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Fourteen, the true character of a man

As the saying goes: "People are iron, rice is steel." Yuesong, who had not eaten, drank or slept for two days in a row, was still young and strong, but he had not eaten or rested for a long time, and he was secretly feeling sad alone.

, naturally also looks like "the ground is covered with yellow flowers and is haggard and worn out".

Although Yuesong was reluctant to withdraw from his personal injury for the time being, the war was burning the land of China, and new tasks required Yuesong to continue to lead the special forces to fight and fight.

On this day, when Yuesong was still whispering silently to his beloved in front of Dan Feng's hospital bed, the door opened, the white curtain was lifted, and Tang Si walked in lightly, fully armed.

"Got a mission?" Yuesong asked without looking back.

"Captain, urgent mission." Tang Si replied.

"You go out first, we will set off immediately." Yuesong said.

"Yes!" Tang Si answered and went out.

Yuesong lowered his head, closed his eyes, slowly kissed the back of Danfeng's hand, and said, "Wait for me!" After saying this, Yuesong stood up suddenly, and his eyes suddenly radiated a strange light. Yuesong compiled

He took off his military uniform, gave Dan Feng a military salute, and then strode out of the ward.

As soon as he left the ward, Yuesong saw Tang Si holding two horses, standing at the door waiting for Yuesong.

"Captain, your equipment!" When Tang Si saw the captain coming out, he immediately handed the captain's weapons and equipment to him.

As Yuesong took the equipment, he asked with a gloomy face: "Who shot Nurse Lan?"

"Deng Minghe said that he was injured by a Japanese stray bullet while doing rescue work on the battlefield."

Yuesong didn't speak, and in less than a minute, he armed himself. The fully armed Yuesong, who turned over and sat on the horse, and with the neighing sound of the war horse, Yuesong, at this moment, seemed to be

So energetic, so strong and brave.

Yuesong grabbed the reins with both hands, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and shouted: "Drive!" The war horse and Yuesong, like arrows off the string, rushed towards the regimental headquarters.

Half an hour later, Yuesong and Tang Si returned to Wanglin, where the Second Regiment headquarters was located. As soon as they entered the village, they saw the regiment leader waiting with ten soldiers at the entrance of the village. Yuesong jumped off his horse, ran to the regiment leader, and saluted.

Said: "Report to the leader, the captain of the special operations team Luo Yuesong has returned to the team!"

The regiment leader returned the salute and said: "Okay, well done, you can fight after you pull them out. Captain Luo, now I order the special force to set off immediately and quickly meet up with Vice Captain Hu to complete a glorious and arduous task.

No confidence?"

"Yes!" Yuesong replied loudly, "Captain, what's the mission?"

The regiment leader pulled Yuesong aside and said: "Deng Minghe will tell you about the specific tasks on the way. I have accepted all the brothers you brought back and incorporated them all into your special operations team. How about that? It's interesting enough.


"Thank you, leader. Then, the leader will tell us a few words and we will set off?" Yuesong said.

"Speak, your brother, and encourage me!" said the regimental leader.

"Yes, captain!" Yuesong answered, striding to the front of the special forces team that had already lined up and waited.

"Reporting to the captain, the special force has been formed, please give instructions!" Deng Minghe stepped forward, saluted and reported.

"Get in line!" Yuesong ordered.

"Yes!" Deng Minghe was walking into the queue.

"Tell me a little bit," Yuesong said, and the whole special team stood at attention, "take a break. I won't say much to the old team members, I will mainly talk to a few new team members. Third brother, oh, no, what is your name?"


"Report, my name is Zhang San!" The third brother is really good. In just two or three days, he has basically integrated into the New Fourth Army.

"Well done, it's really 'I haven't seen you for three days, so I'm going to look at you with admiration'. Zhang San and other new comrades have high patriotic enthusiasm and excellent military literacy. Although I have only seen you fight in one battle and led you to fight in another battle,

However, it is your honor to join the special operations team, and it is also a good opportunity to use it on the edge. However, you must also study the military discipline of the New Fourth Army seriously, abide by military discipline as an example, learn how to cooperate with teammates in actual combat, and learn more special operations

The ability..."

Yuesong walked up to several new comrades, adjusted their military uniforms one by one, and said: "You, you, you, you five comrades, form the fifth group of the special force, with Comrade Zhang San as the leader.

A few comrades will join my group for the time being."

"Yes!" several new team members replied loudly.

"Our special forces team has a feature that ordinary special forces teams do not have, that is, each group has a sniper, Comrade Zhang San." Yuesong said.

"Arrived!" Zhang San replied.

"You five groups don't have snipers, don't worry, I will select and train a good sniper for you. How about I also give you a fire stick with a mirror, okay?" Yuesong said to Zhang

Three words.

Everyone laughed, Zhang San smiled sheepishly, and then replied loudly: "Thanks, captain!"

Yuesong took a 38 cap from a new comrade, pulled the bolt of the gun, and said, "Well, I know how to take care of it, so it's not bad." Yuesong glanced at the guns in the hands of several new comrades and continued,

"Not only do you not have snipers, you don't even have a gun. As a special force, the equipment is a bit poor. However, don't worry, we will stop by today. We have a small arsenal in the woods. There is a lot of weapons available there.

There are more than a dozen guns, how about it? Do you think about this guy?" Yuesong grabbed the gun from Tang Si's hand and threw it to Zhang San.

Zhang San caught the gun, took a look at it, and said: "Good guy, with this guy in hand, if more than a dozen Japs come together, I can knock them all down by myself!"

"Haha, I know your abilities. The gun is reserved for your brothers. You are the best with your guns!"

"That's right, we are the only two darlings who have been working with us for more than ten years." Zhang San was still so forthright and upright.

Yuesong took a few steps back, turned to face all the team members, and said loudly: "Our New Fourth Army is the people's army and an important military force for the Chinese nation to fight against the Japanese invaders. Although no one pays us military pay, no one gives us

We are equipped with weapons and ammunition, and even many soldiers have not received formal military training. However, our New Fourth Army is a steel division that cannot be defeated, delayed, or starved to death. New and arduous tasks are before us, and we are armed.

The little devil with teeth is right next to our house. Comrades, do you have the confidence to complete this arduous task?"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison, the sound was loud and neat, and it spread to the valley below, lingering for a long time.

"Everyone, turn left and set off!" Yuesong ordered.

The team was led by Deng Minghe and started running towards the destination.

Yuesong ran to the group leader and said: "Captain, we are leaving!"

The team leader patted Yuesong on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Yuesong, I won't emphasize the difficulty of this mission. I will keep an eye on Nurse Lan for you. As soon as things get better, I will give you a hundred dollars."

Riga is urgent.”

"Thank you, leader, I'm leaving!" Yuesong saluted and replied, running to catch up with the team and setting off with the team.

This chapter has been completed!
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