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Chapter 112: Everyone Has Their Needs

Liu Xiang made a very logical declaration in the Qiuguoshu Yamen.

It didn't help, but he felt much better.

This place is less than a hundred miles away from Zhuoxian County. No matter how troublesome you are, you still have to face it.

Liu Xiang sat cross-legged behind the case, thinking about various conspiracies and tricks in his mind, but he did not notice Zhao Yun coming in front of him.

"My lord, my lord."

Liu Xiang felt someone pat his arm, raised his head, saw it was Zhao Yun, and asked, "What's the matter with Zilong?"

"My lord, Zhang Yi wants to see you, and he also brings Lieutenant Qiu Guo with him."

"Bring it in."

Not long after, Zhang Yi followed several guards to Nuange. When he saw Liu Xiang, he knelt down without saying a word. Then he turned around and pulled Qiu Guowei to kneel down as well. He said respectfully: "Yi, bring your wife and brother Feng.

Gui, meet the general."

Feng Gui, who was beside him, also responded: "Meet the general."

He gave a big salute as soon as he came up. He must have something to ask for. Liu Xiang raised his hand and said: "Zhang Yi, Feng Gui, please get up quickly. You have made great achievements. If you have anything to say, just say it. Why do you need to do this big gift?"

Zhang Yi stood up obediently and said respectfully: "I have something to ask the general, but I don't know whether I should tell him or not."

Liu Xiang wanted to retort to him: "If you don't know whether you should say it or not, just don't say it." But he couldn't say that. You still have to pay attention to the worldly wisdom.

He opened his mouth and said, "Don't be verbose, just say it."

"I and my brother-in-law want to disband their troops and return to their fields. We hope that the general will give us permission."

Liu Xiang asked doubtfully: "What are you worried about in your heart? Why do you want to return to the fields? You have military merit. I have told you before that you should take down the Qiu Kingdom to keep your family safe."

Zhang Yisan smiled and said: "I was an official before. Although I didn't contaminate anyone's life, I was still complicit. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to pass the general's reckoning, so I begged him shamelessly. I hope that the general can see that I have some small merits and no big evil, so I will let you go."

Once, I was willing to use all my wealth to make amends, and from then on I returned to the fields and worked hard to make a living."

Liu Xiang really never thought about holding Zhang Yi accountable for his previous crimes. Of course, if someone files a complaint, it will be handled in accordance with the law.

He has this attitude towards all the powerful families in his territory, and he has been able to do a lot, even though their butts are not clean.

Zhang Yi’s talent is all about survival, right?

Before others could accuse him, he came to atone for his sins. He had just accomplished the great feat of seizing the city. At this time, Liu Xiang would indeed give him a lighter sentence. Once this hurdle was passed, he would be innocent in Liu Xiang's place.

It would be difficult to hold the person responsible for previous crimes any longer.

He is so smart, much better than those people with eyes reaching to the sky.

Liu Xiang laughed out loud: "Zhang Yi, has anyone ever told you that you are a smart person?"

Zhang Yi said sarcastically: "General, please don't make fun of someone who is humble and confused. Don't make fun of him."

Liu Xiang said with emotion: "It's rare to be confused! Okay, because of your confusion, I promise you."

Zhang Yi and Feng Gui both bowed and thanked him: "Thank you, General, for your kindness, General's benevolence and righteousness."

"If your wealth is gone, what will you do for a living?"

Zhang Yi smiled happily, feeling a little proud: "General Qi, I have studied and understood that our Anping Army will allocate fields to the common people. I, my wife, and my brother's family have about twenty people, fourteen adults."

.According to the rules of our Anping Army, we can separate..."

He counted with his fingers.

Liu Xiang was amused by Zhang Yi's cleverness. Okay, if he wants to divide the land, give it to him. Then he said: "Fourteen adults, Yongye field 210 acres."

Zhang Yixi smiled widely and quickly thanked him: "Thank you, General."

Liu Xiang nodded at him: "Just use this little cleverness."

Zhang Yi chuckled and said, "Hey, being humble doesn't mean you can do anything. That means the general is magnanimous and can tolerate such humble people. Thank you General for your magnanimity."

"Okay, 210 acres of Yongye field and 70 acres of mulberry and hemp fields. The land in Zhuo County is not enough. If you can move to Anci County in Guangyang County, I will give you another 80 acres of land. Two more

Cross the courtyard to reward you for taking the city."

"I'm willing, I'm willing. I'm so humble. I'm willing to get an extra eighty acres of land. It's a good thing. Those who don't want it are fools."

