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Chapter 401: Chunyu Qiong's Profound Xiang Formation

The Anping Army's camp was very simple, with no walls. They used 2,000 carriages as a camp. They approached the enemy camp and dug some trenches and pits in key places. There were horses on both sides and behind, which were used to warn and prepare for the night.


A fire was lit outside for lighting, and a guard post was posted on the car.

In the middle is a tent, which is a combination of a car camp and a riding camp.

The camp opposite was even simpler than that of the Anping Army. It was a car camp surrounded by six or seven thousand large and small vehicles. The soldiers were crowded in the middle for the night, and there were only a few tents.

Chunyu Qiong stayed up all night. This place is still ninety miles away from Pengcheng and more than one hundred and twenty miles away from Xiao County. The enemy is three miles away. There are many cavalry and it is difficult to escape.

He thought about a sneak attack at night, but the screams of scouts clashing outside the camp made him give up the idea.

How to attack at night when someone is watching you?

How to march when the cavalry was approaching became a problem that troubled him.

The enemy has many cavalry and strong fighting power. If we divide our forces and cut off the rear, it will be like digging our own grave.

After racking my brains all night, I couldn't find any good solution.

It's dawn.

He had to come up with an idea, otherwise the people would be uneasy and the army would be in chaos. Looking at the chaos of more than 40,000 people in the camp, he had to take these people back, at least most of them.

Fortunately, most of the civilians were left behind, and only the more than 10,000 young men who drove the carriages were brought with them, so the speed of the march would not hinder them.

While the soldiers were eating and loading their vehicles, he summoned his generals to make arrangements for the march.

"Someone, we need to set up the Xuanxiang formation, march in formation, and retreat slowly."

Several of his subordinates were confused.

Xuanxiang Formation is a kind of suspicious formation that confuses the enemy. It has no fixed formation and is just pretending to be huge and frightening.

How to use it depends entirely on the commander.

Suddenly the sentence "Putting on the Xuanxiang Formation" pops up, who knows what you want it to look like?

Looking at the confused eyes of his subordinates, Chunyu Qiong coughed dryly and said slowly:

"Generals, listen carefully. There are five hundred people in a circular formation. Six circular formations are one part. There are eight troops in total. They are in the shape of nine palaces and surround the central army. One of them brings five thousand soldiers to protect the convoy.

.The cavalry will stand alone as the vanguard."

General Jiang Qi was a little worried: "General, will three thousand men be too weak? The enemy's cavalry is so large that they may break through in one fell swoop."

Chunyu Qiong knew that everyone was panicking and wished they could huddle together, but that would be too easy to cause confusion. He set up the Xuanxiang formation to show off his momentum, not to show off to the enemy, but to embolden his own soldiers.

Hearing his subordinates' doubts, he pretended to be confident and said: "Don't panic, I have already made a plan. Each circular formation is twenty steps apart, and each part is a hundred steps apart. The circular formation is good at defense and will not be defeated with one strike."

If you are scattered, if you are attacked anywhere, the adjacent formations will be able to rescue you in time.

In this way, no matter which direction the enemy attacks from, he will have to face an army of nine thousand. If the enemy's cavalry is entangled, the other directions can outflank and annihilate them."

The shape of the Nine Palaces is not afraid of all directions. If it attacks any one, it will be rescued by the two adjacent ones, and there will be support from the Chinese army behind it.

Such profound knowledge made Chunyu Qiong stand at the top of the chain of contempt. Seeing several subordinates talking about it, he loudly ordered: "Generals, listen to the order! Jiang Qi led a thousand cavalry to lead the army. If attacked,

Can lead enemies into the formation.

Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang are in charge of the three front and rear divisions respectively. Ma Yan is on the left and Cao Bao is on the right. They must quickly set up their formation and not delay the march."

"The general will obey the order."

