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174. Mingxiu Plank Road

When Luo Yuesong and the others arrived at the scheduled observation point, it was getting late and it looked like it would get dark soon.

Luo Yuesong stood on the top of the mountain and observed the Japanese troops at the foot of the mountain through a sniper scope.

"Lei Hang remembers the configuration of the Japanese troops." Yuesong said as he watched, "Outside the city at the foot of the mountain east of Ren'an Qiang, there are three Japanese brigades, two infantry brigades, five tanks, one artillery squadron, and eight heavy artillery pieces. Look.

According to the formation, we surrounded but did not rush to fight, probably hoping that the British and Burmese troops would surrender without a fight."

"Captain, remember."

"Don't worry, let's see if the British and Burmese troops can take the initiative to break out when the Chinese army is attacking." Yuesong carefully observed the British and Burmese troops in the city, "No, they are swaying here and there, nowhere to go.

This is an army, oh oh, the equipment is really good, there are tanks and armored vehicles placed around the outside, but it’s a pity that the people inside are so cowardly.”

"Captain, Ren'anqiang is short of water, probably because there is no water to drink." Guido said.

"What? Ren'anqiang is short of water? What kind of place is this? It's surrounded by mountains and forests. How can it be short of water?" Yuesong didn't believe it.

"Captain, if there is a forest, there will be no shortage of water. Although there is a shortage of water here, the terrain is rare and flat, so more and more people are living here. Water can be diverted from the river, but it can also be cut off to divert it.

water." Shaoqiu also explained at the same time.

"Well, these two boys know quite a lot, good job. I said that the British and Burmese troops are so well equipped, why are the people so cowardly? It turns out that they are old buffaloes who have not drunk water and cannot pull a rake. So it's okay to say that

We need to rescue them quickly, otherwise they may surrender at any time," Yuesong said.

"Just surrender, the British are not good people anyway," Guido said.

Yuesong hurriedly said: "Jido, in this kind of war, the enemy's enemy is our teammates. The British are not good people, but they are the enemy of the Japanese. If the British and Burmese troops surrender, so much good equipment will

Just give it to the Japanese army directly, and it will be harder for us to fight, so what should we do?"

"Fight the Japanese and save the British." Shaoqiu said.

"Yes, hit the Japanese." At this time, Yuesong kept staring at the Japanese artillery position, thinking of a wrong move.

"Captain, you always look at the Japanese artillery positions, don't you want to build other people's artillery positions again?" Lei Hang asked.

"You know Lei Hang, the infantry is most afraid of distance, and the artillery is most afraid of being close. We are infantry. When we are close to the artillery, we have to give them a hard time. Otherwise, once the distance is far away, the artillery's heavy cannon will fire a shell.

It might ruin half of our team." Yuesong seemed to have an idea, put away his sniper rifle, found a place to sit down, and started smoking.

"Captain, do you want to send a report to the division headquarters?" Lei Hang squatted next to the captain.

"If we don't send it, the Japanese will probably know that we are here. It will mess up my plan." Yuesong smoked a cigarette, still thinking about how to set up the Japanese artillery positions.

"Captain, our sniper rifles don't work well after dark." Brother Chao reminded the captain.

"Well, do you devils know how to light a fire?" Yuesong asked Brother Chao.

"I think I am strong and I am not afraid of exposing my target. I should be able to light a fire." Brother Chao said.

"Isn't that okay? The key is that there is a group of Japanese behind us. We can't use Japanese artillery in front, and the Japanese infantry will take advantage of us in the back." Yuesong put out the cigarette butt.

"Yes, it will get dark soon. We have to plan how to fight and retreat." Brother Chao said.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way." Yuesong leaned against a rubber tree, "I'm going to be confused for a while. You ask Cao Gen'er and Huineng to lead a few people and keep a close eye on the road we come here."


At this time, Yoshida Shoichi led the team to search along the river for a long time but could not find any traces of the enemy. When Yoshida led the team to the river bend, he looked at the other side of the river bend with his telescope and felt something was unusual, so he sent

I picked up two soldiers with good water skills and swam over to conduct a reconnaissance.

When the two soldiers came back to report, they said that there were many traces of people in the woods, and they even grilled fish.

"Baga." Yoshida was more or less angry. These Chinese people marched along the river to the north bank and then to the south bank. Now they should be heading east along the south bank, but the river here is too wide.

, soldiers with poor water quality can't get through.

Yoshida thought for a while and decided to continue advancing along the north bank of the river. He must find traces of the enemy and find a suitable opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. This Chinese force is not simple. Without a surprise attack, it is difficult to take advantage.


Yoshida touched his mustache and asked the troops to move forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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