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Chapter 312 Zhang He Sees an Opportunity

In the Han Dynasty, the understanding of thunder and lightning was completely biased towards myths and legends, and they thought it was a warning or punishment from God. If you told them that thunder and lightning are discharges caused by cloud collisions, they would not understand and would not listen.

Liu Xiang is not a natural scientist. He cannot prove his point of view, so he never wastes his words.

I just talked about some common sense about lightning protection and then kept silent.

Zhao Aier felt like she had found a treasure. She regarded these as great secret skills and believed that they must be an obstacle to practice.

"If I can help you defeat the enemy, will you be willing to give me some advice on how to practice?" She wanted more.

"I don't know how to practice. If you can really help me defeat the enemy, I will be very grateful."

Liu Xiang and Dong Zhuo faced off at the Fenshui River in the southwest of Jieshan Mountain. The combat strength of the two armies was almost the same. For a while, they did not think of any good way to defeat the enemy.

Zhao Aier said confidently: "Niu Fu, the son-in-law of Dong Bingzhou, believes in fortune-telling and is good at divination. I know a divination man who is very good at divination. I can sneak into his side to find out the enemy's intelligence."

Dong Zhuo trusted Niu Fu very much as his son-in-law, and most of the elite troops and generals who were good at fighting were put under his control. Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji were all Niu Fu's subordinates.

Liu Xiang knew that this man was very superstitious. He heard that divination was required for both big and small matters. Even if someone came to visit him, he would still have to see the results of the divination before deciding whether to see him or not. If someone who was good at divination could sneak into him

It's indeed a good idea.

But this Zhao Aier could not be trusted. Liu Xiang had doubts in his heart and had to carefully judge the accuracy of the information. It would not be fun if he was tricked by others.

"Sneak around Niu Fu first and get the information for me to look at." Opportunities can never be missed, so he planned to observe them before talking.

"Please wait for my good news!" Zhao Aier walked away happily.

This female fairy in the classics of later generations, the magic stick in Liu Xiang's mind, must have had certain connections and influence, otherwise it would not have been recorded in writing and circulated for two thousand years, but the specifics remain to be discussed.

The war will not end just waiting for her intelligence.

The Anping army tentatively attacked Dong Zhuo's military camp. The generals in Liangzhou were all experienced generals in the army. The camp was organized in an orderly manner, with dense defenses and rigorous dispatching. There were no flaws.

Zhang He asked for orders loudly: "My lord, I am willing to lead my men to the camp gate and set up a shield formation to attack and break the camp."

Liu Xiang shook his head: "Jun Yi, don't be impatient. The people of Liangzhou are not afraid of death. It will not be easy to defeat them all at once. The enemy's cavalry is ready to attack and must not advance rashly. Our army has the advantage of crossbows. We will consume them first and wait for the opportunity to fight."


The two armies fought for a day on the banks of the Fenshui River. The river beach for more than ten miles was trampled into pits and swollen with mud. Arrows and crossbows were fired back and forth, and they were as dense as the wind and rain. Unfortunately, the walls of the village were not broken, and there was no progress.

Before a fighter plane appeared, the forceful attack caused too much damage, and the Liangzhou cavalry was watching the camp again, so Liu Xiang ordered the troops to withdraw back to the camp.

He doesn't like fighting a war of attrition.

No more troops were sent out on the second day. Dong Zhuo was even more determined to hold on to the camp, and the army did not even leave the camp gate.

The two armies were in a stalemate ten miles apart.

Liu Xiang was not in any anxious mood. All the food of the aristocratic families in Shangdang and Taiyuan counties fell into his hands, and the amount was no less than one million. The battlefield was at his doorstep, so there was no need to transport it long distances, and there was no additional loss. It was enough for a large army.

The battle lasted for more than a year.

The grain stored in the sheep intestine warehouse in Taiyuan County was also in hand. Although some of it was squandered by the Baibo thieves, there was still more than 500,000 shi left.

Don't worry about military rations.

After the rainy season comes, the temperature drops and soldiers recover every day. In fact, as long as they hold on to the front line of the boundary mountain, it will be difficult for Dong Zhuo's 30,000 troops to invade Taiyuan.