The subordinates all returned to their headquarters. After eating the morning meal, they mobilized the soldiers to form formations. The circular formation was not a difficult formation. Chunyu Qiong sent several carriages to each circular formation to transport the cooking cauldrons. Diao Dou,

Food, drinking water and other heavy items.

Not long after, forty-eight small circular formations were formed, six formations were connected to form one, eight formations surrounded the central army, and a large formation four miles long and wide appeared.

The flags are flying, the war drums are clanging, and the sound is huge, boosting your morale and courage!

The morale of the soldiers was visibly restored. Chunyu Qiong breathed a long sigh of relief. It seemed that he had frightened his own people. He hoped that this method could also frighten the enemy.

He actually had no confidence in using the Xuanxiang Formation to deceive Liu Yicheng. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Liu Xiang's victories in the past few years were not in vain, and the seeds of famous generals were not in vain. They can always create psychological effects on the enemy.


The formation is ready and the march begins.

"Lord, you could disrupt them just by rushing forward, why did you let them form an formation?" Cui Yi, who had been observing for a while, was very confused.

"By the time the knights have put on their armor, their formation will be almost the same. Their energy is at its peak. Why do they have to fight head-on?" Liu Xiang shook his head and said indifferently:

"The Nine Palaces Formation is just a token of honor. Anyone can set up the formation. Scheduling is the key. Let's make a bet. If they take two steps, they will disperse."

Cui Yi pouted: "I don't want to bet. Isn't this an obvious thing? I'm not stupid."

Liu Xiang laughed and marched in formation. It is easier said than done. If he could do it casually, the cavalry would have been eliminated by the infantry.

"Pack up, it's time for us to set off. Yan Gang, you and Yue Qi will follow you first. There is no need to fight, just watch and apply pressure."

When Yan Gang knew that the camp on the south bank of Baoshui was empty, he returned with a thousand Yue cavalry. Liu Chong could not refute the excuse of pursuing the enemy.

Yue rode his armor out of the camp. Hu Qi and Xiao Qi didn't even wear armor and followed slowly behind them. The enemy troops were walking like turtles, so there was no need to worry.

Chen Yi, who was in charge of logistics, went even further. Seeing that Liu Xiang was not in a hurry, he ordered the driver to chop wood and prepare fuel for the night.

There's really no need to worry. The enemy is marching in formation, and it looks pretty decent. But after walking for an hour, they haven't even gotten out of sight yet. They've advanced maybe two miles?

In order to maintain the formation, you have to constantly stop and adjust. It's understandable, and it'll be better if you become more proficient.

This is what Chunyu Qiong advised herself.

Did the cavalry who didn't see the opponent just wander in the distance and didn't dare to attack? This shows that his method is very effective.

There were many people who had the same idea as him. They really didn't think there was anything wrong with slowly marching in formation, and being targeted by a large group of cavalry. In such a flat place, it would be nice not to be dragged in place and wait for death.

Both armies had no intention of attacking at this time. Chunyu Qiong just wanted to rely on the river with his back and rely on the formation to march towards Pengcheng.

He cannot catch up with the cavalry if he uses infantry. He is not a fool. The few cavalry he has are unable to entangle the enemy. If he cannot form an encirclement, he will only be dragged away by the cavalry and eaten one by one.


Escape safely is the best option now.

Liu Xiang did not want to attack the enemy's formation by force when the enemy was at its peak, especially since they were backed by a river and the cavalry's path to charge into the formation was limited.

The time passed in a tortoise-like march. We walked for a whole day and covered eight miles.

King Chen's eight thousand "elites" were almost surpassing them.

"It's really elite. An elite who can march less than forty miles in a day is so awesome." Liu Xiang was speechless. The old man Liu Chong called this kind of elite.

Chunyu Qiong's troops detoured to stay in the county, marching eighty miles a day and midnight. Including today, they marched eighty-eight miles.

Liu Chong's troops headed south in a straight line, covering more than 70 miles in two days.

How should Yuan Shao be beaten to make them evenly matched? This question is difficult!

This chapter has been completed!
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