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Twenty-nine, grandfather and grandson battle

Tang Si and Biaozi were well prepared. They placed Murong He, Chao Ge, Niu Peilin, Zuo Wuwa, Ouyang Qiuyue and several snipers on the roof and courtyard wall. Several sniper rifles were pointed at the house.

I'm afraid even the little Japs can't escape. Biaozi, Tang Si, Xizi, Digua and others all held guns at the door of the room. Tiedan, Shunzi, Dezi, Haha each prepared a grenade.

He unscrewed the lid, waited for an order, pulled the string, and returned to the house.

But after waiting for a long time, the captain was still chatting animatedly with the fake in the room. This captain is so smart that he can be confused for a while. If you and Deng Minghe don't come out, how can we throw grenades inside?

Tang Si scratched his ears and said to Biaozi: "Captain Hu, it seems we have to give the captain and Deng Minghe a step up, otherwise they can't come out for no reason. If they are all out, the fakes will definitely make them suspicious."

"You said, let's give the captain a step?" Biaozi asked.

"We can't talk about food anymore. Only Deng Minghe is left to accompany the captain. We have to talk about Deng Minghe." Tang Si said.

"Talk about Deng Minghe? What are you talking about?" Biaozi asked.

"You said he molested women from good families!" What the third brother said was really shocking.

"Hehe, Third Brother said it well. In this way, they can all come out!" Tang Si pointed at Third Brother and said.

"Okay, I'll go in. If it doesn't work, I'll take out the mirror box and knock him out." The third brother said, taking out two box guns.

"Hey, don't be reckless. Put the gun away. You can go in and say yes. Look at the lewd smile on your face. It's very suitable!" Biaozi said, pressing the hand of the third brother holding the gun.

"You just have a lewd smile on your face, damn duck. When the male duck sees the female duck, you squawk up to it, haha. I'm in!" The third brother said, inserted the box gun into his belt, and took a big step.

walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, the third brother said in a loud voice: "Captain, that boy Deng Minghe molested women from good families, and people started to sue him!"

Yuesong tilted his head and looked at Deng Minghe. Deng Minghe was confused and said, "Since when did I molest a good woman?"

Yuesong slapped Deng Minghe on the head, opened his mouth and cursed: "You are a bitch, you did such a good thing, ruined the reputation of my New Fourth Army, and you still run away, let me beat you to death!"

As soon as Deng Minghe heard the captain say to run, he understood in his heart, immediately jumped up from the bench, covered his head with his hands and ran out.

Yuesong raised his hand, scolding and chasing Deng Minghe. The fake looked like he was going to hit someone, so he pretended to come over and pull Yuesong. Yuesong threw the fake away and continued to chase Deng Minghe. Deng Minghe had already ran out of the room.

, Yuesong followed and chased him out, and the fake also ran out.

When the third brother saw the fake one coming out, he took out his box gun, pointed it at the fake's head and said, "Don't move, if you move I'll beat you to death!"

Before he finished speaking, Biaozi shouted: "Drop the bomb!" Tiedan and the others threw the white-smoking grenades into the room from the door. Yuesong and Deng Minghe jumped into the air,

He lay on the ground. The third brother also pressed the fake to the ground.

I only heard a few "boom" explosions behind me, and suddenly the room was filled with smoke and flames.

Yuesong and Deng Minghe took the opportunity to hide in the yard, and the third brother also pulled the fake aside to hide it.

After a while, several Japs who were stunned by the bombing rushed out of the door with rifles in their hands. Biaozi's gunshots rang out soon after, and all the Japs fell to the ground.

The remaining Japs in the house held their guns and resisted at the window, but as soon as they reached the window, they were picked off by sniper rifles on the roof and on top of the courtyard wall. The remaining Japs couldn't even get close to the window.

"We can't wait any longer. Hurry up. There are still Japs in the town. Throw two more grenades and the snipers will cover you!" Yuesong shouted loudly.

When Tiedan heard this, he took two grenades, pulled the strings, and rolled on the ground. When he got to the door of the room, he threw the two grenades into the room. He only heard two explosions in the room.

"Third brother, Biaozi, rush in!" Yuesong shouted again.

As soon as the third brother heard this, he got excited. He pushed the fake to the captain and rushed in with two box guns. Biaozi followed him with a gun. Deng Minghe couldn't wait to take it.

I took a few steps forward and went in.

Only a few gunshots were heard, and the rest of the Japanese were wiped out.

"Captain, the devils in the town are coming here!" Niu Peilin shouted from the roof.

"Clean the battlefield, collect weapons and ammunition, cover with snipers, and everyone else, evacuate quickly!" Yuesong ordered.

After collecting weapons and ammunition, Niu Peilin and Zuo Wuwa on the roof were already shooting at the Japanese who came to support them. The two of them were on the roof, occupying the commanding heights, and were more than 300 meters away from the Japanese.

The two of them would never let go of such a good opportunity. They shot down one of them with one shot, and the other with one shot. They killed each other very happily.

Yuesong was preparing to lead the team to evacuate when he suddenly saw the shop owner Guizhi and several clerks hiding in the house shivering. He hurriedly said: "You guys, come out and follow us. When the Japanese come, they will not let you go."


Upon hearing this, the owner Guizhi rushed to Yuesong with a few waiters.

Yuesong said to a few snipers on the wall on the roof: "Kill a few more Japanese, and prepare to retreat. Don't be reluctant to fight!"

Niu Peilin fired a shot and knocked down a Jaap. While changing bullets, he said: "Captain, you retreat first. We'll knock down a few more and then leave!"

