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Three hundred and ninetieth IX unfinished work

There was only one fight between Guan Yu and Yan Liang. Although he was not injured, it did not mean that Yan Liang was weak in force. At that moment, life and death were only a matter of seconds, and it was extremely dangerous.

If Guan Yu dodges slower, he will be stabbed in the head. Even if he dodges, he will be hit in the shoulder. However, relying on the strong defense of the cold-forged armor, the two horses are galloping in the same direction, which eases the horse's health.

Thanks to his speed, he was not severely damaged.

When Yan Liang took action, he lay back on his side with his arm stretched out to stab. His left armpit was exposed. That was the weakest point of the iron armor's defense. His posture was also difficult to adjust. Guan Yu caught the flaw and killed him with one strike.

Stabbed to death.

I can only blame him for his bad luck.

And he never reported his name until his death, and was considered a well-equipped cavalryman, because he did not have flags and flags. Generals who lead troops must have flags and flags, as they are an important tool for commanding their men.

Guan Yu had been observing the enemy's generals for a long time. He remembered clearly that Yan Liang was not among the generals. He calmed down his frightened mood and continued to pursue Zang Ba.

There was a gap between the horses of the two men, and there were infantry in front of them blocking the way. Within a few breaths, they were overtaken again. His personal guards turned around to stop them, but with their backs to the enemy, how much strength could they use?

They all fell off their horses and died in battle.

Zang Ba's spear flew away in two strokes. Guan Yu added another spear and stabbed him under the horse.

Killing the general eliminated the biggest hidden danger for the enemy to gather the defeated troops and return to fight again. The general's fang flag fell, once again affecting the psychology of the enemy soldiers.

All that's left is to chase.

The former sergeants were quite skilled at this kind of thing, and with the assistance of the nine thousand Qingzhou regiments under the command of Le Jin, the enemy soldiers were never able to form a formation and found it difficult to resist. They were chased and fled across the mountains and plains.

The real battle started in the morning and lasted less than two hours, but the pursuit of the defeated soldiers continued until sunset. More than 10,000 soldiers were captured, more than 20,000 civilians were captured, and more than 4,000 enemies were killed, as well as several thousand others.


"Without cavalry, we are really unwilling to annihilate all the enemy troops!" Guan Yu was dissatisfied, so he found Le Jin and said, "Wen Qian, you stay behind to guard the prisoners and clean the battlefield. Guan will march all night to catch up before the defeat.

Raid Fu Yang."

Fuyang is sixty miles southeast of Yinping, under the jurisdiction of Pengcheng State, and is the place where the trial and distribution department stores supplies.

"General Guan, I am willing to go with you to guard the prisoners and clean the battlefield. It is enough to leave an army commander." Le Jin also wanted to make meritorious deeds. After joining the Anping Army, he found that all promotions were only based on ability and merit, and were based on family background.

It doesn't matter.

Then he would be excited. After changing his family, the road to becoming a general is right at his feet. General Guan in front of him, as well as General Zhou who promoted him before, are all from humble backgrounds. This is his role model!

"I am willing to follow General Guan to kill the enemy and perform meritorious service!" He asked again.

Guan Yu untied his beard, combed it hastily, and said casually: "Then you have to keep up with our army. If you can't catch up, you will be embarrassed."

"Our troops will definitely be able to keep up with General Guan."

The Qingzhou Army left three thousand men to treat the wounded soldiers, escort the prisoners back to the city, and clean up the battlefield tomorrow.

The two armies, totaling more than 10,000 men, carried three days' rations and a large number of torches, and advanced southeastward at night. They were moving in a hurry to reach Fuyang before they were defeated.

Guan Yu was even more focused on seizing the city, preparing to completely destroy the enemy army, and then write a beautiful battle report and send it to his lord.

But Shen Pei had already run away. When Le Jin broke down the camp gate, he escaped on his fast horse. He changed horses all the way without stopping. He ran from morning to night, wearing his thighs to pieces and killing three horses.

The horse was so good that it unexpectedly ran two hundred miles at an accelerated speed and fled directly back to Pengcheng.

The war situation in the East China Sea has collapsed. We must report it to the lord as soon as possible. We must make early preparations and readjust our defense lines to avoid losing everything.

Yuan Shao was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but he knew that this was not the time to be angry. It wasn't long before the news of the failure to support Guang Qi came back.

It is meaningless to persist on the Peixian side. Chunyu Qiong's troops must be transferred back as soon as possible. There are only 5,000 defenders left in Pengcheng, which cannot stop the enemy from the East China Sea.

