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Twenty-six, snake hunting

After drinking and eating, Yuesong ordered Chang Chao and Xizi to go to the entrance of the village to help with the security, let the other brothers take a rest, and then discuss with the old village chief and Biaozi to determine the next action plan.

"Captain Luo, you just said 'but...', please tell me what you just said." The old village chief said.

"Hey, I was thinking that this is not the first time that the Japanese have carried out a sweep. But no matter how they adjust their combat plan, there is always one problem that cannot be solved. That is, small groups of troops are easily surrounded and annihilated by the New Fourth Army. Large groups of troops are dispatched.

But there was no sign of the New Fourth Army. I think the Japanese have realized that clinging to the territory and blocking roads and supplies cannot fundamentally defeat the New Fourth Army. Although the New Fourth Army has poor weapons and equipment and its individual combat capabilities are not as good as the Japanese, it

The greatest advantage of the New Fourth Army is that there are tens of millions of Chinese people behind it. Therefore, the best way to defeat the New Fourth Army is to cut off the New Fourth Army’s connection with tens of millions of Chinese people. So, old village chief, you were talking about looking for

When I was using the fake special force, I suddenly suspected that the purpose of the Japanese fake special force was not to kill a few civilians, nor was it simply to find the location of the New Fourth Army’s large units. After all, the location of the New Fourth Army’s large units was constantly changing. The Japanese’s

The purpose may be to find the connection between the New Fourth Army and the people and cut it off." Yuesong analyzed carefully and carefully.

"Well, Captain Luo's analysis makes sense." The old village chief said while stroking his horned beard and nodding slightly.

"Captain, so the fake special force is no longer looking for our division and regiment headquarters, nor is it no longer to complete a specific combat mission, but it is a special agent team wearing the coat of a special force?" Biaozi asked.

"Absolutely. If our hypothesis is true, then the threat of this fake special force is greater than the threat of the Japanese special force that directly carried out the 'decapitation operation'." Yuesong continued to analyze.

"Is the threat even bigger? How can we do this?" Biaozi didn't understand.

"Think about it, where did the large amount of information on the New Fourth Army's operations come from? On the surface, it is the credit of our underground party, but in fact, it was the help and cover of tens of millions of ordinary people that made the Japanese fall into the abyss of the People's War.

Ah." Yuesong said.

"Well, Captain Luo, hello!" The old village chief gave Yuesong a thumbs up.

"If you think about it again, the New Fourth Army has no guns and ammunition, and can still steal it from the Japanese, but it has no food and no base areas? It is precisely these things that the common people gave us. Besides, the reason why we can establish a huge intelligence network is that

Among them, how many ordinary people are working for us in obscurity?" Yuesong further analyzed.

"Oh, I understand, old village chief, we have to act quickly, in case..." Biaozi became anxious again.

"Haha, don't worry, Captain Hu. I have already asked three young men to go out to investigate, and the person who contacted the county brigade has also gone." The old village chief said with a smile.

"Oh, the old village chief is still thoughtful." Biaozi said happily.

"Old village chief, I think we need to send a few more people out to investigate. This fake special force may threaten the entire strategic plan of the New Fourth Army." Yuesong thought further.

"Okay, I'll call a few more young men." The old village chief agreed.

"Well, it's getting late. Biaozi has arranged both open and secret sentries to strengthen precautions. Old village chief, you should also take a rest early!" After Yuesong finished speaking, he and Biaozi said goodbye to the old village chief and went to the old village chief's arrangements.

Went to rest in the room.

Yuesong returned to the room, took off his equipment and military uniform, lay on the bed, took it out and put it in his arms. It was already warmed by his own body. He opened the letter from Dan Feng carefully and cherished it.

Opening, the beautiful words written by Dan Feng with his favorite pen appeared before Yuesong's eyes.

Yuesong carefully read the letter from his lover to him. In the letter, Dan Feng said:

"Yue Song:

Are you OK?

I don’t know how many days I have been asleep. It’s like a dream. I dreamed that you came to my window, like a long white cloud in the blue sky, carefully and slowly floating in my heart.


Suddenly you floated next to me, and I heard you whispering in my ear, like a girl, saying some words that I couldn't hear or remember clearly, but I heard one sentence clearly,

I have kept it in my heart. Do you know which sentence it is? Haha, I won’t tell you. I will tell you when you come back safely.

My hands are weak, my handwriting is not pretty, and I’m not allowed to snicker!

My second uncle told me that when I was sleeping, you came back and knelt down in front of my hospital bed. Is it true? My second uncle always loved me, that old scoundrel, did he take that Browning?

Give it to you? If he dares not to give it, be careful if I scratch his nose and it will turn red.


Yuesong took out the Browning from his arms, played with it carefully, kissed it secretly, and continued reading the letter with a smile.

"When I first saw you, I saw you sleeping on the hospital bed, and I thought, you will definitely wake up. A hero is not allowed to be lazy. There are many, many devils waiting for you to fight.

Haha, you really woke up, but you are so bad. You keep staring at others as soon as you wake up. You are so stupid. I yelled at you and you got scared. You really don’t look like a great hero. Also.