Yuesong didn't say anything more, and he and his brothers took the fake goods, and the shop owner and the clerks left first.

After Yuesong led the brothers to evacuate to Fenniupo slope, they waited for Brother Niu and the others in the woods. After Brother Niu and the others sniped and killed a few more Japs, they took cover and quietly withdrew.

The captain and the others met in the woods.

The Japs chased them outside the town, but Murong He sniped and killed another one. The Japs commander saw that this would be too much of a disadvantage, so he withdrew.

Yuesong and his brothers, not willing to fight, retreated along the Zhaoquan River to Liangjiaao.

Walking on the road, Guizhi whispered to Yuesong: "Sir, how will we live in the future?" After saying this, she cried.

While Yuesong was persuading Guizhi, he shouted behind him: "Who has money? Give them some money and let them find a new place and open a shop!"

Brothers, look at me and I look at you, we are all good at fighting, but when it comes to money, a penny can really stump a group of heroes.

The third brother spoke at this time: "It's not easy without money, so let's rob!"

"Nonsense, we are the New Fourth Army, how can we steal money?" Yuesong yelled at the third brother angrily.

"What's wrong with the New Fourth Army? If they don't rob the common people, they can't rob the landlords?" said the third brother unconvinced.

Yuesong grabbed the third brother by the collar and said: "I know you are a 'hero' who robs the rich but does not help the poor. Our New Fourth Army does not even rob the rich. This is discipline. Let me ask you, are you so familiar with Liangjia'ao?"

, did you also go and grab it?”

"How dare you! People are very strict about that damn place. Even your mule was captured alive there. How dare I go there to rob these guns?" The third brother said for a long time.


When Yuesong heard that it made sense, he stopped pursuing it. He let go of Third Brother, took two steps, and then turned around and said, "Third Brother, remember, we in the New Fourth Army will not rob anyone!"

"Hey, aren't you telling lies?" The third brother was still unconvinced.

"Why are you lying? If you don't abide by the disciplines of the New Fourth Army, I will be the king of heaven. Even if you have great abilities, I will not keep you in the special force!" Yuesong said, glaring at the third brother.

"Mule, don't get too excited. Didn't you grab it?" the third brother asked Yuesong.

"Which of your eyes saw me grabbing it?" Yuesong stretched his neck and asked.

"You're not kind, mule, it was the first time we met, and the big black-necked horse you rode later was not stolen from you?" the third brother reminded.

Yuesong touched his head and remembered, stepped forward and kicked Third Brother in the face, saying, "You old gangster, you're trying to trick me!"

The third brother smiled playfully, pointed his finger at the fake captain, and said, "It's ready-made in front of you. Can't you grab it?"

"Why don't you grab it? Go ahead, old bandit!" Yuesong said, turning around and sitting on a rock.

The third brother got the order, sang a little tune, and went to search for the fake goods. It was really not bad. In one search, they found more than 20 yuan, which must be the expense of their team. The third brother weighed the money in his hand.

After a few blows, he took out another one, put it to his mouth and blew it, then brought it to his ear to hear the sound.

"Bring it here!" Yuesong said to the third brother without looking back.

The third brother obediently took Guangyang to the captain, put it to his nose and smelled it, just like a bachelor smelling the fragrance of his young wife. After being intoxicated, he reluctantly handed Guangyang into the captain's hands.

Yuesong took Guangyang, walked to Guizhi, and said: "Sister-in-law, your store was destroyed by our bombing, and we also helped you offend the Japanese. You can take the money, take these guys with you, and then ask for some money."

Go live."

When Guizhi heard this, he knelt on the ground with a plop, and the other workers also knelt down. Yuesong quickly pulled them up and said, "The New Fourth Army is our people's army. We are a family and we don't want this."

Guizhi and the waiter thanked each other, took the money and walked away.

"You guys don't have any skills, you just want to win people's hearts." The fake looked on and said unconvinced.

Yuesong was about to deal with this dead-ball thing, but the New Fourth Army had disciplines and was not allowed to beat or scold prisoners, let alone kill them. As soon as this dead-ball thing opened his mouth, Yuesong felt that there was a way to deal with him.

Yuesong walked up to the fake and said, "Do you know who Luo Yuesong is?"

"I don't know him, and I don't bother to know him. Isn't he just a reckless man? Who cares about him?" The fake is quite cool.

"Master, please open your eyes. Far away in the horizon, right in front of you, your grandfather and I are Luo Yuesong. Your grandfathers are the real special forces of the Fifth Division. They are famous and directly under the division headquarters!" Yuesong pointed at himself.

With the tip of his nose, he pointed at the brothers and said.

"You, skinny monkey, dare to compete with my Yamato samurai?" the fake said, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, your Grandpa Luo is still bored and wants to have some fun. Come on, take the shabby Japanese swords that I captured from their bullshit Yamato nation, the eggless samurai of the royal family, and they can't straighten their waist.

Give it to him, let’s fight against this fake guy who doesn’t know how high the sky is and how thick his eggs are, so that he can know who is the grandpa and who is the grandpa in China and little Japan.

Grandson!" Yuesong said eloquently without any pretense.

Lei Hang handed Yuesong's Japanese sword to the fake. The fake held the sword in both hands, looking eager to try it.

"Captain, why do you have to do it? Let him taste the power of our Chinese sword, let him see who is the grandfather of the sword and who is the grandson of the sword!" Deng Minghe said as he drew the sword from his back and jumped with a leap.

In front of the fakes.

This chapter has been completed!
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