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Chapter 348 Book City

Dong Zhuo endured this, and the shipment of books from Nan'an went smoothly, allowing Liu Xiang to figure out his bottom line.

I just want to leave and have no intention of confronting myself.

Then, people on the north bank of the Yellow River can slowly relocate.

Liu Xiang has no intention of attacking the city at this time, and he has no intention of taking the territory on the north bank now. It is not the time yet.

After returning by boat, I watched the last batch of books being loaded onto trucks. Most of Luoyang’s official collection fell into my own hands. Within thirteen days, tens of thousands of trucks, more than 10 million volumes of silk books, and bamboo slips were loaded onto trucks.


This adventure was worth it!

Leave the immigration matter to Zhang He, and this group of people will enrich the population of Bingzhou.

Xu Huang was ordered to garrison at Tianjing Pass.

Zhao Yun was ordered to continue transporting books.

Liu Xiang decided to return to Ye County first.

The books are not just shipped back. An attic for storing the books must be built to prevent fire, moisture, snakes, insects, rats, and ants. There are too many things to pay attention to, and special personnel must be arranged to manage them.

And it’s not enough to just collect books. They have to be made useful, otherwise they will just be rags and scraps of wood. You have to go back to find people to discuss these things. It was too hasty and there was no proper arrangement at all.

You have to go back quickly.

Along the way they came, they led the cavalry to scare Wang Kuang again. This time, Wang Kuang was even more frightened. The six counties that should have been under his jurisdiction were occupied by Zhang He. The nearest place was only 100 meters away from Huai County.

Six or seventy miles.

When the cavalry approached, he was considering whether to fight or surrender. Unfortunately, the other side did not give him a chance and passed directly under the city without any intention of stopping. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt humiliated that he had no chance.

Does it have a sense of presence? Is it something that makes you reluctant to even fight?

I have an army of 20,000!

Why don't you hesitate? It hurts your self-esteem.

Unknown to Liu Xiang about Wang Kuang's self-pity, he galloped back to Ye County on the afternoon of the second day of February.

Before he could even take a breath, he summoned Jushou, Tian Feng, Yuan Huan, Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning, Bing Yuan, Liu Hong and others to come to the office to discuss the placement of books.

These people came very quickly. Liu Xiang had just changed into clean clothes in the side hall, and then they gathered in the main hall. As soon as he appeared, everyone headed by Zheng Xuan solemnly bowed and saluted: "Liu Shijun is so virtuous and kind.

Common people, we admire you."

Before the knowledge recorded in those books had any effect, it had already earned Liu Xiang great fame. His reputation among scholars has now increased a lot.

"You guys don't have to be like this. I am a scholar. How can I bear to see these books destroyed? Now, the collection of books in Luoyang is about to be transported back to Ye County. How to arrange them has become an urgent matter. There are more than 10 million volumes. Where to put them?


On the way back, Liu Xiang had an idea, but he didn't know if it was feasible, so he wanted to hear other people's opinions.

"The academy has built some places to store books, but the number is limited and cannot accommodate so many." Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning and others were also worried.

Yuan Huan suggested: "There are still some vacant houses in the city. They can be renovated and temporarily stored. It is no problem, but this is not a long-term solution."

Tian Feng and Ju Shou were also troubled. The library palace in Luoyang was gradually expanded over a period of more than a hundred years, and Ye County did not have such a big place.

"My lord, why not send more manpower to build a library in Beicheng District? Now we will use Yao Qing's method to temporarily store it in an empty house in Nancheng." Both of them set their sights on the new city under construction.

Tian Feng was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed: "Dong Zhuo is a thief, he will die a good death!"

Liu Xiang listened for a long time, but they didn't come up with any good ideas, so he expressed his thoughts: "I intend to build a new city ten miles east of the new city in Ye County, on the north bank of the Zhang River, specifically for collecting books.

A secretary can be set up to supervise the management, and the college can be relocated here, and a paper-making and ink-making workshop can be installed in the city to become a book city. I wonder if this method is feasible?"

Yuan Huan, Ju Shou, and Tian Feng were all calculating the waste. Zheng Xuan and others did not understand the actual practice and asked worriedly: "Your Majesty, it is certainly good to build a city, but it will take a long time. How many years will it take to complete it?"

"Recruiting 100,000 hard laborers can be done in one year. I estimate that a city with a circumference of six miles will be enough. When the book city is built and the college moves in, I will send a message to all directions. Anyone who wants to read or copy books can come, and I will not accept them.

Money, but not loaned out." Liu Xiang wanted to build a city and build a national library.

In this way, he will attract scholars from all over the world, and then select people who are living in a difficult situation to start the elementary school program under his rule. He wants to build at least one elementary school in every township, and it is best to spread it to tings, and set up county schools in every county.

This requires a large number of readers.

Judging from the current territory, we need at least 3,000 teachers who can teach.

He has only built elementary schools in a few counties now. He has no choice but to have too few people who can teach. He can't even make up a fraction of the number of people he needs.

This idea is very beautiful. Liu Xiang is immersed in the elementary education plan that will open up the first step of people's wisdom, while others are looking forward to a specially built bookstore and sketching the details of every building in their hearts. It will definitely make all scholars yearn for it.

the location of.

"This is the most epoch-making move in history. I am willing to recommend myself to you, your Majesty. Even if you go to dig the earth and dig holes, I am willing to go!" Bing Yuan stood up excitedly and asked for his orders.

