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Chapter 292 Mainstream Armor Finalized

Exercising before meals helps digestion and Liu Xiang's food intake greatly increases.

After being married for half a year, I and my two daughters spent less time together and more time away from each other. However, troubled times were approaching and things were complicated, so there was nothing we could do.

A few days later, Le Lang's envoy arrived. When the messenger told him his name, he laughed angrily.

"Gongsun Du, how dare you appear in front of me? You are so audacious. You contacted Hu Yi and rebelled against the imperial court. You are guilty of an unforgivable crime. You dare to make many demands and seek death."

Gongsundu was in his forties, with a beard half a foot long, a wide robe and broad belt, and a crown of more than a foot long on his head, as if he was wearing a lightning rod. Hearing this, he retorted:

"Why should Liu Zhenbei lie to each other? Youzhou is the territory of the Han Dynasty, but you treat it as your own private property. There is no need to elaborate on what you think. There was a lot of killing during this period, and the nobles were frightened. Who dares to rely on you? We are just looking for a way out.

Today I am defeated, but I am willing to humble myself and be humble, and hope that you will open up your mind and accept me. In this way, scholars will be able to put aside their doubts, return to their original intention, and accomplish great things."

This statement is really straightforward. It means that everyone is not a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty and has the intention of separatizing the state capital. Now they admit defeat and are willing to defect to work together to cause trouble.

However, Gongsundu was too ambitious, and had divided Liaodong for decades in history. Even if he was willing to defect, Liu Xiang would not dare to use it.

He retorted righteously: "I am the governor of Youzhou appointed by the imperial court. You have resisted the destiny, gathered troops to rebel, colluded with the enemy, and invaded the territory of the Han Dynasty. Now that you are defeated, you have said such words. You are really ambitious people."

, a shameless person. Come on, put him in jail and wait for trial."

"Liu Zhenbei, I am an envoy, how can I be humiliated like this? If you want to do great things, you should gather people and use them. We sincerely come to surrender. If you are not accepted, no one will come to join us in the future. I hope you will think twice." Gongsun Du returned.

He was struggling, trying to "give some good advice" and save his life.

"It's right to gather talents, but I don't need you rotten fish and shrimps. This is not a hiding place for filth and evil. If you pull me down, I'll get annoyed just by looking at it."

Liu Xiang was too lazy to talk nonsense to him. There were not many Han people in Lelang County, but there were many nobles who had fled there one after another over the years. He had never thought of recruiting all these people into his army. Most of these people were with

He has a grudge, is he recruiting him to lay a foundation for himself?

If you send troops abroad, they will definitely rebel in the rear. The hidden danger is too great. Allowing envoys to enter is just delaying time.

When Yan Rou returns to the army, Le Lang will definitely be cleaned.

Zhang Qi is ignorant. If you send Bing Yuan and Guan Ning over, Liu Xiang will naturally have a good talk with them. Forget it with Gongsun Du. There is no need to talk. He will take Le Lang out and behead him after he captures it.

The life and death of princes all along the way in history depended on one's own thoughts. This feels good.

Liu Xiang happily ordered: "Arrest all Lelang's envoys and send a message to Zhang Qi, saying that Gongsun Du has evil intentions. If he sincerely surrenders, he will send a reliable person to negotiate. If there are two sides, then what will happen?"

See you on the battlefield."

Looking at Tian Chou who was writing letters diligently, he asked: "Zitai, is there any progress in the minting of coins?"

"We are still exploring the proportions. We have tried out a few wear-resistant formulas. We are comparing them and will be able to submit them to the Lord for inspection in a while."

It would be good if there was progress. There was still a year and a half before Fatty Dong minted bad coins on a large scale. Youzhou had to have its own coins and spread them across the state. As for the subsequent territory he would occupy, he no longer cared about it.

"Very good, tell those craftsmen who can complete the formula, official positions, and titles are waiting for them. Also, don't stop preparing copper, tin, lead and other materials, and continue to build molds. Once the formula is successful, it will be launched on a large scale

To mint coins, the more the better, the faster the better, time waits for no one."


After Tian Chou accepted the order, he continued to write letters. He now held two positions, Secretary Cheng and Captain Shui Heng, so Tian Yu, who served under him, was ordered to run back and forth. Tian Yu, who was just fifteen years old, was really miserable.

