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Chapter 285 Destruction of the country

It's April, the temperature has risen sharply, and I'm already sweating in my jacket at noon.

On the first day of April, Prince Bo Gu ascended to the throne, and Liu Yi was sent to the city the next day. The news that the king of Sichuan was still alive spread in the inner city.

There was great chaos in the city.

The common people asked for a meal but could not get it. Thefts and robberies were repeated, and the people were resentful.

The high-ranking nobles lost their power and felt resentful.

The king was still alive and ascended the throne without authorization, which was an act of usurpation. The nobles who had previously been dismissed and the relatives of the killed people used this slogan to attack the new king and win over the hungry people to protect themselves. Some of the defenders were also roped in.

The powder keg was ignited.

Bogu couldn't control the situation.

Swordsmen and soldiers were everywhere in the city, and fighting in the streets occurred frequently.

Liu Xiang sent a letter to the city to make an appointment with Bogu. As long as he surrendered, he could be granted a title from the imperial court. The king of his home country, Sichuan, would not be an obstacle and he could become the true king of Goguryeo.

The throne is a magical thing. Once you get on it, no one wants to get off.

Bogu is no exception.

He took the bamboo slips that persuaded him to surrender and watched repeatedly. The Han army spread to the horizon, and the army was ten times larger than his own. If he really wanted to attack, he could not stop him. The city was becoming more and more chaotic, and the situation was not good for the defenders. The queen of the old country of Sichuan, the current king

Queen Mother Yu has turned to the opposition, and they want to destroy her. They are still fighting among themselves at this time, and their intention is to seize the throne and then surrender.

You will surrender, won't I?

"They and I are not of the same mind. Our ancestors surrendered to the Han Dynasty not once or twice." He persuaded himself in his heart.

The position of king can be ascended or deposed. If someone deposes him, he will end up miserable.

On the eighth day of April, Kaicheng, the capital of Goguryeo, surrendered.

Liu Xiang led his troops into Domestic City and Yunayan City. Two thousand defenders abandoned their weapons and were pulled out of the city and detained. More than 800 people resisted and were all executed. One hundred and sixty members of the royal family and noble family members who opposed Bogu were

The rest were arrested.

In the palace hall, Liu Xiang played with a wooden knife and asked with a smile: "This wood is good, where did you find it?"

Having surrendered, the fate was in the hands of others. Bo Gu knew everything and said: "There are them in Longshan, and there are also in other places, and there are more in Baishan, but others can't cut them down. Only the royal family has mastered the secret technique of cutting down. If the general likes it, I can do it."

Thirty pieces of wood are provided every year. This wood is extremely hard and cannot be soaked in water or burned in fire. It is extremely difficult to cut down and not much can be cut down in a year."

Liu Xiang sneered, it's because your techniques and tools are not good enough, as for the secret technique?

He asked directly: "First burn it with fire, and then cut it down?"

Seeing Bo Gu's surprised look, it turned out to be this method, using fire to cut down trees. Most people don't have this idea. Wood is afraid of fire. This is common sense.

But iron birch breaks this common sense. It is really fire-resistant. This tree absorbs the silicon element in the soil when it grows, so it is extremely hard. It is the hardest wood in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Of course, iron birch can also be burned. It is wood after all, but it requires a very high temperature.

It is cold-resistant and drought-resistant. It grows in areas with high latitudes and high altitudes. Its hardness is three times that of oak and harder than ordinary steel. Cui Yi tried to cut it with a steel knife, and it was so hard that sparks appeared.

Its only weakness is its extremely slow growth.

Liu Xiang laughed and shook his head. There is no good thing in the world that has the best of both worlds. Now that he knows the origin and the harvesting method, he is leaving.

A lot has happened in the past few months. Xianbei died at the end of last year. In the first month of this year, he and Dong Zhuo fought in Xihe County, Bingzhou. No one took advantage of the two armies, and they have been entangled endlessly.

In late February, Guo Tai of Baibo Valley took the opportunity to raise troops and invaded Taiyuan County. In March, he asked the Black Mountain Army to attack Bingzhou together. Zhoucang and Zhang He sent a letter asking if they would send troops.

Liu Xiang replied and ordered the Black Mountain Army to send 50,000 troops to attack Taiyuan and Yanmen counties, leaving 40,000 troops to guard the Eight Paths of Taihang.

Now Yanmen has been taken, but Mrs. Guo was shot to death by a flying arrow. Several generals under his command had different intentions. More than 80,000 Baibo troops are confronting the Black Mountain army in Taiyuan.

Really disgusting.

