold and cautious, so go ahead!" the regiment leader said.

"Then I'll go." As soon as Yuesong finished speaking, he saw Dan Feng running in in panic.

"Yuesong, oh, Captain Luo, I heard that they are the Japanese special forces, so you should be careful!" It seems that Dan Feng heard that Yuesong was back and rushed over to take care of him.

Yuesong took out the handful of Brownings that he had kicked in his arms, weighed them in his hands, and said proudly: "Don't worry, with this, you won't be afraid no matter where you go!"

Dan Feng looked at the Browning pistol, turned his head and smiled, remaining silent.

The regiment leader looked at the pistol and said hurriedly: "Didn't the division commander ask you to hand it over? Everyone is here, why don't you hand it over?"

"The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry, I'm leaving!" Yuesong looked at Danfeng, the two looked at each other and smiled, Yuesong ran out of the regiment headquarters.

"Hey, what's the point of not being in a hurry?" The group leader was still wondering.

After bringing enough ammunition and dry food, Yuesong led the special forces team, traveling lightly in simple clothes, carefully searching for traces of the Japanese team in the endless darkness.

Yuesong led the special team to search carefully, but in this pitch-black night, apart from the sound of the wind, the only thing that could be heard was the creepy sound of branches being blown by the wind.

I have been searching for more than two hours, walking slowly and slowly on this mountain road with one foot high and one foot low. My eyes are almost bursting. I can see not even a Japanese hair, nor even a trace of Japanese odor.

When they reached the bottom of a small hillside, Yuesong raised his hand, and the team members behind him immediately squatted down. Yuesong tilted his head forward, and Deng Minghe beside him rushed up the hillside with a gun in his hand.

After a while, Deng Minghe came back and said softly: "The devil doesn't even have a hair on his head."

Yuesong said: "Pass it on and rest where you are."

"Yes." Deng Minghe agreed, and then everyone whispered the order one after another, "Rest where you are."

Yuesong took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Da Zhuang immediately took out a match and was about to light it to light the cigarette for the captain. Yuesong snatched the match from Da Zhuang's hand and whispered: "Erdan!

, If you smoke at this time, if the Japanese are nearby, won't you become a sniper's dish?"

"No, I saw you had a cigarette in your mouth. I'll light it for you, but I don't smoke!" Da Zhuang said, tilting his head.

"I caught it, did I say the main point?" Yuesong usually treats his brother like this. At this time, he probably couldn't find the Japs and felt a little anxious. Yuesong immediately realized his problem, so he

He reached out and pinched Da Zhuang's face and said, "Hey, Zhuang Niu, do you want to sleep?"

"I'm so sleepy just thinking about it," Da Zhuang said happily.

"Really want to sleep? Okay, over there." Yuesong pointed to the hillside and said, "Put your machine gun over there and stand guard for me."

"Tch, just go!" Da Zhuang picked up the crooked machine gun and went up.

Yuesong held the cigarette in his mouth for a while, held the cigarette in his hand for a while, lay on the edge of the slope for a while, and scratched his ears and cheeks for a while. Yes, a few Japanese hairs disappeared when the wind blew. Where can I find them?

Biaozi tiptoed over and said softly: "Captain, if you keep searching like this, you're not looking for a needle in a haystack? You have a good brain, think of a way."

"Yeah, there's no way to find a needle in a haystack, find a needle in a haystack, alas, find a needle in a haystack..." Yuesong kept chattering, and suddenly got an idea, saying: "Finding a needle in a haystack doesn't work, how about we just wait and see?"

"Sit back and wait for the rabbit? Where to wait?" Biaozi asked puzzledly.

"Where to guard? So, as long as we find the right 'strain', we can guard the rabbit." Yuesong seemed to be telling Biaozi, and also seemed to be saying to himself.

"What are you nagging about? Anyway, think about it, I'll be confused for a while." Biaozi said and ran back to the back of the team.

"Whatever this rabbit likes, we will go and guard it. Aren't we just inseparable?" Yuesong was still talking to himself, "Aren't the devils coming for our division headquarters? They know the division headquarters so accurately.

There must be an informant at the location. Even though the division headquarters has withdrawn, 80% of the informants will still tell the Japanese where the division headquarters is going. By the way, we will guard the division headquarters on its way back, hahaha." Yuesong figured out a way,

I couldn't help but laugh "hahaha" by myself.

Tang Si, who was in a daze, got up quickly and said, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Deng Minghe pushed Tang Si to the ground and said, "It's okay. The captain dreamed of marrying a wife. I'm happy, okay?"

