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Sixteen, there is a ghost behind

Tang Si, who was alert and dexterous, ran at the front alone. Yuesong led the team to keep a distance of three to four meters from Tang Si, which prevented the crowds from making too much noise and attracting the attention of the Japanese. More importantly, it prevented more than a dozen people from running at the same time.

If we accidentally get into the enemy's den together, the whole army may be annihilated. It's not a big deal. If we can't complete the mission, it's a big deal. You know, if there are several trucks full of gas bombs, once they explode on the front line, how many countries will there be?

The soldiers were killed in battle.

Running and hiding along the way, they marched for more than two hours, and finally arrived at the forest where the guns and ammunition were buried. Ordinarily, Yuesong buried the guns and ammunition in a fake grave, so no one would find out, but everything happened.

There is always a chance, and sometimes, it happens to be just one in ten thousand. What should you do if it happens? Does it work to keep complaining about yourself? Or admit that you are unlucky and just be peaceful.

That's it, but in the war years, for soldiers who are surrounded by blood and fire, especially for soldiers like Yuesong who shoulder a special mission, admitting that they are unlucky means defeat, which means defeat.

Rivers of blood mean that the earth is shaking and the mountains are sad.

You say fire, Yuesong is really hot these days. First, when he was on a mission to instantly kill Yamamoto, he was cut off from his escape route. All the brothers were scattered. Chao brother's life and death are still uncertain; and then there was his beloved Dan Feng.

While doing rescue work in the field, he was hit in the back by a stray bullet and is still unconscious. What will happen next? Who knows.

When they arrived at the forest, Yuesong led his team to find a small slope with dense trees and ordered everyone to hide on the spot. Then he sent Tang Si to scout the area near the fake tomb. If no one was around, he was ready to lead the team to get some.

For guns and ammunition, replace all the 38-gauge guns of the new brothers in the team with hundred-type rifles, and bring more bullets. After all, what we are about to face is a convoy of gas bombs secretly escorted by the Japanese.

It is certain to fight less and hit more. No matter how fierce the firepower is or how unlucky the plan is, it is still not a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Those evil tigers of the Japanese eat people without spitting out their bones. Yuesong will never do such a thing.

. So, you must first fully arm the few people you have.

"Tang Si, time is tight and the task is heavy. Go and come back quickly. If nothing happens, we will set off immediately after changing the equipment." Yuesong explained.

"Don't worry, captain." Tang Si responded and quietly touched the fake grave.

Yuesong knew that Tang Si was smart, so he felt relieved. After marching for several hours, he was not only tired, but also addicted to smoking again. Yuesong listened carefully around him, and found that the forest was surprisingly quiet, without any disturbance.

So Yuesong said to the third brother next to him: "Put your ears up and listen." After saying that, he lay down behind a big tree under the slope, lit a cigarette, and started smoking fiercely.


Speaking of Yuesong's fire, right here, Yuesong hid under a small slope, and there was a big tree blocking it, but the faint smoke that Yuesong exhaled was accidentally caught by a small group of Japanese soldiers.


It turns out that the Japanese have taken up a lot of territory during their recent sweeps, but there are very few effective forces to actually destroy the New Fourth Army. On the contrary, our own troops are constantly being ambushed. Those hateful New Fourth Army can't be found after a long time, but they suddenly appear again.

There are quite a few, but you can hit and run, and you can't find them after they run away. What's even more hateful is that just as your large group of people drove past from here, some of them kept popping up behind them like weeds.

There are inexplicable small groups of troops, many of which don't even wear military uniforms. They are either fighting cold shots or trying to feed you. They always feel like there is air leakage in their butts, which is very unpleasant. So the Japanese have also learned to do it recently and often send troops.

Some small groups of troops follow behind them, or lie in wait for small groups of the New Fourth Army to appear, or they secretly search around, specializing in using small groups of troops to deal with small groups of troops, and using fluidity and changeability to deal with fluidity and changeability.

Yuesong smoked a cigarette, and smoked it in less than a minute, but he was discovered by such a small group of Japanese soldiers. There were about twenty people in the small group of Japanese soldiers, and the leader

He was a warrant officer, and he was an experienced and clever warrant officer. This Japanese Warrant Officer was searching in the forest with a group of little Japs. He suddenly stopped, raised his hand to signal the other Japs to stop, and sniffed for two seconds.

Suck, with a quick turn of his little eyes, he discovered Yuesong smoking more than fifty meters away.

The warrant officer Guijingguijing was not in a hurry, and took the little devil to hide on the spot, lying on the ground, secretly watching what these Chinese people were doing.

Tang Si went to the fake tomb for some reconnaissance and found nothing, so he hurried over to report to the team leader. At this moment, Yuesong had finished smoking and was lying on the hillside looking at Tang Si when he saw Tang Si coming.

, was about to ask.

"Luo Zi, there's something wrong with the taste!" Third brother reminded Yuesong.

"Luo Zi? Who are you calling? Captain!" Upon hearing this, Tang Si looked at the captain and asked.

"Shut your mouth," Yuesong said to Tang Si, then turned back to ask the third brother, "Is the taste of the ball right? Just tell me if there is any situation."

"Anyway, it smells wrong. If you don't believe me, just smell it!" Third Brother sniffed a few times and said.

Yuesong also sniffed a few times, but didn't feel anything wrong. He turned around and looked around. He didn't find anyone else in the forest, so he said, "Tang Si, tell me first, what's going on?"

"There were no traces of people around, and the fake grave showed no signs of being tampered with." Tang Si replied.

"Okay, third brother, bring the new comrades with me. Tang Si, Deng Minghe and you guys will stay here to keep watch. Let's go!" After Yuesong finished speaking, he took third brother and several new team members and walked quickly towards the fake grave.

Ran over.

When they arrived at the fake grave, Yuesong pointed at the fake grave and said, "Everyone, dig it up!"

"Don't, think about it. In the past, our brothers often robbed living people, but we don't rob dead people's belongings. Besides, we only rob living people, but also specifically rob the rich. We don't bully the poor.

Look at this grave. It’s nothing. It’s a very poor man without a coffin board. Why dig him up? Don’t do it!” The third brother said a lot.

Yuesong circled around the third brother and said, "Okay, you said you wouldn't dig, but it's a pity that you can knock down a row of Japs with one shuttle and have to stay with the poor in the wild forest."

"Ah? There is a gun in the grave. This is your arsenal? Tell me earlier. Brother, please do something!" When the third brother heard that the gun was in the grave, he immediately became excited.

"Excuse me, don't you dig up dead people's objects? I also told you, there is no one buried in this grave at all." Yuesong said proudly on the side.

After a while, the grave was dug open. As expected, there was no one in the grave, but it was full of Japanese military uniforms.

Yuesong said that when he saw that they were all stunned, he said, "Open the Japanese uniforms!"

A few of them opened the Japanese military uniforms and saw that all the guns and ammunition were exposed. They looked at the guns and happily started to grab them.

"Pay attention, pay attention. You are now the New Fourth Army, the New Fourth Army's special force. You are not allowed to rob. Each person has a gun, three magazines, and the rest, wrap them all up and bury them. Oh, by the way, the 38 in your hands

Big cover, leave two on the back, and bury the rest." Yuesong guided several new team members to distribute the guns.

But when several new team members buried the 38-inch cap and held the gun in their hands, but before loading the magazine, gunshots suddenly rang out behind them.

This chapter has been completed!
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