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Chapter 557: Saving wood from now on

When Liu Xiang received the battle report, he was stunned for a long time.

Peng Li won the water battle cleanly.

It greatly exceeded his expectations.

According to the pre-war deduction, the enemy will be introduced into Penglize, and guerrilla operations will be carried out using thousands of miles of water to eat the enemy one by one. During this period, Xu Huang and Zhang He from the upper reaches may need to cross the river and go south, forcing Zhang Xian to divide his troops.

He has been mentally prepared for the water war to continue until next spring.

As a result, Taishi Ci gave him a big surprise. From the time the enemy entered Penglize, it took ten days to resolve the battle. Zhou Xin's troops were completely wiped out in the center of the lake, and Zhang Xian's troops were surrounded and annihilated at the mouth of the lake. A total of sixteen ships were destroyed.

There were 284 warships, more than 700 stern ships, 400 auxiliary ships, and more than 50,000 enemy soldiers were killed.

They captured four tower ships, 62 fighting ships, more than 800 auxiliary ships, and more than 30,000 soldiers.

The first battle removed the biggest obstacle to the south.

To unify the world, there are no more constraints.

This battle also completely buried the old navy of the Han Dynasty.

Of course, our army's losses were not light. Six swordfish battleships were sunk, twenty-three swordfish battleships were destroyed, and more than 3,000 people were killed.

Originally there should not have been such a large number of casualties, but after falling into the water in the depth of winter, people froze to death after just a little delay.

The war was urgent, so we used less to attack more, but we were unable to rescue the drowned soldiers in time. This really cannot be criticized harshly.

"Draft an edict to confer Tai Shi Ci as General Fubo and the title of Marquis of Changting of Han Dynasty. Promote Zhou Tai to the rank of Fenwu Colonel and the Marquis of Guannei. Promote Lingcao to the rank of Yangwu Colonel and the Marquis of Guannei."

This battle was of great significance both in terms of results and significance, so he was given a high title. Liu Xiang thought for a while and then said: "I posthumously recognized Gan Ning as the commander of the rebellion, and Yin's eldest son was prepared for Qianniu. I sent him first."

Go to Imperial College to study, and then fulfill your military duties after you become a soldier."

Gan Ning was injured and fell into the water. People have been searching the upstream and downstream waters for a long time, but there has been no news so far. It is probably more serious than the worst.

Nowadays, there will be no more big battles in the water war, and the rewards for the navy soldiers can be determined. Although Gan Ning was defeated, it was not a crime of war. He led a group of miscellaneous soldiers to deal with the enemy in Chibi for a long time. It was not easy. He died.

The final honor must still be given.

Taishi Ci's request for meritorious service was also approved, and in accordance with military regulations, officers and soldiers of the navy were awarded the title.

After these things are settled, the recovery of Jiangnan should be put on the agenda.

"According to the order, Yue Jin led his troops to attack the counties in Yuzhang, Guan Yu led the army to march westward and attacked Changsha, Zhang He divided his troops to occupy Shaxian, re-opened the supply line of Han River to ensure the army's logistics, Xu Huang led his army to cross the river and attack

Attack Wuling. Transfer Zhang Ren's troops to support the Danyang war and place them under Zhao Yun's control."

Yuzhang County stretches from the Yangtze River in the north to Guangdong and Guangxi in the south. It covers a large area. The territory is mostly mountainous and hilly, with many undeveloped areas. The Han people only built a few counties in the Ganjiang River Basin. Lejin's 10,000 troops were enough to


Guan Yu marched westward to Jingnan and needed to attack the southern part of Jiangxia and Changsha County. Thirty thousand men may not be enough. He could only see if additional reinforcements were sent based on the subsequent battle. Therefore, Zhang He's troops temporarily stayed in Xiling and Shaxian on standby.

As for Xu Huang's route, there is no need to worry. Wuling's population is not large, so the resistance will not be too strong, and the right army's combat power is sufficient.

The entire Jiangnan area, that is, Danyang and Changsha, is relatively difficult to fight.

The folk customs in Danyang are really fierce. If you don't conquer them, the people there won't listen to anything. Zhao Yun's 34,000 men are making slow progress, so he sent Wudang Feijun, who are good at mountain warfare, to reinforce.

In Changsha, because Zhang Xian is really popular among the people, the people's will to resist will be very strong. Although he is dead, his son is still there, so it is expected to be a fierce battle.

"A message was sent to Guan Yu. After breaking through Changsha, all the manuscripts in the Yi Zhang Xian clan's study should not be damaged and all should be transported to Chang'an."

"Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", "Discrimination of Febrile Diseases", "Prescriptions for Treating Diseases", "Prescriptions for Treating Women", "Treatise on Five Tibetans", "Treatise on Oral Teeth", these works by Zhang Zhongjing, Liu Xiang was still very interested in, and later

If a person can write "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" based on his official manuscripts and scraps, then he can also organize famous doctors to use those manuscripts to compile a unique medical classic.

To be honest, he really didn't know why this famous doctor in the late Han Dynasty had such a bad feeling towards him. Many years ago, when he was still in Youzhou, he invited Zhang Zhongjing, but he turned his back on him and even beat him to death.

If he doesn't go to see a doctor, even the governor of Bingzhou and the Taiwei are not willing to make connections.

It's really weird.

Forget it, he is dead and his family will follow in his footsteps. I forgive him.

Liu Xiang is ready to return to Chang'an. The overall situation has been decided. There is no need for him to stay here. Moreover, he did not use the power of the nobles much in this trip south. He did not even bring Guo Jia and Xun You with him. Many scholars will definitely be dissatisfied because there is no meritorious service.

You can make money, but your rights and status will not increase.

He needs to go back and shock people.

Many wars were defeated internally, and he didn't want to see things holding him back. Moreover, several generals going south had been told that they would take advantage of the war to cleanse powerful families and local clans, and he was prepared to avoid suspicion.

Let Zhang Liao and Guan Yu bear the bad reputation, as long as the monarch and his ministers understand each other tacitly.

Before leaving, there are two major things that need to be arranged, one is the navy, and the other is the soldiers.

In addition to the swordfish and swordfish, the naval warships also had ten tower ships and eighty-six fighting ships. Liu Xiang wanted to take this opportunity to divide the navy and the inland navy.

Therefore, the Yangtze River Fleet was formed with the deployment of battleships and a hundred swordfish warships, and Ling Cao was appointed as its commander, responsible for destroying the water bandits and supporting the various armies heading south.

Taishi Ci and Zhou Tai commanded other warships to redeploy to the coast, preparing to support the war in Kuaiji County and open up the sea route to Jiaozhi.

The two galley battleships of Yunfan Camp are very useful, but they are still not the main battleship in Liu Xiang's heart, because galleys cannot sail across the ocean, and they can only complete the task of offshore combat.

The main battleship must be a large sailing ship.

The sea trials of Fuchuan went very well, so construction of two improved models has started.

It is determined to be one business and one war.

The merchant ship is 69 meters long and 26 meters wide. It is made of 400 oak logs. It is expected to carry 6,000 to 7,000 stone, and its full load displacement should be about 140 tons.

The warship is 69 meters long and 18 meters wide. It is made of 106 iron birch logs, 300 oak logs, and 20,000 kilograms of fine steel. It is expected to carry a load of 3,000 stone and displace more than 160 tons.

It is expected to be completed next fall.

In fact, the keel and ribs have been laid, but they need to be supported by sleepers and left for more than half a year. This step is the most time-consuming step in building a large ship. It is to eliminate the stress of the wood and prevent the hull from deforming.

After that, it is time to install the mast, build the hull, deck and internal structure.

It took nearly a year in total.

Liu Xiang has ordered that the Sailfish and Swordfish warships, which are all made of ironwood, be discontinued and will be built with oak instead. The ironwood will be stored and dried in the dark, and will be used exclusively for new warships.

Oak that is over a hundred years old is the same as ironwood.

In fact, his previous shipbuilding was really wasteful. The wood was roasted and then dried for three years before being used to build the ship.

You must know that the best way to deal with oak is to dry it in the shade for ten to twenty years. This is the highest quality ship material in the era of sailing battleships.

Therefore, high-quality oak that has grown to a height of thirty meters over a century can no longer be wasted. Moreover, he also sent people deep into Northeast China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan to explore timber resources in an attempt to discover more iron birch and oak.

In the future, I will also go to Southeast Asia to investigate teak resources, which are all high-quality ship materials.

He did not want to be as unsophisticated as the Han Dynasty in shipbuilding. As long as he was tall, he could use any wood to build ships. For warships, he only made do with elm and camphor wood.

Civilian ships can use elm, camphor, and pine wood, but warships must use better materials. If you want to go far, you must pay attention to details and lay a good foundation.

The first imaginary enemy of the navy has been destroyed. He is preparing to store high-quality ship materials, patiently waiting for the development of shipbuilding technology, and then launch a wave of large ships, ushering in the era of ocean navigation for the Han people.

Magellan could sail around the world in a 100-ton wooden sailboat, why couldn't the Han people?

Save wood, start now!

This chapter has been completed!
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