Tang Si, who was still half asleep, looked at the two people in confusion, still not understanding. When he saw that there were no Japs, he tilted his head again, lay down on his backpack and fell asleep.

"Hey, captain, do you have any idea?" Deng Minghe approached Yuesong and asked in a low voice.

"Haha, the mountain man has his own clever plan," he said, pushing Deng Minghe to the ground and said, "Go to bed and we'll talk about it in the morning."

In the early morning, carefree, sparrows that like to get up early are jumping around on the branches of the dead branches, chattering endlessly. The sun is still lying on the bed, unwilling to get up. The morning star hangs on the hilltop in the east, reaching out to forcefully

Dragging Brother Taiyang to get up, he accidentally dragged Yuesong up.

Yuesong raised his head, rubbed his sleepy eyes, opened his mouth and shouted: "Laifu, bring me a glass of water, I'll brush my teeth."

The grass roots lying on guard in the grass came over and whispered: "Captain, who are you calling?"

Yuesong sat up and stared blankly at the grass roots.

"Captain." Cao Gen'er shouted again. Yuesong suddenly felt his eye sockets getting hot, and turned around and said, "Let your whistle go!" Yuesong touched the small crossbow hanging on his waist and stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears in his eyes.

With tears in his eyes, he stood up, put on his backpack, grabbed his sniper rifle, and said, "Everyone, get up and let's go!" After that, he walked towards the northwest.

After Yuesong led the team for a while, he waved to Tang Si to take out the map, and then summoned Biaozi and several team leaders to gather around the map. Yuesong pointed to the map and said: "We are following this road now.

, all the way to the northwest, to Erdaoliangzi, which is the only way for the division headquarters to retreat. We will set up an ambush there to meet up with the special forces of those bastard Japs."

"Let me tell you, is there anything in this world that can stump our captain?" Biaozi said with a grin.

"Pass it on, rest where you are, eat dry food, and prepare for a rapid march!" Yuesong ordered.

After the team took a short rest, ate dry food, and prepared enough water, they marched all the way. After more than two hours, they finally arrived at Erdaoliangzi.

Yuesong took the team to a small forest under Erdaoliangzi and said to a few snipers: "Watch carefully to see if there are any ambush on the mountain ridge. We did not come to set up an ambush, but the Japanese ambushed us."

Yuesong raised his sniper rifle and carefully observed the mountain ridge through the sniper scope. Biaozi also looked at it for a long time with the telescope. Seeing that there was no movement, Yuesong said to Biaozi: "Biaozi, take Deng Minghe with you.

Grassroots, go up to the mountain ridge and do some reconnaissance. If there is no ambush, wave to us."

"Okay." Biaozi responded, opened the gun's bolt, and went up with Deng Minghe and Caogen'er.

"Da Zhuang, Chang Chao, Murong He, cover!" Yuesong ordered.

Da Zhuang set up his machine gun and pointed the muzzle at Erdaoliangzi. Chang Chao and Murong He pulled the bolts of their guns, adjusted their sniper scopes, and aimed at any suspicious targets that might appear.

Biaozi and the other three searched along the hillside until they reached the ridge. They searched around again and found that there was indeed no ambush. Then they waved to Yuesong and the others. Yuesong led the team up the ridge and followed the ambush formation.

The positions of each group were arranged, especially the positions of the snipers.

Yuesong also gave special instructions to several snipers and observers, telling them that they were just waiting for the opportunity. In addition to hiding themselves well, they must also have enough patience. As the saying goes, "You can tolerate what you can't tolerate, and you can be tolerated by others."

Can’t be”.

The lazy sun finally got up, shining on the energetic young men of the special operations team. The young men all opened their eyes wide and stared at the winding mountain road under the mountain ridge. The mountain wind blew the withered yellow leaves on the hillside.

The grass and waves spread from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain. On the dead branches in the forest, a pair of small sparrows chirped as if they were quarreling. A weasel suddenly jumped out of the grass on the side of the mountain, and disappeared in the grass on the other side of the road in the blink of an eye.

The thin jackal was chasing a fleeing hare. The cunning hare got into the rabbit hole with its cat waist. The jackal used its front paws to dig the soil for a long time and returned without success. Suddenly, the sensitive

The jackal seemed to have discovered the dark muzzle of the gun. He turned around and looked towards the mountain ridge for a while. Finally, he felt that he could not stay in this place for long, so he turned around and ran away.

This chapter has been completed!
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