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Under the guidance of Di Gua, Adjutant Li led the National Army Special Operations Team, stopping and going, dodging and crossing, until they rushed back to the Third Regiment's station at dusk.

As soon as the regiment leader and political commissar received the report, they immediately went to the entrance of the village to greet them and warmly welcomed the arrival of the national army brothers. The regiment leader and Adjutant Li saluted each other with military salutes, reported their homes, and exchanged greetings. The regiment leader asked the political commissar to arrange for Adjutant Li to arrive.

As soon as they arrived, I couldn't wait to put the sweet potato aside and asked about the completion of the task.

Digua's eyes were red, and he lowered his head and replied: "Report to the leader, the mission has been successfully completed."

Tuanjie felt something was a little strange. He patted Digua on the shoulder and comforted him while asking: "Digua, what's going on? Where is your captain? Where are the other soldiers of the special force? Isn't the mission completed? Why don't they come back?"

Digua thought for a while and said: "Captain, Captain Hu said that they will come back soon and let me take the national army brothers back first."

"Captain Hu said? Where is Captain Luo? What did he do?" the leader asked, seizing on the loophole in Digua's words.

"Captain Luo, he, he, I don't know either." Digua stammered. He still didn't know what to say, so he had to excuse himself by saying he didn't know.

"Sweet potato, sweet potato, you sweet potato, do you dare to tell lies in front of me?" the group leader pressed further.

"I don't dare, leader!" Digua said, standing up straight.

"Then tell me quickly, what happened? Digua, if you don't tell me, how can I help them? Think about it, Digua, if you tell me, then the group leader can help you find a way to solve the problem."

Use both soft and hard tactics.

Digua finally couldn't help it, tears burst out from his eyes, and he was choked and speechless. Knowing that the situation was not good, the group leader patted Digua on the shoulder and asked comfortingly: "Tell me, it's such a big thing.

I’m here with your leader!”

Digua suppressed his sadness and said intermittently: "We - the captain - he - he - disappeared."

"What? Gone? A living person, an anti-Japanese hero, a captain, disappeared?" The regiment leader looked at Sweet Potato in surprise and said, "Stop crying, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

Digua then told the group leader what happened in one sentence or another. The group leader listened and thought and guessed. When Digua finished speaking, the group leader probably understood what was going on. The group leader immediately thought of

Nurse Lan, Nurse Lan's injury is much better now, but it is estimated that such a serious injury will not be completely healed within three or two months, not to mention that the girl's body is already weak. The head of the group grabbed Di Gua's shoulders with both hands and said

: "Diya, you are a brave New Fourth Army soldier and a strong special force member. I tell you, from now on, cheer up, stop crying, pretend like nothing is wrong, and don't tell anyone, especially

Nurse Lan, I will take care of the other things, okay?"

Sweet potato wiped away tears and nodded.

The regiment leader asked Di Gua to go back to the barracks to rest, and he quickly returned to the regiment headquarters to discuss with the political commissar.

Nurse Lan's injury has improved greatly, and she has already returned to the regiment health center. She is receiving treatment and recuperating at the regiment health center. When Nurse Lan heard that someone from the special team had returned, she immediately asked a young soldier from the health center to help.

Invited Digua to the regiment health center. Nurse Lan asked Digua for news about Yuesong. Digua followed the regimental leader's instructions and just told Nurse Lan that the mission had been completed and that the special forces were covering behind and would be back soon. Nurse Lan also did not

Seeing some flaw, I didn't ask any more questions.

Let's talk about Yuesong and Fox, a pair of living treasures, nesting in a cave, extremely bored, and unable to go out. It just so happened that the two of them did not only eat but sleep, bickered and sometimes got happy, and even twisted into a ball on the ground and fought.

The small shelf is like a snack after a meal. These two living treasures are enjoying themselves in the cave right now.

The next morning, there was a slight drizzle in the sky. The rain in early spring was fine and soft, nourishing the mountains and forests, and greening the new leaves. The mountains and forests washed by the rain, decorated with this new green, were fresh and moist.

It's really pretty.

At eight or nine o'clock in the morning, Biaozi came back with the special team. When they entered the village, the brothers were all dejected. The arduous task was completed, but the disappearance of the captain shrouded each brother like a shadow.

In my mind, the regiment leader and political commissar walked out of the regiment headquarters and personally welcomed the heroes of the special operations team back. But seeing the appearance of the members of the special operations group, they didn't want to ask any more questions and immediately sent the members back to their barracks to rest.

Walking into the regiment headquarters, Biaozi sat down on a stool, lowered his head, and said nothing. The regiment leader walked over, sat next to Biaozi, and said: "Biaozi, don't be sad, who is your Captain Luo?"

, I think back then, one person could be in the enemy's den and cause trouble for the enemy. Now, isn't there Camp Commander Leng with us? Maybe..."

"What else is there to say, Commander!" Biaozi couldn't listen anymore and interjected, "Such a big explosion, in such a short time, just at the entrance of the cave, and with so many Japanese soldiers guarding the entrance, how can we evacuate?"

