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Chapter 314: Winning by Surprise

During the Han Dynasty, the theory of immortal destiny was very popular and highly respected.

Everyone from high officials to lowly soldiers will be influenced by fortune-telling and prophecy techniques. Even the emperor has no doubts about the theory of numerology.

Therefore, the magic stick is a very promising profession. Once you get started, there is almost no upper limit.

Those who do not do well can at least support their families, those who do well can teach apprentices and cheat tuition fees, and those who do better can become guests of the powerful, counselors in planning, and are highly valued.

The top magic sticks can gather believers, win over people's hearts, dominate one side, and even compete for the world. Zhang Jiao, Zhang Xiu, Zhang Lu, Yu Ji, and Zuo Ci are all super magic sticks.

The real person Niu Fu met was called Fei Changfang. He was from Runan County, Yuzhou. He was once a city official, a small official who managed the market. Later, he followed Hu Gong to the mountains to cultivate immortality. He failed to learn, but he was good at holding a pot and could perform magic and medicine.

If he is seriously ill, he will whip hundreds of ghosts and drive the public.

Recently, I learned the secret technique of avoiding heavenly punishment from my family friend Zhao Aier, and from this I understood the method of drawing thunder.

"Sure enough, that learned heavenly man must be a true immortal. He promised to teach the Dharma?" Fei Changfang did not hesitate to travel four hundred miles, pretending to join Niu Fu in order to cultivate immortality and seek Taoism. He had followed the real person,

It's a pity that I didn't learn the magic of magic, which has always been a regret in my life.

Zhao Aier has been very shocked recently. Why can others understand the same secret technique, but she has learned nothing? God is unfair!

She replied sadly: "The one who said he didn't know how to practice. Shibo, why is Liu Shijun so secretive? I always feel that he has some taboos, and I have a vague feeling that he has a disdain for practice."

Fei Changfang stroked his beard and pointed: "Divination and prophecy are human skills. Treating diseases and exorcising ghosts are ways to make a living. Only refining elixirs, moving qi, guiding, and Fangzhongshu are the way to immortality. The difficulty of cultivating immortals is

, it’s harder than ascending to the sky, and there are many taboos in it. The person is probably afraid of revealing the secrets of heaven and being punished by heaven.

You have also seen that in just a few words, he points directly to the way of heaven, and it is true that he attracts thunder from the sky. As for why he does not explain it, you can figure it out yourself."

After finishing speaking, he sighed: "Enlighten the Tao, realize the Tao, only when you understand can you achieve the Tao!"

"Alas! My nephew's understanding is not good, so I'm afraid he doesn't have the qualifications to practice Taoism." Zhao Aier was very discouraged.

Fei Changfang seemed to have seen himself when he was young. At that time, he was also frustrated. The road was ahead of him, but he couldn't get what he wanted, which really hurt people's aspirations. He could only adjust by himself, and no one else could help him.

He returned to the topic: "I have found out clearly in the past few days that there are 20,000 soldiers and horses in the Jieshan military camp. Dong Zhuo, Niu Fu and Chang Shi Liu Ai are all in the camp. There are 6,000 soldiers and horses lurking in the mountains to the southeast of the camp.

The leader of the army is Dong Yue. There are 2,000 people in Yong'an City, commanded by Duan Xuan, and the 3,000 to 4,000 people escorting and transporting grain are also under his control. Send the news back as soon as possible."

"I understand, Shibo." Zhao Aier stood up and went out.

Fei Changfang stroked his beard and said to himself: "I'm afraid it won't be enough if I just pass on the news. I'll make some more plans and make a big contribution, so that I can get Dafa from Ambassador Liu."

Not to mention that Fei Changfang was planning a conspiracy, Dong Zhuo's defense soon reached Liu Xiang's hands.

At this time, Zhang He, with the help of hunters in the mountains, also found a path through the boundary mountain. After crossing the ditch and ridge for one hundred and forty miles, he could go around to the rear of Yong'an. The only problem was that the ditch was too rugged and it was not possible to walk.

We can no longer count on carriages, horses, and logistical supplies.

Liu Xiang thought about it and decided that the risk was worth taking.

"Jun Yi, I will give you two thousand crossbowmen and three thousand light infantry, with more arrows and rations, to raid Yong'an. If successful, hold on to the spot. If not, retreat into the mountains and harass the enemy's food roads."

The 5,000 soldiers of the Chinese army were mobilized, but the equipment and combat power of the Montenegrin army were still somewhat inferior.

"The general has received his order!" Zhang He was extremely happy, as the military success was not far away.

He quickly ordered his troops and horses, each carrying sixty arrows and ten days of rations, and entered the mountains the next day. They had to walk for at least six days on the 140-mile mountain road. There was no logistics or support, so they had to work hard to get it quickly. Going down to the city, the task is extremely difficult.

But Zhang He was not afraid, and neither were the soldiers of the Chinese army.

After the partial division left, Liu Xiang had to take action. He wanted to send troops to hold back Dong Zhuo's main force, especially Liangzhou's cavalry, so that they would have no time to return to Yong'an to aid.

