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Chapter 556: Raising the Red Flag, Decisive Battle

Of course Taishi Ci didn't know what a battle line was, and he didn't know what a battleship was either.

But, he can count.

The crossbows in the forecastle and poop are all in a triangular layout. When the bow of the ship faces the enemy, only the six in the forecastle can see the enemy.

When facing the enemy sideways, there are four aircraft on the front and rear floors that can fight the enemy.

Eight is bigger than six, what a simple truth.

Moreover, the crossbowman in the middle of the hull can also fire the crossbow to fire back when the enemy is approaching.

Do you still have to choose?

While the enemy ship hasn't started to speed up yet, move forward in a long snake formation, and you can hit as many points as you can.

He had already made plans. When the enemy rushed up in anger, our army turned around and faced the enemy with its tail, leading the enemy to pursue them. We used the six crossbows in the poop to entertain them.

How could he not use such a sharp tactic of turning around and shooting? You know, before he was transferred to the Navy, he was the number one shooter in the Yueqi Battalion.

The battle situation was as he expected. The swordfish fleet lined up in a long snake formation for more than ten miles, igniting all the warships on the west side of the Jiangnan camp. Four tower ships and more than 60 fighting ships lost their combat capabilities, and tens of thousands of sailors dived into the water.


At this time, there were two fleets from the north and the south, chasing a group of swordfish warships and outflanking them.

"It's so powerful." The game started smoothly, and Taishi Ci was in a good mood. He turned around and ordered the flag bearer:

"Hang two yellow flags and act according to the predetermined tactics. Send out fast boats to notify the Swordfish battleship to break away from the battle. After the main force distracts the enemy, they will turn back to harass, prevent the enemy from rescuing the drowned soldiers, and attack the enemy's supply ships."

The flagship hoisted two yellow flags on the mast, and the swordfish fleet split into two, leaving the enemy ships that were burning with black smoke, and faced the enemy fleet from the south to the north under the illumination of the rising sun.

This order has been explained clearly to every captain in the previous military meeting. The yellow flag is to avoid its sharp edge and attract the enemy to pursue. The two yellow flags are to divide into two teams to seduce the opponent. To face the enemy with the tail, use the poop.

The bed crossbow launches an attack, draining the enemy's energy.

Taishi Ci took the northern route, because the northern route was against the wind and was difficult to fight.

After detachment, the southern route was commanded by Zhou Tai.

The southbound fleet was very fast. Although the northwest wind was not strong, it could still speed up with the help of the wind. The enemy was facing the wind, so it was estimated that they would not be in any danger. Taishi Ci withdrew his gaze and took sixty northbound ships.

The team first headed west, taking a zigzag route, cutting across the front of Zhou Xin's platoon, and rushed in front of the leading building flagship.

Unfortunately, the fleet did not maintain a long snake formation, but a square formation of five or six ships in a row. Only a dozen warships had attack vision, and only the five or six ships at the back could hit the enemy.

Providence was good, and a total of forty crossbows were fired, half of which hit the enemy ships. The luckiest ones were that two hit the sails, one was smashed into the mast, and the other was entangled in the hard sail that was blown horizontally.

This is incredible, Zhou Xin was dumbfounded as he watched the foremast and mainsail burn into a ball of fire.

There are fire-extinguishing tools on the ship, but they are all buckets, mud bags and other things. The rocket tactic is okay, but how can we defeat the tactic of shooting oil barrels on the sail?

Don't talk about martial arts! If you have the ability to join forces and fight!

Zhou Xin was extremely sad and angry.

"Master Fu, abandon the ship. Once the ropes are burned and the burning sails are smashed down, it will be too late." The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the attendant's face is covered with sweat. I don't know if he is in a hurry or is being beaten.


The flagship was set on fire, and more than a hundred warships under his command slowed down and surrounded him, with three layers inside and three layers outside protecting him in the middle. By the time he boarded another building ship and reestablished his flagship, Taishi Ci had already circled around the ship.

To the north of the team, a crossbow fired, setting four more battleships on fire.

"Go after them and kill them all!" Zhou Xin gritted his teeth, wishing he could peel off the skin and cramps of the general on the opposite side.

"Get out of the battle and lure the enemy to pursue you." Taishi Ci led the fleet to the north.

Unfortunately, the turnaround and shooting tactics he had high hopes for did not achieve any results. The ships behind him fired a lot of crossbows, but none of them ignited.

In the northwest wind, heading north, the sail needs to be driven sideways, and the area affected by the attack is not large.

"Turn eastbound!"

The fleet speeded up and headed east, and then, under his order, adjusted its angle and headed southeast.

Looking at the horizontally unfolded sails, Taishi Ci was very satisfied, and the crossbowman of the ship behind him was also very satisfied. Unfortunately, Zhou Xin was not satisfied.

The pursuit lasted for less than an hour, and more than a dozen ships had their sails burned. Less than half of them could extinguish the fires. If they continued to pursue them, they would be dead.

He looked down on the opponent's rogue tactics, but he admitted that he couldn't beat them.

"Turn south." He decided to join the friendly forces.

I hope I can hold on until I meet Zhang Xian.

But how could Taishi Ci let him go?

"Raise the red flag, decisive battle!"

If the enemy wants to leave, he must obtain his consent, and he decided... not to agree.

"The flagship has raised the red flag, and the general has ordered a decisive battle!"

"It's time for the decisive battle! Brothers, don't save your strength, kill the enemy and make achievements!"

"Turn the helm! Kill the enemy!"

The captains of each ship were as excited as chicken blood, but their subordinates were even more excited than they were. The oarsmen shouted chants and rowed with all their strength, the sailors used all their strength to adjust the sails, and the crossbowmen geared up.

Ready for a big fight, the crossbows are loaded with fuel and the weapon racks are filled.

There is a reason why they are so excited. The navy has always been treated very well, including the oarsmen, and they all enjoy the treatment of regular soldiers, but they have never achieved a good record.

Not to mention the officers of the Forbidden Army and the Fourth Army looked down upon them, even the soldiers of the local garrison looked down on the navy.

They have been suffering for several years.

Now, the opportunity has come!

Let me show you today why I can enjoy the treatment of being a pawn!

Everyone was holding their breath.

The sailfish fleet turned suddenly. Because each ship turned too fast, the entire hull was tilting to the right, turning ninety degrees at high speed like drifting. The lake water was like a boiling pot, turning up white waves one after another.

The sails were quickly adjusted into position, the sixteen pairs of oars were aligned, and the long and narrow battleship rushed towards the enemy who had not yet completed the turn at twice the speed before.

The sixty galleys were once again divided into two teams, sandwiching the enemy in the middle. One after another firelight shot out from the ship building, igniting one fire after another.

In order to improve their hit rate, some ships rely on their speed to rush past the enemy ship within a few dozen steps, firing crossbows and crossbowmen. All attacks hit the enemy like raindrops.

Some strong men even used ignited crossbows as spears and threw them directly onto the deck of the enemy ship.

They don't lack the courage to fight at all. Even if they engage in a boarding battle, they should be afraid of the other side!

Although they clearly did not have an advantage in numbers, they exerted an aura of encircling and annihilating the enemy.

The fighting continues and the fire grows.

There is a golden sun in the sky, and there is also a sun in the middle of the lake in Penglize.

The fiery red, smoky sun.

This chapter has been completed!
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