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Chapter 293: Crimes other than war

In mid-summer and May, the temperature rises sharply, and the rainy season in the north has not yet arrived. Farmers have to find ways to irrigate themselves. Those along the rivers and those who have built ditches can easily do it. They only need to set up a thirsty bird and overturn the truck to draw water. Those who are far away from the water source can do it.

I have to carry water to irrigate the fields, which is quite tiring.

During this period, the field will have to be weeded a second time, commonly known as weeding. After this weeding, the crops will be sealed, the plants will block the sun, and the growth of weeds will be hindered. After that, if there is no natural disaster, just

Just take care of it from time to time, and the farm work will no longer be so tiring. Just wait for maturity until the autumn harvest.

During this period of more than a month, most young men will choose to go out to find some odd jobs to earn some money to support their families. There are many workshops in Youzhou, and the commercial circulation is relatively prosperous. It is not difficult to find a job.

When you hit the water, you can always find a place to work hard.

Liu Xiang stood on the embankment of the river and observed the fields near Jixian. The imperial court named him Jihou, and Jixian was his fiefdom. However, he did not come often. This time he only took the time to inspect the water conservancy in various places. For

When it comes to promoting paddy fields, I want to be well aware of it.

Fan Xian, who accompanied the inspection, said: "My lord, the previous water control was mainly for flood control, and there were not many irrigation ditches. It is better to build a ditch by promoting paddy fields."

"What Ziming said is true. The water diversion canals are still not enough. Many fields cannot meet the requirements of paddy fields. After the autumn harvest, hard labor can be mobilized to dig water canals along the rivers and occupy the farmland. They will be compensated according to the market price. If farmers are willing to replace them, the local

The spare Hountian can be exchanged for one, and if they are willing to move to Liaodong, they can be exchanged for two, and the house will be built for them."

Liu Xiang also wanted to take this opportunity to move part of the population to Liaodong.

He thought for a while and then said: "Any farmer whose land is occupied by a canal and chooses to replace the land will enjoy this treatment for all the land of his family. Don't divide the land here and there. That is making things difficult for others. This has to be done

Dedicate personnel to patrol to prevent local officials from committing fraud."

"My lord is benevolent and righteous." Several people accompanying the inspection took the opportunity to compliment him.

Liu Xiang waved his hand: "Stop flattering me, do you have anyone to recommend?"

Yuan Huan opened his mouth and said: "As the old saying goes, you should not avoid relatives and enemies when promoting talents. My younger brother Yuan Min is familiar with hydrology and is upright and selfless. I would like to recommend him to Duke Ming."

Liu Xiang met Yuan Min. During the Battle of Cangyan Valley, Yuan Ba ​​and Yuan Min had been with the army for a while. Dian Wei was also recruited by them from Chenliu. Looking back on Yuan Min's words and deeds, he found that his temperament was somewhat sincere and not domineering at all.

The energy can be used once.

He looked around Fan Xian and others and saw that they had no other recommendations, so he said:

"Yuan Min was appointed as the embankment officer of Youzhou River. He is responsible for inspecting the river section, supervising flood control, irrigation and other matters. He sent someone to quickly pass the order and asked him to go to Tianchou to register his name and take up the post."

Yuan Huan clasped his hands and saluted: "On behalf of my younger brother, I thank Duke Ming for your promotion."

"Yao Qing, there is no need to be polite."

Liu Xiang smiled, but murmured a little in his heart, "Aristocratic family, even if they are in decline, they still need people and things. Unlike the other people who come from poor families, even if they want to establish their own power, it is difficult to find people like them."

A single-minded talent.


Even if he was on guard against the big families, the Yuan family and the Zhen family, their rise would be faster than the other people under his command who were from humble backgrounds.

It's not enough for these two families to check and balance each other. Someone needs to stand up.

He glanced at Fan Xian.

Forget it, this is a technical talent and cannot be contaminated by political games. Let's talk about it later. At least now, I can still fully control the situation.

In the next few days, Liu Xiang inspected the Gushui, Rushui and other river sections. Yan Rou and Yang Guan rode fast to deliver the message.