On the sixth day of August, the third day after Zhang He entered the mountain, Liu Xiang led 30,000 troops, set out at Chenshi, and arrived at Dong Zhuo's camp at Sishi.

The enemy camp was set up near the Fen River and the west gate could not deploy its formation. He decided to leave the south gate unattacked and ordered Zhao Yun to lead 10,000 soldiers to attack the north gate. He personally led 20,000 soldiers to attack the east gate.

"Dian Wei, you lead three thousand men to guard the rear line to guard against enemy sneak attacks."

He also ordered two thousand soldiers of the Anping Army and three thousand infantry to guard the left wing to prevent the enemy from attacking the flank from the south gate.

The army spread out along the enemy camp, and the formation occupied a radius of three miles. Two thousand archers of the battalion pushed the oar cart close to the village wall, and two thousand soldiers followed behind to guard against the enemy's counterattack. The crossbow formation was followed by forty Three thousand Montenegrin infantry carrying crossbows.

The first wave of the offensive involved 7,000 men, which was completely different from the previous small-scale attacks.

The soldiers marched forward in formation, shouting challenges as they marched.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Momentum and indomitable.

Zhao Yun's troops at the north gate marched together and launched an offensive together.

The shouts of more than 10,000 troops resounded through the sky, war drums beat, horns roared, flags covered the sky and the sun, arrows were like wind and rain, and shields were like the Great Steel Wall.

Spears and halberds were thrust back and forth, and spears were thrown and shuttled in an endless stream. The two soldiers refused to give in to each other, blood spurted out, and corpses lay everywhere.

Dong Zhuo stood on the watchtower and smiled happily: "Liu Yicheng can't hold back his anger. It's been less than a month and he can't bear it anymore. He is still young and frizzy."

Liu Ai asked from the side: "Are we going to launch an ambush?"

"Wait until the enemy is tired."

"Ming Gong, it's time for the troops to attack the rear to set off. It's difficult to travel in the mountains and we don't know how many days it will take." Liu Ai reminded.

They have been waiting for the past few days, waiting for the other party to lose their composure. After discussing it for several days, they finally decided that apart from Liu Yicheng's youth and vigour, they could not find any other weakness.

"Send orders to Niu Fu to hold the camp, consume the enemy's strength, and not to attack rashly. Send orders to Dong Yue to lie still and wait for orders." After speaking, Dong Zhuo turned around and asked: "The mountain road is rugged, so we need to detour to the south and then turn back to the north. This journey is too difficult and dangerous, why do you have to lead the team yourself? Just let Zhang Ji and the others go."

Liu Ai shook his head: "The troops on this road have to make a decision on the fly. Whether to sneak attack the enemy camp or continue to attack Jiexiu County to the north depends on the situation. Zhang Ji and others are brave but not resourceful. I can't trust them. Besides, Zhang Ji and others are brave. , If you want to persuade Xu Rong, I can only go there in person."

Dong Zhuo didn't want Chang Shi Liu Ai to take risks. He only had a person beside him who could make suggestions, but there was nothing he could do. His subordinates were all reckless, and there was no one he could use.

"Then let's go into the mountains tonight and go around behind enemy lines."

"The official obeys the order!"

The two armies fought against each other for a whole day, and each other suffered injuries.

The trenches were filled, the camp gates collapsed, and the village walls were broken. The Anping Army repeatedly attacked the enemy camp, but was driven back by the enemy desperately.

Lu Bu was breathing heavily, feeling resentful in his heart. He was the army commander of Bingzhou, but his soldiers were all newly recruited and had no fighting power at all. However, he was pushed to the front by the Niu Fu Dog Thief, followed by the Liangzhou people.

The battle supervising brigade suffered heavy casualties.

More people died in the hands of the supervising team than in the hands of the enemy. These Liangzhou thieves did not regard him as one of their own, but regarded him as a target for the enemy's arrows.

Sooner or later they will be killed.

Niu Fu doesn't care about Lu Bu. He is just a small army commander. So what if he can fight? Can one fight against a hundred or one against a thousand? There is no shortage of fierce men in the Liangzhou army who can fight.

If he dares to disobey the order, he will be killed.

Dong Zhuo frowned and checked the battle damage reported by the meritorious officers. After holding the camp for a day, nearly a thousand people were killed and more than 300 were seriously injured. Liu Yicheng's offensive was too fierce, and the crossbows on the opposite side were too sharp. If he continued to fight like this for a few days,

Your own army will collapse.

Fortunately, we had backup, otherwise we would have had no choice but to retreat.

After Liu Ai had prepared his troops, he was about to lead 3,000 troops into the mountain. He actually wanted to capture Jiexiu. If he captured it, he would have the opportunity to completely annihilate the enemy army and complete his victory in one battle.

It would be great if we could completely defeat Liu Yicheng. We are all members of the Han clan. Why have you become famous all over the world in just a few years? I am full of talents, but I can only hang out in Liangzhou?

I just want to defeat you, and then step on your name and ascend to a high position.

On the battlefield, the waves and clouds are treacherous. Both sides are trying to find a way to win, and everyone has their own thoughts.

The human heart is like a ghost, and soldiers never tire of deceit!

This chapter has been completed!
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