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Chapter 12 Relocation

Xian Yuyin didn't dare to give the order anymore. The words "The Han Dynasty has been raising men for four hundred years" were too lethal. If Liu Xiang was forced to die today, his reputation would be ruined.

There are some things that you can do in the Han Dynasty, but you can't say them, let alone let others know them.

Liu Xiang made such a fuss today that he could not move forward or retreat, so he could only order people to report to the prefect Zhang Ju.

Let the prefect solve this problem. He has no choice anyway, and he doesn't want to take the blame.

And his subordinates didn't dare to step forward. The plague was too scary. Anyone who tried to step forward would be a fool.

The two sides faced each other outside the camp gate. On one side was Xian Yuyin and the prefect Zhang Ju's private army, with seven or eight hundred people;

On one side is Liu Xiang, alone.

The county soldiers in the camp were confused and didn't know what was going on. Didn't they become heroes in suppressing the rebellion? But when they saw the private soldiers outside, they all knew that the situation was not good.

As for why these county soldiers did not support Liu Xiang? They just met once and listened to a few words. No one is a fool.

Liu Xiang pretended to be righteous and blocked Xian Yuyin and the private soldiers behind him.

But I was murmuring in my heart that this matter has caused a big situation and I don't know how to end it. At first, I was just worried about my conscience and wanted to give some advice, but later, how did it develop into this?

I was impulsive, too impulsive, and rushed out as soon as my brain got hot. This is not okay, people who seek death will die easily. I even advised myself to be cautious two days ago.

But things have come to this point, how to get out?

After Liu Xiang calmed down, he found that the only one who was afraid of his words was Xian Yuyin, and the others were just frightened by the plague.

The harm of the plague must be spread to the wider public. Anyway, the Han Dynasty had limited understanding of the plague. In the understanding of the Han people, whoever touches the plague will die, and whatever Liu Xiang says is what it is.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiang cupped his hands and said: "Xian Yu, Captain, it is not Xiang who caused this. The plague in the camp is fierce. If you are not careful, it will be a disaster. If you have offended me, I hope that Captain will forgive you."

Xian Yuyin was very annoyed, "Don't talk to me, wait for the prefect to make a decision."

Both sides looked at each other speechless and could only wait silently.

About half an hour later, the prefect sent a visitor over and ordered Captain Xian Yuyin to withdraw his troops.

Liu Xiang had seen the visitor, and it was Li Tong who recruited him to come to Yuyang.

After Li Tong finished talking to Xian Yuyin, he walked up to Liu Xiang and said, "The prefect ordered me to send a message that Liu Lang will be fully responsible for the management of the epidemic among the soldiers in the county. If there is anything wrong, I will behead you."

"I would like to ask you to inform the prefect. There is no medical treatment or medicine in the county barracks. It is really difficult to do anything. Please give the prefect some personnel and materials to treat the plague."

Li Tong nodded and said in a low voice to Liu Xiang: "I admire your words and deeds, and I will explain it to Liu Jun at the prefecture. But I heard that there are hidden troubles among the county soldiers, and Liu Jun must be careful."

Liu Xiang bowed his hands and thanked him.

Xian Yuyin left with his private soldiers, but the prefect Zhang Ju's private soldiers still numbered about 300 people and continued to block the streets.

The situation eased and Liu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. More than 2,000 patients in the county barracks must be treated as soon as possible, and there are more than 1,000 corpses that must be cremated as soon as possible.

However, there are only two hundred people who can work. There is not enough labor, not enough firewood, not enough medicine, not enough lime and salt for disinfection. What's more, the morale of the army is unstable, the mountains are full of trees, and everything is in chaos. This kind of mess is really difficult to clean up.


We can't get stuck in this quagmire. Nothing can be done if we just tie our hands and feet.

Looking at the county soldiers who had been watching from a distance, I found that they were not of the same mind as Liu Xiang, and each had their own ideas.