Yan Rou's troops had returned to Fan Han, joined up with Guan Yu, and captured Zengdi County, Lelang County, opposite Fan Han, and directed their troops towards the county to govern North Korea.

The news from Yang Guan is better. An open-pit coal mine was discovered in the former Goguryeo territory east of Xigeima. When the prospecting team was checking the veins along the line, they discovered copper and gold associated mines at the southern foot of the mountain more than a hundred miles away.

Liu Xiang remembered that the northern section of Qianshan Mountains and the southern foothills of Hadal Ridge in Jilin were rich in mineral resources, with amazing reserves of coal, iron, and copper. Anshan Iron Mine, Benxi Iron Mine, Fushun Coal Mine, and Hongtoushan Copper Mine were all there.

Previously, there was a risk of war at the Xuantu border, so the prospecting team did not go there and only looked for iron ore at Xiangping. As a result, the iron was not found yet, but coal and copper mines were discovered first. It happened that a large amount of copper was needed for minting coins, which was a timely blessing.

"I am indeed God's favorite cub." He muttered softly.

He turned to Yuan Huan and said: "Coal and copper mines have been discovered in Xuantu County, but there is a shortage of manpower there, so we sent 20,000 hard laborers to Xuantu County to mine. After Yan Zhi's place is cleared, we will send another 10,000 hard laborers to cut trees."

"The last official obeys the order."

There are really a lot of hard labor in Youzhou. Hundreds of thousands of people work in various hard labor camps, providing a lot of free labor. They are the main force in infrastructure construction and mines. Nearly half of them are prisoners of war, and a large part are derogatory people.

A criminal who is a slave and lives hard labor.

These people have reduced a lot of corvee burdens on the people of Youzhou and made great contributions.

Liu Xiang ordered people to inspect the hard labor camps and once again emphasized the rules for hard labor: "In addition to daily control, prisoners are not allowed to be abused at will. Those who work hard and obey discipline will have their sentences reduced as appropriate."

You have to give people hope, otherwise, no one will work hard.

He wanted to go to Liaodong to see it, but unfortunately he didn't have enough time. He inspected a few rivers and then took the people to Taiyuan.

The three forces in Taiyuan County and Shangdang County are still in a stalemate. In the north is the Youzhou Army of more than 60,000 people, in the middle is the Baibo Army of more than 80,000 people, and in Shangdang County in the south is Liu Yuxin's 30,000 to 40,000 troops.

All three people are worried.

Liu Xiang was afraid that attacking the Baibo Army now would push them completely into the arms of the Han Army. Liu Yu was trying his best to arrest the Baibo Army. He simply could not pacify Taiyuan with his own strength, and even Shangdang might not be able to protect it.


Caught in the middle, the Baibo Army wanted to benefit from the Han Army, but did not want to fight with the Black Mountain Army, so they guarded Jinyang and other counties and never came out to provoke.

There is no way to continue such a stalemate. Tens of thousands of troops consuming food and grass in outer space is not Liu Xiang's favorite style of play.

On the eighth day of May, he arrived at Jinyang City and once again invited Han Xian, Li Le, and Hu Cai to meet, but still failed to do so. Bai Bo's army firmly defended the city, waiting for Liu Yu to agree to their terms.

The war in Taiyuan was really disgusting, and Liu Xiang was so angry. The Black Mountain Army originally sent troops to merge with the state at the invitation of the Baibo Army, but Mrs. Guo suddenly died in the battle, and was immobilized in Taiyuan by these three bastards.

Damn you, these three flies in the toilets are so disgusting.

If you don’t eat the toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty!

"The general is unworthy of his entrustment to his lord and has asked for military justice." Zhang He was so ashamed that he led an army independently for the first time. The battle was a complete mess, which was really embarrassing.

Xu Rong interceded for Zhang He: "I would like to inform you, my lord, that something unexpected happened to the Baibo bandits. It is not Jun Yi's fault. I hope your lord will find out clearly."

This chapter has been completed!
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