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Three hundred and thirteenth chapter with Zhenghe

Liu Xiang understood Zhang He's mood. Who doesn't want to be high and powerful?

It is a good thing for subordinates to be motivated and cannot be suppressed, otherwise it will make people feel discouraged.

He is now in the entrepreneurial stage and needs subordinates who are motivated and willing to work hard, so he is willing to provide opportunities and encourage Zhang He to achieve great achievements and ascend to a high position, which can not only expand territory for himself, but also set an example for others, killing two birds with one stone.

Happy but not doing it?

As long as you control the general direction and hold the reins tightly, these thousand-mile horses can carry you to the world.

Zhang He's thousand-mile horse is a little excited and needs to be comforted, but Xu Rong's horse has been very quiet recently.

Liu Xiang knew what he was thinking.

Xu Rong was born in a poor family. He was a border villager in Xuantu and a son of a poor family. When he was young, he was nothing but brave and fierce. Later he joined the army and was picked up from a low position by Dong Zhuo. Later, he was captured by himself and entrusted with important tasks to become an independent

A general who leads an army.

Both sides are his benefactors.

He was in a dilemma.

Will Liu Xiang be afraid of him? Of course, but he won't show it. The more times like this, the more he can show his magnanimity.

He couldn't abandon Xu Rong at this time. It had to do with the situation and the mentality of the surrendered generals. This was not Xu Rong's problem alone.

After the military meeting, Liu Xiang left Xu Rong alone and said with a warm smile: "Come with me to ride the horse. You are familiar with Liangzhou's fighting methods, so you can just talk to me."

"My lord was roaming Liangzhou back then, and no one could stop him. How could a mere Qiang and Hu man get into the Dharma's eyes? Since my lord was interested, I decided to chat with him about strange things in order to make my lord laugh." Xu Rong's ability to flatter him has increased.


Liu Xiang laughed and was in a good mood. The two rode horses to the hillside of Yingdong. The guards were scattered around the outer circle to keep alert.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, it coincides with the rainy season. The weather is still a bit sultry. The most important thing is that the humidity is very heavy. It always feels sticky and greasy on the body, which is not comfortable at all. Liu Xiang opened his outer robe and sat in the shade of a tree to enjoy the coolness.

, horses graze freely on the hillside.

He patted the big stone beside him and invited Xu Rong to sit down and talk.

"I know you are worried. In fact, if there is another way, I don't want to fight Dong Zhongying, but people always want something, and when they want something, there will be conflict, and when there is conflict, there will be war. If he comes to rob me, I don't want to give him anything.

, that's it, there is no personal grudge. Dong Zhongying is kind to you, but you hesitate in your heart, I don't blame you, it shows that you know your kindness and have noble moral character, which is good."

Xu Rong was grateful in his heart. To put it into perspective, this matter could be regarded as betraying the master. The war was different, and the general who led the army was hesitant. It was a capital crime, but the lord understood his difficulties and did not blame him at all.

, how not to be moved, he stood up and prostrated on the ground: "My lord, you are magnanimous, I thank you for your honor."

"Get up, it doesn't have to be like this. I still have this kind of ambition. If you don't want to fight Dong Zhongying, I can transfer you from the front line. Either to Jizhou, or to fight the Xianbei people. My territory is not small, and there is no place to employ people.

It’s a lot, don’t be sad, I won’t blame you for this.”

Liu Xiang did not want to force Xu Rong. He insisted on fighting Dong Zhuo hard and handing in a surrender certificate like a bandit. It was unnecessary. That would not receive the sincerity of his subordinates.

Xu Rong was silent for a moment, and seemed to have made some determination. He said loudly: "Everyone is his own master in the battle on the battlefield. Before, Rong was coy and timid like a woman. Now that he thinks about it, he is ashamed and has no place. In the end, he will ask for a fight. He vowed not to break the enemy's camp."

Not returning to the army."

Liu Xiang smiled and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. Reminiscing about old friendships is a very good quality. I believe that you are loyal to Dong Zhongying, and you will naturally be more friendly to me. Let's do this. In order to prevent you from being embarrassed, I will transfer your troops to the defense department to supervise

Food and grass. Xu Rong, food and grass are the top priority, don’t let anything slip by. Our army’s retreat is in your hands, don’t let me down.”

