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Chapter 371: Prepare to Siege

Liu Xiang had no intention of turning back and attacking again.

The enemy was well prepared, but he still carried out a sneak attack.

This time, the strategy of using armor and cavalry to close fire was even better than I expected. In just a few dozen breaths, the enemy's casualties should be no less than 2,000.

When faced with a dense formation of infantry in a field battle, the killing effect of close range shooting still needs to be tested in actual combat.

It's a pity that since I went south to Qingzhou until now, I haven't participated in a single field battle.

The enemy was too cowardly, always thinking about defense and not daring to fight head-on. The only one who had the courage was Xiahou Dun, who dared to lead his troops to reinforce quickly, but it was a pity that he was a stick.

This Jiao He was also a coward. As the governor of Qingzhou, he did not dare to engage in battle in his own jurisdiction. He retreated again and again, and actually opened the door to Xuzhou.

Liu Xiang was very worried that Gumu's garrison would collapse, and he wanted to use them to mobilize the troops in the two southern cities. The intensity of the siege in the next few days would have to be reduced.

Went back to camp to rest and spent the night without talking.

The next day, the river filling continued, and twelve dykes were formed. The Anping Army did not launch a strong attack. There was no movement in the two southern cities, and Jiao He did not dare to go out of the city on a large scale to demolish the dykes.

On the third day, they tried to attack the city. The morale of the defenders was low, the curtain was crumbling, and there was still no movement in the two southern cities.

Should he give up the rescue and sit back and watch Jiaohe and the Qingzhou people die in battle? Or have they seen through their own intention of besieging the city for reinforcements? Does the enemy really dare to give up the three-city linkage defense system?

Liu Xiang was puzzled.

The multi-city defense system is designed to allow several cities to rely on each other and act as barriers to each other in the absence of steep terrain.

Three-city linkage has the best effect.

If we attack from one way, the other two cities can attack from behind; if we attack from two ways, the remaining city can choose to guerrilla, attack the enemy's supply line, and flank the enemy's siege troops; if we attack from three ways, it will inevitably be divided.

The enemy's combat strength is too small, with no more than five times the strength of the troops, and they cannot capture a single city, so they can only retreat after running out of food.

Do they really dare to abandon the curtain? If the curtain is lost, the two cities in the south will be besieged.

Yan Gang had led Yueqi to lurk in the wild for three days, and Guan Yu's troops also took a detour to reach the predetermined area.

Do you have to be patient?

They should be more anxious than themselves.

Liu Xiang decided to wait.

Zhang Liao's troops have already left the boundaries of Taishan County and are not far from Dong'an. Le Jin's reinforcements are about to arrive at the Gumu battlefield. The navy is roaming along the coast of Donghai County. Xuzhou's merchant ships have suffered heavy losses and now they no longer dare to go to sea.

, several counties along the seaside were in turmoil.

The Yellow Turbans from Xiapi State marched north to the East China Sea. The two hundred thousand Yellow Turbans and the Xuzhou soldiers and horses were locked in a fierce battle. It was difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

The situation is tilting in your favor, so you can wait with peace of mind.

In the following days, the Chinese soldiers slowed down their siege efforts and practiced formations under the city to verify siege tactics.

Taking advantage of actual combat, the training trebuchets had just stopped and the enemy took the opportunity to board the city before they had time to support the defenders from their hiding places.

Liu Xiang plagiarized the name of infantry and artillery coordination to name this strategy.

The crossbowmen were equipped with light arrows, and the soldiers climbed onto the city to fight before the rain of arrows had stopped, in order to bully the enemy's lack of armor. This tactic had no name, and was jokingly called the target tactic by the army sergeants, because if the soldiers who climbed onto the city were to rush into the city, they would

If you go too fast, you will really fight with the enemy with arrows, or call it a chase.

