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Chapter 372 Seize the door

Yin Li went south very quickly, hurried with all his strength, and entered Ju County before Zhang Liao's troops approached the city.

The garrison in Ju County was less than five hundred. They could only deal with bandits and refugees to prevent the food transport team from being stolen and plundered. They were unable to withstand the army's attack on the city. He was very happy to be able to enter the city first.

Then, he was blocked in the city by Zhang Liao.

Sun Guan marched very cautiously, and Yan Gang could not find an opportunity to make a surprise attack. When the news came back to the camp, Liu Xiang ordered the more cavalry to entangle the enemy, and he would lead the cavalry south to support.

Cui Yi was so happy that he lost sight of his teeth.

"Hahaha, I finally got a chance to fight in the field. My bones are almost rusty!"

This war lunatic, Liu Xiang shook his head in amusement and said to Zhao Yun: "Zilong, you will lead the central army on my behalf, pretend to attack Gumu, guard the camp, and enter the headquarters happily, and you will also control it on my behalf."

After speaking, he loudly ordered: "Le Jin, assist the Chinese army in attacking the city, and temporarily return it to Zhao Yun's control."

Le Jin, who had just led his troops to the camp, stood up and saluted: "General, I will obey the order."

In fact, the matter of temporarily leading the army on behalf of Liu Xiang should be done by Cui Yi, a long-time historian, but this guy... forget it, no hope. He has been studying for several years and cannot recognize all the words. He has always been a fighting general who charges into battle. He

I still enjoy it.

Let him be.

Fortunately, I have Zhao Yun by my side, who is trustworthy and can entrust me with important tasks.

After explaining the tactics of the Chinese army, he led the Suwei and Xiaoqi southward. The distance was not far away. More than ten miles away, three thousand Yueqi and five thousand infantry under Sun Guan were fighting.

The infantry formed a circular formation, and due to the lack of powerful crossbows, they were being suppressed by the cavalry and firing, but they could not break the formation for a while, let alone determine the winner.

When Liu Xiang arrived with his troops, they had been entangled for nearly an hour. The cavalry detachments harassed them and took turns advancing, only shooting from the outside with no intention of charging into the formation. The strength of the horses was maintained well.

The condition of the infantry was much worse. Although the formation was still stable, fatigue was clearly visible.

Such is the difference between cavalry and infantry.

The cavalry took the initiative in the battle and could fight when they wanted and leave when they wanted, while the infantry could only respond passively. With the cavalry on their side, it became difficult for them to even march.

Without infantry equipped with a large number of crossbows, it is really difficult to deal with the entanglement of cavalry.

Sun Guan knew that this was not going to work, but he could only form a formation to protect himself. Who dared to ignore the threat of the cavalry? The enemy was riding on the side, and he could not even retreat.

When the enemy's cavalry rushed out, he knew he had fallen into a trap, but what could he do if he knew it? Two legs could not outrun four.

We can only wait until it gets dark, and maybe we can find a chance to escape.

But after the armor and riding equipment appeared with both men and horses, he knew that he had no chance.

How can five thousand infantry, lacking armor and crossbows, defeat the same number of cavalry? They are all elite armored cavalry, and among them there are more than a thousand elite armored cavalry.

No chance.

Sun Guan surrendered decisively. He regarded the Yue Cavalry wearing ironwood armor as armored cavalry.

It is not unfair to lose to five thousand cavalry!

When the white flag was raised, Cui Yi frowned and complained angrily: "You coward, lower it after the fight, you coward!"

Liu Xiang rolled his eyes: "Shut up, you are conquering the enemy without fighting. What a good thing, why can't you read more? You think about fighting all day long."

Cui Yi chuckled: "Aren't you trying to test in actual combat the effectiveness of armored equipment in breaking formations from the front? My lord, don't you want to see it with your own eyes?"

"There will be opportunities in the future, so don't worry."

You can't accept that the enemy has surrendered, but you still don't agree, and instead want to fight with the other side? Only Xiang Yu, a war madman, can do this kind of thing.

