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Thirty-seven, this ghost hair is not that ghost hair

At noon, the sun warms people all over. On this hill in the middle of winter, the northwest wind quietly hides in the grass and takes a nap. The birds are tired and the rabbits are tired.

The young men in the special operations team had their whole bodies sweated and irritated by the warm sun, and all of them were evaporated unconsciously.

Da Zhuang is a machine gunner and has no surveillance mission. Besides, Yuesong asked him to stay with Wai Baozi all night. Early in the morning, he ran through the mountain roads for forty to fifty miles on his legs and fell asleep early.

Falling asleep.

This made Ouyang Qiuyue, who was lying next to Da Zhuang, so hungry. Ouyang put his sniper rifle on a lump of earth on the mountain ridge, and looked at the road down the mountain. As he looked at it, it felt like it was winding like a snake.

Along the way, he slowly began to twist his waist, crawling and crawling, getting closer to himself little by little, and his eyelids closed and opened and closed involuntarily.

Slowly, slowly, Ouyang's eyes finally closed together.

"A sniper must be able to endure hunger and thirst, insect and snake bites, fire and water, loneliness, and drowsiness..." The captain's words during training rang in his ears, and Ouyang suddenly opened his eyes.

Fortunately, I was not discovered by the captain. Otherwise, running around the hill five times would be enough to drink a pot.

Ouyang glanced at Li Dazhuang, who was sleeping soundly next to him with a crooked machine gun in his arms. He was so angry that he stretched out his legs and kicked Dazhuang. Hey, this kid didn't even blink or even hum.

He slept well. Ouyang was so angry that he had no choice but to rub his eyes and continue to stare at the road in boredom.

Deng Minghe took a nap for a while, woke up, stretched his head to look at the road, and saw that there was not a single ghost. He retracted his head, put his penis on his head as a pillow, lay on the ground, and pulled a root from the ground out of boredom.

Grass, put it in your mouth and chew it slowly.

Tang Si was not lonely at all. He put his gun aside, took his own bamboo flute, and played his silent flute music with gusto. Tiedan stared blankly at Tang Si's intoxicated expression.

He opened his mouth wide and laughed. Cao Gen'er picked up a stone from the ground and hit Tie Dan on the head. Tie Dan touched his head and looked around. They were all serious and no one looked at him. Tie Dan simply said

He stopped watching Tang Si play the flute and went to sleep on the spot with a grenade in his arms, dreaming of marrying a wife.

Chang Chao, who was always so calm, placed his sniper rifle in the grass and stared at the distance of the road. With his ability, even a fly flying four hundred meters away would be able to tell him apart.

A male and a female come.

Biaozi couldn't bear it any longer, so he crouched quietly and ran to Yuesong and said, "Captain, is this Oriental rabbit coming yet? If not, I'd better say hello."

Yuesong was playing his smoking trick again. He took a cigarette from his mouth to his hand, threw it from his hand into the air, and then caught it with his mouth. As soon as their lips intertwined, the cigarette disappeared and it was completely gone into his mouth.

Yuesong didn't even look at Biaozi, and continued to play his cigarette trick in a lively manner.

"Well -" Biaozi snorted and returned to his post.

The sun has set, the tired birds have returned to their nests, the residual heat has dissipated, and the cold is approaching. The northwest wind has blown again, the withered grass has begun to sing again, and the bare branches are also "creeping" in harmony.

In this lonely cold night, Tiedan held a hard pot of gray steamed buns in his trembling hands. He took a few bites and drank a small sip of the cold mountain spring water from the military kettle. The coldness slowly rose from his stomach, little by little.

The ground soaked into every pore of the body.

Deng Minghe's neat upper and lower rows of teeth shivered in a "ta-ta-ta-da" manner.

"Captain, I heard that drinking Kou Zhi Jiang Shaochun will keep your body warm, right?" Tang Si said with a livid face, sniffing and blowing his nose.

"You are so beautiful, how can I bring spring to Zhijiang? Why don't I get you a warm bed?" Da Zhuang put his hands in his sleeves and said softly.

