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Three hundred and ninetieth eight chapters cut Yan Liang

Chunyu Qiong abandoned the camp and left. Looking at the marching track, it was leading to the south, but he could not take it lightly. Who could guarantee that he would not hide his main force and hide in the direction of Fengxian County in the west, and take advantage of our army's carelessness to sneak attack Peixian County.

If it is really attacked by a surprise attack, the situation of Pei Kingdom's war will be completely reversed.

Liu Xiang was not in a hurry to order the pursuit, he wanted to wait for the scouts to report.

Xi Zhicai studied the map for a long time, and the enemy retreated decisively, which was really unexpected.

"My lord, as soon as Chunyu Qiong retreated, Guangqi became an abandoned son, and Liu County behind became an isolated city that cannot be defended. I am afraid they are retreating to Xiao County, intending to establish a defense line in Binshui. I don't know who is confronting our army on the border of the East China Sea.

The troops have to retreat or not."

The Bin River runs east-west and merges into the Surabaya River in Pengcheng County. Xiao County is backed by the Bin River and is only about 80 miles away from Pengcheng. The two cities are connected by rivers, which greatly reduces the threat of cavalry to the supply line.

Establishing a defensive line there will be much more stable than soaking in water, so it will be difficult to fight.

They can't do what they want.

Liu Xiang looked at the map and said: "From Liu County to Pengcheng, you can go down the river for one hundred and twenty miles. If you want to go to Xiao County, you have to go a little southwest, which is more than one hundred and fifty miles."

Our army must entangle Chun Yuqiong during this journey, slow down their speed, and allow Liu Chong to occupy Xiao County first, otherwise we will fall into a protracted siege battle."

This inference is based on the fact that Chunyu Qiong's army has indeed moved south. Who knows if the other party may have other plots.

A soldier never tires of deceit.

Don't be in a hurry, be cautious.

He ordered: "Continue to send more scouts to find the main force of the enemy. Quickly go to the front army to confirm whether the enemy troops on the East China Sea border have withdrawn."

Liu Xiang and others were waiting for the scouts to report back in the Chinese army's tent. Yuan Shao's army on the East China Sea was indeed retreating, but it was not because of the disadvantage of Pei's war situation.

On the contrary, it was because of the defeat in the East China Sea. The defeat was extremely heavy, which also required adjustments to Pei's defense line.

When the battle was taking place under Guangqi City, there was also a battle in the East China Sea. The battle lasted for a day, but the battle report had not yet been sent to Liu Xiang.

After Guan Yu and Le attacked Kelanling, the counties in the western part of the East China Sea were at a loss. Guan Yu led the front army to garrison Yinping, and Le came to sweep away the surrounding Yellow Turbans.

In order to prevent the Anping army from moving south, and to cut off the connection between Guan Yu's troops and Pei State, Yuan Shao ordered the chief general to lead 20,000 troops and camped fifteen miles south of Yinping. The two armies faced off for nearly a month.

Until Le Jin drove all the Yellow Turbans in the west of Donghai County to the east near Tan County and returned to Yinping, Guan Yu began to be determined to defeat the enemy.

The enemy's army was 20,000, and ours was 15,000. Guan Yunchang felt that his own army had a great advantage, and it would be shameful to confront the enemy. He planned to overturn the trial and assist Zhang Liao in taking Tan County.

Leaving Le Jin behind to defend the city, he led his 5,000 front troops and set up camp five miles across from the enemy camp. For several days, he repeatedly challenged the enemy and fought against them more than ten times without losing a single defeat.

He beheaded the generals Zhang Nan and Jiao Chu, and killed more than a thousand enemies.

This angered Yan Gongji and made Zang Xuangao angry.

Yan Liangyuan was a general who led the army. He made a mistake and was dismissed from his official position. He became a small horse archer. How could he not be ashamed and annoyed when he saw the enemy general showing off his power every day?

Then he advised Shen Pei to lead a team of elite cavalry to break through the enemy's formation and kill the enemy chieftain.

Then why was Zang Ba angry? Most of the 20,000 soldiers and horses were under his command, and more than a thousand died. How could he not be angry?