Liu Xiang looked at Zhang Yi seriously and said with a smile: "Zhang Yi, smart people have to do smart things. I hope you and your family can live a safe and good life."

Zhang Yi bowed solemnly and saluted: "Thank you, General."

Liu Xiang wrote a document and Su Wei handed it to him. Zhang and Yi resigned and moved to Anci County, Guangyang County.

The terrain in Anci is good and suitable for farming. However, due to the war, the last more than 8,000 hungry people were moved to Jixian by Liu Xiang for the convenience of relief. It was already an empty city.

The main place Liu Xiang filled with immigrants was Anci, which needed a large population.

Zhang Yi's arrival seemed to have pressed the start button, and officials from the Qiu Kingdom came one after another to ask for an audience. Some wanted to leave, some recommended themselves to seek officials, and some simply came to seek peace of mind, each with their own needs.


Liu Xiang could understand them. After all, he had just surrendered and was feeling uneasy. Apart from giving him a few words of reassurance, he agreed to nothing. He only said that everything was complicated and could be discussed later.

Liu Xiang wanted to wait for the scribes to arrive, let the people report the case, and check the case files again. If there was no serious crime, he should be left alone.

Those who are guilty? If guilty, they will be sentenced. Those who deserve to be beheaded will be beheaded, and those who deserve to do hard labor will be served. Liu Xiang will have to do hard work for them.

We received a lot of people, it was already dark, and we didn’t do anything serious.

Liu Xiang complained: "Everyone has his own ideas, everyone has his own needs, everyone has his own thoughts, everyone has his own needs

^0^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Remember []

They come to me with all kinds of means, who should I go to?"

Looking at Zhao Yun and Shi A, who had been protecting him closely, Liu Xiang knew Zhao Yun's aspirations and needs, but Liu Xiang had never heard of Shi A's thoughts.

He asked curiously: "Shi A, what do you want?"

Shi A said without thinking: "Find an official background and change your family."

"You've got what you wanted, how do you feel?"

"Thank you, Lord, for your appreciation. I am willing to die in service to you."

Liu Xiang felt a little emotional. The heroic man who could travel two thousand miles for a stranger he never said a word to was now bound by fame and fortune. He began to understand the ways of the world, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Forget it, as long as there are so many emotions, I can use them.

Liu Xiang recovered his thoughts and it was time to get down to business. He had to solve the needs of the people so that he could gain their support.

The Announcement of Anmin was announced to all directions when the army entered the city, and the next step was to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people.

There are not many fields in Qiu State, which are all concentrated in the Juma River Basin in the southeast. There are mountains in the west and north, and many mulberry trees, jujube trees and lacquer trees are planted, and many people make a living on it.

Therefore, when allocating fields, mountainous areas must also be taken into consideration.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about mulberry and jujube. Raw lacquer is harvested from lacquer trees. This is a strategic resource. Liu Xiang had to promote the planting of lacquer trees in his territory.

The more raw lacquer produced, the better. Not only are lacquerware needed in daily life, but also making armor requires a large amount of raw lacquer.

Both iron armor and leather armor need to be painted.

Painting is not only to prevent moisture and rust, but also to look good, and it can also enhance the armor's defensive capabilities.

This is not nonsense, it has actual basis. Armor generally needs to be painted seven or eight times, and a paint shell of more than two to three millimeters will be formed on the surface. This thickness completely exceeds the requirements of beauty, moisture resistance and rust prevention.

The lacquer shell will work with iron or leather to form a composite material for defense. Of course, the craftsmen of the Han Dynasty did not understand what composite materials were, but their practical work experience told them that this could improve the armor's defense, so the lacquer technology came into play.

And born.

Painting technology has a better defensive effect on leather armor.

Leather armor is leather armor, but it is not made from a whole piece of tanned leather. The tanned leather is cut into pieces, then baked into shapes, and then beaten repeatedly.

Some refined armor pieces will add metal shavings during beating and drive them directly into the cortex, which can improve defense capabilities.

After that, it is painted, and it is painted many times. Finally, ropes or metal wires are used to tie it into a braided armor. This is a high-quality leather armor.

Compared with the Hu people's whole-skin leather armor, the defense is much better, but the production is cumbersome and the cost is much higher.

This is also one of the ways the Han army relied on using less to defeat more.

The fact that one Han can serve as the five barbarians is not just a word, it is the equipment and materials that are ahead of the barbarians in all aspects. They are piled up with these things.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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