Ah, you dare to fight ghosts alone in the woods, why are you so afraid of injections? Look at you every time you get an injection, as if I want to eat you.

By the way, are your brothers okay? I miss them very much. That Biaozi is the worst. Every time he sees you, he has to say strange things. When you come back, I want you in front of me.

Punish him, make him stand in a military posture, stand stupidly, and not allowed to say a word. Brother Chao used to love to laugh, but he doesn't laugh now. He has something on his mind, so don't embarrass him too much. Da Zhuang is the most stupid.


As soon as Dan Feng mentioned Da Zhuang, Yuesong immediately covered the letter to his chest. Da Zhuang's honest laughter rang in Yuesong's ears again. Two lines of hot tears slowly slid down Yuesong's thin cheeks.

The drops falling on the letter paper silently and wordlessly tell the most precious friendship in the world.

Yuesong couldn't bear to read the letter in one sitting, let alone continue to be immersed in the pain of losing his brother. "The revolution has not yet succeeded, you still need to work hard." Now is not the time to cry. Yuesong must turn the memory of his brother into

The hatred of the Japanese and the killing of the Japanese are everything today and tomorrow!

Yuesong folded the letter carefully, put it carefully into his shirt pocket, and got into the quilt. While thinking about the moment when he lost his brother and the moment when he killed the little devil, he fell asleep in a daze.


It was almost nine o'clock in the morning of the next day when Yuesong woke up from his sleep. After all, Yuesong was already too tired, too tired from the continuous work and the continuous fierce battles.

After Yuesong got up, he came to the ancestral hall. The old village chief had already had breakfast prepared for everyone and was sitting at the Eight Immortals table waiting for everyone.

"Old village chief, look how troublesome it is for you!" Yuesong said politely.

"It's no trouble. Liangjia'ao is home. We've all gone home, so what's the trouble? How about it? Did you sleep well?" said the old village chief.

"I slept very soundly. I haven't slept so soundly for a long time." Yuesong said with a smile like a child.

At Biaozi's call, the brothers all got up and came to the ancestral hall one after another.

"Brothers, the old village chief has prepared a delicious breakfast for us. Come on, we won't be polite. Let's eat. It's been a long time since I've had such hot rice!" Yuesong called the brothers to eat together.

Everyone ate it hungrily.

The old village chief looked at the cute looks of these young people, and said with fondness and sadness: "It's all the little devils who caused the trouble. If it weren't for the little devils, you would still be enjoying happiness at home, so why would you suffer so much?"

"Old village chief, you should eat too!" Tang Si said as he ate the vegetables.

"Hey, you eat, eat more, I've already eaten, good boy, sensible!" The old village chief praised Tang Si, his eyes full of love.

Before breakfast was finished, Mu Mu hurried in and said, "Village Chief, there is news!"

Yuesong suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth and asked, "Where is it?" The brothers put down their bowls and waited for Papaya to answer.

"In Zhang Village!" Papaya said.

"Zhang Village?" Yuesong looked at the old village chief and said, "Old village chief, how far is it from here?"

"It's not far, just twenty or thirty miles away," said the old village chief.

"Lei Hang, map!" Yuesong ordered.

Lei Hang quickly took out the map from his backpack, cleared the dishes on the table, and spread the map on the table. Yuesong and Biaozi studied the map carefully.

"Captain Luo, the Japs are mobile. They are in Zhang Village now. When you arrive, they may not know where they are going again," the old village chief reminded.

"The old village chief is right. We have to study their route of action. Only by mastering their route can we find a suitable place to ambush them. After all, we are also a special force and cannot fight head-on." Yuesong said.

"Zhangcun and our Liangjia'ao have one thing in common, which may be useful!" said the old village chief.

"What do you mean they are similar?" Biaozi asked.

"This area of ​​dozens of miles is where the Zhaoquan River flows. Zhang Village and our Liangjia'ao are both on the Zhaoquan River." said the old village chief.

Yuesong and Biaozi looked at the map. Sure enough, although the Zhaoquan River had twists and turns, it eventually connected Zhangcun and Liangjiaao.

While Yuesong was looking at the map, he took out a cigarette, lit it, smoked slowly, and began to think about the problem again.

There were many people in the ancestral hall, but it seemed so quiet at the moment. The old village chief was also on the side, stroking his goatee and thinking about Yuesong's problem.

Yuesong thought, Zhangcun, Liangjiaao, Zhaoquanhe, two points and one line are not enough to determine the next position of the fake special team. If the special team sets off now, a little hastily, instead of running around and working hard, it is better to

Waiting for work, after figuring out the movement trajectory of the Japanese, it is not too late to take action.

Thinking of this, Yuesong said to the old village chief: "Our special forces have fought many battles in a row, including some big battles. Since we still haven't fully grasped the Japs' route of action, we might as well wait for work. Let's wait here first.

Please also ask the old village chief to continue sending people to inquire around. When we have further information, we will set out again and hit the snake within seven inches. If we don't hit it, we will kill it if we hit it!"

"Okay, I think it's okay, Papaya, keep asking!" said the old village chief.

"Hey!" Papaya agreed and went out.

This chapter has been completed!
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