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Twenty-eight, the wise will win

When Yuesong looked at the situation, he realized that his manpower was less than half of the others, and they also had advantageous terrain. There were so many counterfeit weapons, and those things were very powerful, especially at close range.

Although it is said that "the brave will win when we meet on a narrow road", it doesn't work. What kind of "brave" method is this? "Courage" means fighting hard, and fighting hard means being reckless. We will not do this uneconomical business.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yuesong suddenly had an idea. Yes, isn't the fake pretending to be me? I'll let you be me for a while to see how you are. So Yuesong turned around and was about to speak to the first one who appeared.

Come and talk to me.

"Don't move. Let me ask you, what part?" Yuesong guessed that the person who spoke was the fake Captain Luo. He quickly replied: "It's really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. We don't know our own people anymore."

, I am from the reconnaissance platoon of the New Regiment, my surname is Li, Minggui, Captain Luo, you are so famous, I bet you don’t recognize us little characters."

"New regiment? Reconnaissance platoon? Li Gui? Is there such a regiment? Is there such a person? Why haven't I heard of it?" the man asked.

"Captain Luo, you have been performing important tasks outside for a long time. Our new regiment has just been established. Of course you don't know. However, your special team has made great achievements and everyone knows it." Yuesong deliberately praised them.

"Then, what are you doing here?" the man asked again.

"Performing a mission!" Yuesong replied.

"What mission?" the man continued to ask.

"Hey, our reconnaissance platoon is nothing like your special forces team. You all carry out dangerous and exciting missions, and you achieve great achievements. What do we think? We don't have enough food in the regiment. Send us

We went to Huangji to get some food to satisfy our hunger. Captain Luo, look at our mission, does it look like the mother-in-law going to the street to buy groceries? Haha!" Yuesong himself didn't expect that he could still talk so much in a critical moment.

What's more, what I didn't expect was that not only could I talk about it, but I actually gave it to fake goods.

The fakes are believed to be genuine. Of course, perhaps his original mission was not to kill the enemy, but to inquire about information. Yuesong happened to have anticipated this in advance. Otherwise, those vicious Japanese would still follow you.

After wasting so much talk, the shot would have been fired long ago.

"Platoon Commander Li, there is a misunderstanding. I have been leading the team to fight behind enemy lines for a long time, so I have to be careful. Please forgive me, Platoon Commander Li!" the fake said, motioning for his men to put down their guns.

Yuesong quickly climbed along the pole and rushed to the fake in a few steps. He gave a standard military salute to the fake and said, "Hello, Captain Luo!"

The fake returned the gift and said: "Platoon Commander Li, since you still have missions, let's say goodbye. When the mission is completed, we will see you at the base!"

"Don't mention it, Captain Luo. I've heard of your name for a long time. It's so popular. I've wanted to learn special operations from you for a long time. We finally met. Let's go. It's already four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Let's go to the town to sit down.

Sit down. Firstly, I will give my brothers a tooth ceremony. Secondly, I will talk to you. I will learn a few moves from you as a younger brother, and maybe I will use them when fighting Japanese." Yuesong kept praising and covering up, and his words were fake.

I feel happy in my heart, sweet words and ecstasy, and the fake stuff makes me sleepy.

"Forget it, we have a mission, let's go back to the base area." The fake was probably afraid that his subordinates would reveal their secrets. After all, most of them couldn't speak Chinese and could easily reveal their secrets, so they refused again and again.

But Yuesong finally found these fakes, so how could he let them go so easily? Although he is at a disadvantage now, as long as he keeps going, we will see, even if the feng shui does not turn around, my head will spin, too.

Who are we who have the chance to get rid of these fakes? Brother Luo, the captain of Zhenzhener's special forces team, don't forget, he is directly under the division headquarters!

Yuesong dragged the fake goods to the market town without hesitation.

"No, there is a Japanese squadron garrisoned in the market town. I'm afraid it would be bad to go to the market town." The fake continued to refuse.

"What are you afraid of? Who are you? There are a lot of Japs in Wuchang City. You just killed Yamamoto Ichiro instantly. Not everyone can do this job. A small squadron in the market town is not enough to fill your teeth.

What?" Yuesong strode, poured, and pulled. I guess the fakes also thought that since they had a large group of imperial troops in the market town, they were not afraid of something big coming from the dozen or so little platoon leaders, so they followed Yuesong half-pushed and half-placed.

Walk to the market town.

"Mu Mu, which restaurant in town is the best?" Yuesong asked Mu Mu loudly.

"The food at Liu Laowu's restaurant is great!" Mu Mu replied loudly.

"Don't get too close to the Japanese. We are all wearing military uniforms. It's just on the edge of the market town. Which one?" Yuesong reminded.

"Oh, then let's go to Guizhi's house. The food Guizhi cooks is not bad!" Mu Mu said.

"Lead the way, let's go to Guizhi's house!" Yuesong put the gun on his back and walked in front side by side with the fake.

When passing by the Niupo slope, Biaozi was dumbfounded. What's going on? The captain's team suddenly grew bigger. It can be seen that although those people are all wearing New Fourth Army uniforms, they don't seem to be so close to the brothers of our special team, so

I thought, maybe the captain was caught by those fakes. But if you look closely, it doesn't look like it. The captain and the leader were chatting enthusiastically. Biaozi didn't understand what he was thinking, so he simply stayed in ambush and waited for the captain and the others to pass by.