Deng Minghe thrust his beloved sword into the ground and said, "Yes, there is a little wife sleeping under the quilt. Haha, what's the matter? Not convinced?"

"Captain, how about I go pick up some branches and let's make a fire?" Tiedan asked Yuesong.

"Get down here, the Japs' special forces, they are not insignificant people. The darker the night and the higher the wind, the stiffer the hands and feet, and the easier it is for them to appear. What does it mean to 'point against the wheat'?"

Why are you a special force like this? Go, go, lie down!" Yuesong was half lying on the ground, stretched out his legs and kicked Tiedan's butt, and said.

In the second half of the night, the wind and moon blew more and more vigorously, and the sound of the grass and branches being blown by the wind became louder and louder. Yuesong asked the whole team to open their eyes wide, prick up their ears, and alert each other immediately if there was any abnormal movement.

It was already dawn, and there was still not a single Japanese soldier with hair on his head. Fatigue and cold tortured the young men of the special operations team mercilessly.

Biaozi couldn't help it anymore, so he ran to a leeward mountain nest behind the mountain ridge and started jogging. Even Yuesong couldn't help it anymore and almost lit the cigarette in his hand several times.

At this moment, Chang Chao, the calmest man in the team, suddenly raised his palms and whispered: "There is something wrong!"

Yuesong pressed his hands down, signaling the entire special team to lie down and hide.

Dozens of pairs of eyes observed for more than ten minutes at the same time, but no abnormality was found. Da Zhuang said softly to Chang Chao: "Are you blind? What's going on?"

Chang Chao ignored Da Zhuang, but opened the bolt of his sniper rifle with a click, and stared intently at the bend of the mountain road through the sniper scope.

Suddenly, three or four people with rifles appeared from around the corner. Yuesong could clearly see through the sniper scope that those people were wearing the uniforms of the New Fourth Army, but Yuesong still did not dare to be careless. The Japanese dressed up as New Fourth Army reconnaissance personnel.

This is not the first time he has fought. Besides, he has dressed up as a Japanese soldier many times to complete missions.

Yuesong whispered: "Everyone, prepare to fight!"

At this time, four or five more soldiers wearing New Fourth Army uniforms appeared around the corner.

Da Zhuang asked in confusion: "Isn't this the New Fourth Army? What other battles are you preparing for?"

As soon as Da Zhuang finished speaking, several horses appeared around the corner, carrying food on their backs. Then more people appeared, and it was obvious at a glance that these people were people moving up the mountain.

"Look, it must be the New Fourth Army escorting the masses to move into the mountains. Even a blind man can see it." Da Zhuang said proudly.

Biaozi, who was breathing hotly, knocked his strong head and said, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

"Everyone is well hidden. It's time to test you. If the New Fourth Army soldiers walking in front discover that there is an ambush, then you will definitely not be able to hide it from the eyes of the Japanese special forces." Yuesong reminded.

The young men of the special force kept their mouths shut and stared, watching a dozen New Fourth Army soldiers escorting more than a hundred people, slowly passing through the mountain road under their noses, and moving into the mountains.

The leader seemed to be a squad leader. Although the squad leader looked at the mountain ridge for a long time, he did not send anyone up the mountain to conduct reconnaissance. If it were Japanese soldiers who were ambushing here, these more than 100 people, under the leadership of this squad leader, would probably be killed.

It's almost time to finish playing.

Just as everyone was leisurely watching the crowd pass by, several gunshots were suddenly heard in the distance. Judging from the gunshots, it should be the Japanese 38-gun. From time to time, there was also the sound of crooked machine guns, and sporadically mixed in.

The sound of wearing an old muff.

"Are you afraid that the soldiers at the rear are at war with the Japs' vanguard?" Biaozi whispered to Yuesong.

Yuesong nodded.

"Then why don't we go to support?" Biaozi asked.