, that is, Secretary Lang is also a subordinate of Captain Shui Heng of Bian Tong Ling Shi. Both positions are direct subordinates of Tian Chou, and they cannot hide.

In order to reduce the burden on this little child laborer, Liu Xiang ordered the audience: "Zhengpi Zhenyan was appointed as the secretary of the general's palace, and Tian Yu was asked to concentrate on the affairs of the mint. He had neglected it before and made him work hard for such a long time.

It’s my fault.”

Zhen Yan is sixteen years old this year. He is a concubine. He is the son of Zhen Yi's concubine. He is the second among the brothers. Zhen Jiang's half-brother, Zhen Yi's eldest son, died young, but the heir is not in his turn.

Zhen Yan, the legitimate son is Zhen Yao, the third son born to his wife Zhang.

The visitor, Yuan Ba, obeyed the order and immediately got up and went to Zhen Mansion to deliver the message.

Not long after he left home, the armor engineer from the Hainan Arsenal asked to see him. The ironwood armor had been successfully tried and passed the crossbow inspection.

The whole set of armor only pressed slightly against the hand and was not heavy. Liu Xiang put it on and tried it on the spot. The light weight of the armor did not affect the shooting of a bow and arrow. The weight of the body armor and skirt armor was distributed around the shoulders and waist, which was similar to the feeling of wearing a thick coat.

, action is not hindered.

He nodded: "Not bad, how is the defense? How is the production?"

"The armor weighs sixteen kilograms and is made up of nine hundred and seventy pieces of armor connected in series. Its protection is three times that of leather armor and eighty percent that of forty kilograms of iron armor. It cannot be broken by a horned bow fifty steps away, and a powerful crossbow cannot penetrate three times of armor."

Three carpenters, one skilled craftsman and two painters can make one set of armor per month. If all materials are available, the existing craftsmen in the workshop can make 300 sets of armor per month. The main reason is that there is a shortage of skilled painters.


"Can the painters of leather and iron armor be mobilized?"

"It's only by calling on them that we can produce three hundred sets of ironwood armor every month."

There is a shortage of painters everywhere. The person responsible for cold forging armor cannot be transferred. Painters are also needed in the weapons workshop for building bamboo and wood, and the exquisite horses are inseparable from them.

Three hundred is probably three hundred, which is quite a lot. There are only seventy sets of cold-forged armor during the flood season, which is enough. Armor manufacturing is cumbersome. The Han Dynasty was not an era of industrial mass production. This speed is possible thanks to the iron birch wood that does not need to be repeated.

Forging, nail pieces are produced relatively quickly.

Liu Xiang felt that ironwood armor could completely replace leather armor and iron armor, and there was no need to continue manufacturing these two types of armor.

"The production of leather armor and iron armor can be stopped, but the heavy armor for infantry combat needs to be redesigned. The cold-forged cavalry armor can be slightly modified. It weighs about fifty kilograms. After the armor and cavalry equipment are completed, the production of cold-forged infantry armor will continue.

Battle armor."


In the future, the mainstream armor of the Anping Army will be cold-forged heavy armor and iron-wood light armor. These two types of armor will slowly replace the existing leather armor and iron-clad armor.

"Water Hammer continues to search for river channels to expand the scale. Cold forged armor is the top priority. The output needs to be increased. Seventy sets a month is not enough."

"The official has accepted the order, but what regulations should Tiemu have? The captured combat equipment will always be used up." The armor engineer asked.

"I will send someone to transport it, and you can just make the armor without worries."

Liu Xiang did not tell the armor engineer and shipyard engineer what kind of iron wood it was. They did not know the name of iron birch, the appearance of the plant, let alone its place of origin.

There must be information separation between logging and manufacturing. This is his intention. The loggers only know how to cut down, and they don’t care where the raw materials are transported. The transporters only need to transport the raw materials. They don’t need to know what kind of trees they are and what they want to make. The manufacturers only know how to make them.

, the information about the original plant is unclear.

I hope it can be kept secret.

In fact, the leftover materials from shipbuilding can also be used to make armor plates. If you go back to the shipyard to find out the specific leftovers, you can save a lot of wasted iron birch.

After all, this thing is really difficult to harvest.

This chapter has been completed!
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