He took the initiative to attack because he wanted to beat Fatty Dong, and he didn't like to have his troops involved. The three counties of Zhongshan, Changshan, and Zhao at the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains are now very empty. Once Jizhou takes action, Youzhou soldiers and horses will have to go south to rescue, and it will take two more

Fighting on the front line made it difficult for him to feel at ease.

Wang Fen, the governor of Jizhou, is not an honest boy. It has been a long time since the Black Mountain Army sent troops to merge with the state, and I am afraid that it will soon be revealed that the truth is false.

"What is the condition of the sick soldiers?"

Zhao Yun replied: "There are more than 8,000 people in Taiyuan County who have not recovered, and 5,000 people in Zhoucang's headquarters in Shangdang County are recuperating. The Chinese army has all returned to the army. There are 50,000 soldiers gathered in Jiexiu, and there are 50,000 soldiers in Shangdang County.

Thirty-five thousand people.”

The situation was better than Liu Xiang imagined. He tapped the case with his finger, pondered for a moment, and said: "Jieshan cannot deploy a large army. Fifty thousand people are a bit too much. Let's send ten thousand back to Taihang Mountain to guard the three counties of Jizhou. Zhou Cang's troops will move five

Thousands of people were stationed at the east exit of Taihang County."

If Dong Zhuo wants to defeat him, Jizhou cannot ignore it. It is no longer necessary for a hundred thousand troops to gather and merge with the state. They need to gradually withdraw their troops.

"Let's discuss how to attack Liangzhou's troops."

There are enough troops to intimidate the local area, the officials transferred from Youzhou are in place, there is no civil unrest, the land measurement and population statistics are being carried out step by step, and the only problem in merging the three counties of the state is Fatty Dong.

"My lord, we can divide our troops from the mountains to bypass the enemy's rear, raid Yong'an County, and cut off the enemy's retreat. This battle will be won." Zhang He actively offered suggestions.

He saw an opportunity. Zhou Cang was stabilizing the southern front. Xu Rong had been very silent recently. The Chinese army would definitely not stay long. He was very likely to become the commander-in-chief of Bingzhou. Therefore, he had to perform well and strive for greater military exploits to show his lord.

to his ability.


"Only the shores of the Fen River can march the army in the boundary mountains. The mountains have deep ravines and dangerous ridges. How many people can pass through? What about supplies?" Liu Xiang asked.

Zhang He swore and promised: "Three thousand regular soldiers, each with one ration, will only take five days to make a circuit of a hundred miles, which is enough to raid Yong'an County. The general is willing to personally lead the troops."

"Are you familiar with the route in the mountain? How many troops are stationed in Yong'an? How many young men and women are there? Who will be stationed there? Has the investigation been clear?" Liu Xiang saw that Zhang He was a little stuck, so he knew that Zhang He was taking a gamble. He shook his head and vetoed: "The information is unknown.

It's too risky, Junyi, you are upset. This is a taboo for leading an army. To become the leader of an army, you need to have determination."

Zhang He was ashamed, stood up and clasped his fists: "Thank you, Lord, for your teaching."

"It's true to go around and attack in a sneak attack, but it requires detailed intelligence, additional scouts, and local guides to find out the route as soon as possible. Yong'an also needs to send people into the city to investigate. Also, Liangzhou has more than 4,000 cavalry. If we can't attack quickly,

If you go down to the city and circle back, the troops will definitely die, so you need to consider everything."

Liu Xiang paused and continued: "This matter is entirely entrusted to you, Junyi, don't let me down."

Zhang He replied categorically: "The final general will never disappoint the lord."

Liu Xiang wouldn't mind confronting Dong Zhuo for a few more days to see Zhang He's mentality.

There is no problem with Zhang Junyi's ability and he is enough to stand alone, but now he is confused, has become impatient, and has some signs of being eager for quick success.

After defeating the three counties of Bingzhou, we need someone who can take charge of their own duties to garrison them, and he also needs to lead troops to continue to attack other counties.

Zhang He wanted to get this position and, like Yan Rou and Yang Gao, lead troops and herdsmen and become the de facto official of the frontier.

This chapter has been completed!
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