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Forty-nine, bloody twins 19

Yuesong and Fox were by the fire, drying up their military uniforms and eating roasted sweet potatoes. They couldn't go out for the time being, so they chatted about the old memories of the military academy and slowly fell asleep.

It’s on.

At dawn, Biaozi, who had not slept all night, took Brother Chao, Tang Si and Deng Minghe to quietly conduct reconnaissance.

The days are getting warmer and warmer, and the birds are getting more and more cheerful. Those birds that don’t worry about eating are getting up very early. The sky is just so bright, and the birds are

The mountains and forests are chirping joyfully. The ancients wrote a very beautiful poem, "The mountains are more secluded when birds sing." Indeed, with the singing of these birds, the mountains and forests seem more secluded. On the tops of the camphor trees,

New green leaves have begun to emerge. On the hanging strips of the poplar trees, poplar flowers have fallen and their stamens have fallen. The buds exude a sweet fragrance in the fresh morning air. Beside the withered grass, there are some stamens hanging sideways.

A little bit of new green emerges from the spring-filled soil, one arch is a section, and each arch is a piece. Bits and pieces of dew are glittering and translucent on the grass tips. Spring is here, and the footsteps of spring are "Putapta"

The ground looks particularly crisp in the mountains and forests.

However, Biaozi and his brothers, all thinking about Captain Yuesong, had no time or inclination to appreciate the boundless spring scenery. Biaozi took a few brothers to take a look from the mountains and forests before it was completely light.

When we arrived at Niangzi Mountain, we found a hilltop with a relatively dense forest. We lay down on the top of the mountain and used binoculars and sniper scopes to look around the outside of Niangzi Mountain carefully.

Two trucks and four motorcycles were parked at the entrance of the cave, and nearly thirty Japs were guarding the entrance. The Japs were still busy cleaning up all kinds of garbage from the cave. On the winding mountain road, small groups of Japs were constantly patrolling. Madam

Lookout posts have also been added to the top of the mountain, and the two small cave entrances on the cliff walls are also guarded by Japanese soldiers. Around Niangzi Mountain, Japanese search teams are constantly searching everywhere.

It can be seen that the Japs have increased their troops, and they have no intention of giving up the oil depot that was built after a long time. The Japs' defense has become tighter, and there was a big explosion. Now they want to approach easily.

, I’m afraid it’s impossible. Biaozi glanced at his brothers. Although he didn’t speak, everyone understood what Captain Hu was thinking.

"Retreat!" Biaozi gave the order calmly. The other brothers did not object and quickly retreated along with Captain Hu.

As soon as Biaozi and several brothers returned to the upper reaches of Longwang Gorge, the brothers from the special team and the action team gathered around. Yuesong lowered his head and just walked forward without saying a word. None of the brothers asked.

.Beside the Pianshui River in the upper reaches of Longwang Gorge, there were almost fifty brothers from the National Army and the New Fourth Army. But at this moment, apart from the sound of birds and water, there was only suffocating silence.

Biaozi walked to a pine tree and held the sniper rifle left by the captain in his arms. He leaned against the trunk of the pine tree and was alone in a daze. Adjutant Li came over and didn't say anything. He just took out a cigarette and handed it to Biaozi.

, and helped Biaozi light the fire. Biaozi smoked a cigarette dully, looking at a big rock in the distance, with a trace of sadness in his empty eyes.

Yuesong and the fox had a good sleep. It was about ten o'clock in the morning, and Yuesong woke up. Yuesong saw that the fox was still dead, stretched out his legs and kicked the fox's body, and said: "Hey, hey!"

The fox slowly woke up. The fox rubbed his sleepy eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes completely, looked at Yuesong, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I don't have eyes. The fire is out. Get up, light the fire, and bake some sweet potatoes. I'm full, but I still want to go out." Yuesong said, half lying on the hay.

"Why is it me again? What are you doing?" the fox said unhappily.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You make the food, and I find a way to divide the work and cooperate. Aren't we always like this?" Yuesong took out a cigarette, lit one, threw the lighter to the fox, and lay half down

There, I puffed away leisurely and felt so uncomfortable.

The fox reluctantly got up and lit the fire carelessly. After a while, the fire was lit. The fox walked over, took a few sweet potatoes, and threw them into the fire. Then he walked to Yuesong, stretched out his hand and said, "Hey

, take one."

Yuesong glanced at the fox and said, "You don't usually smoke, but now that you're in this situation, why don't you stop wasting food?"

"Okay, I have the lighter in my hand. You smoke it, slowly, don't finish it so quickly." The fox sat next to Yuesong angrily, staring at the half-smoked cigarette in Yuesong's hand.

Yuesong handed half of the cigarette to the fox and said, "De Xing, take it and smoke it. Be careful not to choke. I don't know how to give first aid."

The fox didn't mind it either, so he took the half of the cigarette, held it in his mouth, and smoked while flashing his legs.

After eating the roasted sweet potatoes, Yuesong took out the Browning, checked the bullet, and said: "Fox, let's go out with me and take a look. It's not an option to keep it here forever."

The fox remained silent, took out the Browning, checked the bullet, got up and followed Yuesong outside.

