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Chapter 514: The Little Overlord is Infinitely Powerful

The main force of the Forbidden Army, which moved south from Chang'an, brought with it the Wudang Flying Army who were good at mountain warfare, and the Yue Jin Division who fought bravely and advocated being the first to defeat the enemy. A total of 60,000 troops were broken into pieces. Taking advantage of the night, they quietly launched

He found his way out of the military camp.

Go north for twenty miles, turn east, and head straight for Xiling.

Xiling City is not on the bank of the Yangtze River, but is located on the west bank of Jiushui, connected to the Yangtze River waterway, and is also a water and land hub connecting Runan County and Nanyang County.

One hundred and forty miles away from Sha Xian's camp, scouts had already discovered that Huang Zu's troops who had retreated from Anlu were stationed in the city. Together with Ji Ling who came to support them, the number of troops was about 40,000.

Liu Xiang wanted to capture Xiling and use it as a base to move along the southern foothills of the Dabie Mountains, advance eastward to Wan County, and invade the southern part of the Lujiang River. The journey would be about four hundred miles, which is not too long.

It is the autumn harvest season, so it is convenient to eat at the enemy's convenience, which alleviates a lot of logistical supply pressure.

There were 7,500 cavalry and 52,000 infantry. They rushed for three days and Xiling was in sight.

The cities in the south are different from those in the north. They are larger in area and have more annexes outside the city. Although they also have city walls and moats, their defensive capabilities are still not that interesting.

After all, the cities were built for different purposes. One was a fortress to defend against the barbarians in the north, and the other was a place for the common people to live together.

Although Xiling made defensive preparations, demolished some of the annexes, and built a military camp outside the city, their purpose of staying in Jiangbei was to harvest crops and collect grain and grass, and it was impossible to fortify the walls and clear the country.

In particular, the grain transport teams coming and going in and out of the city gate cannot stop.

Liu Xiang held a telescope and observed the city defense from a distance. The three city gates were wide open, which was no different from the undefended city.

"Zhang Ren, leading the Wudang flying army, detoured to the south to ambush and cut off the enemy's escape route to the Yangtze River."

"Zhang He, lead his troops to occupy the Jiushui River and seize the docks and ships in the east of the city."

"Le Jin, lead your troops to attack the camp outside the city. I will send light cavalry to assist you. As long as you entangle this enemy, it will be considered a great achievement for you."

These three routes are all auxiliary. This time the city is broken, it depends on the cavalry.

When the enemy reveals a flaw, he will be beaten to death.

He waved to Sun Ce and said, "Bo Fu, the enemy's three gates are wide open. This is a good opportunity. You have to lead our armored cavalry and gallop ten miles to break through the west gate. There is no need to conserve horsepower. I will send another team of armored cavalry to charge in relay.

All you need to do is take down the city gate and that will be your first achievement."

Although the light cavalry is fast, there are too many people near the city gate. With the chaos and people reversing, they may not be able to rush in. It is not as good as the armored cavalry to be properly equipped.

Liu Xiang wanted to destroy the city with one strike, so he chose armored cavalry with stronger impact.

When Sun Ce heard the first result, he smiled crookedly, patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, little Xiling can't stop me!"

"Get down with your armor, and charge as soon as the order comes." Of course Liu Xiang would not just let a thousand armored cavalry units charge into the city alone. They have great advantages and disadvantages, and they need someone to cooperate during the battle.

The best companion is Qingqi.

Therefore, five thousand light cavalry rushed out with Sun Ce's troops. They were divided into two teams. One team went straight to the military camp outside the city to prevent the enemy from leaving the camp and took the cavalry's retreat. The other team went straight to the west gate to prepare for the armored cavalry.

Pretend to clear the way forward and suppress the defenders at the top of the city.

The six thousand cavalrymen let go of their horses and galloped toward the city gate ten miles away. The horses neighed, their hoofs moved like thunder, and they swept away like a dark cloud.

Behind them is another Qianjia cavalry outfit trotting to follow. This team will continue to charge after approaching, and go straight into Xiling City.

Followed by the trap camp and the Shesheng camp riding the Yulin Army's spare horses. It's not that they didn't want to follow the first team, but because their riding skills were not good, they couldn't catch up.

As soon as the front accelerated, they fell behind.

