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Chapter 26 Celebrity Seeds

Liu Xiang led the team to march slowly. He encountered murderers, arsonists, looters, and housebreakers on the road, and all of them were beheaded on the roadside. Now he had no time to take the criminals and prisoners into custody.

He ordered his soldiers to shout: "The people in the city should stay behind closed doors and wait for the army to put down the chaos."

Not long after, he met Cui Yi.

Liu Xiang climbed up to the roof and watched the battle in the distance. The streets around the treasury were filled with Yellow Turban troops, but the walls were so high that they could not enter.

Not far from the gate, a group of soldiers under the banner of Xian Yuyin were surrounded by the Yellow Turban Legion and unable to move. They set up a circular formation to hold on, and it seemed that they were breaking out towards the treasury.

The scene was so chaotic that Liu Xiang couldn't tell the number of people on both sides. He only felt that there were dense yellow scarves everywhere. He felt a little guilty, so he turned to Cui Yi and asked: "Zian, can you count the number of people on both sides?"

Cui Yi squinted his eyes and replied awkwardly: "My lord, it's too confusing. I really can't count them. I can only give a rough estimate."

"How many?"

"The Yellow Turbans must be more than four thousand. There will be no more than three hundred in the Captain's Circle. There are less than one hundred on the wall of the treasury. There should be more inside than on the wall."

Liu Xiang calculated in his mind that the people Xian Yuyin brought to support included more than 500 private soldiers of the prefect, and nearly 200 were recalled at the two city gates. His personal soldiers were 50 to 60. If he had not entered the mansion,

Library, the loss is big enough.

More than half of them have been killed or injured. No, with the fighting will of private soldiers, how could they bear such heavy battle losses?

If Xian Yuyin had entered the treasury, why didn't he hold on inside? Is there any tactical arrangement for this? Can't the camp be defended alone? Should the camp be set up outside to form a cornered formation?

Liu Xiang didn't understand and asked: "Zian, how do you think Xian Yuyin arranged the guards? What do you think about this formation?"

Cui Yi curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Xian Yuyin is just trapped. That guy doesn't know the art of war. He is also proud of himself. It was him who told him before, so I went to fight on my own.

Relying on the armor and riding bravely, he never lost.

That guy thought he was the seed of a famous general, so he became more and more verbose, and everyone annoyed him."

After hearing this, Liu Xiang felt that he could become a famous general, so he patted Cui Yi and said, "I will never be verbose in the future."

Cui Yi was speechless.

"Don't worry, my lord, I am very familiar with the matter of fighting, so I don't need to worry about it, lord."

Liu Xiang had a good time, told Cui Yi a few jokes, and finally relaxed.

When he looked at the battle situation, he also had some thoughts of his own, so he said to Cui Yi: "Zi'an, the Yellow Turban formation is too dense and the cavalry cannot rush into the formation. The terrain here is not as good as the wilderness. If there is a stalemate, the casualties will be too great."

Cui Yi said nonchalantly: "Lord, don't worry, the Yellow Turbans are nothing to worry about. They don't have any bows and crossbows. Someone can slowly make them."

After speaking, he pointed to several connected streets around the treasury and continued: "My lord, please take a look at these streets. We only need to rush into the Yellow Turban perimeter at this intersection and cross to the adjacent streets to escape from the Yellow Turbans' dense formation.

There are several such streets, and certain conflicts occur several times, just like slicing flesh with a short knife, cutting the outer formation piece by piece, and it only takes a few times for it to collapse.

If the Yellow Turban general wanted to stabilize the formation here, he would have to move the central army over, which would give someone a chance to charge straight into the central army.

If they remain indifferent, or move their formation elsewhere to make up for it, a bigger flaw will inevitably appear. A sudden charge will disrupt them, driving the defeated troops into a tide, and they will disperse themselves, and some of them will chase after them.

Just kill."

Liu Xiang understood clearly that cavalry and infantry were all about disrupting their formations. Everyone had different methods, but the purpose was the same. After understanding this truth, he no longer worried about it.

While the two were chatting, gaps began to appear in Xian Yuyin's formation. Cui Yi said firmly to Liu Xiang: "The crossbow bolts must have been used up. Xian Yuyin will be defeated. My lord, it's time to give the order to send out troops."