Unable to evacuate, we rushed in in time inside the cave, but all the dozens of Japs in the cave were dead, not to mention the few corpses in the inner cave, all of which were burnt.

Alas, to take a step back, even if the captain withdraws, we have been waiting for twenty-eight hours. With the skills of the captain and Battalion Commander Leng, if he withdraws, why not return to the team early? Alas!"

Just as he was talking, Adjutant Li came in. Adjutant Li had a serious look on his face when he saw the regimental leader, political commissar, and Biaozi, and did not ask any questions.

At this time, Nurse Lan walked in slowly. The political commissar went to help her, but she refused. Nurse Lan looked at the people in the room and the atmosphere in the room, and she already understood something in her heart.

He walked up to Biaozi, who had his head lowered, and asked softly: "Brother Biaozi, where is he?"

Before Biaozi could speak, the group leader rushed to say, "It's okay, it's okay. I'll be back in a few days. I'm sending Yuesong to complete a special task."

Nurse Lan ignored the team leader and continued to ask Biaozi softly: "Brother Biaozi, tell me, what happened to him?"

Biaozi sighed deeply, turned around, and said nothing.

Nurse Lan took Biaozi's arm and said to Biaozi in a crying and pleading tone: "Brother Biaozi, please tell me, I'm fine."

The group leader continued to lie to Nurse Lan, but the political commissar pulled the group leader and said, "Biaozi, tell me, sooner or later you have to accept this reality."

Biaozi turned around, looked at Nurse Lan with sad eyes, took out the jade pendant given to him by the captain from his arms, handed it to Nurse Lan, and said: "The captain gave it to me before leaving for the mission. He said that if there is any

Just in case, I'll give this to you, it was left to him by the captain's mother."

Nurse Lan took the jade pendant, held it in her hand, and put it on her face, with tears streaming down her face.

Biaozi hurriedly said: "The captain is just missing. Maybe he will come back in a few days."

At this time, there was no one in Nurse Lan's eyes, and she could no longer hear anyone's words in her ears. Nurse Lan held the jade pendant in her hands, shed tears, and slowly, step by step, walked towards the door. No one present spoke.

No one knew what language to use to persuade or comfort. The regiment leader's guard glanced at the regiment leader, who gave the guard a wink, and the guard followed quietly behind Nurse Lan.

In fact, the two brothers Yuesong and Fox were not completely idle. Every now and then, they would take turns going out to observe the movements of the Japanese.

This morning, it was the fox's turn to dive out for inspection. Yuesong stayed in the cave, took out the Hardman from his body, and was about to take out one to smoke, but found that there were not many cigarettes left. Yuesong counted carefully.

Counting, there were only five cigarettes left. Yuesong took out the pack of Japanese cigarettes again and counted them. Unfortunately, there were only three cigarettes left. In total, there were eight cigarettes left. Yuesong still had them in his heart.

She secretly rejoiced that she didn't let the fox who usually didn't smoke much waste his food. Otherwise, he would have done it by himself. Yuesong put the cigarette box in front of his nose and smelled it, resisting not to take it out.

At the exit point, I thought to myself, I don’t know how long it will take to get out, so I’d better save some time.

Not long after, the fox came back, threw the soaked clothes in front of Yuesong, and ran to the fire to warm himself. Yuesong obediently picked up the fox's wet clothes, sat down by the fire, and helped the fox to bake.


"Hey, have you noticed that the Japanese motorboat patrols so frequently? It's not like they know that we are still alive and are still hiding here." The fox said doubtfully.

"Impossible. If we knew, it would be weird if we didn't send out all the troops to search everywhere. You see, the Japanese are so quiet now, how could they know we are here?" Yuesong retorted. But the fox's words caused Yuesong to reflect. Yes.

, Ordinarily, the oil depot has been bombed, and a large amount of oil is gone. Why are so many people guarding here? Let’s take the motorboat. It is an empty hole. Is it necessary to patrol it so frequently? Even if this material is

The warehouse devils refused to give up, but there was nothing in there right now, so there was no need to be so defensive, right?

"What are you thinking about? When can we go out?" the fox asked wordlessly.

Yuesong ignored him and couldn't help but take out a cigarette, light it, smoke slowly, and think slowly. Could it be that the Japanese have something important here that we haven't detected? For the Japanese,

, the most important thing is strategic materials, and the second thing should be weapons and equipment. Of course, conventional weapons don’t have to be collected in such a sneaky way. Are there Japanese bacterial weapons or weapons of mass destruction such as biological and chemical weapons here? Yuesong

Not only did he take a breath of cold air, but the little devils, they are small in number, they just like to do these things. It is the nature of the devils to be cruel and inhumane. If there are weapons of mass destruction here, for the devils, not only is it not impossible, but it is

Very possible.

Yuesong thought about it, and suddenly felt that he was really lucky. Maybe because he was trapped here, he accidentally discovered the Japanese's huge secret. Yuesong took a few puffs of cigarettes and thought to himself, it seems that I have to go there in person.

, reconnoitred carefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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