, he led the team and followed quietly.

Yuesong and the fake chatted all the way, and soon they arrived at the door of a private courtyard next to the market town. Two lanterns were hung at the door, and a signboard hung on the eaves of the door, which said "Guizhi Restaurant".

Yuesong pulled the fake and said: "Captain Luo, please!"

"You're welcome, Platoon Commander Li!" the fake said, scorning the two Japs beside him, and the two Japs stood at the door with their guns in hand. Yuesong didn't leave anyone at the door, and the others followed him in.


A middle-aged woman dressed in a fancy dress came out to greet everyone enthusiastically. Seeing that there were many people, she took everyone into a big room. When they entered the room, the fake left two devils at the door to guard the door.

Everyone entered the room and sat down. There were three tables in total. Yuesong and the fake sat on the same table, and Deng Minghe sat next to the captain. Yuesong continued to chat with the fake and kept asking for advice on special operations methods.

"Captain." Tang Si approached Yuesong and said, "I'm going to pee, hold it in!"

Yuesong glanced at Tang Si, blinked his eyes, and cursed: "You lazy guy, you are really a 'lazy cow, lazy horse, peeing a lot', go, go, go!"

Tang Si went out knowingly.

Not long after, the food and wine were served. Yuesong talked while urging the fake to drink. The fake was very cautious and only took a small sip each time. The fake's subordinates didn't say anything, just eating the food and keeping their eyes open.

Don't forget to keep Yuesong's brothers. Each one of them is guarding his own gun with one hand. Anyone with a discerning eye will know to be on guard.

"Captain Luo, why don't your brothers like to talk?" Yuesong asked deliberately.

"As a special force, you can't just talk nonsense." The fake said pretendingly.

"Oh, no wonder Captain Luo is invincible in every attack. It turns out that Captain Luo's troops are so disciplined. You are really a model of the New Fourth Army!" Yuesong gave a thumbs up and praised the fake.

"Report!" Yuesong looked back and saw that it was Tang Si.

"What's the matter?" Yuesong asked.

"Chief Lu Bao from the town came and said that we have almost collected the food." Tang Si said seriously.

"Go, you, you, you four, follow Tang Si and have a look!" Yuesong tilted his head and said.

Tang Si took several brothers and went out with guns.

Biaozi had already led people to surround the small courtyard. Tang Si and several brothers had already gone out, but Biaozi pulled him aside and asked him about the situation.

"Fourth sister, what did the captain tell us to do?" Biaozi asked.

"I didn't say it, but looking at his calm and unhurried manner, I guess he knew it." Tang Si replied.

"Let's do this. Let's touch the two devils at the entrance of the courtyard first, otherwise it will be difficult to do anything." Biaozi said.

"This is easy to handle, let's go!" Fourth sister and Biaozi passed by.

Biaozi hid the bayonet in his sleeve and walked to the far door as if nothing had happened. Tang held four bamboo flutes in his hands and followed Biaozi.

When they arrived at the gate of the courtyard, Biaozi looked at a Japs with a smile on his face. Suddenly he ducked and a poisonous needle shot out of the fourth sister's bamboo flute, which happened to be inserted into the neck of a Japs. The Japs touched the

He scratched his neck, there was a little blood, and wanted to shout, but before he could shout, he started to fall backwards.

The other Japanese was about to pick up his gun. Biaozi pushed the Japanese forward and pushed him against the courtyard wall, unable to move. The bayonet in his right hand had already been inserted into the Japanese's chest. The fourth sister also took a step forward.

, stretched out his hand to support the Japanese who was falling backwards after being hit by the poisonous needle.

Seeing the situation, several brothers ran over and took the two Japs away. The whole process took less than three seconds, and it was so quiet that it can only be described as clean and neat.

To deal with these two Japs, Fourth Sister and Biaozi discussed it, and Biaozi went in to report and show his face, so that the captain would be mentally prepared.

Yuesong was chatting with the fake when Biaozi walked to the door and shouted: "Report!" When Yuesong heard this, he was secretly happy, but he said quietly: "Come in, come in, I have a word to say."

, why don’t you stop?”

Biaozi walked into the room and said: "Report to the captain, there is too much food and not enough manpower!"

Yuesong glanced at Biaozi and said: "You, you, you, the five of you, you know how to eat, put down your chopsticks, go and give me a hand!"

When several brothers saw that it was Captain Biaozi, they already knew it. They all picked up their guns and followed Captain Biaozi out. Only Deng Minghe and Brother Chao stayed in the room to accompany the captain.

Yuesong glanced at Brother Chao and cursed: "You're a loser, you're still eating. I'm going to throw a grenade and kill you, you loser, why don't you go and help?" Brother Chao understood and went out with a sniper rifle.

When Biaozi saw that everyone had come out, he took Tang Si and followed the same pattern and gave Mixi the two Japs at the door.

Biaozi discussed with Tang Si and Brother Chao: "What should we do next? Did the captain say anything?" Brother Chao told Captain Biaozi what the captain said.

When Tang Si heard this, he said: "I understand, come on, let's get ready. We'll just wait for the captain's order before we take action."

This chapter has been completed!
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