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173. Who to fight for

After resting for more than two hours, the sun was already setting in the west and it was time for the team to set off.

"Captain, Guido and I will take the first step." Brother Chao, who had recovered from his depression and had eaten and drank enough, took the initiative to find Yuesong.

"Okay, Brother Chao, there will be a large number of Japs ahead, please protect those two boys." Yuesong said.

"We have guns, why do we need Brother Chao's protection?" Shaoqiu said.

"Let's go, watch more, and learn more. War is not just playing house. You have to save your life first." The third brother pushed the two boys and turned back to the captain and said, "Captain, don't worry, I'm here with you."

Brother Chao is here."

Yuesong knew the capabilities of these two veteran special forces members and waved his hand with confidence.

While Luo Yuesong was leading the team to rest and catch fish, Lengrenren had already arrived to the north of Ren'an Qiang. In order to avoid the Japanese army, it was really hard to take a detour through the mountains and jungles.

When we arrived at a suitable observation point, the sun was already in the west. Leng Renren raised his telescope and followed the formation of the Japanese troops in the north.

"This formation is intended to encircle rather than attack. We want a group of sheep to die of thirst and starvation, and then directly roast the sheep or make mutton soup?" Leng Ren said.

"Battal Commander, the Japs in the north also have two brigades of infantry, plus a squadron of artillery. With the current combat effectiveness of the British and Burmese troops, if the Japanese army launches an attack immediately, they can completely attack them. Why don't the Japanese army attack?" Li

The adjutant also asked after observing.

"Many generals of the Japanese army like to read China's "Sun Tzu's Art of War". They want to conquer the enemy without fighting. They may want to trap the British and Burmese troops for a few days and then let them surrender. The Japanese army also lacks strategic supplies and can save money.

Just click and save.”

As Leng Renren said, Leng Feng came over and said, "Master, show me the telescope so I can see what those sheep are doing."

Leng Renren handed the telescope to Leng Feng, and Leng Feng looked at it with the telescope and laughed "haha".

"What are you laughing at?" Lengren asked.

"This group of sheep is indeed female. Look, they have set up many tents. Most of the people are nesting in the tents. Even those who are not in the tents are lying on the ground. This is also true.

Call them troops, it's a pity that they have so many tanks and armored vehicles." Leng Feng sneered.

"Battal Commander, if they look like this, if the Japanese army suddenly launches a round of artillery attacks, they will suffer heavy casualties. Don't they even know how to dig trenches?" Adjutant Li said anxiously.

"Hey, even if we save these people, how much role will they play in the following battles if we save so many brothers from the expeditionary force? No wonder Luo Yuesong can't figure it out. Burma and India are both colonies of the British Empire.

That's all, who would fight to defend other people's homes?" Lengren lit a cigarette.

"Battal Commander, please send the report. The earlier Commander Liu knows about Ren'an Qiang's situation, he can formulate a battle plan earlier. The march route may be different. If these British and Burmese troops really surrender, what will happen to these people?"

It doesn't matter if I don't, the key is to send so many weapons and ammunition to the Japanese, as well as the equipment of an armored brigade." Adjutant Li said.

"Go and ask the communications troops to send the telegram. After sending the telegram, we will change positions immediately. We are so close to a large number of Japanese troops here. If nothing happens, after the telegram is sent, a Japanese squad will come to us."

"Yes." Adjutant Li went to the communications corps to send a report.

"Master, with the equipment and troop configuration of the Japanese, the 113th regiment wants to open a hole. If the entire regiment cannot get in, it won't be able to save a single sheep. Look, if I were Commander Liu, I would slow down."

Marching steps, waiting for the British and Burmese troops to surrender before coming back." Leng Feng said crazily.

"Shut up, war is the most complex conflict. Just remember one thing. Whether we are at home or abroad, we have one purpose in fighting, which is to defend China."

"Oh, I definitely know this."

"Okay, let's organize the brothers. As soon as the report is finished, we will march along the ridge in a detour and try to meet Luo Yuesong and the others as soon as possible."


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