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Three hundred and fortieth chapters Xiangguo lost

Liu Xiang's move to kidnap Cai Yong was so fast that Li Ru, who was standing not far away, did not react. By the time he rushed a few steps and ran to the river, Su Wei had already pushed the boat into the water.

The oarsmen exerted their strength, and the boat flew away quickly along the waterway like an arrow.

Cai Yong'an sat cross-legged on the stern deck of the ship and shouted: "Xian son-in-law, I promised to go to Chang'an, I can't break my promise."

This old man is quite interesting. He doesn't seem to be an old-fashioned man. He is very nice.

Liu Xiang turned around and glanced at the furious Li Ru. She put her arm on the hilt of the sword at her waist, waiting for the man to start insulting him.

Unfortunately, Li Ru was a smart man. He suppressed the irritability in his chest and did not give him a chance. Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned around and ran away.

After a while, Jia Xu was brought over by Li Ru, along with hundreds of soldiers.

The guards gathered around Liu Xiang with their helmets on and their armor on, each with ill intentions, staring at the cowering Liangzhou soldiers opposite.

"Your Majesty, isn't this bad?" Jia Xu was a little embarrassed. He had also received orders to ensure Cai Yong's "safety."

"Don't blame Wen He. My wife misses her father and Old Man Cai is stubborn, so I had to take this step." Liu Xiang explained and said with a smile: "How about we have a fight so that you can go back to work? Don't worry, I'll kill him.

Half of you just stop."

Five hundred guards protected by cold forged armor, dealing with two thousand Liangzhou soldiers is no different from chopping melons and vegetables.

Dian Wei next to him was holding a throwing spear, smiling evilly. Ever since he killed the enemy general with a flying shuttle, he lost interest in the halberd and fell in love with throwing spears. He felt that the flying shuttle was too light and was too light to throw.

Spear weapons were also ignored, and several short spears five feet long and weighing three and a half kilograms were specially made.

Ever since he got this, I haven't seen him throw away his hands all day long. Maybe he has a talent in this area. He can throw it out within twenty or thirty steps, and he can throw it out even at fifty steps.

Of course, who can be shot depends on God's will.

Jia Xu was so laughed at by Dian Wei that his heart went crazy and he said awkwardly: "No need, how dare we fight against General Hussar? The general wants to pick up Cai Gong, and we can't stop him."

"Wen He, if I offended you, I am here to apologize."

Before Jia Xu could reply, Liu Xiang waved his hand gently, and Dian Wei exhaled and said, "Here!"

The spear shot out from his hand and penetrated Li Ru's chest in the blink of an eye. The huge force carried by the spear carried Li Ru's body flying three or four steps, and then he fell heavily to the ground.

Killed instantly.

Liu Xiang killed Li Ru in order to fit in with the character. He was a member of the clan. If someone likes to kill the young emperor, it's fine if he doesn't see it. If he doesn't kill him if he sees it, he will be criticized.

But he could not clearly state the crime of regicide, because Dong Zhuo was the real regicide, and he did not want to break up with the Liangzhou Group yet.

"This man is rude and dares to glare at me. Someone comes and hangs him up and exposes his body for three days."

Liu Xiang randomly found an excuse and explained what it means to retaliate. Translated into modern language, it is "What are you looking at?", which is a very provocative performance art at first sight.

Seeing Li Ru's body hanging on the crooked neck tree, swaying in the spring breeze, Jia Xu felt his head hurt. When he thought about Dong Zhuo's possible rage, he was afraid that he would become the first person to conflict with Liu Xiang.

A victim.

He also wanted to hang himself.

At the same time, Cao Cao also wanted to hang himself like Jia Xu.

He lost.

It failed miserably.

A few days ago, Liu Yicheng sent troops to the north bank of the Yellow River and began to attack the counties on the north bank. Cao Cao couldn't sit still.

Opportunity, if he can attack from both sides, Dong Zhuo will definitely lose sight of one. If the main force stationed in Suanzao moves, other parties will definitely take action, so he persuaded Bao Xin to send troops with him, and Zhang Miao's general Wei Zi also brought five troops.

Thousands of soldiers came to help. Three troops and horses, more than 20,000 people, marched westward from Suanzao, marching quickly all the way, with the frontline pointing directly at Xingyang.

Then it was raided.

On the banks of the Bianshui River, the enemy general Lu Bu suddenly attacked with two thousand cavalry. Wei Zi was killed on the spot, and the infantry was thrown out of formation. The enemy group took the opportunity to cross the river to cover up the attack, and the army was defeated.

Bao Xin was seriously injured. His younger brother Bao Tao led the troops to cut off the rear and was lost in the rebel army. His own horse was hit by an arrow. If Cao Hong hadn't saved him, he would have died on the way to escape.

More than half of the army was lost in the battle, almost all of his troops were wiped out, and the new soldiers' combat effectiveness was even worse than expected.

When we sent out troops, we were in high spirits, but now, we just feel heartbroken and ready to die.

It was not easy for Cao Cao who was defeated, but it was also not easy for Lu Bu who was victorious.

He used a large group of infantry to attract the enemy's attention on the other side of the Bian River. He led his cavalry to detour from the upper reaches and raid the enemy's rear. In order to disrupt the enemy's formation, the cavalry suffered heavy damage.

That's all. They achieved their goal, disrupted the enemy's army and created opportunities for the infantry. The large group of infantry took the opportunity to cross the river and finally defeated the enemy.

But after winning the battle, why are there so many deserters? Who can tell him why when the battle is going smoothly, so many people take the opportunity to escape?

It cost at least seven or eight thousand!

Even if they lose the battle, they won't necessarily lose so many troops, right? Adding in the injuries, nearly half of the troops are gone.