Before Yuesong could answer, he saw four or five more soldiers appearing around the corner. They shot at the Japanese and retreated. The leader of the squad ordered three or four soldiers in front, leading the crowd to speed up the transfer, while he led

He led ten soldiers and ran up the mountain ridge, apparently preparing to occupy favorable terrain to block the Japanese's pursuing troops.

Yuesong suddenly stood up and shouted to the squad leader who was running up the ridge: "I am Luo Yuesong, captain of the division's special operations team. You don't have to stop the enemy. Please move with the masses quickly."

Yuesong's sudden shout startled the New Fourth Army soldiers who were running up the mountain ridge. The leader of the squad stayed for a while and then said: "Fortunately, you are ambushing us up there. If it were the Japanese, we would be in trouble."

Okay, thank you, let’s go first.” After saying that, the squad leader led his soldiers to retreat with the crowd. The few soldiers who had just withdrawn also retreated.

Yuesong said to Biaozi: "Pass this down, as soon as the Japs appear at the corner of the mountain road, a few snipers can shoot at will, but they have to change positions before firing a shot. Others, follow my orders before shooting."

"Yes!" Biaozi took the order and sent the message.

As soon as Yuesong pulled the gun, two Japanese soldiers with rifles appeared around the corner. Yuesong didn't even take aim and killed one of them with one shot. The other one was knocked down by Chang Chao after he ran a few steps.

"Everyone, don't worry. We just want to let the Japanese know that we have snipers. Slowing down their pursuit is victory. Pass on." Yuesong said to Tang Si beside him.

At this time, seven or eight Japs suddenly poured out from around the corner, including Yuesong, Chang Chao, Ouyang Qiuyue, Murong He, Niu Peilin and Duan Sanshui. Six sniper rifles opened fire almost at the same time, and the seven or eight Japs were killed in the blink of an eye.

Six, the other two were lying on the ground and didn't dare to move.

The mountain road was temporarily quiet, and subsequent Japanese soldiers did not dare to appear directly from the corner of the mountain road.

"Send the order, Chang Chao, Ouyang Qiuyue, Murong He, and Niu Peilin, have the four of them retreat into the woods and prepare retreat support." Yuesong said to Tang Si.

As soon as Tang Si came back after delivering the order, Yuesong saw the Japs quietly moving around in the grass on the side of the mountain. Yuesong and Duan Sanshui shot one at a time and killed two Japs. The others immediately hid in the grass and could not see the Japs.


The mountain road became quiet again. Yuesong guessed that Chang Chao and the others were already in place, so he said to Tang Si: "Send the order, Da Zhuang, Tiedan, Zuo Wuwa, and Zheng Hai, let the four of them go around from behind and take the

Guard the intersection leading to the mountains."

Da Zhuang and others took the order and went.

"Captain, there are Japs moving quietly to the west, east and front. What should we do?" Deng Minghe was a little worried.

"Let Duan Sanshui join me and shoot at will. Others should ambush." ​​Yuesong ordered. Just after he finished speaking, Yuesong saw a Japs popping up in the grass. Yuesong fired a "bang" shot.

The bullet penetrated the prisoner's helmet, and the prisoner fell headlong into the grass.

Judging from the sound of gunshots, the Japs commander estimated that there were not many enemies in the way, so he ordered all the troops to attack. In an instant, one to two hundred Japs rushed towards the ridge from three sides. Yuesong still did not order others to shoot, but just and Duan San

Shui, using two sniper rifles, shot down seven or eight Japs one by one.

The Japs rushed to the mountain road with a roar, and a Japs commander also appeared at the foot of the hillside three hundred meters away. The Japs officer drew out his command knife and shouted, "Brother Gaga!" Yuesong raised his gun to aim, adjusted the ruler, and concentrated.

After calming down and pulling the trigger, the Japanese officer tilted his head and rolled down the hillside like an old pumpkin.

But the Japanese who had crossed the mountain road were still rushing towards the mountain ridge crazily.

"Everyone, shoot freely. After five minutes, take alternate cover and retreat into the forest." Yuesong gave the order, and more than 20 rounds of bullets rained down on the Japanese like raindrops. In an instant, several

Ten Japanese soldiers fell on the hillside.