Seeing the actual combat effects of these two tactics, Liu Xiang decided not to use them until there was an emergency or when a strong attack was necessary. The tactics were very effective. He almost captured the city twice, but his own people would be accidentally injured.

Especially when we climbed the city in the rain of arrows, 500 people climbed up, and more than 200 people were injured by arrows. This was the result of a timely halt. If there was an all-out attack and thousands of soldiers rushed up, the city would probably be taken down, with half of the people leading the attack.

I can't bear the injury.

Although the probability of light arrows breaking armor is low and the injuries are not fatal, there are many injured hands and feet. Even if there is a medical battalion, there are too many wounded soldiers who cannot treat the injuries in time. Once infected, the chance of death is very high.

It cannot be used as a regular tactic.

In addition to these two, there are also tactics such as smoke method, wall cutting method, tunnel siege method, etc., which are also practiced together.

The actual combat effects were mixed, as they only tried briefly and did not attack the city.

In the past few days, the siege effort was not large, but there were many different tactics. Jiao He's eyes were opened. Some of the tactics he had seen in books, while others were unheard of and he would not know how to deal with them.

Fortunately, the enemy was unwilling to pay too many casualties and the city could still be defended. However, he knew in his heart that once the opponent's patience ran out, the city would be destroyed in an instant. Therefore, messengers asking for help went south in waves, and the words in the letters

More and more urgent.

He made up his mind that if the reinforcements did not come in a few days, then he would surrender to the city and show the gate to Xuzhou. If he did not send reinforcements, then Yuan Benchu ​​would be sorry for himself, and he should deserve his share for surrendering. No one can criticize him.


When Jiao He was talking about reinforcements, Sun Guan of Dongwu and Yin Li of Zhuxian finally couldn't sit still. Zang Ba led his troops south and left them to garrison the city. He originally planned to let Jiao He consume the enemy troops first, but those Qingzhou people

It's so soft that I can't hold on for just a few days.

In addition, Ju County came to report that Dong'an had fallen. The enemy army was powerful and Ju County had insufficient troops to resist. Their retreat would be cut off.

You can't lose on both sides.

If the way back is cut off, they will starve to death. If the curtain is lost and the two cities are difficult to defend, they will be surrounded to death. No one can give up.

"The Beauty of the Sun and the Moon"

Their total number was less than 10,000, which put Sun Guan and Yin Li in a difficult position.

"Sun Yingzi, you have many evil ideas. I will listen to your arrangements."

"There is no other way now, Yin Lu'er, you take 3,000 people to guard Ju County. You must wait until the commander returns to the army, and I will take 5,000 people to rescue Gu Mu."

Yin Li patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to defend Ju County. Even if we all leave, there will be less than a thousand people defending the two cities. Is it okay?"

Sun Guan waved his hand: "Don't worry, I will not enter the aunt's tent, but will only harass the enemy in the wild. If there is a surprise attack by a side force, I can return to the army immediately. When the commander returns, the crisis will be resolved."

The two came to an agreement and each led his troops and set off.

The Anping Army's sentinels quickly reported the news back.

Liu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. Gu Mu could no longer perform here. Hundreds of people were injured due to practicing tactics. If the city was not broken, morale would be affected.

"Send troops to attack the city and create more momentum to attract the enemy's attention."

Yan Gang was so excited that he jumped three feet high. The days of feeding mosquitoes in the wild were finally over. Hiding in the grassy beach on the edge of the hills, he felt that several kilograms of blood had been sucked away by mosquitoes.

"We're finally here, but it took so long to spare you a fight of blood. I'll be at a loss." He bitterly decided to give some blood to the enemy general to compensate for his hard work these days.

He turned around and ordered: "Send more scouts to search for the enemy's position. The entire army is in armor and ready for battle."

Compared with Yan Gang, Guan Yu was much calmer. He opened his eyes that had been squinted all year round and gave a calm order: "Assemble the troops, bring the equipment, and prepare to attack the city."

This chapter has been completed!
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