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Chapter five hundred and fifteen

Huang Zu and Ji Ling died unjustly.

The two of them were drinking wine, dancing, and enjoying life happily. Sun Ce, Ma Chao and others rushed into the city, broke into the government office, and beheaded their drunken heads without even having time to say surrender.

It’s just that the knights of Yu Lin Youjian are like tin cans. They are equipped with both men and horses, one hundred and ten kilograms of cold-forged fish scale armor, invulnerable to bows and crossbows, and invulnerable to swords. They are equipped with tall and strong Hexi war horses.

It's like a small tank.

The ill-prepared defenders could not even slow down their attack, let alone stop them.

Every collision is a bloody road.

In addition, these three young men, Sun Ce, Ma Chao, and Wen Ji, are as excited as if they had taken chicken blood. It means that if a god blocks the way to kill the god, and if the Buddha blocks the Buddha, there will be no time to talk to the enemy. Anyway, he is dead and alive.

It's all credit.

So the head was delivered to Liu Xiang.

After breaking the city and beheading the enemy chiefs, these three young men finally bid farewell to the embarrassment of having officials but no titles.

Especially Sun Ce and Ma Chao can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of their soldiers are higher than their military lords and are difficult to manage. Now they also have military lords. Although they are not the highest, they feel that their backs are much stronger.

I feel more confident speaking.

"Go and have a rest. Take a good rest on your horse and don't lose your strength." Liu Xiang didn't blame them for their behavior of grabbing credit. It wasn't because he was in a fight with Pao Ze, so where could he be held responsible?

The military must have this spirit of striving for the top. Fighting in a war is not about treating guests to a meal. Being polite and giving in is not the style of a soldier. It means fighting and robbing.

You ran slowly and others took the credit? Don't complain and run faster next time!

Seeing Sun Ce happily leading his men to pour water on the war horses to cool them down, people and horses did not dare to take off their armor before the body temperature dropped. It would be easy to get wind of taking off their armor, and the war was not over yet, and it was not time to take off their armor.

Liu Xiang waved to the city.

Zhao Yun led the Jinwu Guards to launch the final blow against the enemies in the city.

Under the fierce attack of the Forbidden Army's 12,000 infantry and 1,000 suffocating armored and cavalry equipment, the defenders in Xiling City completely collapsed. The sporadic resistance was quickly wiped out, and weapons began to be collected and arrested.

Capture and surrender.

The military camp outside the city was quickly defeated. The heads of Huang Zu and Ji Ling were delivered to the front of the formation, and the enemy surrendered without hesitation.

Due to the imperial court's orthodox justice and Liu Xiang's reputation for being kind to the people, the enemy soldiers' will to resist was not high. Although they were not ready to surrender, it was impossible for them to fight to the death against the imperial army.

The outcome of this battle was decided within a quarter of an hour after the Yulin Army launched its charge. After an hour of fighting, the troops began to be collected and surrendered. It was not until nightfall, which lasted an afternoon, that it was finally concluded.

Killed 1,800 enemy soldiers, captured more than 30,000, captured 230,000 shi of grain and grass, 600 grain transport ships, more than 140 mules, horses, and 30 war horses, which were used for pulling

The cart has more than four hundred oxen and thousands of donkeys.

The policy of embargoing horses was implemented well, which made him very satisfied.

There were also 20,000 civilians from various places recruited by Xiling, who were also captured.

According to the surrender, there were 5,000 soldiers and 30,000 civilians out to collect food.

It's just a rush to grab grain. Liu Xiang looked at the new grain in the warehouse. When he pinched the wheat, there was a white pulp, and the rice was still a little green. It was harvested in advance.

During the autumn harvest season, such a few days should not be allowed. He estimated that ten days would be the day when the harvest would be completely mature.

The Yangtze River Basin was also affected by the Little Ice Age. Rainfall became heavier and the ripening season was delayed. Fortunately, it was not as severe as in the north. Flood disasters only need to be paid attention to, and it is not difficult to control.