But the crazy Japanese still rushed up like a mad dog.

"Be careful to save bullets and shoot!" Yuesong ordered loudly.

Since there were still arduous tasks waiting for the special operations team, Yuesong had to remind the young special operations team members that what they were afraid of was that these young men would go crazy and hit the Japanese on the hillside with their rifles.

He ejaculated wildly with a "ta da da" sound.

Under the reminder of Shen Shen, the special forces team members shot at the Japs. However, because there were too many Japs, the Japs were rushing towards them in a blink of an eye. Worried about casualties, Yuesong immediately shouted an order: "Everyone, get down."

Get down, prepare the grenade, prepare, pull the string, and drop the bomb!"

Dozens of grenades were thrown at the advancing Japanese soldiers, and a loud "bang" was heard, and the hillside was filled with grenade smoke.

"Deng Minghe, Lei Hang, you two take four people to cover, others, retreat!" Yuesong ordered. While the Japanese were confused by the explosion, everyone shot behind them and retreated into the forest.

Before the smoke from the grenades dissipated, the Japs began to charge wildly again, and the hillside was full of Japs. When Deng Minghe saw that the captain and the others had withdrawn into the forest, he stood up, and several of them "ta-ta-ta-ta-ta" at the Japs at the same time.

After shooting wildly, he hunched over and ran towards the forest.

At this time, Chang Chao and several other snipers who were ambushing in the mountains and forests began to shoot freely at the Japanese who were charging up. Niu Peilin was really excited today. He changed the ammunition with a "crash" and fired with a "bang".

"Crack" to change the ammunition, "bang" to fire, four or five were killed in a short time, this guy kept on shooting with a smile.

"Everyone, retreat!" Yuesong saw Deng Minghe and others also retreating into the forest, and immediately ordered everyone to retreat.

The Japanese turned to chase along the mountain road into the woods.

Da Zhuang, who had been squealing with pain for a long time, had a chance to seize the opportunity. He held the handle of the machine gun and fired at the Japanese with all his strength.

Zuo Wuwa was not idle either. Although he was not holding a sniper rifle, the 38-gauge shot had a long range and high accuracy. Wuwa did not aim at the enemy's body, but specifically shot at his head. From a distance of tens of meters, Wuwa could

Every time I fired a shot, a hole was pierced through the head of a Japs along with the helmet. The Japs' blood spattered on the helmets, turning into beautiful red flowers. It really looked a bit like the azalea of ​​the Dabie Mountains.


After fighting for a while, although the addiction was not enough, Da Zhuang saw that the captain and the others had retreated several hundred meters away from the Japanese, and hurriedly said to Tiedan: "Get your grenades ready, we are ready to run."

"Ah, it's my turn, okay." Tiedan put away his gun, took off four grenades from his waist, swung them on the ground, and unscrewed the back covers of them all.

"Zheng Hai, take cover with Wuwa, I'll escape first." After saying that, Da Zhuang picked up the machine gun and ran towards the captain and the others.

Tiedan said "Hi", and a grenade flew towards the pile of Japanese soldiers. After firing four grenades with "Hi", he picked up the gun again, fired a few times, and then followed Zheng Hai and Wu Wa while firing.

Side retreat.

Half an hour later, Da Zhuang, Tiedan and the others all returned to the team, and the Japanese were swept away by them.

Although he accidentally saved more than a hundred civilians and killed dozens of Japanese soldiers, Yuesong felt unhappy. As long as the Japanese special operations team still exists, the division head and command organization will also exist.

It's dangerous, but what should I do? I also used the method of waiting for the rabbit to catch the rabbit. I did see the ghost hair, but this ghost hair is not the other ghost hair. I can't look for a needle in a haystack again.

Yuesong sat on a big rock, looking at the vast forest at the foot of the mountain. He had smoked three or four cigarettes, but he still couldn't do anything.

This chapter has been completed!
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