Liu Xiang was not so enthusiastic and ordered the guards to step forward and shout: "General agrees that you surrender, abandon your weapons, and withdraw your armor. I will see you later."

Sun Guan was brought to his horse. This man was Zang Ba's general. He was quite strong, but his eyes were unsteady and his eyes wandered, giving people the feeling that he was thinking of bad ideas.

If Yuan Shao had not entered Xuzhou, Tao Qian would not have been able to suppress them, and later he became a Taishan bandit headed by Zang Ba, operating across Mount Tai and Langya.

Now that we have ourselves in the north and Yuan Shao in the south, it will not be their turn to rise.

"Sun Zhongtai of Mount Tai, pays homage to General Hussar." Sun Guan knelt on his knees, looking like he was begging for his life.

"Get up, you can rest assured, I will never torture or kill prisoners."

"Thank you, General Hussar."

Under the watch of a group of cavalry, Sun Guan's men honestly put down their weapons and became prisoners of the Anping Army.

"Take these prisoners and go around Gumu City." Liu Xiang ordered Yan Gang, then turned to look at Sun Guan and asked, "Zhongtai is willing to persuade Dongwu, the counties and the two cities to surrender for me?"

"I am willing to serve the general." Sun Guan agreed very decisively. He knew that the two cities would definitely not be defended, and it was important to save his life now.

"Yan Gang sent a thousand Yue cavalry to lead Sun Guan south to help the front army seize the city. After capturing the two cities, he temporarily returned them to Guan Yu's control and ordered him to continue south, ignore Ju County, and go straight to Kaiyang, the county seat. The Chinese Army will meet

Follow up from behind."

At this time, Guan Yu was standing in Dongwu City, ordering his men to clean the battlefield and treat the wounded soldiers.

After Sun Guan led his troops to the north, there were less than 500 defenders in the city. The 5,000 soldiers from the front army swarmed up and besieged him on all sides. Guan Yu took the lead and entered the city first. After opening the city gate, he led his troops straight into the county government office. The county magistrate was beheaded as soon as he faced him.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and Tobu changed hands.

He urged his subordinates to quickly clean up the battlefield, hoping to continue marching westward, seize the counties, and complete their success in one battle.

Before the defense arrangements were completed, Yue Qi arrived with Sun Guan. Not to mention Sun Guan's frustration, Guan Yu left 500 infantry to guard the city, take care of the wounded, and rushed towards the counties with more than 5,000 infantry and cavalry.

After marching twenty miles, we arrived at the county towns in the late afternoon.

The garrison in each county was smaller than that of Dongwu, and Sun Guan persuaded him to surrender, so the army successfully entered the city. Guan Yu prepared to repair overnight and set off south early tomorrow morning, heading straight to Kaiyang and cutting off the enemy's return to Langya.

When the counties surrendered, Jiao He also surrendered, and more than 4,000 prisoners circled around Gumu City. He understood that the reinforcements were finished, and as the enemy increased their troops today, the size of the attacking troops increased greatly.

When the local voices from Qingzhou came together to persuade them to surrender, the war-weary mood of the subordinates could no longer be suppressed.

The tide is over.

You can put away your luck.

The door to Langya is completely opened, and the door to Xuzhou is about to be acquired.

To be able to easily capture the three border cities, the first achievement is the high-level cadres.

What a great nephew!

Liu Xiang thanked this great hero in his heart, then put him behind him and focused on the matter of going south.

After Jiao He surrendered, more than 7,000 of his troops became prisoners. In addition to Sun Guan's nearly 5,000 men, the 10,000 men from Jibei Kingdom, and the 4,000 men from Xiahou Dun, Gu Mu gathered more than 26,000 prisoners of war.


It needs to be dealt with, otherwise it will become a hidden danger.

The 10,000 people in Jibei Kingdom were already subjects under his rule. He singled them out and promised them that after serving with the army, they would be returned to their hometowns to share their fields.

The remaining 16,000 captives were sent to 5,000 Qingzhou infantry and escorted to Xun Yu's place to perform hard labor and build roads.

