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Ten, misfortunes do not come singly

Under the care of the enthusiastic old man, Yuesong stayed at the old man's house for two days. After the storm subsided a little, he decided to leave the city quickly so that he could inquire about other brothers.

Yuesong hid the Baishi gun in the mezzanine of the cabinet, and only brought a shell gun. He explained the situation to the old man, then took the shell gun and left the city alone from the south gate at dusk.

Although the Japanese searched very strictly, Yuesong was well prepared. When walking to the south gate on the street, Yuesong bought two baskets of radishes, carried them on his shoulders, and put the rifle at the bottom of the baskets. When the puppet troops searched,

Yuesong kept complaining and said: "Huo Zhen is his mother's ass. He carried a load of radishes into the city early in the morning. After selling them for a day, there were still two big baskets. Alas, if we really go back, my wife will scold her again."

The puppet soldiers who were searching were very annoyed when they listened to Yuesong's chatter. They scratched Yuesong's butt and said, "You are so verbose, get out of here!"

Yuesong patted the gray mark on his butt, picked up the burden and walked out of the city gate.

Although there is still more than three miles between Lao Ba's house after leaving the city, and a load of radishes is not light, besides, Yuesong comes from a wealthy family and has never carried a burden. The carrying pole almost bruised Yuesong's shoulders. But during the war

Yuesong, who had been trained in the field, already knew how to cherish, and he just bit it and carried a load of radishes to Lao Ba's house.

When they arrived at the gate of Lao Ba's courtyard, Yuesong was still worried about whether the transportation station at Lao Ba's house was safe. Jia Yi walked all the way and didn't see his brothers from the special force coming out to greet him, so he picked up a load and shouted a few times at the gate of the courtyard:

"Selling radishes, selling radishes, small round radishes with red skin!"

Lao Ba heard Yuesong's shouting, opened the courtyard door, and welcomed Yuesong in.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Yuesong quickly asked: "Where are the other brothers? Have the brothers I brought into the city come back?"

"Captain Luo, after you entered the city, the superiors came with instructions the next day. Captain Hu followed the superiors' instructions and led the team to perform the mission. Before leaving, I was still worried about you," Lao Ba said.

"Oh, there is a mission." Yuesong said as he thought, there must be some special mission, otherwise the special forces would not go so far to secretly order the special forces. But that's okay, as long as the special forces do not encounter any unexpected events, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, Yuesong asked again: "Is there any other news?"

"The brothers you brought into the city haven't come back yet. Lao Ding's traffic station in the city was destroyed. The reason is very simple. The man Lao Ding sent to set off firecrackers and fireworks on the street was caught by the Japanese on the spot. The Japanese

I took him to the Yellow Tavern. Although I was suspicious, I didn't catch any real clues. Lao Ding and the others are safe for the time being, but the traffic station can no longer be used." Lao Ba said. Yuesong listened and thought,

Fortunately, it’s just that the Japanese are investigating closely, so it’s good that we don’t have spies inside. It’s just that Chang Chao and the others don’t know what’s going on now. Based on their cleverness, they may be hiding in some nook and cranny in the city waiting for an opportunity. Thinking of this, Yuesong is right

Lao Ba said: "Well, let's go. I'll chase Captain Hu and the others first. If the brothers I brought into the city come back to you, let them wait. After a few days, if there is no news about the others,

, just try to find a way back to the base area to find the main force."

"Oh, by the way, you mentioned the large army. Yesterday, the superiors came with instructions and asked Captain Luo to rush to the Second Regiment Headquarters. The current location of the Regiment Headquarters is Wangjiazhai. It seems there is something very urgent." Lao Ba.


Yuesong lowered his head and thought for a moment, why is the mission so urgent that he asked me to rush back quickly? Could it be that the regiment headquarters is under threat? No, the regiment headquarters is under threat. I can't save the overall situation by going back alone. Could it be that there is a spy at the division headquarters?

?That’s not right. Even if there is a spy in the military, it won’t be of much use if I go back... After thinking about it, Yuesong still doesn’t understand why he was asked to return to the army quickly. So he said to Lao Ba: "Okay, I

I won’t linger here any longer, I’ll take my leave.”

"Are you in a hurry? Let's go after dinner?" Lao Ba said, holding Yuesong's arm.

"No, the military orders are like mountains. Besides, there is still such a long way to go." Yuesong explained.

"Wait, let's bring some pancakes and some water." Lao Ba said and ran into the house. He came out after a while and stuffed a cloth bag and a water hyacinth into Yuesong's hands.

Yuesong took the baggage and water hyacinth and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Eight!"

"Haha, thank you for that. We are all one family. You even picked up a large load of radishes for me." Lao Ba pointed at the two large baskets of radishes and said with a smile.

Yuesong smiled knowingly, thinking, "United as one, we can break through metal." Yuesong was about to turn around and leave, when Lao Ba said again: "Wait a minute, look at my brain, Captain Hu is specially trying to kill your

I've left the equipment with you, I'll go get it for you right away." After saying that, Lao Ba hurried into the house.

Yuesong followed Lao Ba into the house. Lao Ba came to the kitchen, opened a large pile of firewood, pulled out a wooden board, got into the sweet potato cellar, and took out Yuesong's sniper rifle, Browning, and small crossbow.

, the dagger and military uniform were handed to Yuesong.

Yuesong took over the equipment and said happily: "I'm used to fighting in wars. Without these treasures, I'm really not used to having only a short gun in my arms." Yuesong said as he put on his military uniform and put all the weapons and equipment together.

Hang up.

"Captain Luo, it's better to wear this outfit!" Lao Ba looked at Yuesong and said, "However, wearing this outfit in an area full of ghosts may be inconvenient."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's day and night. Besides, you have a sniper rifle in your hand, so it doesn't matter which one you wear?" Yuesong replied with a smile. Yuesong put his beloved Browning in his arms and

As he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of Dan Feng. Could it be that something bad happened to Dan Feng? Only if something bad happened to Dan Feng would he rush back. The more Yuesong thought about it, the more he thought that was the case, so he hurriedly said goodbye to Lao Ba

, hurried back in a hurry.

Yuesong drove all night and arrived at the foot of the eastern side of the Dabie Mountains. At dawn, Yuesong felt very tired. Besides, he had already been swept away by the Japanese. It was not safe to rush on the road in broad daylight.

It was very unsafe, so I found a dry bush, got into the bush, pulled some leaves to cover myself, lay down on the ground, hid myself, and fell asleep in a daze.

This chapter has been completed!
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