This time he was very decisive and did not hesitate at all. If he hesitated again, his life would be in danger.

Chunyu Qiong received the order in the middle of the night. He didn't care about the camp or the baggage. He marched with light troops and went straight to Liu County, preparing to join the five thousand soldiers there, cover each other, and return to Pengcheng.

It has to be said that he has been following Yuan Shao since Luoyang. He is not the strongest in ability, but in terms of loyalty, no one can compare with him.

All this results in information gaps.

By the time the scouts of the Anping Army discovered the empty camp, he had already run out for more than thirty miles with his troops and horses. When the scouts followed him again, it was almost noon, and 30,000 troops had already gathered in Liu County. Chunyu Qiong

Fearing the enemy's cavalry, he continued southward along the Surabaya River regardless of the fatigue of his soldiers.

He wants to bring this army back, which is the key to whether the lord can defend his territory.

After finding the main force of the enemy, Liu Xiang immediately led his cavalry south. At this time, Guan Yu was thinking about how to capture Fu Yang. There were no defenders in the city, only a few thousand civilians transporting food and grass, but the county magistrate was stubborn and refused to surrender.

He failed to capture the city in a surprise attack and failed to force the city to surrender. Half of his plans were in vain, but at least he blocked the way for the defeated soldiers to return to the city and cut off the enemy's opportunity to regroup. The civilians in the city lacked weapons and equipment, so it would not be difficult to defeat them.

"Seal the four gates and rest on the spot." He was not in a hurry to attack by force. He fought for a whole day and drove sixty miles overnight. It was not the time for a force attack. It was already mid-afternoon and the soldiers had to eat first and then take turns sleeping.

Restore physical strength.

It's just a pity that he failed to defeat the enemy, seize the city, and destroy the enemy's army in one battle. In the end, it was not a complete success, and the battle report was not perfect, which did not show his ability.

It's time to think about reporting to the lord. I wonder how the battlefield has been cleaned and whether the results of the battle have been tallied up.

The meritorious officers of the former army are sorting out the records, killing enemies, and capturing statistics. Once completed, they will send a letter to the general, who will write a battle report and submit it to the lord.

Before the letter was sent, the Tiqi sent by the Chinese army to inquire about the battle situation arrived. The former army commander went to attack the place where the enemy's supplies were stored. This battle should not be over yet.

But Tiqi didn't have time to go to Guan Yu again and asked about the specific battle situation. With the statistical results, Pegasus reported back.

Liu Xiang didn't know until late at night that in the East China Sea battle, Guan Yu and Le Jin almost wiped out all the enemy troops. Only a few thousand defeated soldiers fled. It is estimated that only a few of them could return to Pengcheng in the end.

"I can't blame Chunyu Qiong for running like a rabbit. I thought there was some conspiracy." He muttered, completely letting go of his worries.

The two battlefields are more than a hundred miles apart in a straight line, but when walking, you have to go around Weishan. The whole journey is more than two hundred miles, and the information is not timely. This is normal.

Ancient times are not modern, and there are no tools for instant communication. Especially in wars, there are often times when coordination is not smooth and the fight becomes chaotic.

No one can complain about this.

Don't mention flying pigeons delivering messages. Pigeons only know fixed places and cannot find people.

For example, if you want to send a letter to Chang'an via flying pigeons, you have to raise a large homing pigeon in Chang'an and then take it out. Then it will fly back to Chang'an, and it is a one-way trip and cannot fly back.

It is impossible to let this pigeon fly back and forth, or to send a message to Luoyang.

When the pigeons you brought out are used up, you have to go back to Chang'an and use a carriage to pick up the pigeons. This is a flying pigeon delivering a message. It is a single trip and never comes back. Moreover, it cannot fly thousands of miles, and it takes hundreds of miles to reach a node.

, relay messages one by one.

If you want to use homing pigeons to mobilize troops, you are thinking blindly.

Fortunately, Chunyu Qiong was blocked by himself thirty miles south of Liu County and did not dare to run away for a while. Liu Chong had already divided his elite troops and headed straight for Xiao County.

The battle situation did not get out of control.

Yuan Shao still has thirty-five or six thousand soldiers and horses left. If he attacks again, our side will bleed and Yuan Shu will take advantage.

That won't work.

Liu Xiang looked at the casualty figures in the battle report and felt that the war in Xuzhou was almost over.

It is in their own interests to weaken them so that Yuan Shao and Liu Chong can consume each other so that neither can grow quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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