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Chapter 113: Trust Imperialism

Liu Xiang was thinking about Yamada. Zhuo County has a large population and less land per capita, so there is more development of mountainous areas. When dividing fields, Yamada must also be taken into consideration.

Unlike several other counties, plain areas cannot be planted and there are large areas of wasteland.

Grain is rarely grown in the mountains of Zhuo County. People in the north basically don't consider the terraced fields in the south. Hydrological conditions do not allow it, and the land is not so scarce. At most, there are some grain fields in the hilly areas, and most of the other mountainous areas

Mulberry trees, jujube trees, peach trees, and lacquer trees were planted.

Grain fields, mulberry, hemp, jujube, and peaches can be distributed to anyone. You only need to consider the allocated area, and do not need to consider whether the Han people can grow them.

Lacquer trees are different. Not only do they need to be able to plant them, they also need to be able to cut lacquer trees, so they have a certain degree of professionalism.

Not everyone is good at cutting lacquer. You have to cut a crescent-shaped knife mark on the trunk of the lacquer tree, insert a shell under the knife mark, and collect the sap secreted from the bark wound. This is raw lacquer.


It requires a certain amount of skill and is very hard work. There is a saying that goes, "A hundred miles, a thousand cuts, a lick of paint".

What this means is not that a hundred miles of lacquer garden can produce one or two lacquers, but that the lacquer people have to go back and forth repeatedly, climb up and down, and constantly shuttle through the lacquer woods. They need to walk hundreds of miles and make thousands of cuts.

, can you get one or two raw lacquers.

This statement is an exaggeration, but it is enough to show that it is not easy to cut raw lacquer. Rough calculation, just one or two raw lacquers requires cutting hundreds of trees.

As long as there are other ways to survive, the people are not willing to become Qimin.

Paint workers and salt workers are both extremely hard jobs. It can be said that salt workers are lucky. By upgrading technology and improving production methods, their situation will gradually improve.

How can we improve the job of cutting paint? In modern times, cutting is done this way. Apart from raising the price, Liu Xiang could not think of a way to make the paint people live better.

But if the price of raw lacquer is increased, the cost of armor will increase. This is inconsistent with his original intention. The combat power of the army is the most important.

The intermediate links in raw paint transactions must be reduced.

To lower the price of raw paint and increase the treatment of paint consumers, we can only sacrifice middlemen.

Liu Xiang decided that, like salt and iron, raw lacquer would also be a franchise. Only merchants were allowed to sell lacquer from outside and were not allowed to collect lacquer locally. He would take back the ownership of lacquer trees, hire lacquer workers to work, and improve their treatment.

All lacquer gardens are under military control, and a department specifically responsible for producing lacquer is set up under the general supervision.

Anyone who steals or smuggles raw lacquer will have their property confiscated and be punished with hard labor. People are encouraged to report, and 10% of the stolen money will be confiscated as a reward.

This is Liu Xiang's old method of luring people with profit and mobilizing the masses. He has used this method to almost eliminate loan sharks and also made a small fortune. The people are also very supportive of this road to wealth.

There will definitely be various problems in this process, which are inevitable.

If you want to do things, you have to face problems and then solve them. No matter what happens, no matter what era, problems will never disappear. There is no way in the world without problems. It all depends on your attitude towards the problems.

The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and the soil will cover it. If you are afraid of problems, don't do anything.

After salt, iron and mineral deposits, raw lacquer was also specialized. Liu Xiang was making great strides towards the trust empire. The next step was to plan the issue of minting new coins.

Minting new coins has been an issue that has been considered for a long time. The coinage power of the Eastern Han Dynasty was not centralized and was delegated to local counties. Many wealthy families took advantage of the loopholes and minted coins privately. This is outrageous.

The shape of this kind of privately minted coins is not so uniform, the glyph features of the money are variable, the quality is uneven, bad coins are rampant, and the five baht coins are becoming increasingly worthless.

When Fatty Dong came to Beijing, he minted a lot of bad money, and all his money was gone.

Prices are skyrocketing.

The people no longer dared to use money and bartered directly, and the economic system of the Han Dynasty was completely destroyed.

Liu Xiang must mint new coins by himself before Fatty Dong comes to Beijing to avoid being ripped off.

He sighed. There were too many problems to deal with, and no one could help. Where can I find some talents who can be used by me?

In the eyes of others, he is a rebellious bandit. Although he is holding the banner of a Han clan clan, the nobles with higher status do not recognize him, which means he can fool the lower class people.

Those who can be used by him are either those from humble backgrounds who want to change their families; or they are down-and-out children from poor families; or they are ambitious people who want to revive their families and gain political power.

In a poor place like Youzhou, there are a bunch of border army generals with few people who are good at civil affairs. They also look down on thieves like Liu Xiang.

Those who had their heads chopped off by Liu Xiang included many talented people, which was a pity.

Looking at the entire Three Kingdoms era, there were only a few advisers who came from poor families, and even fewer who could be used by him.

I have to change my identity.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the first step to growing their power will be completed, and the second step is to cross the threshold of identity.

The birth of the clan is in progress, the test of military prowess is about to come, and the famous scholar Zhang Mu has no clue yet.

Well-known celebrities, the little fool Lu Yu’s father is one of them, so he has to find a way to build a good relationship with him.

Zheng Xuan, who lives in Donglai, is one of them, so he has to find a way to get it. Whether it can be used by him, let's talk about that, first get it into his own bowl.

There is going to be a Yellow Turban incident in Qingzhou. It is not too much to take him to Youzhou to avoid trouble out of good intentions, right? As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, it is the right thing to protect the famous Han people. Liu Xiang feels that it makes sense.

He was very confident that Zheng Xuan would shed tears of gratitude, spit out the fragrance, and accept it happily.

^0^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Remember [ ]


Logic is very easy to use when someone tries to reason with you, but it doesn't work when it comes to someone who doesn't.

Liu Xiang was sorting out his thoughts while writing down notes on bamboo slips. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. He was afraid that he would forget some things.

I have a lot of ideas and a lot of notes.

Thinking of the announcements, recruiting troops, allocating fields, and preparing for immigration tomorrow, he wrote another notice and prepared to announce it to all directions tomorrow.

I also wrote several letters:

In Qiu State, Gu'an issued an order to recruit talents.

Recruit scribes from Guangyang County to Zhuo County Camp to take orders and prepare for immigration matters.

Fan Yang's 60,000 civilians set off and sent 2,000 county soldiers to escort them to the Zhuoxian camp for handover.

After finishing writing, I prepared to arrange the delivery of the letter tomorrow. It was already very late today and the city gate had already been closed. For this matter, there was no need to open the city gate at night.

Liu Xiang stretched out, looked at Zhao Yun and Shi A, who were guarding him, and said softly: "Arrange the night watch, everyone go down and rest."

Zhao Yun said worriedly: "My lord, you should also pay attention to rest and don't torture your body. My lord's injury has not healed yet."

Liu Xiang nodded, and suddenly heard rapid footsteps coming from outside. Just as he raised his eyes to look out, Shi A ducked and stood in front of Liu Xiang. He held the sword box on his waist with his left hand and held the sword hilt with his right hand.

Staring at the door warily.

Zhao Yun took a few hurried steps and arrived at the door. He shouted in a low voice: "What's going on outside?"

Without waiting for the guard on duty at the door to reply, a loud report came from outside:

"Good news! Good news! Good news from the Wuhuan School Lieutenant Department!"


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

This chapter has been completed!
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