The person who made them dissatisfied was called Liu Yu. He was appointed by the imperial court as the shepherd of Bingzhou in late March. He was the prime minister in charge of countering the rebellion in Bingzhou. He was stationed in Shangdang County. He got the support of Yu Fuluo, the current Shanyu of the Southern Huns, and wanted to pacify Taiyuan first.


Several generals from Baibo and Huangjin were recruited by him. These people had received orders from Liu Xiang and had no objection to the imperial order. When Guo Tai died, others did not know that the Black Mountain Army was Liu Xiang's army, and the alliance naturally broke down.

He has to take a trip.

In fact, Liu Yu was not the only one who was appointed as the state pastor.

In March, Liu Yan went to the imperial court and remonstrated that the world was in chaos and the authority of the governor was too weak, so that shepherds should be set up to divide the towns in all directions.

The aristocratic family would not object to this, after all, it would expand their authority, and Emperor Ling would not object either. He wanted to activate the clan. So he quickly passed the proposal and appointed Taichang Liu Yan as the shepherd of Yizhou, and the servant Huang Wan as the shepherd of Yuzhou.

Zongzheng Liu Yu was the shepherd of Bingzhou, and General Liu Xiang of Zhenbei was the shepherd of Youzhou.

The aristocratic family and Emperor Ling were very satisfied, so the local warlords legitimately entered the political stage of the Han Dynasty.

The edict appointing Liu Xiang is still waiting in Zhuoxian County. Zhen Yi is delaying it because of his repeated injuries. He must go back to receive the order as soon as possible.

His original plan to persuade him to surrender failed, so he would return to the south of Youzhou, leaving Cui Yi to take charge of the war in Goguryeo. Taishi Ci would lead the Yunfan camp back to Xi'an for consolidation, and Yan Rou would lead the army to attack Lelang.

Now that Bogu has surrendered, he might as well wrap things up before leaving.

He coaxed: "I have come to your Majesty to ask for canonization for you. It should not be a problem. Now there are two obstacles. One is that he is besieged in the homeland of Sigeima. If he does not die, which of you will be the King of Goguryeo?"

"What do you mean, general?" Bogu asked knowingly. He did not want to bear the name of patricide.

"I will not let you commit patricide. Our army will handle the matter in Guguchuan. Please use the name of the King of Goguryeo to persuade the remaining troops to surrender."


Bogu agreed readily. He needed military support, so it would be a good thing to persuade some to surrender.

"The second thing is that Heshenggu City also needs the king to persuade him to surrender."

Bo Gu was confused. With your escape route cut off, how could you stay calm and calm outside the city for more than half a month? He always thought that the king was alone in the city!

"You...you..." He was surprised, regretful, and all kinds of emotions came to his heart, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Liu Xiang said quietly: "Your Majesty, you won't regret it, right? There are some roads that once you step on, it's hard to turn back. The throne has been ascended and you can't retreat. "

"Okay, I will go and persuade He to surrender to the Bone City." Bogu's voice was a little dry. He made the decision with difficulty. He couldn't look back. The two kings of Goguryeo stood side by side. Once the king of Sichuan of the old country came back, He Sheng was in the Bone City.

People will not support themselves, and the only option is to completely rely on the Han Dynasty.

"Then let's go." Liu Xiang urged.

He had a lot of things to do and didn't want to waste time in Goguryeo. Bogu, his entourage and several accompanying officials set off with the army that day, along with the captured royal family and nobles.

Ten thousand troops were stationed in Inner City and Weinayan City, under the jurisdiction of Yan Zhi.

The population of more than a hundred miles up and down has been concentrated here for a long time. The military camp and the two cities house a total of nearly 100,000 people.

Before leaving, he ordered the city to be massacred three days later.

Yan Rou was sent an order to go north from Xi'an to clear out the Goguryeo settlements of more than 200 miles along the Mazishui River. He ordered Taishi Ci to lead the Yunfan Camp to assist and leave no survivors.

Nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses returned to Heshenggu City along the way they came. This place is also the territory of the royal family's Feiliu tribe. The city is built on the mountain. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack from a high position. Bogu led the people to open the city gate and the Anping Army

Entering the city to take over the city defense, there were more than a thousand defenders here, and there were thousands more people in the city, but there was no resistance at all.

Liu Nanlou led the remaining 13,000 Hu cavalry to clear the Boishui River Basin, and the army continued to move forward, galloping towards the west and riding on horseback.

Until this time, Bo Gu still thought that the Han Dynasty was going to support him to hijack Goguryeo. Unfortunately, because of a kind of wood, Liu Xiang wanted to completely exterminate the Goguryeo people.

This kind of iron wood can overturn the Han Dynasty's advantage in iron smelting, so we must not be soft-hearted.

This is a national war.

It's only their fault that they found something they shouldn't have.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

This chapter has been completed!
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