"At the end of the day, I would like to be wiped out to death in order to repay my lord's kindness."

Xu Rong's more than 10,000 men were exchanged with Zhang He's men to supervise the prisoners' transportation of grain and grass and guard Jiexiu County.

There are 12,000 Chinese troops stationed in Jieshan Camp, and Zhang He's army has more than 20,000 troops. Ten miles to the south, Dong Zhuo Camp has more than 25,000 troops, followed by more than 5,000 troops in Yong'an County. The specific deployment of defenses has not yet been investigated.


The two armies were in a stalemate for more than half a month. The rainy season had not passed yet. The rivers were gushing and the roads were muddy. The battle was difficult, especially for the offensive. The Anping army had weak bows and crossbows. Liu Xiang never sent the army to fight. He only sent scouts to inquire about news. The battle continued.

As August approaches, what he is most worried about is the autumn harvest. In previous years, the harvest would be completed in mid-August. This year, there are reports from various places that the crops are still filling. It is not known whether they will mature before frost, and a reduction in production is inevitable.

"One autumn rain and one cold, the temperature dropped too fast. It was extremely hot a month ago. I was looking forward to the temperature cooling down quickly, but now I can't wait for it to get hotter. This year's weather is really torturous." Liu Xiang stood at the door of the tent, shaking his head and sighing.


It is still raining outside, not very hard, but the rain is continuous, falling from sky to earth, and it feels like it will rain endlessly until the end of the world.

Gray-white clouds cover the sky with no end in sight, making people feel depressed.

Liu Xiang watched the rain and was worried, while Dong Zhuo drank while watching the rain.

The war has not progressed, but it has not failed, it is just a stalemate. He has experienced a lot, so he cannot be impatient now. After decades of fighting, he knows that many times, the battle is not lost in the strength of the troops, but in the hearts of the generals.

He is actually still waiting for his opponent to make mistakes. Liu Yicheng became famous at a young age. Judging from his tactics, he is mostly looking for opportunities to win quickly, fearing that he will not be able to calm down, so he has to waste time, drag the opponent into a quagmire and stalemate, wear down his patience and force his will.

When he becomes impatient, he will surely reveal his flaws.

Use the right combination, win by surprise, be invincible first, wait for the enemy to be victorious, etc. There are many such principles in military books, but the principles of war can only be understood on the battlefield. Liu Yicheng is young after all.

When it's still frizzy.

Dong Zhuo raised his glass in toast, drank it down in one gulp, and murmured to himself: "This battle is about life experience. Brother Yicheng Cheng, a wise brother, will win the victory with shame because he is a few years older than his brother."

When he thought about defeating Liu Xiang, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahahaha, come here, get some wine."

Just when his son-in-law Niu Fu came to visit him, he poured wine for him and asked curiously: "Why is my uncle so happy?"

Of course Dong Zhuo was embarrassed to say that he was having a sweet dream, so he changed the subject and said, "You haven't been staying well in the camp these past few days. Are you running around here and there hoping to get whipped?"

Niu Fu didn't take it seriously. He didn't lose a piece of meat when his father-in-law said a few words to his benefactor. He filled the wine glass, waved the servant to leave, mysteriously came to Dong Zhuo's side, and whispered: "Uncle,

I met a real person!"

"Green Gourd Sword Fairy"

"What's wrong with real people and fake people? People can only distinguish between real and fake? People can only distinguish between dead and alive."

Niu Fu joked: "There are men and women."

Dong Zhuo slapped him: "I want you to talk too much."

Niu Fu enjoyed this kind of close gesture and explained: "Hey, uncle, I met a real cultivator. He can do all the fortune-telling, and he can also exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts. I saw with my own eyes that he sealed evil ghosts into silk."

In the silk, he can also draw fire with his bare hands, and he can also summon thunder from the sky to subdue monsters."

Dong Zhuo looked surprised. Listening to Niu Fu's description, he was a god, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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