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to go. If I can participate in such a cultural and grand event, I will have no regrets even if I die under the city!" Guan Ning stood up immediately.

"We are all willing to dig deep for the book city, carry earth and stones, and die without regrets." Zheng Xuan, Liu Hong and others, including the accompanying scribes, all stood up and saluted, and volunteered to do hard work in building the city.

When Zheng Xuan asked for his life, he shook his head and sighed: "Even if you die in the city, your bones will still smell good."

Liu Xiang felt that these people were too hot-blooded and had low IQs. Do I need you to dig dirt and move rocks? You can't do this if you want to leave a name in history.

The chief officer of building a city must be appointed by himself.

"You guys can't do this. Accepting the books and keeping them properly is the top priority. I have my own arrangements for building the city."

He turned to look at Yuan Huan and said: "Yao Qing, you are solely responsible for the construction of the city. We will mobilize 100,000 hard laborers from various road construction teams. Tell those people that if they work hard and perform well, the prisoners will have their sentences reduced and the slaves will carry them."

Ji. Beixin City and the newly built Cizhou Kiln are specially responsible for the materials. We will allocate construction supervisors and construction craftsmen to make sure it is completed as soon as possible."

"Please obey the order!"

Yuan Huan was inexplicably excited. This is the first city dedicated to collecting books and studying since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. It will definitely be famous in history. If he is responsible for building this city, then his name will be remembered forever. It is better for his family.

, think of yourself when you have good things to do.

Jushou was very envious, but he couldn't bear to say anything.

Tian Feng is not used to this, and it is not okay to employ nepotism.

"My lord, Yuan Yaoqing is easy-going and soft-spoken, and is not suitable for such a big event. I am not afraid of offending anyone, and I will definitely be able to uphold justice and live up to public expectations."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Huan quit: "Tian Yuanhao, I tolerate you on weekdays. This does not mean that you are weak. If you dare to slander me again, I will fight you to the death!"

Even my own father couldn't deny me the opportunity to leave my name in history.

Yuan Huan usually has an easy-going temperament, does not fight or fight, and can get along with everyone. However, in times of crisis, he is courageous, has integrity, and is not afraid of death.

Liu Xiang interrupted their argument: "You two stay here for a moment. If we argue again, I'm afraid you will say bad words and harm your moral character. Yaoqing once went to the enemy's country in times of crisis. He is not a weak person. We have been together for a long time."

You will understand that if Yuan Hao is not at ease, just supervise from the side. This is the duty of the censor to supervise."

He knew that these people wanted to leave their name on the construction of the bookstore, and he could understand it, but again, it was up to him to decide how to arrange it. Human resources rights were very important, and he would not let others do it just because of a few words from others.


As his reputation increases, there will be more and more scholars under his command. General Yuan Cong is in the military and cannot participate in many political affairs. Therefore, he will take advantage of the opportunity of building a bookstore to raise Yuan Huan's status among scholars and let him

He came to suppress the scholar group.

This is a precautionary measure.

That's how things were settled.

The empty house in the south of the city began to be renovated that day, waiting for the books to arrive.

Yuan Huan energetically mobilized personnel, materials, food, and equipment, and devoted all his efforts. This not only related to his chance to leave his name in history, but also the opportunity for his family to become the first foreign relative.

After Zhen Yi passed away, although the Zhen family still occupied the position of mistress, the heirs in the family were young and unable to shoulder the important responsibilities. This was the time when the Yuan family rose to prominence.

The Lord has great ambitions, and those who cannot keep up will be abandoned. If he wants to rise from the top, he must do things beautifully.

The bookstore has not yet been established, but the name has been decided by him. It will be called the bookstore. There is no need to choose some fancy name.

This city is a place for collecting books and reading, as long as it is simple and clear.

I thought that when naming the city in the future, there will definitely be disputes. After all, it is the naming right. How many scholars are not good at naming? It's a pity that you are going to waste your efforts. I have already decided it. Liu Xiang raised his eyebrows.

, laughed in a wicked way.

Talking, discussing, and quarreling from time to time, it was almost dark before we knew it. Everyone retired, and Liu Xiang was in urgent need of rest. He was really tired after galloping on his horse twice in more than ten days.

But at the door of the back house, Zhen Mi, a little girl, was blocked.

Looking at the little guy holding his chin in his hands, sitting in the corner outside the door, like an abandoned kitten, eagerly looking forward to his return, Liu Xiang really couldn't bear to refuse her request.

What's more, this is something that has been promised a long time ago.

Five dragon soup.

From November to February of the next year, she didn't eat a bite of ice, so I had to make Wulong soup for her.

"Brother-in-law, I know you are tired, can I give you a pat on the back? You said that only this day can make dragon meat. I want to try the dragon meat to see if it can bring my father back. My mother and sister are both

He said no, but I want to give it a try. My father is sleeping in an ice house. It’s so cold there, so he will definitely feel uncomfortable.”

Tears welled up in Zhen Mi's eyes, but the little girl held back and never cried.

She knew that her sister would not allow her to disturb her brother-in-law, so she waited outside the door of the inner house, even though she was shivering from the cold, and even from day to night.

But today is not over yet.

She has to wait.

She knew she couldn't go to the front office to look for him.

So, she could only wait.

This chapter has been completed!
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