When he heard Yan Liang's request for war, he immediately agreed. Not only did he gather all the cavalry in the army, but he also wanted to fight in person. What could Shen Pei, who had only a position but no military power, say?

Is it useful for him to object?

On the second day, only 2,000 people were left to guard the camp, and more than 16,000 troops came out of the camp for a decisive battle.

It doesn't work if there are not many people. In the past few days, I have been fighting with the enemy, and the casualty ratio has been one to ten. There are too few, and I am afraid that I will not be able to defeat them.

Guan Yu naturally led his troops to fight, not to mention five thousand against sixteen thousand, even if five thousand against thirty thousand, the former army had fought in Lelang and won cleanly.

He and his subordinate Pao Ze were never afraid of field battles. The most annoying thing was that the enemy was huddled in the camp and could not come out.

The two armies faced each other, and the battlefield spread for more than three miles.

The front army consisted of a thousand soldiers, supplemented by two thousand light infantry, forming a phalanx to defend against the enemy. In the middle circle was a dense crossbow formation of two thousand crossbowmen. The crossbow arrows were fired with such ferocity that they were like high-pressure water cannons.

Wherever you go, there will always be a missing piece.

The enemy soldiers who rushed up fell down one by one. The disadvantage of lacking iron armor and heavy shields was severely targeted.

Those who approach with a shield array still have to bear the blow of the shuttle. This thing weighs ten times as much as the crossbow bolt, and the shield-breaking effect is much better.

Looking at the soldiers who kept falling, Zang Ba felt heartbroken and kept urging loudly: "Charge forward, rush forward, fight closely! The crossbowmen come forward and suppress the enemy's crossbow array."

He and Yan Liang were in the cavalry formation, waiting for the infantry to open a gap for them. There were only 500 cavalry in the entire army, and few of them wore iron armor. If they charged directly, they would be shot to death in the middle of the road.

The old god Guan Yu was riding a tall horse, surrounded by fifty bodyguard knights, and was calmly staying in the formation to command.

The quality of the enemy's soldiers and weapons and equipment were quite different from those of the former army, especially armor. All former soldiers had iron helmets and were uniformly distributed with one thousand iron armors and one thousand leather armors, as well as the items they captured during the previous years' campaigns.

More than a thousand sets of leather armor.

The enemy's armor was scanty, not even one of the ten men was wearing leather armor, and their helmets were incomplete. Many of them also wore cloths to wipe their foreheads. Even if there were a lot of people, they were besieged on three sides.

So what?

Those who survived the crossbow bolts and flying shuttles would be stabbed to the core by spears made of steel. Those unlucky ones would have several holes in their bodies before they died.

The shield array at the front stood firm in the rain of arrows, and the crossbow array in the middle circle dared to fight back with its feathered arrows. The enemy soldiers who wanted to jump in were either pushed back by the forest of spears, or were killed by the array.

The light infantrymen among them were cut into pieces with several swords.

The five thousand soldiers of the former army were all fierce soldiers who fought in the north and south. They were lying in the snow in the northern border and drilled through the mountains in the eastern border. Their equipment and fighting spirit were all superior to the enemy's.

You can't defeat them with a lot of lives. When it comes to numbers, Zang Ba's men may not necessarily be much more numerous than the Anping Army.

The battle has lasted for an hour and a half. The front army has its back to the camp and is in close contact with the enemy on three sides. The square formation is stable, crossbows and arrows are flying back and forth, the flags are not disordered, the drums and trumpets are incessant, and the sound of killing shouts goes straight into the sky.

Guan Yu carefully tied up his long beard, then wrapped it in a brocade bag, and said to his bodyguards: "The time is not short. Lieutenant Ledu has made a detour to attack the camp. We are all ready. When the enemy is in chaos, follow me."

Kill the enemy chieftain!"

Before leaving the camp, he had already sent a message to the city, saying that he and the enemy would have a decisive battle in the wild, and asked Le Jin to lead his troops in a detour to attack the enemy camp and defeat the enemy in one battle, today.

The enemy camp is only fifteen miles away from Yinping, and a detour can only take twenty miles, which is about an hour and a half.

