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Nine, unforeseen circumstances

Seeing that Tang Si had disappeared at the entrance of the alley, Yuesong fired a few more shots at the pursuing Japanese, then threw a grenade and took the opportunity to change a magazine. After changing the magazine, he threw another grenade and took the opportunity to

He ducked out of the doorway, shot at the pursuing Japanese, and retreated to the alley ahead.

By the time Yuesong retreated to the alley, Tang Si had disappeared, but at the other end of the alley, Yuesong saw a group of Japanese soldiers chasing him forward while firing.

The Japanese who were chasing Yuesong suddenly realized that he was missing and the gunfire stopped, so they hurried forward to pursue him. By the time the Japanese found the entrance of the alley, Yuesong had already taken advantage of the gap where the Japanese at the other end of the alley chased him away, from the other side of the alley.

The mouth slipped away.

As Yuesong ran, he heard gunshots everywhere, especially at the entrance of the Wanguo Hotel, where the explosion of grenades kept coming. Yuesong didn't care about supporting him. The plan had been disrupted. Now he could only fight on his own.

Whether you can't rush out depends on each person's ability and luck.

Yuesong ran along some twists and turns. When he met the Japanese search team, he would avoid it if he could. If he couldn't avoid it, he would fire machine guns and run away. According to the original plan, everyone should be in the back streets.

After rendezvous, they evacuated together to the backstreet of the porn tavern, and then retreated from the sewer into the darkroom. But now that the plan was completely messed up and the rendezvous was impossible, Yuesong decided that he couldn't follow the routine.

Yuesong did not run to the back street of the yellow tavern, nor did he enter the darkroom through the sewer. Instead, he ran to the front street of the yellow tavern. Along the street, hiding and running, he finally got close to the yellow tavern.

But Yuesong, who has a keen sense, suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. The tavern was eerily quiet. Is there something wrong with the tavern? Is there a spy among us? It should be impossible for the members of the special team. If there is a spy, I'm afraid

The guys in the porn tavern are the most suspicious. But it’s not easy for the underground party. I can’t easily doubt anyone. However, if I enter the porn tavern rashly, if something unexpected happens, I’m afraid it will be difficult to escape. Yuesong thought of this, instead of guessing

Instead of guessing and hesitating, it is better to take the initiative and ask for directions.

When Yuesong was still more than 40 meters away from the Yellow Tavern, he took a gun and shot at the Yellow Tavern. Sure enough, several plainclothes team members suddenly rushed out of the Yellow Tavern. Yuesong immediately dodged.

Hidden in the doorway.

The plainclothes team ran to the street to look, but saw no one, so they hid in the tavern again, hoping to ambush the special forces team.

It's broken. There is also a problem in the pornographic tavern. This time, not to mention that I am in a dangerous situation, I am afraid that Brother Chao and the others will not be able to escape the bad luck. The bad-mouthed crow started squawking so early in the morning that it caused a problem.


After complaining for a while, Yuesong was about to find a place to hide before the plainclothes team discovered him. Suddenly, the wooden door he was leaning against opened with a creak. Yuesong quickly aimed his gun.

The person who opened the door was about to ask a question, but the person whispered: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, come in and talk."

Yuesong saw that he was an ordinary citizen and hurriedly entered the house. The man closed the door, groped in the dark and said to Yuesong: "Hero, I know you are a hero who resisted Japan. If you can trust me, old man, just hide here.

How is it?"

"Okay, thank you!" Yuesong thanked him in a low voice and followed the old man to the inner room.

This chapter has been completed!
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