He did not dare to pursue the remnants of the enemy, otherwise, the entire enemy army would be annihilated.

Lu Bu scratched his head and couldn't figure it out.

In fact, it is very simple. Luoyang is too close to Shangdang County in Bingzhou, and Bingzhou's allocation of fields to the people for farming is very attractive to these low-level soldiers from Bingzhou, and they have long wanted to run away.

This chaotic battle finally gave them an opportunity. Many of them directly killed the soldiers leading the team. The organized ones ran north, ran along the Bianshui River to the Yellow River, and ran across the ice towards the north bank. They wanted to return.

Home! Divide the fields and cultivate the land!

Lu Bu didn't understand these thoughts. He didn't care at all about appeasing the people and dividing the fields for cultivation. He was only thinking about getting promoted and getting rich.

The Battle of Bianshui was a difficult time for both the victor and the loser. Boss Cao returned to Suanzao in disgrace. When he saw the people drinking wine, singing, and chatting at the banquet, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. I am working hard in the front, and you are holding a banquet in the back. How can you still

Are you shameless? We are here from the alliance to hunt for thieves, not for an outing! Can't you do something serious?

If he hadn't been defeated and returned to the city, he would have lifted the food table on the spot.

It can't go on like this. When the food is gone, everyone will pat their butts and go back to their homes? How can we attack the national traitors? But his power is weak to begin with, and after the defeat, he will be speechless.

Cao Cao thought about it for a long time and decided to find someone he could talk to.

Yuan Shao, Yuan Benchu!

The nominal leader of the coalition and his little partner.

The decision was made, and he set off immediately. Regardless of his fatigue, Lao Cao took a few followers and rode eastward to Langya, Xuzhou to fetch reinforcements.

At this time, Yuan Shao was also very distressed. He was disgusted by Tao Qian. Although his official position was greater than that of the governor, his power was not as powerful as Tao Qian. They stationed troops in Langya to guard against the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou and the Taishan Bandits in Yanzhou. He

Can't object.

The army was stationed at home, but not only did they not obey his orders, but they also blatantly monitored him. The soldiers he finally recruited were directly taken away by the governor's order. The army was approaching the city, and he had to agree even if he didn't agree.

There is no limit to his personal freedom. He can go to the Jujube Alliance at any time, but who is he? The legitimate son of the Yuan family, the leader of the alliance, can he go to the alliance alone and bareheaded?

He can't afford to lose that person!

We have to find a way to kill Tao Qian, annex the tribes, occupy Xuzhou, and then bring troops, horses, food and grass to join the alliance with everyone in glory.

This is consistent with his identity.

But what should I do? It’s so distressing.


Lu Bu was also worried, how should he write the battle report? Our army won a great victory, but seven or eight thousand people fled, and only ten thousand soldiers were left to fight. Is this called victory?

If such a battle report were reported, it would appear that he was very incompetent. The official title he had finally obtained with great difficulty might be dismissed, and the military power in his hand might not be preserved.

Therefore, the battle report that fell on Dong Zhuo's memorial became: In the Battle of Bianshui, the enemy army was powerful and our army suffered a tragic victory, and was unable to advance eastward to destroy the rebels.

Dong Zhuo had no choice but to send troops to support him. He could only order Hu Zhen to lead 10,000 troops to reinforce Xingyang and control Lu Bu.

Hu Zhen was originally sent to the south to guard against Yuan Shu. The Yuan family's legitimate son should not be underestimated. Now he can only clean up Lu Bu's mess.

Lu Fengxian's martial arts skills were acceptable, but he was barely interested in leading an army. He was just a bodyguard and could not be put to much use.

Before Dong Zhuo could regain his composure, Liu Xiang abducted Cai Yong and sent a document to kill Li Ru.

He doesn't care whether Li Ru dies or not. If Liu Yicheng encounters Li Ru, he will definitely take action. He knows this well and there is no surprise. With Liu Yicheng's temper, who have you seen him endure? He can even drive his own BMW.

The master who started the robbery, would he tolerate Li Ru?


But it would be wrong to kidnap Cai Yong. This would be to break one's promise and make a fortune, without even a hint of faith.

"Prepare the car, let's go..."

At this point he paused, what are you going to do? Have a quarrel and get that nasty boy pissed off half to death?

We can't fight. We can't start a war with the north now. We have to guard against the Kwantung people heading east. The main force has to move the capital. The matter of driving out millions of people takes up a lot of troops. It can't be fought.

He continued what he said: "The truth is that I have to go to the palace to meet the saint. Please read Liu Xiang's book."

There really was no other way except for the emperor to issue an edict and reprimand him. This boy really knew how to seize the opportunity.

Extremely abominable!

The doctor drafted the edict, and the minister's desk used the seal. A stern edict was delivered to Liu Xiang on the bank of the river that day, scolding him for robbing and killing important officials in the court, but at the end of the edict, he only gave him a

He was charged with lax imperial duties and was fined with a salary.


Liu Xiang handed the edict to Jia Xu casually: "The crime has been confirmed, the salary has been fined, and the reprimand has been given. Let's continue loading the ship. If there is any further delay, it will be dark, and the night wind will blow, and we will have to cut the ice tomorrow."

"It will be loaded today, so don't be anxious."

Jia Xu understood Dong Zhuo's psychology in the edict, and couldn't help but sigh secretly, this is wrong, it will chill the subordinates and lay the hidden danger of disintegration. Even if he is wary and does not want to start a war, he can at least take this opportunity to kill Liu Yicheng.

The soldiers and horses have driven out our army's territory, and we can try to take back the county seat occupied by the north bank.

After all, the other party doesn't want to start a war.

This incident is a competition of hearts and minds.

The Prime Minister lost.

This chapter has been completed!
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