Another 5,000 infantrymen of the Qingzhou Army were left to garrison Gumu and transport grain and grass. Liu Xiang led 30,000 troops to go south.

Guan Yu had already set out from the counties first and crossed Ju County, which was besieged by Zhang Liao. He left Sun Guan behind and continued southward.

When the Chinese army rushed to Ju County, Yin Li was still holding on. Three thousand men were blocked in the city and it was difficult to break out. Liu Xiang would not stop for him. There was Yuan Shao's 40,000 army in Donghai County south of Langya.

More than 100,000 Yellow Turbans fought hard to defeat each other, but who can guarantee that the Yellow Turbans will not suddenly collapse.

You have to be quick to get Langya, and don't get caught up in a mere Yin Li.

The Chinese army was speeding up, but the front army was faster. Guan Yu was riding on his horse, thinking about ways to capture Kaiyang. He didn't know the specific number of the garrison in the city, but he only knew that there were not many. Most of them had been transferred by senior officials to fight against the Yellow Turbans.


Kaiyang was originally the capital of King Langya. The city was built high and the pond was deep. It was not a good idea to attack the city from the front with four thousand infantry and one thousand light cavalry. The city only needed one thousand defenders to withstand the first strong attack.

Once Zhuang gets to the city, he cannot take it down with his own strength.

We can only take advantage of the news that the army is heading south and attack the city quickly.

This method needs to be fast, it must be fast, so fast that the enemy cannot react.

The infantry's marching speed is still not fast enough.

The city is weak and cannot let go of such a fighting opportunity.

Guan Yu decided to take the risk, and there were more and more outstanding talents in the Anping Army. It seemed that I was ordinary. This was not good. I had to show some tricks to let the world know my ability.

He summoned the Sima of the former army and the various military lords of Qu, and ordered them to lead the infantry to continue on their way. He also found the Sima of the Yueqi camp and persuaded him to join him in making achievements.

A thousand Yue cavalry broke away from the team and galloped.

The defenders of the three border cities and Dong'an were all wiped out, and there were no soldiers who escaped. The officials went south to report the news, and Guan Yu was betting that the speed of delivering the news to the people was slower than the cavalry he led.

He won the bet.

When we arrived to the north of Kaiyang, there were still many caravans and people coming and going at the city gate.

"Sure enough, there is no warning. Guan has achieved this feat." He was happy in his heart and turned to look at the equally excited Yueqi. He raised his spear in his hand and shouted loudly: "The great merit is ahead, follow me to charge into the city!"


Before he finished speaking, he accelerated his charge.

The Yue Cavalry soldiers followed closely behind, shouting excitedly:

"Charge the city!"

"Great achievement in seizing the city! Great achievement in seizing the city!"

The horses were getting closer and closer, and the defenders on the city hurriedly called the police. However, there were too many people and vehicles at the city gate. They were pushing and pushing each other, causing screams and cries everywhere. The panic of the crowd shocked the people who pulled the carts.

The cattle and horses, the big animals went into a rage, and no one could stop them. They knocked down everyone, crashed and overturned cars, and the scene became even more chaotic.

Suddenly, the city gate could not be closed and the drawbridge could not be pulled up.

The speed of the cavalry charge does not allow you to react slowly. Guan Yu took the lead and rushed to the suspension bridge. He dialed left and right with the long spear in his hand. Those who blocked the road were thrown into the river, and the objects blocking the road were smashed off the bridge. In an instant, he rushed

Go to the city gate.

The crowd inside the doorway was so frightened by the cavalry that their hair stood on end. They roared and screamed as they crowded into the city. The instinct to survive made everyone a strong man. The crowd poured out of the doorway, and the defenders who wanted to block the door were knocked to their feet.

All sorts of things.

Then, Guan Yu led Yue Qi to kill him.

Kaiyang North Gate fell.

Four thousand infantrymen are still hurrying on their way.

Guan Yu was faced with a choice, whether to rush into the city or defend the gate.

This chapter has been completed!
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