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Chapter 402: Liu Neng

Camping at night, Chunyu Qiong inspected various ministries over and over again.

The resting positions are also arranged according to the formation during the day. Each circle is one place, but it is just retracted into the car camp.

There are some changes from the original, but fortunately the changes are not big. Instead of saying that five hundred people form a circular formation, it is better to say that there are groups of about five hundred people with infantry. There is not much difference in the number of soldiers. The soldiers are not completely scattered.

There will be no military officers to lead the troops.

Every place has been inspected, and each department has arranged for a guard to be on duty at night in turn. The morale has also improved significantly. It is not like yesterday, when people were panicked and it was difficult to sleep.

He returned to the military tent and thought about the future. Although the problem of declining morale had been alleviated, walking eight miles a day was too slow. The long nights and many dreams might lead to uncertainties.

Is it possible to risk crossing the river?

This idea was immediately discarded. This was a suicide attempt. The enemy's light cavalry was always following him and there was no chance.

One idea after another came to mind, only to be overturned one by one.

The enemy's armored troops had many sudden cavalry, and if any flaw was revealed, they would be doomed. Thinking about the terrifying figures of men and horses wearing armor that he had seen before, he shuddered. If something like that rushed into the battle, he was afraid that the entire army would be annihilated.

There were too few cavalry to entangle the enemy, and it was difficult for the infantry to counterattack.


He frowned and lamented, but he couldn't think of a way to defeat the enemy.

"Master, please rest early. It's not a good thing to be exhausted. The whole army is counting on master." The personal servant was trying to persuade him. It was already late at night, and the master had not slept for two days and two nights. He was so determined.

Even my body can't bear it.

Chunyu Qiong shook his head: "Oh~how can I sleep peacefully?"

"Go on." He waved his hand, feeling a little exhausted mentally and physically. At today's pace, it would take more than ten days to complete the journey. Will the enemy give him so much time?

Even if we get to the vicinity of Pengcheng, we still have to cross the river to enter the city. The Lord only has five or six thousand people, and it is difficult to meet them. This is another obstacle.

If we were defeated at home, what would be the point of suffering now? The morale of the defeated army was affected, could Pengcheng be able to defend it?

It’s difficult!

He buried his face in his hands and couldn't help but groan.

Liu Xiang was also suffering. He was frying rabbit meat and cooking rice porridge.

The cavalrymen took a nap during the eight-mile journey in a day. The distance traveled by the horsemen was longer than this, and those who were free could take turns sleeping.

Cui Yi had a sudden idea and sent half of the Xiaoqi to hunt to provide extra food for the soldiers. Ke Bineng also joined in the fun, and half of Hu Qi also went.

This is the densely populated Yuzhou, and it is not in my hometown of Youzhou. Where can I find a place to hunt? With 1,600 people, we only hunted some rabbits and pheasants, which was not enough for the whole army to cook soup.

To his relief, although the harvest was not great, no people were robbed. He only brought back some pheasants and rabbits dejectedly, but no livestock raised by the people.

This is good and needs encouragement. He has asked Chen Yi to go to Liu County to buy pigs and sheep. He also ordered the Liu residents to fish by the river tomorrow and eat meat to reward the army tomorrow night.

Today I will make soup with these wild animals to appetize.

The whole army roared with joy and the soldiers were beaming with joy.

Cui Yi shamelessly snatched half of the rabbit, invited Liu Xiang to eat the meat, and fried it in some meat oil. The aroma was fragrant.

After a while, Yan Gang and Ke Bineng were attracted. They were not as shameless as Cui Yi, and they were too embarrassed to snatch the bit of meat from the soldier's mouth.

General Cui opened his arms to stop him and said jokingly: "I'm telling you, if you want to eat meat, you can, but you have to say a few auspicious words to make me happy."

Yan Gang pulled him away and muttered: "It's a fight, a fight, a younger brother snatches his brother's flesh, that's a matter of course, there's so much nonsense!"

Kebineng didn't dare to be as "presumptuous" as Yan Gang. Even though he had a sinister face, a big body and a round waist, and a ferocious look, as a naturalized Xianbei Hu, when facing the Han generals of the Anping Army, he felt quite at ease.