When they arrived at the water's edge, Yuesong was about to get into the water. After thinking about it, he took off his outer clothes again, put the Browning on his belt, stretched his legs and walked into the water.

The fox stood motionless on the shore, just looking at the pine trees freezing in the cold water and baring their teeth.

Seeing that the fox didn't come down, Yuesong said, "What's going on? Are you just letting me wade through the muddy water alone while you're at ease?"

"See what you said, brother, you go first, I will come later." said the fox.

"Tch, with your virtue, you won't follow me until I find a way out." As Yuesong said, he lowered his body and submerged his head into the water. The fox still stood on the bank, waiting for Yue.

Come back loose.

Yuesong emerged from the water, leaned against the rocks under the cliff, and stretched out his head to observe.

The lake is very wide, and there are white water birds flying on the water. The entire lake has an unobstructed view. The nearest place to land is the slope to the west. Going up the slope is the winding mountain road. After this big explosion

, I’m afraid you can’t take risks casually on the winding mountain road. But heading east, there are all cliffs and water surfaces. To get there, you can only swim. It is estimated that it will take forty or fifty minutes to reach the east lake shore. So,

It's such a long distance, so long, and so exposed, it's an extremely dangerous road.

Just as Yuesong was observing and thinking about his retreat, the sound of a small motorboat suddenly came from the lake. Yuesong followed the sound and saw that about five or six hundred meters away, there was a Japanese motorboat patrolling the lake. It seemed that he wanted to escape from the lake.

It's almost impossible to get out on the lake. As for climbing directly from here to the top of the mountain, let alone these two brothers don't have that ability. Even if they have that ability, the Japanese who are on guard in the two small holes on the cliff wall will also use it.

The machine gun shot down the two brothers.

Thinking of this, Yuesong suddenly remembered the two small holes on the cliff. I guess the Japs were guarding them. You have to be careful. There is only one way to the west. Once you are exposed when going uphill, the two machine guns will shoot at you.

Shooting, I'm afraid there is no place to hide. Alas, the Japanese are still in shock. It seems that we have to wait for a while, wait for the situation to calm down.

In desperation, Yuesong dived back into the cave. When the fox saw Yuesong coming back, he quickly asked: "How is it? Did you find a way out?"

Yuesong walked ashore, grabbed his military uniform, and ran in quickly.

The fox came over and said, "Speak, I'm dumb from the cold!"

Yuesong took off his clothes and threw them to the fox, saying, "There is a way, but it won't work for a while." Yuesong quickly put on his coat as he spoke.

"What should we do, continue to nest here?" the fox asked.

"What else can we do, but don't worry, you have something to do." Yuesong said.

"What do I do?" asked the fox.

"One, dry my clothes now; two, roast sweet potatoes for me when I'm hungry; three, throw the lighter over now, brother, I have to smoke a cigarette." Yuesong said methodically.

"Hey, hey, do you really think of me as your servant?" the fox said angrily.

"Hey, Brother Ren, please let me borrow it for you!" Yuesong said with a smile on his face.

"Look at your virtue, your face turns faster than the sky." The fox said and threw the lighter to Yuesong.

These two boring brothers had no good way to get out for the time being, so they had to stay in the cave, talking about boring gossip, and arguing with each other.

At noon, the team leader and Battalion Commander Leng were still nowhere to be found. Biaozi was nibbling pancakes and said to Adjutant Li, "Adjutant Li, how much dry food do you have left?"

"There's not much left. I can manage it for at most one day." Adjutant Li said while chewing on compressed biscuits.

"In this way, after eating, I will arrange for someone to take you back to the New Fourth Army base area first. You can arrange to collect all the dry food in your hands and give it to us. We will follow the captain's agreement and wait until the twenty-four hours have passed.

If there is any news about the two officers, we will withdraw and discuss it again after we go back and consult the political commissar of our regiment leader. Do you think it is okay?" Biaozi became more and more calm, because Biaozi had realized that, especially

The burden of the team is likely to be borne by oneself. Brotherhood is important, but the anti-Japanese plan is the most important.

"That's all we can do, I'll make arrangements right away." After finishing speaking, Adjutant Li got up and left.

Not long after, all the rations from the National Army brothers were collected, and Adjutant Li and his men handed all the rations to the New Fourth Army special forces.

Biaozi called Digua over and said: "Dugu, you lead the way and take the national army brothers back to the base area first. After returning, report to the political commissar of the regiment leader and say that we are still waiting for the captain. Remember, never say captain."


Di Gua nodded and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Adjutant Li came over and said to Biaozi: "Captain Hu, how about I stay here first? I'll arrange for Lieutenant An to lead the team and return to the New Fourth Army base first. What do you think?"

"No, it's okay as long as we are here. You will probably encounter Japanese soldiers on your way back. The National Army Action Team does not have your command. If anything happens, I will not be able to explain it to the regiment headquarters." Biao

Zi said.

Adjutant Li thought for a while and said: "You are right, then, let's leave it like this. Don't be impulsive. After all, preserving your strength is the most important thing."

"Sweet potato, lead the way and let's go!" Biaozi ordered.

Adjutant Li and Biaozi saluted each other, and Adjutant Li led the national army troops, led by Di Gua, to the New Fourth Army base area.

This chapter has been completed!
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