The north is more miserable. Temperatures have dropped, droughts have intensified, and yields have been severely reduced. Farming methods have almost changed. Many farmers' seedling greenhouses are better built than their own homes.

It can be regarded as a wonder for the Han Dynasty.

"Tomorrow we will send two thousand light cavalry to search for the enemy. Zhang He, your department will be responsible for the attack and capture all those who went out to grab grain." Liu Xiang could not let the enemy go out, and he did not want to harvest in advance.

"Also, your troops will stay in Xiling to arrange the subsequent harvesting and field allocation matters. The city will be under martial law. I will leave Dazhao behind, and I can deceive Nan'an for a few days. Send a message to Gan Ning and ask him to send someone to take over the ship.

Strengthen the momentum of the navy and hold back the enemy's navy."

"Wei Chen obeys the order!"

Zhang He has had a lot of experience in these years. From the commander of the Heishan Army to the governor of Bingzhou, and then to Jingzhaoyin, he has mounted his horse to manage the army and dismounted his herdsmen. He has developed his ability, which is enough to stand alone and be the commander-in-chief of a war zone.

The location of Xiling is very important. It is the base for Liu Xiang's eastward march and the hub connecting Shaxian Camp. With Runan at its back, there will be an extra logistics route after the autumn harvest, not to mention that there are large tracts of fertile farmland around the city.

There is food.

You must hold this in your hands.

With Zhang He leading an army of 20,000 men, there is no danger. The enemy stationed in Chibi will not dare to attack with all their strength. Gan Ning is not a decoration. He may not be able to win a frontal water battle.

Will it?

As for dividing the troops to fight, it is to deliver food.

The next day, Zhang He led his troops to wipe out the remaining enemies. Wudang's flying army left the city and headed east. They had to set off first. Under the guidance of local guides, they took advantage of the Ba people and Qiang people who were good at mountain warfare to prepare for the follow-up army at the southern foot of the Dabie Mountains.

Find a path to march quickly.

The Forbidden Army and Lejin's headquarters reorganized for two days, selected 30,000 prisoners to serve as civilian husbands, left more than 200 wounded soldiers, and set off eastward.

In the past, Zhang He was responsible for handling logistics, but now it is Le Jin's turn.

With the imperial army in front, he commanded 10,000 soldiers and led 30,000 civilians to the rear, following the route explored by Wudang Feijun, and marched eastward to the Lujiang River.

Dabie Mountain is a stretch of mountains, with towering cliffs and luxuriant forests. Naturally, Liu Xiang would not dare to climb over the mountain. The army detoured southward for a while, marching along the foot of the mountain, sending many scouting horses, and spent the night at dawn, which lasted eleven days.

Finally, after walking more than 400 miles, we appeared at the foot of Wan County.

There was no surprise attack this time. The winding mountain road consumed too much energy and the whole army needed repairs. However, before the military camp was set up, the magistrate of Wan County surrendered directly.

He only has more than 300 thieves and cao soldiers in his hands, and a lot of young men have been deployed to take the lead in resisting the tens of thousands of imperial troops?

I simply kowtowed my head in front of His Majesty's horse. From now on, I will be the Emperor's loyal minister and good general!

Liu Xiang was right.

The army took over the city defense.

Just enjoy the new grain of the season, and you don’t have to worry about transporting grain and grass from Xiling to the front line.

The 40,000 troops and 30,000 civilians repaired for three days without any worries.

The main force of the enemy's navy is in Chibi, with Gan Ning dragging it back. It's not that easy to retreat. If you're not afraid of being chased by them, feel free to retreat.

There are still some troops, about 40,000 people, who are being beaten out of breath by the 70,000 troops of Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, and Liu Chong. If they dare to retreat, the Huai River defense line will be lost.

The area north of the Yangtze River and south of the Huaihe River was very empty. Liu Xiang led his troops to infiltrate the area, just like hungry wolves entering the flock of sheep or bandits visiting the brothels.

Do whatever you want!

This is called a knife going into your heart, your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys will be destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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