His judgment was correct. Not long after, a fire broke out in the enemy's camp, and thick smoke rushed into the air. It was obvious at a glance that the fire was not going to be small.

The camp was burned, and the enemy troops were in panic. They lost ground front and rear and were in chaos.

The former sergeants were more eager to fight and extremely excited. They were all veterans who had been on the battlefield for a long time. They knew that the moment of pursuit was coming, and military glory was waving to them.

Adrenaline surged, and strength surged into the limbs and bones. The weapons were swung with greater force, and the killing screams were about to tear out the eardrums. If they were not restrained by military discipline, someone would have rushed out long ago.

"Give the order! Give the order!" the soldiers chanted silently over and over again in their hearts.

Guan Yu did not disappoint them, and shouted loudly: "Beat the drums to urge the army, attack from three sides, attack!"

The command flag was pointed forward, and the sound of drums as dense as raindrops sounded, indicating that it was time to attack.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The former sergeants rushed out like a flood that broke an embankment. The three torrents rushed into the chaotic enemy formation. At the same time, Le Jin, who had broken through the enemy camp, also led his troops. The two armies attacked from front to back. Zang Ba

The department completely collapsed.

Once the formation is in chaos, people will panic. If anyone escapes, he will start a wave of defeated troops. If you want to re-establish the formation, it will be extremely difficult to reach the sky.

The army was defeated like a mountain!

Zang Ba didn't know whether to be depressed or grateful.

He insisted on sending troops out of consideration, but was defeated. Fortunately, he had all the cavalry around him and a strong general who could provide him with a sense of security.


I can't worry about anything else, I just need to escape.

The cavalry ran very fast, slashing and trampling their own troops along the way, creating a bloody path.

Unfortunately, they had been targeted by Guan Yu for a long time. Following the path of the five hundred cavalry, Guan Yu took the lead, followed closely by his guards. Their crotches, however, Guan Yunchang betrayed his old face and asked Cui Yi to trade for it.

Excellent war horse.

The tall horse, with its tall frame and strong muscles, and its hooves beating like wind and lightning, caught up with the fleeing cavalry in just a short while.

Guan Yu led fifty armored cavalry and rushed into the crowd with their backs turned to them.

Blood splattered everywhere, residual limbs flew around, frightened screams could be heard endlessly, people neighed, and the liver and gallbladder were torn apart.

The cavalry under Zang Ba's command were not yet elite enough to turn around and fight on the high-speed running horses. The cavalry was instantly confused. Many of the cavalry were thrown off by the frightened horses and were trampled to death on the spot. A few of them were

The wise men broke away from the group and fled to both sides.

Guan Yu ignored them and went straight towards the general. He knew Zang Ba and had targeted him from the beginning.

"The thief will leave!" Guan Yunchang's voice was not low. He shouted so loudly that it scared Zang Ba's heart and almost jumped out of his mouth.

Yan Liang was right behind Zang Ba, and the voice shocked him to the point of white hair and sweat. His own cavalry formation had collapsed, and the enemy's strength was at its peak. He had no intention of turning back to fight, and was focused on escaping.

But Guan Yu's voice was like exploding near his ears. When the person came to him, he had to fight even if he didn't want to. He let go of the reins, grasped the long pole with both hands, and suddenly lay back on his side, stretching his back hand forward and pulling his front hand back.

, made a counterattack.

The long spear was like a strange python, with a whine, it pierced the head of Guan Yu behind him.

Guan Yu's eyes widened and he turned sideways to avoid it. Yan Liang's sword brushed against the armor on his arm, sparks bursting out. The horse sword in his hand was not an ordinary one either. He stretched out his hand and stabbed forward, using the power of the horse's forward charge.

It went straight into Yan Liang's weak spot and stirred it up, breaking his heart and lungs.

Before Yan Liang could even utter his screams, his mouth and nose were blocked by the backflow of blood. He fell from his horse and died.

"A strong man with such skill can only be a cavalryman. Yuan Shao really doesn't know how to be talented." Guan Yu casually wiped the sweat from his white hair and couldn't help but sigh.

It was important to chase down the enemy general, and it was not the time to stop. He lightly knocked on his horse and continued to pursue Zang Ba.

This chapter has been completed!
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