If Liu Xiang wants to do things in this camp, he must use them, win over them, and promise them benefits.

Although they also want to cure the epidemic, they will not work together. They are like people in a mud pit. When someone wants to pull them up, they want to drag you down. They are short-sighted and stupid.

"I want to save you, but my conscience is still alive and I owe you.

But it's impossible for me to follow your rules. You play yours and I'll do mine.

After this, I will no longer owe you anything." Liu Xiang murmured in a low voice.

Liu Xiang decided to bring these county soldiers to the Yuyang Camp to disrupt their mountains and break up their groups. Only with the intimidation of the armored cavalry would they become obedient and the various measures to treat the plague could be implemented smoothly.


He looked at the private soldiers of the prefect again. It was up to them to collect the corpses and thoroughly disinfect the military camp. Since they had no labor, they could only be used as strong men.

Liu Xiang continued to submit a letter to the prefect, proposing to move the camp, and also said that the prefect's private soldiers had been in close contact with the county soldiers and must be isolated. They were used to thoroughly disinfect the military camp to prevent the spread of the epidemic in the camp.

If there are people among the people suffering from the epidemic, they will also be sent to Yuyang camp for isolation.

Of course, there is also the need to reach out and ask for supplies. This is a common practice. Every time I submit a submission, I will ask for supplies.

The prefect allowed him to act expediently and sent several more Cao Cao to do it. Some led private soldiers to block the road, some escorted supplies, and some recruited large vehicles.

All tasks without coming into contact with plague patients have been completed.

Liu Xiang led people to transfer the patients to the Yuyang camp. With the help of Jiaqi, he classified the mild cases and severe cases, established isolation camps, and disinfected them in batches. He also led the prefect's private soldiers to collect the corpses and set up firewood for cremation.

During this period, many people who refused to obey his orders were beheaded by Liu Xiang. More than twenty heads fell to the ground, and no one dared to object again.

After three days of this, I was so busy that I finally settled down everything. After that, the armored cavalry sergeant already had a set of skilled methods for treating patients and controlling isolation.

The county soldiers were organized into random groups, divided into small groups and isolated, and were not allowed to connect in series to facilitate management.

Liu Xiang could finally take a break and take a breath.

Cui Yi walked over mysteriously, not forgetting to look around, secretly took out a can of wine, and whispered: "Liu Jun, are you done? I invite Liu Jun to drink."

"Where did you find the wine?" Liu Xiang was a little surprised. Alcohol is prohibited in the army and it is difficult to get wine in the military camp.

Cui Yi grinned and said: "I found it at the military marquis while cleaning up the camp the day before yesterday, so I secretly hid it."

Liu Xiang had never drunk wine from the Han Dynasty, and he was very curious about what it tasted like, so he said happily: "I also have some dried fruits and salted fish in my tent, which are just right to go with the wine."

"After a busy day, let's have a drink with Liu Jun to relieve fatigue."

The two entered the tent, Liu Xiang took some dried fruits and salted fish, Cui Yi took out two ear cups, filled them, raised the cups and said:

"There was an epidemic in the army, and a certain person was feeling miserable. Fortunately, Liu Jun came to quell the plague, treat the sick, and save a certain person's life. Cui was very grateful and asked Liu Jun to have a drink."


Cui Yi waited for Liu Xiang to finish drinking, then poured another glass and said: "You joined the rebel army alone and put down the rebellion day and night. You are really brave. Cui admires you. I will give Liu Jun another drink."

Liu Xiang raised his wine glass and said, "Brother Cui is a true hero who single-handedly intimidates the army and prevents chaos in the camp. Please drink this cup together."


The alcohol content of this wine was a little higher than Liu Xiang expected, and it tasted a little sweet.

Maybe it's because he's been really tired in recent days, or maybe his body just can't handle alcohol. After a few drinks, Liu Xiang felt a little drunk.

This chapter has been completed!
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