The cavalry can break through the city gate, but infantry is better at occupying the city, so mounted infantry must be used. The two battalions will quickly rush to the battlefield on horseback, and then dismount and fight on foot.

Behind them were Le Jin and Zhang He's 30,000 infantry, rushing towards the enemy's camp and Jiushui River. The 10,000 Wudang flying army led by Zhang Ren had already taken a circuitous route south.

Liu Xiang led the accompanying knights and four thousand Jinwu guards to the last position as a reserve team.

It sounds like a long story, but in fact it only took a little more than half a quarter of an hour, that is, less than ten minutes. The rumble of horse hooves was like thunder, rushing across ten miles. The soldiers and officials outside the west gate,

The people, crying for father and mother, fled in all directions.

They had never seen a cavalry charge with such momentum. Their minds were taken away, their hands were trembling and their legs were weak. They could not speak clearly. They could only shout randomly to vent their fear. Many people became incontinent on the spot.

The defenders on the city tower were a little better. They had the city wall as a comfort. Although their faces turned pale with fear and their bodies were trembling, they did not flee in panic. However, there were people below the city. The suspension bridge could not be pulled up and the city gate could not be closed. They were shouting heartbreakingly.

I have a cracked lung, but I can only act anxiously.

There was no point in being anxious. How could they have time to direct the traffic? Not many people had arrived to support the city, but Qingqi arrived with a hail of arrows. The city fell to pieces, and before three arrows had been fired, Sun Ce was shouting.

Rushed onto the suspension bridge.

"Fight in, fight in, and seize the city. Today, follow me and kill the enemy!"

Ma Chao, who was following him, gritted his teeth and stared. He was about to make great achievements and rise to fame right now. He would kill anyone who stood in his way!

Wen Ji, who was keeping pace with Ma Chao, dialed left and right with a long stick in his hand and shouted repeatedly. Who among young people wants to make contributions!

Thousands of armored cavalrymen advanced in unison, rushing into Xiling City like a torrent of steel.

Their mission was to break through the city gate, but Sun Ce was not satisfied. After killing the crowd in the gate, the way forward was empty. How could the little overlord Sun Bofu be a follower of the rules?

Since he knows that there will be a follow-up team to take over the charge and kill the enemy chief, can he give it to others?


"Those who don't have the strength to stay and guard the gate, those who want to make great achievements, follow me into the city." With a move of his horse, Sun Ce shouted loudly: "Beat the enemy chieftain and make great achievements, then charge with me!"

The people who can enter the Yulin Left Prison are all carefully selected, strong and good at fighting, and they are very high-spirited. No one is willing to recognize the name of a weak person, so he rushes to the good horse and follows him.

Went to the city government office.

A few minutes later, the second group of armored cavalrymen also rushed into the city, followed by eight thousand infantrymen on horseback.

By the time Liu Xiang arrived at the west gate, the city was already in chaos, and the city walls were covered with flags of the Forbidden Army.

The military camp outside the city was beaten to the point of collapse by Le Jin, and the river was blocked by Zhang He's troops. A group of soldiers were also divided to surround the enemy camp from the east.

The outcome of this battle has been decided.

Mainly because it's too fast.

Neither Ji Ling nor Huang Zu had ever seen a large-scale cavalry charge into battle, so it was impossible to keep up with the pace of the cavalry by using the method of guarding against infantry.

The few scouts they released have long been wiped out by Yu Lin Youjian's light cavalry. There is a shortage of horses in the south. Liu Xiang has blocked the horse trade for ten years. Not to mention good horses, some of the scouts have no horses at all and want to run away.

They can't run away and can't return to the city to warn.

The scouts lack fast horses, which is an extremely fatal flaw.

However, with the city gates wide open and the crowds coming in and out, there was no time to establish a defensive line in the face of the speed of the cavalry.

This is a cognitive bias.

They were not prepared at all, and failed to exert even 10% of their 10% combat power. This is called being unprepared.

Liu Xiang stopped at the west gate and ordered his Qingqi to block the city gates and intercept and kill the deserters.

Less than half an hour later, Sun Ce hung several heads in front of his horse and came back to report his merits: "I report to Your Majesty that we have defeated the Xiling Office and killed the enemy chiefs Huang Zu and Ji Ling!"


You are eating meat and gnawing bones, taking all the benefits, while others can only drink soup?

After all, he is a little bully, and he is really ruthless in his efforts to steal merit.

This chapter has been completed!
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