Liu Xiang nodded and saw more and more Yellow Turbans rushing into the circular formation, completely disrupting the formation. The two armies were fighting together, and Xian Yuyin was about to be destroyed.

He ordered Yan Rou, who was on guard from the front, to be called.

Liu Xiang cheered up and said loudly: "The fighter plane has arrived. Zian will lead Xiaoqi as the vanguard. Brother Yan will lead Hu Qi behind. All the cavalry will go out to defeat the Yellow Turbans."

The two men took the order and left, each with their own cavalry, and marched towards the Yellow Turban Army.

The two cavalrymen just walked slowly at first, then slowly accelerated, sprinted from a small distance, formed a cone formation, picked up speed and headed straight for the outskirts of the Yellow Turban Army.

The Xiaoqi leveled his spear, and Hu Qi first threw his arrows to create a gap, then drew out his sword and rushed into the Yellow Turbans with the Xiaoqi camp.

Two cavalry groups with more than a thousand riders galloped wildly, plowing a bloody road through the Yellow Turbans, turned into another street, and rushed out of the Yellow Turban army formation.

The cavalry slowly turned around, slowed down and formed a cone formation, charging towards the Yellow Turban Army.

Something unexpected happened to Liu Xiang. The Yellow Turban Army on the periphery collapsed. Before the second round of charge, the Yellow Turban Army desperately fled to the rear and sides, pushing each other, and those who fell to the ground were trampled directly.

, and those who were even more impatient picked up their knives and guns to attack the companions in front of them, just to escape quickly.

The cavalry crashed into the Yellow Turban crowd again. The Yellow Turban soldiers who had their backs turned to them showed no resistance and allowed the cavalry to kill and trample them.

Cui Yi was always at the vanguard of the conical formation. While waving his long spear to poke at the enemy and break through the crowd, he shouted loudly: "Follow, follow, maintain the formation, don't fall behind."

Under the guidance of Cui Yi, the cavalry formation drew an arc without greed for merit and broke out of the formation again, causing greater chaos in the Yellow Turbans.

The Xiaoqi battalion slowed down and reorganized, but Hu Qi broke away from the formation and began to sweep away the defeated Yellow Turban soldiers in the surrounding area, forcing the defeated soldiers to flee towards the central army. They wandered behind the defeated army and kept shooting at the Yellow Turban soldiers with their bows, forcing the Yellow Turban soldiers to flee desperately.

The knights have finished forming their team and are just walking slowly to build up their power and wait for the next charge.

Liu Xiang also quickly led his infantry to move closer to the Xiaoqi camp, preparing to follow Xiaoqi into the Yellow Turban Army, expand the results of the battle, and defeat Deng Mao in one fell swoop.

At this time, Deng Mao felt a bitter taste in his mouth. He had just destroyed Xian Yuyin and was about to take down the treasury in one go.

The brothers on the periphery were defeated by the cavalry, and countless defeated soldiers rushed straight in, smashing the Yellow Turban Army into pieces.

The cavalry followed behind them, and they could not form a close formation, so they could only be massacred by the cavalry.

He shouted loudly on his horse in an attempt to prevent the soldiers from retreating. He ordered a team of supervisors to kill the deserters. The team chopped off dozens of heads, but could not stop the deserters at all.

In order to escape the pursuit of the cavalry, the defeated soldiers fought with the supervisory team. The two sides killed each other more desperately than when fighting the official army.

The Yellow Turban Army became even more chaotic.

Cui Yi led the Xiaoqi battalion to increase their horse speed and charge again. No one could stop him along the way. He broke through countless crowds and charged straight towards the Chinese army. He wanted to kill the Yellow Turban generals and completely defeat the Yellow Turbans.

Liu Xiang led his team to follow Xiaoqi, followed the gap made by Jiaqi, and broke into the Yellow Turban Army's formation.

Liu Xiang was originally very nervous. This was his first time on the battlefield and his first time leading troops into battle.

But the soldiers were crowding around him, and he couldn't even touch an enemy. He took aim with his bow several times, but his sight was blocked by his own people.

Forget it, he shook his head, anyway, one more person is not much, one less him is not a lot.

When Deng Mao saw the armored cavalry breaking through the crowd, they went straight to kill him as if they were in an uninhabited land. Knowing that the situation was over, he took the few cavalrymen with him, turned his horse and left, he wanted to escape from the city.

The only way to survive is to escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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