He bowed his hands neatly: "I wish General Cui a long and happy life."

Cui Yi patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "Okay, hahahaha, you have learned this, okay, this is a real Han Chinese, come on, come on, eat meat!"

Changle Weiyang is a blessing word that Chinese people like very much, which means happiness will last forever.

From speaking stumblingly to now being familiar with Han people's customs, Ke Bineng has become more and more like a Han Chinese in the past few years. All his tribesmen have also joined the Han nationality. They join the army, herd cattle, come to the mainland to work on horse farms, join caravans and trade, and are working hard to integrate.

Han Chinese society.

Several other Hu tribes that followed in the early days were similar to them.

The first step of Chineseization was very effective.

Four people sat around and shared half of the hare. There wasn't much meat, and it was gone after a few bites per person.

Yan Gang, is Kebi really short of a few bites of meat? Of course not, they came here just to build a relationship with the lord.

Especially for Ke Bineng, Yan Rou told him a few years ago that it would be best to change his name to a Chinese name. He thought it made sense, but he had his own small thoughts. It would be better to change his name by himself than to give him a name from his lord. The weight would be different.


But several years have passed, and he has never had the opportunity to make great achievements, and he has never been able to speak, so he wants to imitate Yan Gang and Cui Yi and build a relationship with his lord first.

He especially envied Cui Yi and Yan Rou. They had been following their lord before he launched his army. General Yuan Cong had an unshakable status.

Liu Xiang held the bowl of porridge and looked at Ke Bineng. This was someone who had followed him for a long time. At the end of 184, it had been more than seven years.

"Ke Bineng has been a Han citizen for so many years. His speech, behavior, and clothing have made him look like a Han Chinese. If he changes his name to a Chinese, he will become a real Han Chinese."

Kebineng was not stupid, so he quickly put down the bowl in his hand, clasped his hands into his fists, and said: "I wanted to change my name this morning, but I'm just unlearned and afraid that the name I'll give will make people laugh. Please give me a name, Lord."

Liu Xiang was thoughtful and thought that he was thinking about Xianbei, so he didn't change his name. It turned out that he wanted to give him a name to improve his status.

Don't blame him for thinking too much. Official history records that Ke Bineng defected to Cao Cao in his early years. Later, his power grew and he almost unified Xianbei. For this reason, he rebelled against Cao Cao.

It would be better if Kebi could be changed to a Chinese name as soon as possible, so that his sense of identity with Xianbei would be reduced.

It can be lowered a little bit.

Isn't it true that ethnic integration means becoming one family bit by bit?

Thinking of this, he decided to fulfill Ke Bineng's wish, put down the porridge bowl, and said solemnly: "It's right to have this concern. Let's do this. From now on, you will take my surname of Liu. If you give a name, it will be your real name.

He is called Liu Neng. A capable person means ability, which means you have talent, which means a good meaning."

"Thank you, Lord, for the name." Ke Bineng, no, Liu Neng stood up, solemnly bowed his hands and bowed.

Liu Xiang also stood up and bowed his hands in return.

Changing your name is a very important matter. If you are not in the military, according to Han Chinese etiquette, this matter needs to be witnessed by relatives and friends at a banquet and to honor your ancestors.

Of course, Liu Neng didn't care about this. He was already very happy to have his name given by his lord.

From now on, no one can blame him for being a barbarian. The name given by the lord is to prove that he is a real Han Chinese. He and his descendants are all Han people. This is something beyond doubt!

"Congratulations, congratulations. Colonel Liu is going to have a drink later to celebrate, and someone will definitely come to visit." Cui Yi congratulated with his fists raised.

Yan Gang also handed over his hand to congratulate him.

Liu Neng smiled happily and said: "Hahaha, I'm sure, I will give a banquet to General Cui and General Yan after moving the army. You two will be honored by that time."

"You must go to the banquet, and you will never come home until you are drunk."

"You won't come home until you're drunk!"

When we were in the army, we would meet up for a drink. These few were not very refined people. The Han people were addicted to alcohol. If they said they were drunk, they would definitely get drunk.

Liu Xiang shook his head, feeling helpless. With his drinking capacity, he had already broken up with the banquet, and now his subordinates were blatantly refusing to play with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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