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Fifteen, every second counts

After Yuesong caught up with the team, he said to Tang Si: "Tang Si, you go to the front and lead the team. The Japs are sweeping up. You may encounter the Japs at any time. Be vigilant and conduct reconnaissance before moving forward."

"Yes!" Tang Si took the order and ran forward.

Yuesong walked up to Deng Minghe and asked: "What is the specific content of this mission? Tell me!"

Deng Minghe followed the captain's instructions and explained the specific tasks to the captain.

It turned out that when Yuesong and Deng Minghe entered the city to complete the "anti-decapitation operation", shortly after entering the city, the division headquarters sent the sealed top-secret order to Lao Ba through the transportation station.

According to reliable intelligence, the Fifth War Zone of the National Army received news that the Japanese operations in Suixian, Xiangyang, and Laohekou were not progressing smoothly. Therefore, the extremely vicious Japanese military headquarters transported a batch of poison gas bombs to the Japanese troops attacking the National Army.

In order to avoid the public eye and prevent the interference of international public opinion, the Japs transported the gas bombs secretly by trucks. When the information was received, the convoy had set out from Wuhan City for more than a day, and it was estimated that it had arrived in the Yunmengze area. In order to slow down the Japs

Due to the speed of the convoy transportation, the division headquarters has ordered the local county brigade to continuously harass. However, firstly, the county brigade is poorly equipped and has limited combat effectiveness. Secondly, the terrain in the Yunmenze area is flat and there are few mountains, and it is simply unable to complete the task of blowing up the Japanese gas bombs.

The National Army once dispatched a special task force. With Yuesong's great help, although it finally completed the task of blowing up the Japanese bacterial weapons depot, the special task force was completely wiped out. Even General Zhang Zizhong's favorite general Zhao Changsheng was not spared.

So this time the national army asked the New Fourth Army, which had rich combat experience behind enemy lines, to send a team to complete the task of blowing up the Japanese gas bomb transport convoy. The division headquarters readily agreed. In order to thank the New Fourth Army for its help, General Li Zongren, commander-in-chief of the Fifth Theater, personally gave instructions.

, allocate 10 heavy machine guns, 30 light machine guns, 300 rifles, and a total of 5,000 rounds of various bullets to the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army. Half will be allocated before the task is completed. If the task is successfully completed, not only will the other half be allocated immediately, but also 100 grenades will be allocated.


When the division headquarters received the task, the division commander personally decided that the special operations team of the division headquarters would go all out to complete this arduous task. He also required small units of the nearby New Fourth Army and various county brigades to fully assist the special operations team in completing the task. The division commander also personally communicated with the second division headquarters

The leader of the regiment, Song Erluzi, said: "This time the special operations team is truly a division headquarters special operations team."

As soon as Song Erzi heard what the division commander said, he immediately started thinking about those weapons and ammunition. He said to the division commander with a playful smile: "Sir, the special forces team can complete this arduous task. After all, the second regiment is also the mother-in-law of the special operations team.

Those machine guns, rifles, bullets, right?"

"What about robbery? You idiot, why are you not stunned now?" the teacher asked pretending to be angry.

"Sir, I'm speaking like a mother, ah, why aren't you stunned? We don't even dare to smell the smell of a heavy machine gun." Song Er said pretending to be stunned.

When Deng Minghe learned the rumored conversation between the division commander and the regiment commander in front of Yue Song, he was so vivid and vivid that he made Yuesong laugh all the way. Yuesong thought in his heart that the National Army was a little unkind.

The New Fourth Army is also a national army. It does not pay or issue guns. It requires people to complete arduous tasks. It pays half first and half later. It is simply a gangster hiring a killer. Moreover, Yuesong, in front of Brigadier Dong, one day

We always goose-step and goose-step all day long, with our waist straight and straight, but now our division commander and regimental commander don’t have any airs at all, they are so cool, they are true brothers!

When the order was sent to Lao Ba, Biaozi happened to be leading the team on standby at Lao Ba's house. He wanted to wait for the captain to complete the task before leading the team to intercept the Japanese convoy, but the situation was urgent and time waited for no one, so Biaozi had no choice but to lead the special force.

The remaining dozen or so people set off early.

After Yuesong completed his mission, as soon as he returned to Lao Ba's house, another order came for Yuesong to rush back to the main army. This was because Dan Feng was in critical condition at the time, and the division commander hoped to allow the two lovers to meet again.

When Yuesong returned to the main force, Dan Feng's injury had basically stabilized, but he remained unconscious. While Yuesong was accompanying Dan Feng in the ward, Biaozi, who led the team to complete the mission, finally found the Japanese secret movement of poison gas.

bomb convoy, but the Japanese guards were very tight, almost watertight, and there were only a dozen members of the special operations team left, and the local county brigade lacked soldiers who could participate in special operations. In desperation, they had to send one soldier back to the group.

Troops, requesting reinforcements.

It was under such circumstances that Yuesong received the order. Yuesong was thinking as he walked, it seems that this mission is really difficult, but the situation is not very clear now, and he cannot decide how to complete this mission, so he can only rush there first

, reconnoitred the enemy's situation, and then made a decision. So he asked Deng Minghe: "Where is the current location of the Japanese transport convoy?"

"According to Captain Hu's report, it is estimated that we will be able to enter Dahongshan in less than a day." Deng Minghe replied.

"Tang Si, map!" Yuesong said to Tang Si.

"Here we come!" Tang Si ran over. Yuesong took the map, found a big stone, and laid it on the map. While looking at the map, he ordered, "Rest where you are and be careful!"

Yuesong looked at the map for a while, then suddenly turned around and shouted: "Third brother, come and take a look!"

"Hey!" The third brother responded and ran over.

"Come on, third brother, you have traveled all over the country and have seen a lot. You must have been to Hongshan Mountain, right?" Yuesong asked.

"Hi, Dahongshan, I'm a regular customer there." The third brother said proudly.

"Look at the map and tell me where the terrain is the most dangerous along the way," Yuesong said.

"Haha, this thing, he knows me, but I don't know him." The third brother said with a smile.

"Then what are you talking about as a regular customer?" Yuesong said, glaring at the third brother.

"Regular customers, regular customers who can't run away, the road is all in our heads." The third brother tilted his head and said.

"Well, where do you think the terrain is the most dangerous, and it's on the roadside?" Yuesong asked.

"That's no need to ask. Of course it's Yingzui Cliff. I worked there and got used to it." The third brother replied without hesitation.

"Okay, let's go to Yingzui Cliff. Let's start now. How long will it take to get there?" Yuesong asked again.

The third brother reached out and touched his head, thought for a while, and said, "It will take two days at the earliest. If you want to ride a horse, hurry up. One day is enough. I come and go on horseback."

"Nonsense, where did so many horses come from? Besides, with more than a dozen people, the target is too big." Yuesong said, and looked at the map to study for a while, then raised his head and said to everyone, "Let's set off now, march in a hurry, we must arrive in one day.

Everyone pays attention. When running, try to walk softly, be silent, and pay attention to detecting the enemy's situation at all times."

"Yes!" everyone replied in unison.

"Tang Si, you lead the way and go to the forest to get the gun first." Yuesong ordered.


"Deng Minghe, you will not allow anyone to fall behind after you are defeated."


"Third brother, please be alert and tell me as soon as there is anything wrong!"


"Everyone, let's go!" Yuesong finished assigning tasks and led the team on a rapid march towards the woods where the guns were buried.

This chapter has been completed!
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